人教版高三教学案一体化Unit 12 Education

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The First Period
Teaching content: new words and expressions
Teaching aims:
1. Enable the students to pronounce them correctly.
2. Learn something about some famous educators.
3. Master the usage of some key words.
Previewing work:
strict(n.)______________ commit(n.)______________
tend(n.)________________ absence(adj.)___________
donate(n.)______________ profession(adj.)________
suit(adj.)______________ present(n.)_____________
2.Spelling the following words.
1.职业___________ 2.明显的______________ 3.方面_______________
4.限制___________ 5.计划表______________ 6.测量_______________
7.义务的_________ 8.常怀疑的____________ 9.不在场的___________
10.分布__________ 11.捐赠_______________ 12.工作量____________
13.描述__________ 14.课程_______________ 15.法人团体__________
3.Introduction to some famous educators
Confucius(KongZi)is one of China’s greatest thinkers and educationists.His teachings have become known as Confucianism and they continue to influence today’s Chinese and Chinese communities all over the world.
Confucius was born in 551 BC in Shandong Province. He came from a noble family, so the young Confucius were able to read many books. He was the first to start a private school which accepted students from all classes of the country. He stimulated(激励) his students to think by posing(提出) questions. He spent his whole life trying to restore peace and harmony in society by emphasizing moral virtues and values. Many of his views and ideas on social behavior continue to be relevant(有关的) today. He belongs to not only China, but also the whole world.
Anton Makarenko
He was a Russian educator and novelist. He was born in 1888.He believed that physical labor and discipline were important in education. He also felt strongly that cooperation within the group/school community was essential and that democratic principles(民主理论) should be incorporated(合成一体的) into education. His theories were based on the idea that work results in discipline which is good for the school community and also benefits the individual by allowing him or her to enjoy creative activity. His aim was to develop young people with independent personalities who could also contribute to the community.
Anne Sullivan
Anne Sullivan became almost blind when she was 5 years old. She later had several operations and recovered her sight. She was a student at the Perkins Institute for the Blind and became Helen Keller’s teacher at the age of 20.
Helen Keller was born deaf and blind. Anne Sullivan met her when she was 7 years old. Anne taught Helen the manual alphabet ,the Tadoma method of touching other people’s lips as they spoke to feel the vibrations(振动) and braille (布莱叶盲文,点字法).
Anne Sullivan worked with Helen Keller for 49 years, and attended college with her to translate the lectures into her hand . Helen graduated from Radcliffe College and went on to become a famous speaker and author throughout the world. She also campaigned for blind people and issues concerning the prevention of blindness.
Teaching procedures:
Step1 Reading
First read after the teacher.
Step 2 Explanation
1. strict → n. strictness
1) 严格说来 strictly speaking
2) be strict with somebody
Our teacher is strict with us.
3) be strict in something
Mr. Li is strict in his own work.
We should be strict with ourselves in everything.(我们应该事事都严格要求自己)
2. commitment n. 承诺,保证,承担
make a commitment
China has made a commitment to do all it can to help the tsunami-hit regions of Asia.
3. drop out (of) 退出,辍学
To our great surprise, he decided to drop out of politics.(退出政治)
What do you think we should do to prevent the children from dropping our of school?(阻止孩子辍学)
“drop” phrases:
drop behind 落后,落伍
drop in on sb. at a place 顺便走访
drop into 跌入,落下,不知不觉
1) If I have time, I’m sure to _______________ you.
2) With the meeting going on , most of them _________________ sleep.
3) During the journey, Tom and Tim _________________the rest of the teammates.
4. expand 扩大,增强,使扩大
expand reproduction
1) The bird expanded his wings into the blue sky.
2) This factory has expanded to the river.
3) Metals expand when (it is) heated.
4) The flowers expand in the sunshine.
5. donate vt. →n. donation 捐赠
eg. Many more warm-hearted people donated blood to the poor girl.(给这个可怜的女孩献血)
In his will, he volunteered to donated his body to medicine.
6. result in -- lead to
result from—lie in
As we all know, diligence _______________ success while failure _________ laziness.
Firemen said the fire was under control, but they warned that the change in the weather might _________ new fires.
A. result from B. bring in C. lead to D. break out
1)In choosing friends, we should take every possible care.
2)I can’t select one from these good toys, as they are wonderful.
3)”Selected works of Mao Tsetung”
pick out----比较通俗,指按个人的喜好或希望进行挑选,多用于有形的东西(人或事物)
1) You can pick out your new bicycle .
2) He looked through the suits and selected the cheapest one for me.
3) Choose the best answers.
7. fit—指大小,尺寸合体
1) This hat matches your jacket perfectly.
2) The color of the cloth suits a woman at my wife’s age.
3) These shoes don’t fit me—Have you got a large size?
4) This climate doesn’t suit her.(agree with)
Step 3 Consolidation
Fill in the blanks with a proper word in this unit.
1. In 1986, the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of c_________________ education.
2. Some people don’t attach importance to education and are ___________(怀疑) of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm.
3. Our teacher is s__________; we have to do what she says.
4. The business has e___________ from having one office to having twelve.
5. The businessman d_________ a lot of money to the hospital.
6. Is German on your school’s ______________(课程)?
7. He ___________(提倡) building more schools?
8. I haven’t been able to ___________(得到) that book.
Recite new words and expressions.
