高考综合复习:Book 1 Unit 13---15

中学英语教学资源网英语论文高考复习指导 手机版

北 京 四 中
  1.give advice on              提意见/建议
  2.make suggestions             提建议
  3.make a list of               列出一张---单子
  4.have a fever                发烧
  5.make up                   编,创设
  6.all the time               一直
  7.be careful with              小心
  8.be all right                正常,康复
  9.in the future                将来
  10.lie down                 躺下
  11.plenty of                  大量的
  12.a bar of chocolate             一块巧克力
  13.compare with                与---比较
  14.learn about                 了解
  15.spend on                   在---方面花费
  16.so that                    以便
  17.the spirit of---                的精神
  18.commercial activities            商业活动
  19.have got to                  必须
  20.instead of                  替代
  21.get off                    下车
  22.take off one’s hat              摘下帽子
  23.look into one’s eyes            直视---的眼睛
  24.shake hands with               与某人握手
  25.the living and the dead           生者和死者
  26.the cycle of life               生命轮回
  27.play tricks on                 捉弄某人
  28.fall asleep                  入睡
  29.a scary place                 一个恐怖的地方
  30.create a short show              编一个短剧
  31.on one’s way to school           在某人上学的路上
  32.don’t look very well             看上去气色不好
  33.ten years of hard work            十年的辛劳
  34.continue to do                 继续做
  35.after all                    毕竟,终究
  36.call on                    拜访
  37.try on                     试穿
  38.without luck                  不幸运
  39.pay off                     还清
  40.I’m sorry, but I don’t think I know you.
  41.Everybody else will be wearing jewellery.
  42.We must do as much as we can to make our community better and more beautiful.
  43.I think that may be the problem.
  44.What’s wrong with Mike?
  45.I cough all the time. I have a fever and a headache.
  46.You ought to be careful with fruit.
  47.Take this medicine three times a day. You’ll be all right soon.
  1.pain, ache, hurt
  (1) pain 是可数名词,可以指身体某部位的疼痛,也可指心理上的痛苦。可以用复数形式,也可既不加冠词,也不用复数。作“辛苦,努力”讲时,用复数。
  To my great relief the pain is gone. 令我十分轻松的是,疼痛消失了。
  She was crying bitterly, just because of the pain in her stomach.胃疼难奈,她失声痛哭。
  The old man suffers greatly from a pain/pains in the back.背疼使得那个老人很受折磨。
  With great pains and much patience, I got the information at last.
  Thank you very much for taking pains to show me how to do it.
  We are at pains to learn English well. 我们正在努力学好英语。
  We must share pains and pleasure in face of the enemy.大敌当前,我们必须同甘共苦。
  * in pain 常坐表语   with pain 常作状语。
  Is your legs constantly in pain? 你的腿老疼吗?
  He cut his finger and was in great pain. 他切了手指,疼的很。
  The boy was crying with pain, after he broke his arm.摔伤了胳膊,那个孩子疼得哭了起来。
  He was almost mad with pain. 他疼得几乎要发狂。
  It pains me to have to disobey you, but I must.违抗你我也不好受,但我必须这么做。
  (2)ache 一般用作动词,主要指身体某部位的隐疼。用作名词时,出现在复合词中。
  His head aches badly sometimes. (He has a bad headache sometimes.)有时他头疼的厉害。
  His stomach begins to ache after drinking some alcohol.
  = He has a stomachache after drinking alcohol.   他一喝酒胃就疼。
  (3) hurt 只能用作动词,及物动词意思是“使受伤害”,可指身心受伤;不及物动词相当于ache。
  What will you do if someone falls off a bicycle and hurts himself badly?
  What he said hurt me, so I said, “Don’t judge a person by what he wears.”
  Their misunderstanding criticisms have hurt me deeply.他们的误解令我非常伤心。
  My leg hurts and my arm hurts, too. 我腿疼,胳膊也疼。
  2.ought to
  用作情态动词,没有人称、时态和数的变化,意思是“应该,应当”,表示责任、义务、劝告、推测等,语气比should强,否定式为ought not to或oughtn’t to,疑问式为“ought+主语+to do”。
  (1) 表示义务或责任
  We ought to carry out the task. 我们必须执行这项任务。
  You ought to do your homework every day. 你每天都应该做作业。
  (2) 表示劝告或建议
  ---Ought he to go? 他该去吗?
