人教版新课程高三unit12教案 |
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(一)主题任务(Core tasks) 任务一:谈论教育家 鼓励学生到图书馆、阅览室及上网搜索有关教育名人的资料。本课可设计如下任务型教学活动: How much do you know about famous educators? 活动时间:热身之前或之后,或本单元之后 活动形式:个人活动、小组活动、班级活动 语言知识要求: 词汇:educator,to begin with,worldwide,result in,achievement,strict等 句型:本单元日常交际用语 语言技能要求:听、说、读、写 活动过程: 1.分配角色:四人一组,互相补充; 2.办黑板报或小报,注意人物介绍、时代背景、教育理念等; 3.在小组范围内交流有关内容,并做适当修改; 4.每位同学收集一位教育家的情况及其教育名言+; 5.鼓励学生就教育家及其名言谈些个人看法。 任务二:谈论教育公平性 The reading tell s US that in some cultures parents are particularly unwilling to send their daughters to school because it is the custom to educate boys rather than girls.Please state your own points of view on it.The topic for discussion is “Is education only for boys?” 教师要善于引导学生利用听力、阅读等相关素材进行组织、归纳、总结。 活动时间:阅读课之后 活动形式:采用辩论形式 活动过程: 1.分配角色:四人一组,分正方、反方,就课文中的情况进行陈述; 2.各组每一位成员均参加辩论; 2.每个成员均要有发言的机会; 3.选出最佳辩手。 活动目的:培养学生的语言表达能力与辩论能力 辩论评价表:学生在辩论时,可采用以下的评价表进行评价 Item Evaluation Attitude(Manners,confidence) 5 4 3 2 1 Delivery Body language 5 4 3 2 1 Articulation 5 4 3 2 1 Speed 5 4 3 2 1 Timing 5 4 3 2 1 Speech Organization of Ideas 5 4 3 2 1 Sufficient Examples/Support 5 4 3 2 1 Pronunciation and intonation 5 4 3 2 1 Fluency 5 4 3 2 1 任务三:比较中国教育与美国教育活动时间:学完本单元之后活动形式:个人活动、小组活动、全班活动活动过程: 1.利用已有知识,适当拓展; 2.互相补充,并添加一些项目; 3.归纳本单元所学内容,使知识形成网络。以下例子可供参考: Chinese Education versus American Education (二)热身(Warming up) 该部分由四位教育家引出,除了课本上的三个练习外,教师可结合这些内容引导学生展开思维: 1.Education refers to training and instruction of children,young people and adults in schools,colleges, etc.But what do you think “education” means? 2.What other educators do you know about besides those mentioned in the text? (三)听力(Listening) “听力”(Listening)部分第一项活动设置了两个问题,要求学生听前思考,学生若有困难,可适当启发学生围绕下列问题思考: 1.What kind of schools are there in the USA? 2.Are most of the schools run by the state? 3.Do American students have more holidays than us? 4.How many students are there in a class in American schools? 5.Do American schools have the same curriculum as Chinese schools? 6.How do students behave at school? 7.How is the relationship between teachers and students? 8.Are students encouraged to be independent at school? 9.How do students study in school? 10.Are students encouraged to discuss and even argue in class? 11.What are the American people's attitudes towards education? 第二项任务用表格的形式,要求学生对中美的班级、教学方式、家庭作业、考试等四个方面进行比较。在听时要提醒学生注意关键词。填完之后,要求学生互相取长补短。第三项任务采用小组合作学习方式。第四题要提醒学生注意抓住关键的句子,弄清楚迈克对中国学校中哪些教学方式喜欢,那些感到困惑,并了解其原因。 (四)口语(Speaking) 1.指导识图:图与文互补、互为依托。教师要指导学生看懂条形图及曲线图。在日常生活中这两种图表处处可见。教师要指导学生通过图表挖掘本质的东西,例如图表所反映的事物的变化、差异及未来趋势等。 2.示范表述:如果学生很难用英语表达,教师可引导学生用相关文字表达图表内容。例如:From the bar graph,we c。an see that more and more school-age children attended school from 1985 to 2002.In 1985, there were 95.5 percent of school-age children attending school... 3.理清思路:在完成两幅图后的文字表述后,可适当补充一些图表让学生识别,并用英语来表述内在含义。 4.适当引申:除此之外,我们还可让学生认识饼状图等。 (五)读前(Pre-reading) 第一题要求罗列开办一所学校所需要的设备、人员及规划等,可采用“头脑风暴"的形式,激发学生的思维。可采用网状图表形式: 第二题探讨政府必须做哪些安排及讨论所面临的问题与困难。 (六)阅读(Reading) 1.解读文章标题:阅读文章前,板书文章标题 EDUCATION FOR ALL,然后鼓励学生大胆预测。 