Preview Reading on page 102-103
Unit 12 Education for All
1. Look around our school and list some equipment, people and plans that are needed to run a school. In order to run a school, we need
2. What measures does our government take to help the poor children to continue their studies?
Fast reading Fill some numbers in the blanks
1. In _____, the Chinese government introduced a law stating that by the year _____ every Chinese child would have ____ years of compulsory education.
2. It is reported that _____ of school-age children in China attended primary school by 2004. 3. When the World Education Forum met in _____, it calculated that there were ____ million children not in school.
4. At the Forum, the member countries of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) made a commitment to provide “complete, free and compulsory primary education of good quality for all children by _____”.
5. In the Turks and Caicos Islands, where there are less than _______ people, the number of students in some school is so low that students of several different grades are taught in the same classroom.
6. In north and central Australia the population is so spread out that children in some rural settlements can be as far as _____ km away from the nearest school.
7. ___________ students in United States lives in the countryside, and providing them with a full curriculum is difficult.
8. China has also adopted distance learning methods such as television lessons and in _____, the Ministry of Education introduced computerized teaching networks in central and western China.
Careful reading Finish the following true or false exercise
1.All of the children can receive nine years of compulsory education in China.( )
2. Education for All is the goal of many countries in the world. ( )
3.There are some traditional ideas that children should not go to school and that girls should stay at home. ( )
4.Large population ,shortage of teachers and money are serious problems in some areas of many countries. ( )
5.All students cannot receive the same quality of teaching in USA. ( )
6.The developing countries may not overcome promblems of population and economy with the help of the international community ( )
General idea
Choose the best heading for each paragraph in the text and put A,B C…and G in the blanks.
• ________Education for all children worldwide will be difficult to achieve
• ________ Solving the problem of teaching quality in remote areas
• ________Compulsory education for all Chinese children
• ________Problems of number and location
• ________Encouraging people in rural areas to accept education
• ________Meeting the cost
• ________Education for All—an international target
countries problems solutions
China and other
developing countries
Australia ,USA
and other
developed countries
1. Exercise 2 on P104
2. Preview the language points Please finish the exercises after class.
1.九年制义务教育__________________ 2.上小学______________________
3.与……..密不可分_________________ 4.承诺________________________
5.与…….相同_____________________ 6.首先,开始____________________
7.起着重要的作用__________________ 8.重视教育____________________
9.辍学____________________________ 10.吸收_______________________
11.混合年级的班级_________________ 12.中国政府___________________
13.教学质量_______________________ 14.住在农村___________________
15.对……怀疑_____________________ 16.远程教学_________________
Period 3 Language points
Step1 Revision
Retell the passage in your own words:
In China, as in other countries, the government has been doing its best to provide every school-age child nine years of compulsory education and the outcome is highly successful. Yet, problems and difficulties remain in the rural areas, some poor countries and less-populated areas. Distance learning and mixed-grade classes helped a lot. Besides, some international organizations and local organizations offered money to meet the cost in the poor areas. Though “Education for All” — the international target is hard to achieve, the UNESCO, every government and some local organizations are doing their bits. There is a long way to go, but we’re sure to succeed.
Step 2 Words explaining
absent _______________
compulsory ________________
standard ________________
curriculum ________________
distribute _________________
tendency _________________
expand __________________
sceptical _________________
commitment _________________
load _________________
Step3 Language points
1. It is reported that 99% of school-age children in China attended primary school by 2004.
It is reported (said, thought, hoped and etc) that … 句型结构,通常表达“据报道(据说,人们认为,人们希望
e.g. It is hoped that the children will carry on our family traditions.
2. In China, as in other countries, the government realizes that the future welfare of its citizens is closely linked to education.
be linked to 与……连接(相关)的。
e.g. The island will be linked to the mainland by a new bridge.
• In areas where agriculture plays an important role , people do not attach importance to education, and parents are sceptical of anything that takes children away from their work on the farm.
句中where和that都引导定语从句。 attach ... to ...(加于……之上)和be sceptical of(对……抱着怀疑的态 度)是固定短语。
e.g. No blame attaches to him for the accident.
We should attach primary importance to the development of economy.
4. In some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their
daughters to school because the custom is to educate boys rather than girls.
be unwilling to do 不愿意……; rather than 胜于
e.g. These shoes are comfortable rather than pretty.
5. To solve this, Australia uses “distance learning” methods, where the students have lessons by two-way radio and mail.
to solve this是目的状语提前,表示强调;另外句中where引导的是非限定性定语从句,修饰说明methods;此类定语从句比较特别,因为其中
的引导词并非表示地点的名词,类似的名词还有case, situation, condition等。
e.g. Can you think of a situation where this idiom can be used?
6. In these countries, where some people do not even have fresh water or basic health care, reaching the target of “Education for All” will be a huge task, despite help from the international community.
reaching短语是句子的主语,despite是介词,其意义为“不管, 尽管, 不论”。
e.g. Despite the bad weather we
enjoyed our holiday.
Step4 Homework
1. Please do Ex. 2 and 3 on P106.
2. Ex. 4 on P106
Title: Young women who are able to read and write
3. Read the paragraph on P106 again and summarize it.
4. Preview the passage in INTEGRATING SKILLS.




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