高二英语05-06同步课程Unit 7 Living with disease

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高 二 英 语(第15讲)
主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学)
I think that there’s life on Mars because scientists have found water there.
If they were to come tonight, they could meet the famous doctor.
Have you thought about/of studying medicine? 你想过学医吗?
What makes you think that only bad people get AIDS?
If I were you, I would study harder to enter a good university.
Could you please explain why HIV can’t be transmitted via/by kissing?
deadly imaginary narrative false infect inject virus transmit via route prevention persuade heroin immune defenseless unprotected sex transfusion contract lack proper available specialist curable fierce diagnose sample disrupt contagious radiation strength recover category
die of/from … 死于…… suffer from … 遭受…,患……病
on the contrary 正相反 for the moment 暂时,目前,此刻
free from 不受……,免于……
1、AIDS is a disease that breaks down the body’s immune system and leaves a person defenseless against infections and illnesses.
break down v.t.搞坏,搞垮,分解等
By helpful kindness the teacher broke down the new girl’s shyness.
SARS could also break down the patient’s immune system.
The policeman broke down the demonstration against the government.
Water can be broken down into H and O. 水能分解成氢和氧。
Twice his computer broke down. 他的电脑坏了两次。
The peace talks have broken down 和平谈判失败了。
His health broke down. 他的健康/身体垮了。
As she was singing she suddenly broke down. 她唱着唱着突然停了下来。
Please excuse me if I have left any of your questions unanswered.(过去分词)
The papers were left lying around.(现在分词) 文件被扔得到处都是。
His illness left him weak.(形容词) 他的病使他很虚弱。
When Tom went sick, they left Jack in charge.(介词短语)
You’ve left her name off the list.(介词短语) 你已经把她的名字从名单上去掉了。
2、Most people who have AIDS manage to survive only a few years after they get the disease.
这里manage to survive指存活。
manage to do意为设法做成……
同义的还有succeed in doing/be able to do试看以下例子:
The room was very dirty, but he managed to clean it.
was able to
he succeeded in cleaning it.
He tried to clean the dirty room but in vain. 他想要打扫干净这个脏屋,但是白费力气。
He could clean the dirty room, but wasn’t willing to.
She persuaded her father to give up smoking. 她劝父亲戒了烟。
She advised her father to give up smoking, but failed.
tried to persuade
3、The disease is spreading fast in Africa and parts of Asia, mainly because of a lack of proper health care, prevention and education.
I lacked the courage to do it. 我缺乏做这事的勇气。
He always lacks money. 他老是缺钱花。
Jane lacks an inch of being six feet tall. 珍妮差一英寸就六英尺高了。
否定句常用lack for
She doesn’t lack for friends.
be lacking in缺乏某种特点,只能……
She was lacking in wisdom. 她不够聪明。
He seemed to be lacking in common sense.他似乎缺乏常识。
A diet lacking in protein will not keep a person healthy. 缺乏蛋白质的饮食不利于健康。
There has been a great lack of electricity this summer. 今年夏季,电的缺口很大。
Most peasants don’t know how to maintain their own rights because of (a) lack of education.
比较同义语short adj与shortage n的用法:
I said that the firm was short of men. 我说这公司缺人手。
We were short of money then. 那时我们很缺钱。
We have run short of food. 我们食物已经短缺了。
There is a shortage of grain because of poor crops. 收成不好粮食紧缺。
A water shortage even exists in “so called water towns” such as Suzhou and Shanghai.
4、My life may have to be short. 我的生命也许一定很短暂。
比较:He must be brave. 他一定很勇敢。
He may have to be brave. 他也许一定很勇敢。
must不能与其他助动词连用而have to能,又例:
You will have to pass the exam before entering the school.
He may have to walk there because he has no money for the bus.
5、suffer from:
The crops suffered from the flood. 庄稼遭到了水灾。
I suffer a lot from lack of rest. 我深受休息不足的痛苦。
She suffered from SARS last year. 她去年患上了非典。
He suffered terribly when his mother died. 当他母亲去世时,他非常痛苦。
The enemy has suffered a sharp defeat. 敌人遭到惨败。
He suffered (from) no pain. 他不觉痛苦。
She has suffered no inconveniences of any kind. 她没有遇到任何不便。
6、I now feel as if that was when my life really began.
这里when my life really began是名词性从句,无疑问色彩,等于:
the day/time when my life really began
7、to date至今与so far同义,常和现在完成时连用:
The police have not found the runaway to date/so far. 警察至今还没有找到那逃犯。
To date/So far he has done half the work. 至今他完成了一半工作。
8、too … to do结构中,to do是不定式作结果状语,有否定意义:
It’s too good to be true. 那太好了,不可能是真的。
He is not too tired to walk. 他没有累得走不动。
Never too old to learn. 学习不会嫌老的。
如:be ready to do be eager to do
be anxious to do be glad to do
He is too ready to believe others. 他太容易相信人家。
He is too anxious to leave. 他太急于想离开。
I’m too glad to see you. 我太高兴见到你。
[语法] 虚拟语气⑴
If I were/was in your place, I would be very worried.
If I were you, I would not go with him.
