人教版高三Unit 9 Health care

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1.It seemed only seconds _____the beggar grabbed the bread and gave it a big bite.
A.until B.when C.after D.before
【题解】选D。 这是一道涉及先后两个动作的题。用before正确地表达了两个动作的次序,而不用after。在英语中,由before和after相连接的两个动作,如果第一个动作完成之后第二个动作马上进行,前者可以不用完成时。A、B两项通常不用于此类句型。
2.“Alice,why didn’t you come yesterday?”
“I _____,but I had an unexpected visitor.”
A.had B.would C.was going to D.did
【题解】选C。本题考查的是省略句的用法。从but I had an unexpected visitor可看出,“我”昨天没有来,但“我”原本打算来的,所以应用was going to(come)。若选用would,之后还须加一个have,表示I would have come if I hadn’t had an unexpected visitor。
3.“You haven’t been to Beijing,have you?”
“_____. How I wish to go there!”
A.Yes,I have B.Yes,I haven’t C.No,I have D.No,I haven’t
【题解】选D。本题考查的是否定反意疑问句答语的用法。从How I wish to go there!这个句子可知,“我”没有去过北京。表否定时应用No,后面的内容也应是否定,与其保持一致。但汉语意为“是的,我没去过”。
4.The workers made a strong demand that their working conditions _____at once.
A.improve B.improved C.be improved D.would be improved
5.“Would you have called her up had it been possible?”
“Yes,but I ____busy doing homework.”
A.was B.were C.had heen D.would be
【题解】选A。问话是针对过去情况的虚拟语气,表示完全没有把握、认为不大可能的询问,问句中had it been possible是一个倒装的虚拟条件句,相当于if it had been possible;答语中,but之后是直接接陈述语气,陈述了一下当时真实具体的情况。B、C、D三项都不符合句子意义的要求。
6.If there were no homework to do,we should have ______.
A.much happier time B.a much happier time
C.a more happier time D.much happy time
7.“Shall I help you with your luggage?”
A.Thanks,I can manage B.Yes,I can try
C.OK,let me try D.Yes,I can manage
【题解】选A。对别人提供帮助的好意,不管接受还是谢绝,都要用Thanks。此题C和D两个选项各自前后矛盾。而选项B既用yes表示接受帮助,又用I can try(我能试一试)来应答别人的好意也显然不妥。故A是最佳选项。
8.Do you still remember the farm _____last summer?
A.where we visited B.in which we visited
C.which we stayed D.where we stayed
【题解】选D。where是关系副词,在定语从句中充当状语,意思和there差不多。选项A的where不能充当及物动词visited的宾语;选项B的介词in是多余的;选项C中的谓语stayed是不及物动词,应把which改为where。请注意比较下列句子中连接词的作用。This is the factory that/which we visited last year.这就是我们去年参观过的工厂。(关系代词that/which在定语从句中充当及物动词visited的宾语;不可被where代替。)This is the factory where radio parts are made。这就是那个生产无线电零件的工厂。(关系副词where在定语从句中充当状语。)