  ---Yes, he ought (to ). 该去。
  Such things ought to be handled with great care. 处理这种事,要非常小心。
  (3) 表示推测
  It ought to be ten o’clock now. 现在该是十点了吧。
  (4) ought to have done 表示该做但没做的事
  ought not to have done 表示做了不该做的事
  You ought to have handed in your report yesterday. 你本该昨天把报告交上来。
  I ought to have helped them, but I wasn’t able to. 我本该帮助他们的,但我没能这样做。
  You oughtn’t to have spoken to them in that way. 你不应该这样对他们讲话。
  (5) ought to 变反意疑问句时,附加问句的谓语通常用 ought/oughtn’t, 有时可用should/shouldn’t 替代。
  Such things ought not to be done, ought they?这些事情不该做,不是吗?
  We ought to go, oughtn’t/shouldn’t we? 我们应该去,不是吗?
  *1.There ______ be any difficulty about passing the road test since you have practiced a lot in the driving school. (2005 NMET北京)
  A. mustn’t     B. shan’t   C. shouldn’t     D. needn’t
  答案 C
  分析 shouldn’t/ought not to 可表示预测、可能,本句意思为“既然你已经在驾校练得不少了,通过路考应该是没问题的”。
  *2.---I’ll tell Mary about her new job tomorrow.
    ---You _____ her last week. (NMET福建2004)
  A. ought to tell   B. would have told   C. must tell   D. should have told
  答案 D
  分析 表示本该做而没做用should/ought to have done。
  3.keep up, keep up with
  (1)keep up 用作不及物动词,意思是“支撑,保持,维持”。
  Do you think the bad weather will keep up? 你认为坏天气将持续下去吗?
  Those houses are so strongly built that they would keep up even in strong earthquakes.
  Prices still keep up these days. 这些天物价仍不下跌。
  John has to study harder to keep up. 为了使自己不掉队,约翰不得不比别人更用功。
  (2)keep up用作及物动词,意思是“继续,坚持”。
  Keep up your courage and stick to your work, you can succeed in time.
  If you want to keep up the present living standards, you will have to earn more money.
  This factory keeps up its good credit, so its products sell very well.
  People in China still keep up the traditional custom of enjoying mooncakes on the mid-autumn festival. 中国人仍保持着中秋节吃月饼的传统习俗。
  (3) keep up with 意思是“和---并驾齐驱,和某人保持同等地位,保持接触等”。
  Walk slower please. I’m afraid I won’t keep up with you. 请走慢点!我怕赶不上你。
  She’s paid much attention to keeping up with the latest fashion in clothes.
  Everyone should study now and then or they can’t keep up with the latest development in science.
  Though he is busy, he tries to keep up with his old friends far away.
  They don’t think they must keep up with their neighbors on that aspect.
  You must double your efforts to ____ others and can’t expect to take short-cuts in the learning of English.
  A. keep up with   B. keep up   C. catch up with   D. keep you up
  答案 C
  分析 表示“赶上某人”,用catch up with。
  4.contain, include
  (1) contain 包含,含有;控制,抑制(情感)
  What does the medicine contain? 药里含有什么成分?
  The hall can contain five hundred people. 大厅可容纳500人。
  I could hardly contain laughter. 我几乎控制不住自己大笑。
  (2) include   vt. 包括,包含---在内
  The price includes the tax. 价格包含税金。
  He included a watch on the shopping list. 他在购物单上列上了一块手表。
  The team is made up of ten, including the captain/the captain included.
  (3)contain 后常常列出所包含的全部内容,include 后的宾语常为其中的一部分。
  My collection contains 1,000 stamps, including those used ones.
  The list includes my name. 名单上有我的名字。
  The atlas contains forty maps, including three of Great Britain.
  The box contains a lot of gifts. 这个盒子中装有很多礼物。
  Most oceans ____ 35 parts of salt per thousand parts of water.
  A. hold   B. drink   C. contain   D. include
  答案 C
  分析 意思为“大多数海洋每1000分海水里含有35分盐”,35分盐是海水中包含的内容,因此用contain。
  5.examine, check, test
  (1)examine 可指对病人的检查、诊断,也可指对机器的检查。
  Now, let me examine your chest once more. 让我再检查一下你的胸部。
  During a four-month period, more than three million people were examined.
