人教版高三Unit 7 news words(学生版)

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Unit 7 news words
1 care for: 喜爱;照顾
care for “喜欢,希求”其后接名词、代词作宾语,多用于否定句、疑问句。带比较或条件等的肯定句,不可用被动语态。
Care for 另作“照料、看护”解,相当于look after, take care of 可用被动语态。
Care about 介意;在乎;对┅担忧
Care about 后接名词、代词、动名词作宾语;但宾语从句同时往往省略介词about.
I don’t care who you are or what you say.
On getting to kindergarten, the mother was glad to see her baby well__________.
A looked for B cared for C take care of D cared after.
Peter thought the matter had nothing to do with him so he ______nothing_______it.
A know; by B cared by C cared ; about D cared ; with.
The emperor _____more_______ new clothes than _______anything else.
A liked ; about ; of B cared ; about; for C cared ; for ; about D cared ; for ;for.
2 bacteria (单数 bacterium )/细菌 bacteria 复数--------bacterium单数
viruses-复数---------virus单数 病毒germs-复数----------germ单数 微生物; 病菌
改错;Bacterium exist in large numbers in air, water and soil, and also in living and dead creatures and plants and are often a cause of disease.
3 Standard n (常用复数)水平;标准;规格 adj 一般, 普通;常规;惯例
standardize vt 规范化,统一standard of living=living standards生活水准(平)
Even when textbooks are __through a school system, methods of teaching may vary greatly.
A commonplace B standardized C competitive D generalized.
4 conscience n 良心; 是非感
have sth on one’s conscience 因做了错事而内疚(良心受责)
in (all /good )conscience 凭良心,公平地。on one’s conscience 引起某人悔恨的。
Conscious adj
1) 神志清醒的, 有知觉的。
She may become conscious before morning. 她天亮前可能恢复知觉。
2) 意识到的, 觉察到的 (常接of /that…)
I suddenly became conscious that someone was looking at me.
Conscientious adj 认真的, 勤勤恳恳的
She is conscientious about her work. 她工作负责尽职。
I haven’t done anything wrong----I‘ve got a good______________.
A confidence B innocence C consciousness D conscience.
Living together in ______society , we should have social______, and don’t make money at the cost of other’s life.
A / ; conscience B the ; consciousness C / conscious D the; conscientious.
5 wage 工资, 工钱
wage: n (pl)每日或每周用以现金支付的工资 pay n泛指工资
salary n 按月支付,直接转入银行帐户。fee n 指专业服务的费用,付给医生,律师等
payment n 一次性或不定期工作所得的报酬。
He takes his ______home to his wife every Friday.
A salaries B wages C incomes D savings.
6 anyway =anyhow. Adv 无论如何; 即使如此; 至少。
It doesn’t much difference because we’re going to be late anyway.
I don’t know whether it was last or stolen; _____, it’s gone.
A anyway B anybody C however D though.
They’re not very good , but we like____________________.
A anyway to play basketball with them. B to play basketball with them anyway.
C to play with them basketball anyway. D with them to play basketball any way.
7 leave along 不管;随。。。。去=let….alone leave sb for sp 离开某地去某地
leave for sp动身去某地 leave sth with sb把。。。(暂时)托付给。。。
leave sth to sb= leave sb sth 把。。。留给。。。
leave 使。。。处于某种状态 leave + + adj /-ed /- ing /n
leave the door open. leave the baby crying
leave sth as it is 任其自然 = leave things as they are
His father died and _____ him a lot of money.
A. gave B. left C. sent D. offered
——Shall we move him to the side of the road as he is badly hurt?
——Oh! Leave him _____ he is, or it will be very dangerous.
A. who B. where C. in which D. at the place
If anybody calls, tell them I’m out, and ask them to _____ their name and address.
A. pass B. write C. take D . leave
8 admit vt 承认;准许。。。进入(或使用)vi 容许;承认
admit sb to/ into 允许。。。进入 be admitted into /to被接纳进入(机构,组织)
be admitted into / to a key university admit sb to be承认。。。是。。。
admit doing sth 承认做了某事 admit sth承认某事
admit that承认。。。 It’s generally admitted that 一般认为
Now that he _____ that he had stolen the money, you should have forgiven him.
A. excused B. suffered C. offered D. admitted
Children under six are not ____ to school except those of extraordinary intelligence.
A. permitted B. admitted C. accepted D. received
9 abundant adj 丰富的;富裕的
abundant adj丰富的; 充裕的 abundance n 丰富;丰盛; 大量
be abundant in 丰富; 富于 in abundance 丰富 an abundance of大量,多
They are trying to discover a land abundant _____ minerals, that is, a land having minerals _____ abundance.
A. in; in B. to; in C. in; to D. to; to
10 in want of = in need of 需要
in honor of 为了表示尊敬。。。;纪念 in memory of纪念。。。
in favor of赞同,支持 in charge of 掌管,负责
in search of寻找 in need of需要
in hope of怀着。。。希望 in face of面对。。 in praise of歌颂
1)The house is ______ repair.
2)She set up the charitable trust _____ of his father.
People build a monument ______ those who died for the country.
A. in want of B. in memory of C. in praise of D. in honor of
We held the meeting _____ the soldiers who died for the country in the liberation war.
A. in honor of B. in the honor of C. on honor of D. out of honor of
11 badly off 潦倒;贫穷
badly off = poor = short of better off情况较好
well off富裕 worse off情况较差
My family was badly off in those days.
The school is now badly off for experienced teachers.
12 occupy vt使忙碌;使从事;占有 occupied adj在使用中;已占有;不空闲
be occupied in doing sth / with sth
= be busy doing sth / with sth
= occupy oneself in doing sth / with sth
When I arrived I saw the place was already _____ by two strangers in uniforms.
A. occupied B. conquered C. possessed D. owned
13 welfare n 福利
loan n借款;借物 bond n 借券;公债;联络;联系
allowance n 津贴;补助 bonus n 红利; 奖金
This performance was held to raise money for the social ______.
A. farewell B. welfare C. benefits D. profits
14 have an eye for 有眼力;有眼光
to one’s eye = in one’s opinion
an eye for an eye以牙还牙
in the eye of 依据。。。的判断或见解
keep an / one’s eye on密切注视
keep an eye out for = look out for
keep one’s eyes open警觉,留心
only have eyes for只欣赏,只对。。。感兴趣
with / have an eye to指望着;为了要。。。
注意:have (eyes) an eye for = have a nose for / have an ear for
She ____________ fashion.
In her mother’s eyes he did nothing wrong..
Please ____________________ the baby for me.
He ____________________his lessons
She bought the house ________________making a quick profit out of it.’
15 ambition n 雄心;志向;野心
ambitious adj 有雄心的;野心勃勃的
ambition to be/do sth做。。。的雄心
be ambitious to be /do sth有雄心干某事
The boy had the ambition _________a glorious career.
A to B at C for D of
16 selfish adj 自私的;自利的
selfless adj忘我的,无私的
unselfish adj 无私的,慷慨的。
unselfishness n 无私,慷慨的
a selfless spirit 无私的精神
a selfless man 一个不自私的人
he is too selfless to think to lending me his car.
Never had they met a man , so selfless , so generous.




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