高二英语05-06同步课程Unit 10 Frightening nature |
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高 二 英 语(第19讲) 主讲:郑天德 (苏州中学) [教学内容与目的要求] 一、教学内容: 高中英语第二册(上) 二、教学要求: 1、掌握本单元的单词,词组与句型。 2、掌握几句常用口语: She got into a total panic when the oil in the frying pan caught fire. 当煎锅里的油着火时,她惊慌万分。 She’s scared to death. 她怕得要命。 frightened The frightening scene made my hair on end. 那恐怖的情景使我毛发竖起。 What’s really scary is the eye of the wind just as in the movie “The Day After Tomorrow.” What terrified me 最令人恐惧的是象电影“后天”里出现的风眼。 3、语法:省略 [知识重点与学习难点] 一、重要单词: hurricane threat terrify erupt bury ash mud spot sight flee urge arrival pillow sulphur immediately fresh farewell web barometer crash waterfall puff swear 二、重点词组: on end 竖立 draw one’s attention 吸引……的注意 calm down (使…)平静 on board 上船(火车,飞机等) knock about/around 连续打击,漫游 all of a sudden 突然 live through 度过,熬过 [难点讲解] 1、Some people got into a total panic … 有些人陷入一片恐慌之中… panic n./v. 注意用法与比较: n. At the approach of the fierce dinosaur the crowd fled in (a) panic. 看到那凶猛的恐龙走近时,人们惊恐万分地逃窜。 The fire warning caused a panic in the supermarket. 火警在超市中引起一片恐慌。 v. If we were to panic we would not be able to help. fear be scared frightened terrified afraid 如果我们惊恐害怕的话,就帮不了任何忙。 注意上述表达害怕惊恐的一些用法(意义上的细别,这里不讨论) Don’t panic in time of danger. 危险时刻不要惊慌失策。 The children panicked when they realized they were lost. 当孩子们意识到迷路时惊慌万分。 Stop panicking. 别慌! 动词在词尾变化时,要加k,如上面例子。但第三人称单数不加k: She never panics. 她从不慌乱。 偶也作v.t ,只有主动式: The thunder panicked the horses. 响雷使马群慌乱一片。 但Hearing the thunder, the kid panicked was panicked. ×(无被动形式) 2、——at such a distance we couldn’t tell which one, … 在那样的距离,我们分不清是那一座…… 注意distance前置不同介词,意义不同: The picture looks better at a (some) distance. 这幅画隔一段距离看好些。 There were some fruit trees at a distance from his home. 他家不远处有些果树。 这座塔10公里之外都能看得见。 I made out three figures moving in the distance. 我看清在远处有三个人影在移动。 The hills in the distance were purple. 远方的山丘是紫色的。 3、The sight of it awoke the scientist in my uncle to go and see from closer at hand. 这景象唤醒了我叔叔的科学精神,他要去近处看个究竟。 该句直译是“唤醒了我叔叔心中的科学家…”,类似的例子: The lady’s diamond necklace awoke the devil in the young man. He choked her and took it away. 那太太的钻石项链唤起那年轻人的恶念(直译:唤醒了那年轻人心中的恶魔),他掐死那女人,拿走了项链。 at hand在近处可指时间或空间: 空间: The post office is close at hand. 邮局就在附近。 When he writes, he always keeps a dictionary at hand. 他写作时,手边总是有本辞典。 时间: The examinations are at hand. 快要考试了。 Eddy, full of courage, felt the battle close at hand. 埃迪满怀勇气地感到战斗快要打响了。 from这个介词较为特殊,除了可接名词、代词、动名词作介词宾语,还可接副词,另一个介词等,见以下例子: A bike came along from behind me. I heard them calling me from far away. I took my watch from under the pillow. He climbed up the tall tree from where he could see farther away. 4、What started out as a trip for knowledge called for courage. 一开始作为寻求知识的旅行现在需要勇气了。 call for多义: ①要求,需要: Success in school calls for much hard work. The workers are calling for strike action. The disease calls for careful treatment. ②来取,来要(物): We called for the packages at the post office. We entered the bar and called for beers. The man has called for the rent. ③邀约,来找(某人): I’ll call for you at your house. He called for me at nine last night, and we went to the night club together. 5、Ash and bits of rock that were burnt black were falling onto the ship now, darker and more, the closer they went. 灰尘与烧黑的石块落到船上。他们越靠近,周围越黑,石块落下越多。 后半句是the more … the more结构,省略一个the,又例: The less she worried the better she worked = She worked better the less she worried. 她越少担心,工作做得越好。 The higher the velocity of steam, the greater (is) the turbine speed. = The turbine speed is greater the higher the velocity of steam is. 蒸汽速度越高,汽轮机转得越快。 the more … the more …结构中,第一个the more …是从句。倘若主句放在前面时,就要恢复正常语序,比较级后置省去the。 6、Upon arrival, my uncle hugged Pompy and tried to give him courage. 