  The workers examine their machines and equipment carefully before they start to work every day. 每天上班以前,工人们都要仔细检查机器设备。
  (2) examine 作“调查,检查,研讨”讲
  We have our suitcases examined at the airport. 我们的行李在机场都经过了检查。
  Did you examine it with your own eyes? 你亲自观察了吗?
  We’d better examine the details of the new theory. 我们最好查证一下这一新理论的详细情形。
  (3) examine 表示测验、考试,比test正式。
  The teacher examined the students’ knowledge in/on the previous lessons.
  Our English teacher will examine our class in/on everything we have learned this year.
  They were first examined in their knowledge of history.
  (4) check 主要指对某物进行核对,以免出错。
  Will you check your homework yourself first? 你能自己先检查一下作业吗?
  The department store checks stock every day. 百货商店每天盘点。
  (5)check 也可相当于examine使用,表示“对---进行检查”。
  She checked/examined the door locks carefully before she left.
  They often help us check and repair our farm tools.
  You’d better have your eyes tested without delay. 你最好马上去检查眼睛。
  They are testing the newly-made sports car. 他们正在检测新出的赛车。
  Our teacher has a test every Friday. 我们老师每周五进行一次测验。
  We often have a test on the old lessons before the new ones.
  Those who want to drive an automobile must pass a driving test.
  Don’t have meals before you take the blood test.验血之前别吃饭。
  ---Julia said she sent you a birthday card yesterday. Have you got it?
  ---Oh, really? I haven’t _____ my mailbox yet. (2005NMET天津)
  A. examined   B. reviewed   C. tested   D. checked
  答案 D
  分析 check在这儿的意思是make sure, find out or not,查实,核对。
  6.so that
  (1) so that 可引导目的状语从句,意思是“以便,为了”。相当于in order that.
  He turned up the radio so that everyone could hear the news.
  Bob turned off the alarm so that he could sleep late in the morning.
  (2)so that 还可引导结果状语从句,主从句之间常用逗号隔开。
  The teacher raised his voice, so that all the students heard him clearly.
  so that 引导的目的状语从句中常有情态动词can, could, may, might等。
  The teacher raised his voice so that all the students could hear him clearly.
  so as to/in order to表示目的,后接动词原形。
  He studied even harder to/in order to/so as to make up for the missing lesson.
  (3) so that 与 such that 之间的转换
  so + adj./adv. + that
  so + adj. + a/an + 单数名词+ that
  such + a/an + adj. + 单数名词+ that
  such + adj. + 复数名词或不可数名词+ that
  He ran so fast that I couldn’t catch up with him. 他跑得如此快以至于我赶不上他。
  This is so interesting that I have read it twice. 这本书如此有趣以至于我读了两遍。
  It was such fine weather that they went out for a picnic.天气如此好以至于他们去野餐了。
  It is such an interesting book that everyone wants to read it.
  All these gifts must be mailed immediately _____ in time for Christmas.(NMET2005辽宁)
  A. in order to have received
  B. in order to receive
  C. so as to be received
  D. so as to be receiving
  答案 C
  分析 本句中主语gifts 和动词receive 是被动关系。
  (1) vt. vi.   (给---)穿衣服
  dress sb. 给别人穿衣服(动作)
  dress oneself 自己穿上衣服(动作)
  get dressed 穿上衣服(动作)
  be well/badly/smartly--- dressed 穿着漂亮/褴褛/帅气(状态)
  dress up (in) 穿上---盛装打扮,以---装饰
  After the bath, he dressed (himself). 洗完澡后,他穿上衣服。
  She hurriedly dressed her son and drove him to the nearest hospital.
  The boy got dressed quickly and telephoned for help. 那男孩赶快穿上衣服打电话求援。
  He is smartly dressed when I saw him. 我在宴会上见到他时,他衣着帅气。
  (2) dress 表示穿衣服的动作,过去分词dressed 作be的表语表状态,但get dressed 表动作,相当于dress (oneself)。
  She likes to be dressed in red. 她喜欢穿红色衣服。
  (3)dress, put on, wear, have on
  dress 表动作,跟人作宾语。
  put on表动作,宾语是衣服、鞋帽袜、手套、眼镜等。
have on是静态,多用于口语。
  Put on more clothes or you’ll get cold. 多穿点衣服,否则你会冷的。
  Miss Li is wearing a yellow dress today. 李老师今天穿一件黄色的连衣裙。
  She always had a red coat on. 她总是穿一件红色的外套。
  We are supposed ____ our daughter’s wedding.