9.While they were waiting,a quanrrel _____among some of the men.
A.rose B.raised C.arose D.lifted
10.Nick is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _____ his boss.
A.serves B.satisfies C.promises D.supports
▲虚拟语气用于动词wish后面的宾语从句中,表示与现在或过去事实相反的情况,或表示将来不大可能实现的愿望。wish后面的宾语从句中谓语动词用:①had+过去分词或could have+过去分词(表示与过去事实相反的情况);②动词的过去式,be动词一律用were(表示与现在事实相反),主语是I,he,she,it时偶尔可用was;③would/could+动词原形(表示将来不大可能实现的愿望)。如:
I wish I hadn’t told her about that.
我真希望我没把那件事告诉她。(与过去事实相反)(I told her about that.)
He wished he had studied well at school.
他希望他在学校时功课学得很好。(与过去事实相反)(He didn’t study well at school.)
We wish she could have gone with us on that trip.
我们真希望那次旅行她能和我们在一起。(与过去事实相反)(She didn’t go with us.)
He wished he were young again.
他希望他能再年轻就好了。(与现在事实相反)(He isn’t young.)
I wish I were as young as you.
但愿我和你一样年轻。(与现在事实相反)(I’m not as young as you.)
I wish he could stay with us.
真希望他能和我们在一起。(与现在事实相反)(He can’t stay with us.)
I wish it would rain tonight.
但愿今晚下场雨。(与将来事实相反)(I don’t think it will rain tonight.)
【注】用于“It is/was wished that…”结构的主语从句,以及名词wish后面的同位语从句和表语从句中,谓语动词仍须采用以上三种虚拟语气形式。如:
It is wished(=People wish)that he were still alive.
人们希望他还活着。(He is dead.)
His wish that he hadn’t made so many mistakes is understandable.
他希望他没有犯那么多错,这一点是可以理解的。(He made many mistakes.)
My wish is that he would help us with it.
我希望在这方面他会帮我们。(I don’t think he will come to our help.)
He suggested that such at thing(should)be prevented from happening again.
Joan’s uncle insists that she not stay in this hotel.
The teacher demands that everyone not be in the classroom during sports time.
老师要求每一位学生体育活动时间都不要呆在教室里。(not be不能改为be not或isn’t,因为not前省略了should。)
He required/requested that Alice attend the meeting.
The officer ordered that the enemy be surrounded in the village befored daylight.
【注】这些动词后面的宾语从句中的should时常省略,省略以后,后面的动词不能因should被省略而改变形式。should因句子语气的需要,不能随便改为would,must,ought to等情态动词。