一到,我叔叔就紧紧拥抱庞比,想要鼓起他的勇气。 upon/on 在这里意为一……,一当……,又例: Upon/On his return from Europe, he set out to write a book. The students stood up on/upon the entrance of the headmaster. 校长一进来学生们就起立。 On/Upon arriving at the railway station, he found the train gone. I shall write to Max on hearing from you. 7、He looked asleep more than dead. 他看上去象睡着了,而不是死去。 more … than …在这句中有“与其说…不如说…”之意: He is more mad than stupid. 说他蠢不如说他疯了。 She was more sad than angry when her son lied again. 当她儿子再次说谎时,她不是生气而是伤心之极。 more than也有类似用法,注意译文: He is more than a teacher. He is our close friend. 他不止是老师,他是我们的知心朋友。 I was more than pleased with my pay rise. I was over the moon! 我对涨工资高兴极了,简直乐上了天。 8、There’s some dirty weather knocking about. 坏天气正在袭来。 knock about/around指存在在周围但你又不知何时出现。 I think a snow storm is knocking about/around, though there’s no sign yet. 我认为有一场暴风雪会降临,虽然现在还没预兆。 9、What’s up? 发生什么事了?= What’s happened? happening? 主语一般是what, something, anything etc: Is anything up? “What’s up?” “发生什么事了?” “Dirk has gone mad.” “Dirk气疯了。” 10、She’s done for, … 船完蛋了。 do for 使完蛋(失败了) Last night’s hurricane did for my new house. His corruption in “Oil for food” will do for his father’s future. 他在“石油换食品”行动中的腐败行为会断送他父亲的前程。 常用被动式: If he fails that test, he is done for. At the end of a long day. I’m just about done for. 11、The worst was to come yet. be to这里为be sure to又例: As a young man, he did not know that he was to become famous later on. 他年轻时不知道他后来一定会出名的。 12、He listened for the first sounds of returning wind. 他留心去听台风来的前奏。 listen for 留心去听,等着听: The boys are listening for the bell at the end of class. Listen for the telephone ring. 13、The hurricane, with its power to sink ships and to destroy strong walls, had found this little ship in its path. 一股具有沉船破墙威力的飓风一路扑向小船。 注意find, see等的拟人用法,又例: The bullet found its mark. 子弹打中了目标。 The small town has seen better days. 这个小镇曾经繁华过。 Dawn found the little match girl lying on the ground dead. 黎明时发现那卖火柴的女孩躺在地上死了。 14、The whole book is get in 1938. 这本书的时代背景设定在1938年。 这里set为设定规定之意又例: Let’s set the time of the meeting. I hate to set rules on anything. The rate of interest is set at 2.5%. 利率定为2.5%。 [语法] 省 略 一、省略与省略性替代易混淆,真正的省略应符合以下条件: 1、省略部分明确,可恢复: He borrowed a book from me, but I can’t remember which (book). (省略) which one. (替代) 2、省略结构必须是语法不足: She might sing tonight, but I don’t think she will (sing tonight). (省略) 但下句Many buildings were damaged, but few were destroyed. (替代) few不定代词,代替少数建筑物。 3、被省略部分补上合乎语法: Mum gets up earlier than I (get up). (省略) I do. (替代) me. (补上wake up不合语法。这句中than为介词,me宾语,结构上自足,不是省略。) 二、省略句的种类: 1、主语省略: Beg your pardon. Glad to see you. Tastes like chicken. 2、主语连谓语的省略——全部或一部分: Anything I can do for you? Nice day again. You old? Not a bit of it! A good idea! Anybody against it? This way, please. 3、不定式to后的省略: You don’t have to go there it you don’t want to. He doesn’t play as much pc game as he used to. 4、前句中已出现的成分在后句中省略: ①对话中: △“Are you tired?” “Not very.” △“Shall I bring you a pen or a pencil?” “Both, please.” △“Have you spoken to him?” “Not yet.” △“I hope I’m not disturbing you too much.” “Certainly not.” △“He won’t come.” “Why?” △“The movie was very exciting.” “Yes, and very instructive.” ②并列句中: He majors in law, and I in physics. We still have shortcomings, and very big ones too. Jane likes poetry, and Lisa fiction. I could have stayed home but I didn’t. Snowy seemed sad, but Max happy. Some went to the left, others to the right. 5、复合句中的省略: Look out for cars when crossing the street. She hurriedly left the room as if angry. If necessary, I’ll have the room cleaned. The sooner, the better. Like father, like son. (有其父必有其子。) Too bad you can’t play basketball with us. Hope you like it. 