  A. to dress in   B. dressed up   C. to dress up for   D. be well dressed at
  答案 C
  分析 be supposed to意思是“理应,应该”。dress up for 表示“为---而盛装打扮”。
  Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _____ yesterday?(2005NMET辽宁)
  A. tried on   B. put on   C. had on   D. pulled on
  答案 C
  分析 try on 试穿;pull on 匆匆忙忙穿上;put on 强调动作;have on 强调状态。
  (1) v.   庆祝,赞扬,过节
  Many people in that city are getting to the square to celebrate the New Year’s day.
  How do you celebrate your son’s birthday normally?通常你们是怎样为儿子过生日的?
  I think you needn’t spend too much to celebrate a two-year-old child’s birthday like that.我想为一个两岁的孩子过生日没必要如此破费。
  The heroes of combating the flood are worthy to be celebrated greatly.
  (2) celebration   n. 庆祝
  The students and teachers will get together for the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of their school.全体师生将集合起来庆祝50周年校庆。
  All places across China held a celebration for their success of application for hosting the 2008 Olympic Games.为庆祝北京申办2008年奥运会成功,中国各地都举办了庆祝活动。
  We invited most of our friends and relatives for a party in celebration of my son’s enrollment by Beijing University last weekend.
  (3)celebrated   adj. 著名的
  That is a city celebrated as a hot spring resort. 那是一个以温泉胜地著称的城市。
  Wu Song is celebrated for his killing a tiger by himself. 武松以孤身打虎而闻名。
  Hangzhou is celebrated for its beautiful West Lake and its sceneries.
  Mr. Er Yuehe is a celebrated novelist on Qing Dynasty.
  (1) vt. 许可,允许
  allow + n./pron.
  allow doing sth.
  allow sb. to do sth.
  be allowed to do sth.
  Our teacher don’t allow making noise./ Our teacher don’t allow us to make noise.
  No student is allowed to leave his homework undone. 哪一个学生也不允许不做作业。
  We don’t allow smoking in the theater. 剧院不许吸烟。
  We must allow him to be a member of the team. 我们必须让他成为队中的一员。
  Passengers are not allowed to spit. 乘客不得随地吐痰。
  How many holidays are you allowed? 你有几天假?
  (2)permit 比allow正式,含有“主动许可”或“正式批准”之意。经常可通用。
  The guard permitted him to pass after he showed his card.看了通行证之后,卫兵才让他进。
  My father doesn’t allow _____ computer games; he even doesn’t allow me _____ TV before I finish my homework.
  A. playing; to watch   B. playing; watching  
  C. to play; to watch  D. to play; watching
  答案 A
  分析 allow doing sth.   allow sb. to do sth.
  10.used to, be used to sth./doing, be used to do
  (1) used to do 表示过去经常性的行为,而现在不再进行。
  I used to be a worker, working in a factory. 我过去是个工人,在一家工厂上班。
  We used to play in the wheat fields on winter evenings, when we were children.
  There used to be a railway station in that area. 那一片原来是火车站。
  Did the river use to be clear and clean? 那条河过去是干净清澈的吗?
  (2) be used to (doing) sth. 习惯于
  Be patient, and you will be used to the life here. 耐心一点,你会习惯这里的生活。
  Step by step, we are used to the way of brushing our teeth both in the morning and evening.
  Gradually, they are used to getting up early. 他们逐步习惯于早起了。
  After staying there for weeks, they, the foreigners, were used to fetching water from a well.在那儿呆了几个星期,那些外国人习惯于从井里打水了。
  (3)be used to do/for doing 被用来做---
  That tool is used to dig holes. 那工具是挖洞用的。
  Plastics can be used to make all kinds of things. 塑料能用来制造各种各样的东西。
  I remember the time _____ a small village.
  A. which used to be         B. when it would be
  C. when it used to be        D. when at that time it was
  答案 C
  分析 when 引导的是定语从句,修饰time, 意思为“我记得这里是一个小村子的时候”。
  11.take in
  (1) 欺骗,轻信
  One wise person should never be taken in by only a few of his sweet words.
  You will seldom be taken in if you know their behavior well in advance.
  From the facts you can see that children are easily taken in.
  The lady took in the boy’s words and gave him ten dollars to buy the return ticket.
  When did this hotel schedule to take in guests? 这家旅馆什么时候开始接待客人?