【注】在It’s suggested/ordered/reauested/demanded/decided/necessary/important这一结构的主语从句中,以及suggestion,order,idea等词的同位语从句和表语从句中,也应用“should+动词原形”,以适合于说话人所表示的建议、要求、命令的语气。如:
It’s suggested/decided that a modern hotel(should)be put up at the foot of the hill.
It’s important/necessary that every League member(should)take the lead and work well.
Hers suggestion is that we(should)go to their help.
The officer gave the order that the bridge be destroyed before daylight.
= The officer’s that order was that the bridge be destroyed before daylisht.(表语从句)
=It was ordered at the bridge be destroyed befored daylight(主语从句)
=The officer ordered that the bridge be destroyed before daylight.(宾语从句)
1.It’s unusual that he _____refuse my offer.
A.would B.will C.should D.could
2.The man insisted that he ______nothing wrong and that he _____.
A.should do; not punished B.did; should be not punished
C.had done; not be punished D.should have done;would not have been punished
3.Look at the heavy rain!_____it would stop!
A.Only if B.Even if C.Ever since D.If only
4.As it turned out to be a small house party,we _____so formally.
A.couldn’t dress up B.couldn’t have dressed up
C.needn’t have dressed up D.needn’t dress up
5.---What did the doctor say about your mother’s illness?
---He suggested that she ______an operation at once.
A.must have B.had C.have D.would have
6.---Do you regret paying fifty dollars for the dress?
---No,I ______twice as much for it.
A.should gladly pay B.had gladly paid
C.gladly paid D.would gladly have paid
7.---My goodness!We have missed the train.
---We _____it,but we were caught in the traffic.
A.could have caught B.ought to catch
C.might catch D.must have caught
8.I forget where I read the article or I _____it to you now.
A.will show B.would show C.shall show D.can show
9.A desire was said to have been expressed by the workers that the paper _____public.
A.was going to be made B.would make
C.be made D.should make
10._____,let me know,will you?
A.Would he come B.Should he come
C.Could he come D.If he come
11.The two strangers talked as if they _____friends for years.
A.should be B.would be C.have been D.had been
12.We can’t imagine what the world _____look like without electricty.
A.would B.will C.shall D.may
13.What would you rather they _______next week?
A.do B.will do C.did D.should do
14.His pale face suggests he _____sick and I suggest he _____a doctor.
A.be;see B.is;see
C.should be;should see D.is;sees
15.The woman asks that her boss _____her equally.
A.win treat B.should treat
C.must treat D.may treat
16.How I wish I ____that mistake!
A.could avoid B.could have avoided
C.can avoid D.would have avoided
17.The American is dressed in the Chinese ancient clothes as if he ____a Chinese emperor hundreds of year’s ago.
A.is B.has been C.were D.had
18.It’s time that you _____the whole book.
A.must go over B.can go over
C.went over D.ought to go over
19.But for your help,we _____the work on time.
A.couldn’t have finished B.couldn’t finish
C.wouldn’t be able to finish D.may not have finished
20.---Didn’t you catch the bus?
---No,if I had hurried,I ____.
A.would B.would have C.could D.did
21.______out of my ink,I would have finished writing the paper.
A.Didn’t I run B.Shouldn’t run
C.Hadn’t I run D.Wouldn’t I run
22.Look at the dark clouds.It looks as if it _____.
A.is going to rain B.will rain
C.were going to rain D.would rain
23.---You should have gone to the show with us yesterday.It’s very good.
---I wish I _____,but I was busy with my report.
A.had B.did C.would have D.were
24.It is suggested that the sports meeting _____off because of the good weather.
A.be put off B.is not put
C.should not put D.not be put
25.The teacher demands that he ______as much English as possible.
A.speaks B.should speak
C.must speak D.ought to speak
26.I would prefer they _____tomorrow not today.
A.came B.would come C.should come D.come
27.His silence at the meeting suggested that he ____to your plan.
A.didn’t agree B.hadn’t agreed
C.not agree D.shouldn’t agree
28.It’s necessary that each child ____the rule.
A.obey B.obeys C.will obey D.must obey
29.He _____the driving test but he was much too nervous.
A.could pass B.can have passed
C.could have passed D.can’t have passed
30.---You just think of yourself!You kept me waiting for two hours.
---I am sorry that you _____think so.
A.would B.should C.could D.can
1-5 CCDCC 6-10 DABCB 11-15 DACBB 16-20 BCCAB
21-25 CAADB 26-30 AAACB
l.The boys work hard,_________ do the girls.
A.as B.the same C.the similar D.like
2.That was found to be ______in many developing countries.