同步练习 一、单项选择: 1、They built a new hospital _______ distance of 100 meters from my home. A. at the B. at a C. in a D. in the 2、At the sight of the small golden snake, those tough robbers ________. Choose the wrong answer: A. were scared B. were panicked C. were frightened D. panicked 3、The work as a teacher _______ patience as well as knowledge. A. calls for B. calls in C. wants for D. needs for 4、They jumped with joy _______ the news that the Chinese team had defeated the Japanese team in the basketball match. Choose the wrong answer: A. on hearing B. as soon as they heard C. upon hearing D. having heard 5、There are always earthquakes ________ in this bay area. A. knocked about B. knocking down C. knocking around D. knocked around 6、Money and women _______ for many high officials these years. A. are done B. have done C. have been done D. were done 7、“Are your father an official?” “No, but he used _______.” A. to B.∕ C. so D. to be 8、The man we followed suddenly stopped and looked around as if ________ whether he was going in the right direction. A. seeing B. having seen C. to have seen D. to see 9、________ still a young man, he wrote a very popular fantasy. A. As B. When C. If D. Because 10、I know nothing about the pretty girl _______ she comes from South Korea. A. except B. except for C. except when D. except that 二、阅读理解: The native people of Australia are called Aborigines. Most of them live in the deserts of Australia, where they neither plant crops nor keep any animals. All the year round they wander through the deserts in search of food and water. They must depend on their own skills to track down wild animals to stay alive. It has been said that an Aborigine has the “eyes of an eagle”. The following story shows how astonishing the Aborigines’ skill at tracking is: A gold robbery in a small Australian town had left the police puzzled. They called on an old Aborigine tracker for help. The tracker found a set of bootprints in the dusty street, and said he thought they were the track of the thief. Before the tracker could follow the prints very far, however, a rainstorm broke and washed the tracks away. Sometime after that, the Aborigine was in another town, and his sharp eyes picked out the same bootprints he had seen days before. The police could hardly believe his story, but they went with him as he followed the tracks through the dirty streets and past the outskirts of the town. After about half an hour’s walk, the tracker stopped near a wooden house and simply pointed. And sure enough, the wanted man was hiding inside. 1、What kind of life do you suppose the Australian Aborigines live? A. A lazy life. B. A hard life. C. A comfortable life. D. An easy life. 2、The old Aborigine lost the first tracks he had found because _________. A. the streets were covered with dust. B. he had been very tired after a long walk. C. there had been a heavy rain. D. many other people had walked through the streets. 3、At last the police caught the thief ________. A. in front of a wooden house near the small town. B. inside a wooden house in the small town. C. near a wooden house in another town. D. in a wooden house not far from another town. 4、The story mainly tells us that ________. A. the police could do nothing without the Aborigine’s help. B. the police were puzzled what to do with the thief. C. the old Aborigine’s hunting skills helped the police to find the thief. D. the old Aborigine made his living by tracking for the police. 5、Choose the best title for the article. A. The Eyes of an Eagle. B. How Aborigines Hunted Animals. C. The Search for a Thief. D. Aborigines’ New Ways of Life. 参考答案 一1、B 2、B 3、A 4、D 5、C 6、B 7、D 8、D 9、B 10、D 二、1、B 2、C 3、D 4、C 5、A |
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