What could you say if I asked you to join us for a holiday?
Were I in your place, I would be very worried.
主句:用would/could/might/(should)+have done。
If he had tried harder last term , he would have passed all the exams.
Had he tried harder last term (Had提前作条件从句不用if)
If I hadn’t stopped her, she would have jumped into river.
Had I not stopped her, (不能把Hadn’t提前!!)
Nothing could have saved him even if he had been treated without delay.
If the sun rose in the west tomorrow, he would change his mind.
从句:用should/were to +动词原形或一般过去时形式。
If it were to rain , we should get wet.
Were it to rain
If the rumour be true, everything is possible.
would be
If she (should) hear of your success, she could be surprised.
Should she hear of your success, (should提前能构成条件从句,不用if)
*unless一般不用于虚拟语气,如要表达虚拟语气则用if … not …为宜。
Had John Baird not invented TV, a good many kids wouldn’t know how to spend Saturday evenings. 如果当时约翰•贝尔德没发明电视的话,现在很多小孩不知如何度星期六晚上了。
If you should see my mother, please tell her I’m quite well.
If I had missed and had shot too low, I was going to use this arrow on you.
It was so quiet. You could have heard a leaf drop.
Man would live for hundreds of years in hibernation. 人在冬眠状态可能活上几百年。
I wish we had more money. (事实上我们没更多的钱。)
He wished Ruth was there to share in the joy. (事实是当时Ruth没在那儿与他同乐。)
2、与许愿时已发生的事实相反,从句谓语用过去完成时形式,或would/could/might + have done:
Moravia wished she hadn’t come. (事实是当时她已经来了。)
wouldn’t have come.
I wish that I had never met him. (事实是我已与他见面了。)
would never have met him.
3、为将来可能发生的事许愿,从句谓语用would/could/might +动词原形:
She wished that she could marry a millionaire.
I wish I would visit New York again.
三、as if/as though从句中虚拟语气:
He acts as if he were drunk. 他的举止似乎他喝醉了。
She loved the boy as if he were her son.
I remember the whole thing as though it had just happened.
He jumped up as if he had been bitten by a snake.
1、Corruption will _______ the economy of the country.
A. break with B. break down C. break out D. break away from
2、With ________ electricity, the city had to turn off half of the street lights.
A. a lack of B. lack for C. short of D. shortage for
3、He ______ repair the TV set, but it still didn’t work properly.
A. managed to B. tried to C. was able to D. failed to
4、He ______ have to walk to school. Choose the wrong answer:
A. may B. will C. used to D. must
5、She is _______ a strange disease.
A. suffering B. suffered from
C. suffering a lot of D. suffering from
6、Seven students have been killed by the cruel terrorists _______.
Choose the wrong answer:
A. to date B. so far C. to this day D. till today
7、Mr Smith is not ________ at the moment. Should I ask him to call you back?
A. spared B. available C. helpful D. busy
8、The kid talked to us as if he ______ an adult.
A. had been B. would be C. were D. is
9、What would you do if the war _______. Choose the wrong answer:
A. broke out B. should break out
C. were to break out D. would break out
10、He really wished such a noise ______ soon.
A. would stop B. stopped C. had stopped D. would have stopped
Mrs. Smith’s husband went off on a business trip to Australia. He wanted to catch the 3:30 plane to Darwin. She was very surprised when he telephoned her at 5 o’clock and said that he was still at the airport.
“What happened?” asked Mrs. Smith.
“Well”, said Mr. Smith, “Everything was going fine——I got my ticket, checked my luggage and waited in line at the gate. I walked across the runway to the airplane and I saw my friend Jack Scott. Jack was an airplane engineer. I shouted to him and a policeman caught me.”
“Why did he catch you?”
“I don’t know,” said Mr. Smith, “All I said was ‘Hi, Jack!’”
The word “hijack” means “to take control of a plane by force.”
1、Why did Mr. Smith want to fly to Australia? Because __________.
A. he was an Australian business man
B. he was leaving for Australia on business
C. his wife wanted him to
D. he wanted to see his wife
2、Mrs. Smith was very surprised because _______.
A. Mr. Smith didn’t arrive in Darwin. B. Mr. Smith telephoned her late
C. Mr. Smith didn’t leave the airport D. Mr. Smith was in Darwin
3、Mr. Smith couldn’t get on the plane because _______.
A. he met with his friend Jack
B. he didn’t get the ticket
C. there was something wrong with the airplane engine.
D. he was stopped by a policeman
4、Which of the following sentences is not true?
A. The police didn’t know Mr. Smith was Jack Scott’s friend
B. Jack Scott worked as an airplane engineer.
C. The policeman misunderstood Mr. Smith.
D. Mr. Smith knew why the policeman caught him.
5、Why was Mr. Smith caught by the policeman? Because ________.
A. he didn’t keep silence at the airport
B. he greeted an airport engineer named Jack
C. the pronunciation of “Hi, Jack” has another frightful meaning
D. the policeman didn’t know English
参 考 答 案
一、1、B 2、A 3、B 4、D 5、D 6、D 7、B 8、C 9、D 10、A
二、1、B 2、C 3、D 4、D 5、C




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