A.fact B.the case C.the condition D.the state
3.I hope the weather ____this afternoon,because we want to go out.
A.cleans up B.cleans out C.clears up D.clears out
4.Accidents often _____out of carelessness.
A.rise B.raise C.go up D.arise
5.The moment we had been looking forward to _____at last.
A.coming B.come C.comes D.came
6.Nothing remains but _____.So be patient.
A.wait B.waiting C.to wait D.to waiting
7.What _____weather!All of us felt _____as we will have a fine day.
A.pleased;pleasant B.pleasant;pleased
C.pleased;pleasing D.pleasing;pleasant
8.Shirley _____a book about China last year but I don’t know whether she has finished it.
A.has written B.wrote C.had written D.was writing
9.“I haven’t heard from Henry for a long time.”“What do you suppose _____to him?”
A.was happening B.to happen C.has happened D.had happened
10.I prefer to ride a bike to work as bike riding has ______of the trouble of taking a bus.
A.none B.nothing C.neither D.some
11.“Thanks for the lovely party and delicious food.” “_____.”
A.No thanks B.Never mind C.All right D.My pleasure
12.Let’s put off the argument until next week,_____both of us calm down.
A.then B.if C.as D.when
13.I’m in search of a man to do the job,_____always trying his best and never giving up in time of difficulty.
A.one B.the one C.that D.such
14.What way can you think of _____him?He is in trouble but usually he doesn’t like being helped.
A.helping B.help C.helps D.to help
15.How can it he _____nobody was in at this time of the day?Something unusual must have happened.
A.why B.because C.what D.that
16.Sorry I’m late.I ____have turned off the alarm clock and gone hack to sleep again.
A.might B.should C.can D.will
17._____different life today is from ____was fifty years ago!
A.What a;what B.How;what C.What;what D.What;how
18.A bottle _____two glasses is needed for the experiment.So get these things ready before tomorrow morning.
A.and B.or C.as well as D.both
19.By law,young people under the age of 18 are _____their parents.
A.in charge of B.taken care of C.seen to D.watched over by
20.I was very busy yesterday,otherwise I ____to the meeting.
A.came B.would come C.had come D.would have come
21._____tomorrow,we would put off the match till next Monday.
A.Should it rained B.Were it to rain
C.If it would rain D.Had it rained
22.Jane’s pale face suggested that she _____ill,and her parents suggested that she a medical examination.
A.be;should have B.was;have
C.should be;had D.was;had
23.“Shall I and buy more fruit for the party?”“No,I have already bought three baskets.That ____be enough.”
A.can B.ought to C.may D.might
24.“My son failed to be accepted by the company after the interview.”
“Now that he wasn’t well prepared,he might as well _____.”
A.not try B.not to have tried
C.not have tried D.not to try
25.“I don’t mind telling you what I know.”“You _____I’m not asking you for it.”
A.mustn’t B.may not C.can’t D.need’t
26.The old man,_____ abroad for twenty years,is on the way back to his motherland.
A.to work B.working C.to have worked D.having worked
27.Now that she is out of job,Lucy _____going back to scliool,but she hasn’t decided yet.
A.had considered B.has been considering
C.considered D.is going to consider
28.No sooner _____asleep ______she heard a knock at the door.
A.had she fallen;when B.had she fallen;than
C.had she fall;than D.did she fall;when
29.I don’t _____rock’n’roll.It’s much too noisy.
A.go in for B.go over C.go away with D.go into
30._____two exams to worry about,I have to work really hard this weekend.
A.With B.Besides C.As for D.Beeause of
occupy, health, press, allow, diagnose, ruin, effect, consider, incurable, poor
1.This carelessness will be the ____of him.
2.The best way to treat such bleeding is to apply firm ______.
3.It’s not _____to eat too much fat.
4.During the German _____of France,he went to England together with his wife and children.
5.______prevented the boy from continuing his education.
6.Such conditions would make an ____public transport system possible.
7.Parents must try to _____their children of bad habits.
8.If you ____the fact that she left college only one year ago,she has done a perfect job.
9.The government servants aren’t ____to accept rewards.
10.He could _____engine trouble simply by listening.
It is not polite to arrive at a dinner party more than 15 to 20 minutes late.The host or hostess usually waits for all the guests to arrive before 1 the meal.If someone is late,the food may be spoiled,and so might the host or hostess’s 2 .If you have to be late,call and tell them to 3 you.