  Do you take in travelers for only the night? 你们只接待夜间住宿的客人吗?
  This harbor is able to take in large cargo-vessels of 10,000 ton’s capacity.
  We may make big money if we can take in as many clothes to be washed as the equipment can deal with.如果能够接到足够机器洗涤的衣服,我们也能赚大钱。
  It’s far from enough for only taking in processing work sometimes.
  (4) 订购,订阅
  Which magazine do you want to take in this year?今年你想订阅什么杂志呢?
  Can we take in China Daily by half a year? 我们能订半年的中国日报吗?
  (5) 理解,领会
  To read an article is one thing, and to take in fully is another.
  They all came to my lecture yesterday, but I don’t know how much they took in.
  12. believe in, believe
  (1) believe in 意思是“信任,信仰,主张”,相当于trust;而believe意思是“相信”。前者是指对人格的信赖,后者仅指相信某人所说的话;前者说明人的本质可靠,后者只表示相信某人某一次所说的话,不实质相信,某人一般的言行。
  You can believe in him, he will never let you down.
  Until now, I have always believed firmly in his honesty.
  A hundred years ago, few people believed in the possibility of flying.
  I don’t believe in going to extremes. 我不赞成走极端。
  I just couldn’t believe my ears. 我简直不敢相信自己的耳朵。
  Do you believe what he said? 你相信他说的话吗?
  (2) believe in后接名词、代词或动名词短语,尤其作“主张”讲。
  I believe in keeping early hours. 我主张早睡早起。
  I’ve always believed in being broad-minded.我一向主张心胸要开阔。
  He believed in rotating the crops to save the strength of the soil.
  Mr. Smith is very direct. He believes in speaking his mind.
  (3) believe 可接不定式作宾补,也可变成被动语态。
  I believed it to have been a mistake. 我相信这是一次误会。
  He was believed to have done it. 大家认为那件事是他做的。
  They are believed to have discussed this problem. 据说这个问题他们已经讨论过了。
  We believe him to be honest. 我们认为他是诚实的。
  13.scene   c.n.   一场,一个镜头;现场;景色
  He added a new scene at the beginning. 在开头他又加了一场戏。
  We missed the first few scenes of the film. 我们错过了电影开始的几个镜头。
  The people crowded round the scene of the accident. 人们聚集在出事地点周围。
  We climbed higher so that we might see the scenes better.
  arrive on the scene   露面,到场
  behind the scene    在后台,在幕后
  set the scene     为某事做准备
  scene          指都市景观或室内陈设,还可指舞台场面或部分布景,是可数名词。
  scenery         指山河湖海等自然景观,是不可数名词。
  They stopped to admire the mountain scenery. 他们停下来欣赏风景。
  Once a famous director sent his camera crew to a coast with beautiful _____ to film a ____ of sunset.
  A. scenery, scene   B. scenes, scenery   C. scene, scenery   D. sceneries, scene
  分析 scene是可数名词,scenery是不可数名词。全句意思是“曾经有一位著名导演派他的摄影组去风景美丽的海岸拍摄一组日落的镜头”。
  14.missing, gone, lost     adj.
  Do you know why one leg of the table is missing? 你知道桌子少一条腿的原因吗?
  He looked quite untidy; besides, one of the buttons on his coat was missing.
  He bought a book and found a few pages missing when he got home.
  It’s reported that the pilot is missing after his landing. 据报道,飞行员在着陆后失踪了。
  (5) lost 可作定语或表语,表示“失踪,丢失,浪费掉”等意思,更强调“不知道下落的意思”。
  The whole family searched the neighborhood for the lost dog.
  In the Bermuda Triangle, it’s almost as if the lost planes had gone into a hole in the sky.在百慕大地区,失踪的飞机就象进入了天空中的一个洞里。
  A lost chance is lost forever. 机不可失,失不再来。
  Once you get lost in playing computer games you can hardly concentrate on your study.
  (6)gone 的意思相当于missing,但只能作表语和补足语,不能作前置定语。
  The days when the Chinese were looked down upon are gone forever.
  The lady found her necklace gone after the party. 晚会后那位女士发现她的项链不见了。
  He hurried back home and found all the visitors gone. 他匆忙赶回家,发现客人们都走了。
  She returned home from the market only to find the door open and a number of things ____.
  A. stole   B. missing   C. missed   D. losing
  答案 B
  分析 表示“丢失了,不见了”,A选项应为stolen,过去分词作宾补;D选项应为lost.