Please predict what the text will tell US. What does “Education for A11’’mean? 2.归纳各段大意:学生归纳之后与读后(Post-reading)的第一题结合起来完成。 3.猜测生词意思:在阅读时,要求学生根据上下文大胆猜测词义。如: In 1986 the Chinese government introduced a law that by the year 2000 every Chinese child would have nine years of compulsory education. China and other countries found that in the country side when children do start school,they have a tendency to be absent and drop out later. 4.变换措辞:除了要求学生根据上下文大胆猜测词义外,教师还可鼓励学生用英语解释阅读文章中的句子。学生若有困难,可由学生指出课文中与老师所说的意思相近的句子。例如:Please find the sentence in the text which is closest in meaning to the sentence you have heard. (七)读后(Post-reading) 1.结合课文寻求解决途径: 要求学生除完成“读后”练习外,可根据课文完成下表,并补充更多的问题,提出更多的解决办法。 Problems Solutions 1 Shortage of Classrooms 2 Shortage of teachers 3 Shortage of money 4 Parents un willing to send daughters to school in rural areas 5 6 2.要求学生联系生活思考: 1)List the problems facing the governments of some countries. 2)Did any of your previous schools face such difficulties/Did any schools that you attended face such difficulties? 3) Have great changes taken place in your previous schools / the schools you attended? 4)What do you think the government will do to improve the school? 5)What information in the article do you find most surprising? (八)语言训练(Language practice) 1.第一题要求学生小组合作进行讨论,然后写出词义,教师若要求编写生词卡,那会得到很好的效果。例如: absent /bsnt/ not present Who is absent in the meeting? 2.第二题从语篇出发要求学生用本单元所学词语填空。语篇内容与阅读课文紧密联系,可作为阅读部分的重要补充。 3.学生将第三题的图表画好之后,教师最好要求学生结合图表,将内容再叙述一遍。 4.第四道题要求学生用所提供的词语替代第三题中划线部分的词语,教师在布置学生做这道作业时,最好先要求学生直接用所学过的单词或词组来替换,培养学生大胆尝试的习惯。 5.第五题可采用两两合作形式,互相取长补短。 (九)综合技能(Integrating skills) 1.教师可提出以下问题供学生讨论: Do you know your learning style? What’s your greatest difficulty in learning a foreign language? Do you think you are an effective learner? Why or why not? 2.要求学生完成一道书面表达作业: Suppose your friend doesn’t know how to learn effectively,please give him/her some advice. (二)测试性评价 1.Complete the sentences using the words and expressions in the box. 1)Carelessness almost _______ his failure. 2)Because he was i11,he was _______ from school. 3) _______ ,I would like to make a brief introduction to our hometown. 4)After he lost favour with voters,he decided to _______ politics. 5)Be more _______ with yourself.Work harder.Don’t waste time playing. 6)Boys have a _______ to fight more than girls. 7)She worked for a large _______ after she graduated from college. 8)Metal _______ when it is hot,but contracts when it gets cold. 2.Look at the chart above and match them with their meanings by writing the prepositions plus the correct word I The first one has been done for you. Please add as many as possible. 1)occasionally =at times 2)immediately = _______ 3)now,at this time = _______ 4)not less than = _______ 5)not know what to do,think,or s ay= _______ 6)close,near by= _______ 7)after(much)effort,delay,etc;in the end= _______ 答案: 1.1 resulted in 2 absent 3 To begin with 4 drop out of 5 strict 6 tendency 7 corporation 8 expands 2.2 at once 3 at present 4 at least 5 at a loss 6 at hand 7 at last |
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