It’s even 4 to be early!The host or hostess will probably not be 5 .If you are early,drive or walk around the block a few times,or just sit in your car 6 the right time.
Though it’s often important to arrive on time,yet 7 ,for open houses,the host or hostess invites guests to arrive and leave 8 certain time so you can arrive at any time 9 the time he or she gives you.
It’s nice to bring an empty stomach,but it’s even nicer to bring a small present. The present should not cost 10 , or you might embarrass the host or hostess.Flowers,wine,or a box of candy will 11 .Never bring money as a present.
In an introduction,the order of a name:(l)the given name,(2)the family name.In other words,the given name comes 12 .It’s important not only to leam and remember names,but to 13 them often in conversation.After the 14 ,we usually call friends by their given names. 15 may want you
call them by their titles and 16 ,such as “Ms. Jones”, “Mrs. Smith”, “Ms. Johnson” or “Dr. Brown”.
A maiden name is a woman’s family name 17 .In the United States and Canada,after a woman marries,she 18 the family name of her husband 19 her maiden name.It is now becoming 20 ,however,for women to keep their maiden names after they get married.
1. A.making B.serving C.doing D.cooking
2. A.soul B.spirit C.thought D.idea
3. A.have with B.have without C.start with D.start without
4. A.nice B.nicer C.worse D.bad
5. A.back B.in C.up D.ready
6. A.until B.after C.before D.by
7. A.in the other hand B.on the other hand C.in another hand D.on another hand
8. A.between B.among C.for D.at
9. A.within B.by C.on D.in
10. A.many B.a little C.a lot D.a few
11. A.be well B.be right C.do well D.do fine
12. A.after B.before C.first D.later
13. A.recall B.repeat C.speak D.retell
14. A.meeting B.conversation C.introduction D.dinner
15. A.Older people B.Young people C.Gentlemen D.Doctors
16. A.given names B.first names C.family names D.nick names
17. A.on birth B.from birth C.with birth D.at birth
18. A.gives B.brings C.carries D.takes
19. A.instead B.in place of C.takes place D.in place
20. A.important B.necessary C.special D.common
Rick Stevenson,16 years old,spends every minute he can on the mountain.He and his friends go snowboarding every weekend.“It’s great,” he says,“The winds are so strong and the boards go 50 miles an hour.”His friend Laura Fields agrees.“No one goes skiing any more,” she says,“That’s for the old folks.”
Rick and Laura are part of a new trend in sports.Its philosophy(宗旨)is to get as close to the edge as possible.And more and more young athletes are taking part in these risky(冒险的)activities called “extreme sports” or “X-Sports”.
In the past,young athletes would play baseball.Today,they want risk and excitement,the closer to the edge,the better.They snowboard over cliffs and mountainbike down steep mountains.They windsurf near hurricanes and jump from towers.
Extreme sports started as an alternative(选择余地)to mere expensive sports such as golf.A city kid who didn’t have the money to buy expensive sports equipment could get a skateboard and have fun.But now it has become a whole new area of sports,with specialized equipment and high levels of skill.There’s even a special Olympics for extreme sports,called the winter X-Games,which includes snow mountain biking and ice climbing.
What makes extreme sports so popular?“People love the risk,”savs Murlay Nussbaum,who sells sports equipment.“City people want to be outdoors on the weekend and do something challenging.The new equipment is so much better that people can take more risks without getting hurt.”An athlete adds,“Sure there’s a risk.Once you go mountain biking or snowboarding,it’s impossible to go back to bike riding or skiing.It’s just too boring.”
Now even the older crowd is starting to join in.Every weekend groups of friends in their early 30s get together.During the week they work as computer programmers in the same office.On Sundays they rent mountain bikes that cost $2,000 each and ride down steep mountains together.
Extreme sports are certainly not for everyone.Most people still prefer to play basketball or watch sports on TV.But extreme sports are definitely gaining in popularity.“These sports are fresh and exciting.It’s the wave of the future,”says Nussbaum.
1.What would be the best title for the text?
A.Rick Stevenson B.People’s Love for Risk
C.X-Sports D.The Wave of the Future
2.It is clear from the text that extreme sports are ____.
A.exciting but risky B.popular but old
C.special but dangerous D.worth taking and challeging
3.Which of the four pictures does NOT describe extreme sports?