  I must do something else for a change; I have been reading all the morning.
  You look very tired. What have you been doing these days?
  Where were you? We have been looking for you everywhere.
  We have been having fine weather for the past few days. 过去几天的天气一直很好。
  She has been living there since 1989. 她自1989年来一直住在那里。
  The Chinese have been making paper for two thousand years.
  (3) 现在完成进行时和现在完成时的区别:都可表示一个动作从过去开始,延续到说话的时刻,并且可以延续下去。但是,现在完成进行时强调动作的持续性、暂时性和未完成性,而现在完成时的重点在动作的结果上。
  I have written six letters since breakfast. 早饭以来我写了六封信。(动作已结束)
  I have been writing letters since breakfast.
  They have widened the road. 他们加宽了马路。(工作已结束)
  They have been widening the road.他们一直在加宽马路。(工作尚未结束)
  I have been reading the novel since morning but I have covered only a few pages of it.
  The coffee is wonderful! It doesn’t taste like anything I _____ before. (NMET2005 全国卷)
  A. was having   B. have   C. have ever had   D. had ever had
  答案 C
  分析 解题要点在于两个词before和ever上,与现在完成时连用。
  (1) n.  既可以可数也可以不可数,可数名词意思为“经费,费用,成本”等,不可数名词意思是“代价,牺牲”。
  What we should do next is try to cut the costs of management.
  In order to quote properly, you need to know its cost and the target profit well in advance.为了能报出合适的价格,你预先就得对成本和预期利润心中有数。
  We’ll accuse the corrupt official, no matter what cost is involved.
  Lijian rescued a sunk boy at the cost of his own life.
  (2) vt.  cost sb. sth. 表示“花费某人(时间,精力,金钱。努力)等”,其主语是物品、行为或服务。
  This motor cost me 2,300 yuan.这辆摩托车花了我2300元。
  It cost him $180 to buy that pair of leather shoes.买那双皮鞋花去了他180美元。
  Operation against rules and regulations may cost one’s life sometimes.
  To write a good novel costs much time and effort.写一部好小说要耗费大量时间和经历。
  We spent 50,000 dollars on that house last year.去年我们花5万美元买了那套房子。
  No one will be willing to pay 1,000 yuan for such a handbag.
  (1) vt. vi.
  I’ll marry on December 1st, 2005.我将于2005年12月1日结婚。
  He married his classmate 21 years ago.21年前他和他的同学结婚了。
  Mary married John and they are living a very happy life.玛丽和约翰结了婚,他们生活得很幸福。
  The landlord married his daughter to a businessman.那位庄园主把他女儿嫁给了一个商人。
  (2) married作表语,意思是“结了婚的”,表示“和---结婚”,后面跟介词to而不是with。
  Are you married?你结婚了吗?
  When did Maria get married?玛利亚什么时候结婚的?
  They have been married for 40 years.
  = It has been 40 years since they got married.
  = They got married 40 years ago.
  (3) married   adj. 可以修饰名词。
  They are all married people at present.他们如今都已结婚了。
  What about your married life?你们婚后的生活如何?
  Married love should be built on the basis of sacrifice and tolerance for each other.
  They are a married couple for 20 years by the year 2005.他们到2005年已经结婚20年了。
  The young man is a married person now.那个年轻人现在是有妇之夫了。
  (4)终止性动词,不能和延续性的时间状语连用。如果要表示结婚多长时间,要用be married。
  ---How long have you been married?
  ---I have been married for 5 years.
  She ______ for 15 years, yet she didn’t know what kind of man she ____.
  A. had married, married        B. had got married, married to
  C. had been married, had married   D. married, had married to
  答案 C
  分析 与延续性的时间状语连用,用be married;嫁给某人可以说marry sb.
  18.worth, worthy   adj. n.
  (1) worth   u.n. 价值
  Could you give me a dollar’s worth of paper?你能给我一美元的纸吗?
  There are quite a few several city’s worth of relics in this museum.
  (2) worth   adj.   be worth + n./doing 价值---(后跟动名词主动形式表被动含义)
  The car is worth $18,000.这辆车价值18000美元。
  His suggestion is worth nothing.他的建议没有任何价值。
  The film is worth seeing twice.这部电影值得再看一遍。
  That reference book is worth reading.那本参考书值得一读。
  The man is worth 3 millions.那人拥有3百万元的家产。
  (3) worthy   n. 大人物,名流
  Don’t look down upon him. He is now a worthy within this area.
