Unit 4 Unforgettable experiences

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Teaching Plan
Aims and demands:
Teaching aims:
Words and expressions:
1.Master the following :seismograph; iceberg; King Tut; // roar; fright; crack; // bookworm; couch potato; workaholic;// Buddha; agent; etc,especially the following vivid notional verbs:advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle; etc。
2.Master the four skills of the following phrases: get on one’s feet; tree after tree; pull oneself; etc.
Go over the Attributive Clause and learn to use the relative pronouns who; whom; whose; which and that.
Communication aims:
Be able to know the details of an unforgettable especially an unexpected experience, such as time, places, characters, events, etc.
1. Learn how to offer other people help, comfort and encouragements in different occasions and give his particular opinions.
2.Describe people, things, events and people’s feelings.
3. Talk about past experiences.
4.Retell the story in their own words.
1. Read all the new words and the passages frequently and get the general ideas.
2. Improve the reading abilities by scanning, skimming, careful reading, generalization; inference;etc.
1.Organise the ideas in a text using First,Next,Then and Finally etc.
2.Write about an unforgettable experience.
Ability aims:
Study the tactics of learning English in order to be able to develop the abilities of the students’ self-study, effective communication, English thinking and dealing with the information.
Emotion aims:
Experience rich feelings in different English situations and share the sense of joy and success when communicating in English.
Important points:
1、Master some verbs such as advance; seize; sweep; swallow; drag; pull; flow; shake; strike; struggle and phrases such as get on one’s feet; tree after tree; pull oneself etc.
2、Master the attributive clauseswhich introduced by relative pronoun who, that, which, whom, whose etc.
3、Be able to describe an experience, using some adverbs First, Next, Then, Finally.
Difficult points:
Properly and vividly describe an unforgettable experience which happened to you.
Teaching methods:
“Pre-task----Task-cycle----Post-task” model
Teaching designs:
Period One (Listening)
A. Free talk
B. Warming up
Task 1. Match competition (group work)
Match Column B with Column A correctly.(Pictures)
(1) Bethoven basketball
(2) Walter The Red Sorghum(《红高粱》)
(3)Bisheng printing
(4) Yaomin papermaking
(5) Huoluogeng steamengine
(6) Cailun Symphony No.5 in C minor
(7) Gongli 9.11 incident(plot:策划)
(8) Ben Laden maths

Question: Why do you think so ?(answer the question, using the attributive clause.for example:Yaomin is a Chinese basketball player who is famous for playing basketball very well all over the world.)
Task 2: Talk about the pictures.
When you look at these pictures,what will you think of?
Task 3:Describe each picture with an attributive clause.
e.g: Zhang Heng is the man who made the earliest seismograph in 132.
C.Listening(Part one)
Task1.Pre-listening: Before listening, guess the possible answers to the following questions according to the situation: (group work)
1) When did the earthquake happen?
2) Where was the man driving when it happened?
3) What was he going to do?
Task 2. While-listening: Listen to the tape and try to answer the above questions.
Task 3: While-listening:Listen to the tape again and put the following into the right order.
( ) 1. I stopped the car and at the same time the road fell onto the cars in front of me.
( ) 2. I saw the cars in front of me start to move from side to side.
( ) 3. I had finished work and then gone to the Post Office.
( ) 4 I slowed down ,then my car started to shake.
( ) 5 I drove even slower, then the road above started to fall down.
Task 4. While-listening: Listen to the tape once again, then try to retell the story simply, using their own words.
Task 5.Post- reading:
Discussion (Group work):
What would happen to Hank Stram finally?
D.Listening (Part 2)
Task 1.Listen to the second part for the first time and choose the best answer.
1. Which part of his body hurt badly?( )
A. The bottom parts of his legs
B. The bottom parts of his hands.
C. The bottom parts of his legs and feet.
2. What could he hear below him?( )
A. Nothing B. Shouts and noise C. The noise of cars
3. How long had he been in the car?( )
A.14 hours B. 40 hours C.4 hours
Task 2: Listen to the tape again to write the words in the space.
1. I ________ myself in the dark.
2. Then I remembered what______.
3. It was clear to me now that I ______ in an earthquake.
4. Then I ________ people________ towards me.
5. A team of people______ to see if anyone _____ under the broken road.
Task 3. Post-listening:
What made him survive in such a terrible accident?
E.Further discussion:
Group 1-2:Have you ever met across any terrible disaster? What is it? What did you do to protect yourself from danger?
Group 3-4:What is your unforgettable thing in your life?
What happened? Why did it make you unforgettable? Don’t you think it a wouderful experience in you life?
F. Home work: Get ready for an unforgettable thing to share with your friends.




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