初二第15单元 What do people eat? Lesson 59

中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

Step 1 Revision
1 Write lists of meat, vegetables, fruit and others on the Bb. Ask Whose favourite food is chocolate? etc. Hands up! Students vote on their favourite kind of food.
2 Competition: Ask students to give an example of a verb, a noun, a pronoun, an adjective and an adverb. Then hold a competition. In small groups, the students see which group is the first to write down eight to ten verbs/nouns/adjectives/ pronouns / adverbs. Check the answers.
Step 2 Study
SB Page 3, Part 1. Let the students read through the sentences in the first box carefully. Ask them if they can discover the common feature in the sentences. Point out that all these sentences contain a noun or pronoun denoting the doer (subject) and a verb (predicate). Do the same with the sentences in the rest of the boxes. Point out the different parts of the simple sentence.
Step 3 Presentation
Ask What does your mother /father do at home? Do you help with the housework? In small groups, have the students make a list of what their mothers / fathers / themselves do at home. As a class, discuss the answers.
Step 4 Read and discuss
SB Page 3, Part 2, Speech Cassette, Lesson 59. Tell the students to look at the first passage. Ask them to quickly skim the text and tell you the main idea. (It's about what each family member does to help out at home.) Play the tape and have students repeat.
Tell the students to look at the second passage, Ask Who is the busiest in Indira 's family? Have the students scan the passage for the answer (mum). Play the tape and have students repeat. Explain the use of either... or... and neither... nor....
Step 5 Workbook
Wb Lesson 59, Exx.1-3. Do Ex. 1 in pairs and check the answers as a class.
For Ex. 2, have the students work in small groups.
For Ex. 3, get the students to work in pairs filling in the blanks and reading the passages to each other. Encourage them to use the English phrase / think that....
Finish off any workbook exercises if needed.
Review the five kinds of simple sentences.



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