  Being a worthy, you should do something good for the villagers.
  He is the worthy in that football team.他是那个足球队中最有价值的球员。
  (4) worthy   adj. 值得的   be worthy to be done/ be worthy of being done
  He is worthy of severe punishment.他应该受到严厉的惩罚。
  His action is worthy to be commended.他的行动值得赞扬。
  This suggestion is worthy of being introduced.这一建议值得推荐。
  This novel is worth reading a second time.
  = This novel is worthy to be read a second time.
  = This novel is worthy of being read a second time.
  19.come up with
  She came up with a new suggestion to solve the problem.
  We have to come up with the practical measure to prevent the air pollution.
  It’s wonderful for you to come up with such a good idea.
  She couldn’t come up with an answer when I asked her why she was late.
  She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.她想到了一个提高销量的好办法。
  He’s come up with his classmates ahead of him, after months of patient diligence.
  The police handcuffed the robber, when he had come up with him.
  (3)come up, come up to, come upon
  You position has come up.你的职位提高了。
  Almost all the seeds have come up after a few days of sowing.几乎所有的种子播下几天之后都发芽了。
  He came up to Beijing days ago, and he will work there for months as a visiting professor for half a month in Beijing University.
  I know why you came up to me so quickly.我知道你来这儿如此快的原因。
  I came upon a country-fellow in the street the day before last.
  一、 单项选择
  1.The first computer art museum, ______ in Florida, USA is used for people to enjoy art by computer.
  A. opens   B. created     C. building     D. is open
  2.---Oh, it’s you. I _______ you.
   ---I’ve just had my hair cut and I’m wearing new glasses.
  A. didn’t recognize        B. hadn’t recognized
  C. haven’t recognized       D. don’t recognize
  3.Jane _____ a lot of presents from Tom, but she would never _____ a single one because she didn’t like him.
  A. received, accept  B. accepted, receive  C. received, receive  D. accepted, accept
  4.After you finish this exercise, _____ the other one.
  A. go on doing   B. go on with doing   C. continue with   D. continue to do
  5.Looking around the city, you’ll find many old churches are ____.
  A. worth being visited       B. worthy of visiting
  C. worth to be visited       D. worth a visit
  6.He came back late not ____ the rain but ______ he was much too tired.
  A. because, because of       B. because of, because
  C. for, for             D. because, for
  7.The telephone _____ three times in the past hour and every time it ____, it was for our monitor.
  A. has rung, rang   B. rang, has rung   C. had rung, rang   D. rang, was ringing
  8.---John failed his final exam.
   ---I’m not surprised at the news _____. _____, he is never seen busy with his lessons.
  A. at all, After all  B. in all, After all  C. above all, In all  D. at all, In all
  9._____ your head. The doorway is low.
  A. Look out   B. Take care   C. Mind   D. Look down
  10.At the end of every class, a few minutes are left for answering the questions any student ______.
  A. rises     B. raised   C. comes up   D. comes up with
  11._____ remember to turn off the electricity before you leave the lab.
  A. Be sure   B. Do   C. Make sure   D. Does
  12.It sounded _____ a train running under my house.
  A. like   B. as if     C. as     D. as though
  13.---She always _____ her daughter up like a flower.
    ---That’s _____ the little girl looks so lovely.
  A. wears, why   B. dresses, why     C. puts, where   D. does, how
  14.____ great help, I could get rid of all the difficulty and succeed.
  A. Offered     B. Having offered   C. Being offered   D. Having supplied
  15.Call me any time that ____ you.
  A. fits       B. satisfies     C. suits     D. meets
  1.The polluted air is ______(有害的) to our health.
  2.The advice he gave the fat lady is to lose some _____(体重).
  3.Little Franz was not ______(有准备的) for the master’s question.
  4.Does your leg still _____(疼痛)?
  5.We must make a plan for the ____(舞会).
  6.She hurriedly ______(穿衣服) her son and took him to the kindergarten.
  7.Who _____(允许) you to do that?
  8.We should ____(尊敬) our elders.
  9.Let Harry play with your toys as well, Clare---you must learn to _____(分享).
  10.It doesn’t _____(有关系) whether he will come.
  11.Writing a simple play is not that difficult, and _____(而且), we have to start somewhere if we want to learn how to write plays.