4.Generally speaking,____are unfit for extreme sports according to the text.
A.city teenagers B.the aged people
C.office workers D.high school students
What’s on Oscar Film
Themes Symphony Concert Film highlights accompanied by live performances of movie theme music by the China Opera and Dance Drama Theatre Symphony Orchestra,which has recorded the music for many films.Familiar tunes will come from such flicks as Titanic,Jurassic Park and Watedoo Bridge.
Race:Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre
Date:Marchs,7:30 pm
Admission:80-380 yuan

Fantastic View All the way
The mountains in this area are not very high,but the views are excellent. This walk is gentle and very interesting,going though valleys,over passes,along a river and through a few little tranquil villages that are located in amazing places.Many sites along the walk offer panoramic view of the surrounding mountains.
Place:Pinggu,northeast of Beijing
Date:March 9,meet at 8:30 am outsides Starbucks at Lido Hotel,or 9 am at Capital Paradise front gate,return 5 pm
Admission:adults 150 yuan,children 100 yuan
E-mail:fjhikers@yahoo. com
Spring Greetings
Paintings in bold colors in a traditional Chinese style by young artist Tian Xifeng are played to welcome the spring.Tian is a student of famous bird-and-flower painting artist Wang Qing.He has won several prizes at various national painting exhibitions and developed a style emphasizing vivid close-ups of natural scenes.
Placee:Melodic Gallery,14 Jianwai Dajie,opposite Friendship Store
Date:till March 31,9 am-5 pm
Cala,My Dog
Directed by Lu Xuechang,starring Ge You.The story is about a middle-aged working man,known as Lao Er,whose chief source of stability and comfort in life his dog,Cala.One day,when his wife is out walking Cala,a policeman confiscates the unregistered canine.As Lao Er endeavors to recover his dog,the difficult circumstances of his life are revealed.Chinese with English subtitle(字幕).
Place:Dongchuang Theatre,3 Xinzhongjie,DongZhimenwai
Date:March 13 and 20,8:30 pm
Admission:20 yuan
5.If you are a music lover you can go to _____on Women’s Day.
A.Capital Paradise B.Dongchuang theatre
C.Capital Gymnasium D.Nationality Cultural Palace Theatre
6.The exhibition held in Melodic Gallery _____.
A.is open to the public from 7:30 am——5 pm till April 1st
B.Resents the works by Tian Xifeng and his teacher
C.is to display some bird-and-flower paintings
D.costs the art lovers much money to visit
7.Which of the following statements is NOT true?
A.Both adults and children can take part in the walk in Pinggu.
B.Even you don’t know English you can enjoy Cala,My Dog.
C.You’11 have to dial 65188123 to book a ticket for the film.
D.You’11 have a choice of two meeting places on March 9th.
8.All the advertisements in this passage are about _____.
A.music B.movies C.exhibitions D.entertainments
When I went to bed last night,I felt asleep 1._____
immediately.I must have been tired because I have been 2._____
working hard for several hours.So I forgot closing the 3._____
windows before getting into the bed.If I had remembered,the 4._____
thief would not get in.But he was given a good opportunity 5._____
to enter the house.The next time I’ll work late, I will lock the door. 6._____
A policeman came to see me about the thief,“I have told 7._____
to investigate(调查),” he said,“So I want to ask you some questions.”
At first,how did he get in?” I told 8._____
him I had left the windows open.“You should be more careful,”he said,
“If people look after houses 9._____
properly, we wouldn’t have so much work to do.” 10.____
3. 参演:高三年级(每班两个节目)
4. 节目:唱歌,朗诵,讲故事和演话剧
5. 评奖:一、二、三等
6. 程序:开幕词,校长致辞,演节目,颁奖
1. 要包括所有内容,但不能逐条翻译;
2. 要内容通顺,上下文连贯;
3. 开头已给出。
Good evening, everyone,
The English evening is about to begin. _________________________________________________

1-5 ABCDD 6-10 CBDCA 11-15 DDADD 16-20 ABCDD
21-25 BBBCD 26-30 DBBAA

1. ruin 2. pressure 3. healthy 4. occupation 5. Poverty 6. effective 7. cure
8. consider 9. allowed 10. diagnose

1-5 BBDCD 6-10 ABAAC 11-15 DCBCA 16-20 CDDBD

1-5 CABBD 6-8 CCD

1. felt-fell 2. 第二个have-had 3. closing-to close 4. 将第一个the删掉 5. get-have got
6. I’ll中的will去掉 7. told前加been 8. 把At删掉(first首字母大写) 9. look-looked
10. √

Good evening, everyone,
The English evening is about to begin. We are glad to have headmaster and English teachers here together with the students of Serior Three. We are the evening will greatly increase our interest in English and improve our spoken English. This evening each class of Senior Three will on two programmes. We can enjoy their songs, recitations, stories and short plays. All progammes will be awarded prizes: the first, the second or the third prize. Immediately after the programmes are over, the prizes will be given out on the spot. I wish the evening a great success and everyone a wonderful time. Now, let’s invite our headmaster to speak to us.




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