Unit 4 Useful expressions

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express intention 表达意图/目的/打算
~ of doing/+ to do with the intention of learning French
intend to do
sb. to do
be intended/designed for
• 或者…或者 ,不是…就是…
board the bus/train/plane 登/乘上汽车/火车/轮船/飞机等交通工具
go/get on board the train 登上火车
passengers on board the ship/bus/ plane 在船(车,飞机)上的乘客
get through 通过,度过,接通
belong to 属于
hear of听说
be interested in… 对…感兴趣
be interested to do…有兴趣做某事
take/have/feel an interest in对…感兴趣
know about了解
Reading P27
more than胜过,不仅仅
any other form of literature 任何其他文学形式
play with 玩弄,灵活运用
call up召唤,唤起
call back 回电话;召回,叫回
call in召来,召集,把…叫来 (如警察,医生)
call off取消
call on + sb
call at + sp 拜访
call for 需要;去拿某物,去接某人
call for help呼救
call on sb. to do sth. 请求/要求某人做某事
images of a dream world梦幻世界中的意境
stand out突出,显著,引人注目
stand out in the halls of glory矗立在荣光宝殿上
for the glory of the school荣誉
one of the glories of our city 骄傲
the glory of the sunset壮观
the moment of glory 光荣的时刻
for the glory of with glory
have a long history 有悠久的历史
have a history of 有…的历史
in history 在历史上
in the history of the cinema在电影史上
the number of …的数量
share in… 分享
share with sb.和某人分享
share happiness and sorrow with sb.和某人同甘共苦
share sth.( out ) between sb. 给两人平均分配某物
share sth.( out ) among sb. 在某些人当中平均分配某物
follow special patterns of rhythm and rhyme遵循专门的节奏和押韵格式
follow the customs 遵循习俗
follow the rules 遵守规则
follow Chinese table manners遵循中国人的餐桌礼仪
follow sb’s advice/ suggestions/ instructions听从某人的劝告/建议/指示
follow sb’s example 学习某人的榜样
follow sb. 跟着某人;跟某人学
as follows如下
be famous for以而出名
remind sb. of…提醒某人某事
remind sb .to do提醒某人做某事
admire sb for钦佩/羡慕某人的…; 因为…而钦佩/羡慕某人
be admired for 因为…被人钦佩/羡慕
be admired as作为…样的人被人钦佩/羡慕
be admired by被…钦佩/羡慕
absence of rhyme缺少押韵的词…
in/ during sb’s absence from = in the absence of sb from在某人不在/没来…期间
be absent from school/ class/ the meeting没来上学/上课/开会
absence of mind心不在焉
be absent from缺席
at the age of在…岁时
by the age of到…岁为止
die at a very young age年纪轻轻死去
live to the age of…活到…岁
lead to引起,导致
compare… with…把和相比
compare… to…把比作
in comparision with和相比
a letter of introduction介绍信
make an introduction作介绍
the introduction to a book书的导言
the introduction of corn into China玉米的引入中国
translate/ put/ change…into把翻译成/变成
no matter how/wh-无论,不管
open the door to sth./ doing“为…创造条件” “向… 开门”
original work原著
light up点燃,点亮
Journey to the West西游记
come into being形成(P28)
Integrating Skills P31
change the word poetry to songs把诗歌词改为歌曲
make sb feel something 使某人有所感触
sing in my head 在心中吟唱
help me get through the day伴我度过一天的好时光
avoid doing 避免做……
look up words in a dictionary在字典中查阅单词
look up information/ telephone numbers查找电话号码/查找信息
look up to sb. as把某人尊称为
look up at the stars抬头看星星
read aloud大声朗诵
have some practice 经过一定的练习
fall into陷入某种状态; 养成(坏习惯),开始……起来,掉进
have long/many years’ experience of…
have many years of experience in…在有很多年的经验
start/ begin with 以/用…开始
end (up) with 以/用…结束/告终
end (up) in 有某种结局
to start with作为开始;首先;第一点
have a bad day at school上学不开心
by the light of a candle 借助烛光
by the moonlight借助月光
be finished 完毕
be gone消失,不见
tell apart分辨,区别
day after day日复一日
go insane发疯,发狂
write a review 写一个评论
right now现在
collections of poems 诗歌集
be worth doing值得做某事
recommend A to B 把A推荐给/介绍给B
recommend sb. as 推荐某人当……
recommend doing sth.建议做某事
recommend that sb. (should) do sth. 建议做某事
recommend sb. to do sth. 建议某人做某事
regard… as…把…当作
devote…to sth./doing奉献…做…
fail the exam考试不及格
be influence by 受…影响
have a hand at参与
reach/come to a conclusion得出结论
contribute to
make contribution to sth / doing sth 为…作贡献
make great contributions to sth / doing sth为…作出巨大贡献




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