  12.His careless driving ______(付出---的代价) him his life.
  13.At the airport I could hardly _____(认出) Mary, one of my classmates because she had changed so much.
  14.In his fifties, Karl Marx _____(继续) to learn Russian by himself.
  15.I think her clothes _____(相配) her perfectly.
  It was a very happy family. The life was fairly well-off. Father, Leopold, was a music master in Austria. Mother was warm-hearted. There were two children, Marianne, a schoolgirl, and little Wolfgang, a child not quite four years old. Marianne was learning to play the piano, and day after day Leopold stood behind her as she practiced. How patient her father was, and how cleverly he showed Marianne how to play some particularly difficult pieces! She was making progress, very good progress, and that was excellent. And there, almost lost in the big chair, sat Wolfgang, who never had to be told to keep quiet when Marianne was practicing. One evening at sunset Leopold patted Marianne’s shoulder, saying she had done well. At that moment Wolfgang climbed on his father’s knee and begged to be allowed to play the pretty piece Marianne had now mastered. What a joke that was! Picking up his baby son, Leopold laughed and said, “Look at your small hands. You must wait, little man!”
  There was no end of fun during tea, and Marianne had to tell her mother about Wolfgang wanting to play a difficult piece. When the meal was finished, Marianne helped to clear away the dishes. Suddenly Leopold got up. “Listen! ’’ said he in a surprised voice. “Listen!’’ “Marianne is playing the piece better than ever!”
  But Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen.
  His wife following, Leopold walked quietly upstairs, the lamp in one hand, his music book in the other. He pushed open the door, and there was little Wolfgang playing in the darkness. “I love it. ” whispered the child.
  It was the beginning of Mozart’s life of music.
  1.Wolfgang was quiet when his sister practiced the piano because_______.
  A .he liked his sister
  B. he loved music
  C. he didn’t feel well
  D. he didn’t want to make a noise
  2.Wolfgang’s father told him he couldn’t play the piano yet because________.
  A. he was too small
  B. his sister was taking lessons
  C. he had to help his mother
  D. he had to wait for his sister to finish practicing
  3.At tea-time the family had _______.
  A. no fun               B. a little fun
  C. a lot of fun            D. little fun
  4.Leopold’s family was ________.
  A. poor                  B. very wealthy
  C. extremely rich             D. fairly rich
  5.Shortly after tea Leopold heard the music from upstairs. He was astonished because ________.
  A. Marianne had never played the piece so beautifully
  B. Marianne was washing dishes in the kitchen
  C. Wolfgang was playing in the darkness
  D. Wolfgang loved the piece so much
  1.B museum与create是被动关系,created过去分词做定语,创造,创建。
  2.A 没认出来是过去,因此用一般过去时。
  3.A receive客观收到,accept主观接受。
  4.D 继续做另一件事,用go on to do/continue to do/continue doing。
  5.D 值得参观,用be worth visiting/be worthy of being visited/be worthy to be visited/be worth + n.
  6.B because of 后跟名词,because后跟从句。
  7.A in the past hour与现在完成时连用,every time引起时间状语从句。
  8.A not at all,一点儿也不;after all 毕竟,终究。
  9.C mind your head 注意,当心(碰头)。
  10.D any student comes up with 是定语从句,修饰questions,先行词在从句中做宾语,因此选择及物的come up with, 并用一般现在时。
  11.B 祈使句加强语气可用Be sure to do---或在句首加do。
  12.A as if/as though作“似乎,好象”讲引起从句,本句中为系表结构,sound like + n.
  13.B dress sb. (up) as/like 把某人打扮成---;That’s why 那就是为什么---。
  14.A offered为过去分词做状语,表条件。
  15.C fit 大小、尺寸合适;satisfy 不符和题意;suit既可以指颜色、款式合适,也可以指情况、时间等合适;meet不符和题意。
  1.harmful   2.weight   3.prepared   4.hurt      5.dance  
  6.dressed   7.allowed  8.respect   9.share     10.matter  
  11.besides  12.cost   13.recognize  14.continued  15.match
  1.B   安静是因为他沉浸在音乐中.
  2.A   根据第一段最后一句可知.
  3.C   no end of fun意思是高兴的事情还没有结束.
  4.D   第一段第一行中The life was fairly well-off, fairly相当于quite, well-off相当于rich或wealthy.
  5.A   惊呆了是因为他从未听到女儿弹得这么好.




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