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【考例】1. Naturally, after I told her what to do, my daughter _____ go and do the opposite!
A. may B. can C. must D. should
The railways may be improved.
=It is possible that the railways will be improved.
=Perhaps/Maybe/Possibly the railways will be improved.
The railways can be improved.=It is possible for the railways to be improved.
Even expert drivers can make mistakes.甚至是很熟练的驾驶员也可能会犯错。
=Even expert drivers sometimes make mistakes.
=It is possible for the expert drivers to make mistakes.
Mr Reed looks pale.He may be ill.
Mr Reed is in poor health.He can be ill at any time.
Must指逻辑必然,作“想必”、“准是”、“一定”解,用来表示我们对某事有把握的推论或揣测。(考虑到迹象如此,再无别的结论=It seems certain that….):
They must be very tired now, for they have been working the whole morning.
【考例】1、Mary ___ be in Paris.I saw her in town only a few minutes ago.(NMET1994)
A.mustn’t B.shouldn’t C.can’t D.may not
2、.--Is John coming by train? (NMET 2002 Tianjing )
--He should,but he ___ not.He likes driving his car.
A.must B.can C.need D.may
He may not know the truth.他可能不知道事情的真相。(=It is possible that he didn’t know the truth.)
He cannot know the truth.他不可能知道事情的真相。
--- Somebody is knocking at the door. Who can it be ? It must be Wang Hong.
--- No, It can’t be Wang Hong, because she left for Shanghai this morning.
因而You must be joking.在意义上相当于You can’t be serious.
【考例】1.---I heard they went skiing in the mountains last winter. (NMET 2002Beijing )
---It ___ true because there was little snow there.
A.may not be B.won't be C.couldn't be D.mustn't be
I thought it might be true.我本认为那是真的。
He could be very unreasonable.他有时可能毫不讲理。
【考例】1.--Are you coming to Jeff’s party? (NMET 2000)
--I’m not sure.I_____go to the concert instead.
A.must B.would C.should D.might
2.---Look!The clouds are gathering.
---Yes.I'm afraid it _____ be pouring down soon.
A,can B,must C,should D,might
A:I wonder where Tom is. B:He may/might/could be in the library.(Perhaps he is in the library.)
因此在wonder, fear,be afraid等后接的从句中,通常用may/might/could,表达一种探询的观点:
I was afraid you might be out of sorts.我怕你可能心情不痛快。
Our team might still win the race.(可以意译为:It is possible,though unlikely,that ……)
【考例】Mr. Bush is on time for everything. How _________ it be that he was late for the opening ceremony?  A.can   B.should   C.may   D.must
“There is the doorbell.””Who can it be at this time of day?”有人按门铃。””这个时候到底会是谁呢?”
Must也偶尔用于疑问句:Must there be some good reason for the delay?这个问句设想的是一个肯定的回答,可以解释为”Does there have to be some good reason……?”
I wonder what it may mean.我不知道这究竟是什么意思。
How old may his father be?他父亲到底有多大年纪?(比How old is his father?委婉的说法。)
【考例】1. Sorry I'm late. I ________ have turned off the alarm clock and gone back to sleep again.( 2000年普通高等学校春季招生考试 (北京、安徽卷)
A. might     B. should      C. can       D. will
2.─There were already five people in the car but they managed to take me as well.
─It __ a comfortable journey. (NMET95)
  A.can't be B.shouldn't be  C.mustn't have been   D.couldn't have been
【分析】“情态动词have + -ed分词”结构可以表示对已发生的事情进行推测, 就表示的可能性程度而言,must最大,could其次,may更次之,might最小。
must + have + -ed分词: 用于肯定句, 表示推测过去某事“肯定,一定,准是”发生了。 其否定形式为:can’t / couldn’t have v-ed, 表示过去不可能发生某事。 may(might) + have + -ed 分词: 用于肯定句和其他否定句, 表示对已发生事情的不肯定的推测, 意为“可能, 大概”, 其中might较may语气更弱, 把握更小。Can/could用于否定或疑问句中,表示对过去发生的事件的“怀疑或不肯定”。could 比can更表示说话人语气的不肯定。例如:
I mailed that letter a week ago. He must have received it.我一周前就发出了那封信, 想必他一定收到了。
I can’t find my keys. I may / might have left them at the school yesterday.
Jack can’t have arrived yet,otherwise he would have telephoned me.(上海1997)
It couldn't have been Mr. Smith. He has gone to China.不太可能是史密斯先生。他已去了中国。
另外,注意may不可用于疑问句,它的这种功能已为can所取代。例如Can they have missed the bus?的答句是:Yes,they may have done.而不是Yes,they can have done.这一点要注意。
Must偶尔也能用于否定句:His absence must not have been noticed.此句和His absence can’t have been noticed.的意思是一样的。许多评论者认为这类句子是不可能成立的,但它们正在为越我来越多的人所接受和使用,在美国英语中尤其如此。
析:答案A、D。can通常不用于肯定句表猜测;”should+have+-ed分词”表示”过去本来应该做……”,但实际上没有做,意思是”本该…..”,带有责备口气:I was really anxious about you.You shouldn’t have left without a word. (NMET2001) ;”will+have+-ed分词”只是将来完成时的一种形式。
【考例】1.It's nearly seven o'clock. Jack ____be here at any moment. (NMET95)
  A.must    B.need     C.should    D.can
【分析】should(ought to)表示很可能、预期的意思,指一种尝试性推论,可认为是must的语气较弱的对应词,意思是”应该会、一定。。。吧”。试比较:
Our guests must be home by now.(‘I am certain’)我们的客人现在一定到家了。(根据他们动身的时间、路程远近、速度等具体条件,我能断定/肯定他们现在已经到家了。)
Our guests should(ought to) be home by now.(‘They probably are,but I’m not certain.)我们的客人现在该到家了。(含义是我想他们很可能到家了,但我不能肯定”)
--When can I come for the photos?I need them tomorrow afternoon.
--They_____be ready by 12:00. (NMET1998) A.can B.should C.might D.need
表示不太可能可用shouldn’t(oughtn’t to):
There shouldn’t(oughtn’t to) be any difficulties.不该有任何困难。




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