人教版高三Unit 10 American literature

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1.The _____is just around the corner and you won’t miss it.
A.bicycle’s shop B.bicycle shop C.bicycles shop D.bicycle’s shop
2.They sold ____boxes of such sweets last week.
A.four dozen B.four dozens C.four dozens of D.four dozen of
【题解】选A。dozen与数词或many,several等词连用时,一般不用复数形式,故B、C两项不选。此外,dozen与数词连用作定语时,一般也不加of。但在Two dozen of these are wanted一句中,dozen后面有of是因为有限定词these(或the,his,her,my their等)。Dozens of people were hare一句中,dozens of表示“很多”。
3.On the ground on some hay _____a peasant boy of not more than seventeen.
A.lie B.lying C.lay D.laid
wound, wounded,wounded,wounding(使……受伤)
4.He said that he would write to us but so far we _____ from him.
A.haven’t heard B.didn’t hear
C.should not heard D.hadn’t hear
【题解】选A。so far通常与现在完成时连用,转折连词but前是回忆他的话,but后是目前的结果“未收到他的信”,but后不应当是过去时或过去完成时,因此排除B、D两项。C项与句意不符。
5.It was obvious that the man ____driving on the freeway for almost an hour when he ____that he must come back.
A.was;told B.had been;was told
C.had been;told D.was;was told
【题解】选B。只有had been driving能与时间状语for almost an hour连用,而第二空只能用被动语态,满足这两个要求的只有B项。
6.Either Tom or I ______to blame.
A.to be B.am C.are D.is
【题解】选B。当两个主语由连词or,either…or,neither…nor,not only…but also…等连接时,谓语动词要与邻近它的主语一致。这里与谓语邻近的主语是代词I,所以系动词要用am。如:Not only Alice but also her friends have come. Neither the teacher nor the students are introduced to my wife.
7.One dollar and eighty-seven cents _____enough for the coat.
A.is B.are C.has D.have
Twenty pounds is not heavy.
Five weeks off is a good vacation.
8.This is the second time I _____by him;I shall never trust him again.
A.was let down B.have been let down
C.have been put down D.am let out
【题解】选B。在This/It is the first/second…last time后面的从句一般用现在完成时。如:
This is the first time I have been here.但是在It is time后的从句是虚拟语气,往往用过去式。如:
It is(high)time that we went to school.(有时也可用should加原形动词)。词组let down意为“使失望”“拆台”;put down意为“放下”“镇压”“记下”;let out意为“发出”“泄露”,根据意思和语法,B为最佳答案,意思为“这是他第二次拆我的台,我再也不相信他了”。
9.If you go out,who will _____the lady?
A.attend to B.care of C.look for D.take care
【题解】选A。attend to意为“照顾”“看护”,其中的attend是不及物动词。attend也可作及物动词,意为“出席”“参加”“上(学)”“听(课)”“医治”等。
10.Della went back to her room,_____to buy her husband Jim a present.
A.with her mind making up B.her mind making up
C.with her mind made up D.her mind being made up
Light goes faster than sound.光比声音传播速度快。
Two plus three is five.二加三等于五。
The earth moves around the sun while the moon moves around the earth.
America is growing older today.10 out of every 100 Americans are over 65.
Tom gets up at 6:00 and goes to school at 7:30 every morning.
Suzhou is a beautiful city.苏州是一座美丽的城市。
Here comes Mr Wang.王先生来了。
What time is it now?现在几点?
Now,look,I open the door.你瞧我现在开门。
I leave for Shanghai next Tuesday. 我下周二去上海。
His birthday falls on May 4.五月四日是他生日。
They attack at midnight.他们定于午夜发起进攻。
If it rains tomorrow,we’ll have to stay at home.如果明天下雨,我们只得呆在家里。
I’ll ten him the news as soon as he comes hack.他一回来我就告诉他这个消息。
Smith passes to Tom,Tom to Jack,Jack to Simons,nice ball——and Smith shoots.
Shylock advances toward Antonio and prepares to use his knife.
I used to go to school early.我过去总是很早去学校。
Every morning I took a walk when I lived in the country.我住在乡间时,每天早上都去散步。
Where were you yesterday?昨天你在哪里?
I met Alice in the street but we didn’t stop to talk.
Did you enjoy the film?你喜欢那部电影吗?
I wonder if you could help me.不知你能否帮我个忙。
Did you wish to see me?你要找我吗?
They said they would all leave if Mike stayed.他们说如果迈克留下,他们就都走。
Mother promised to buy a bike for Tom if he passed the exam.
You will get wet if you go out without an umbrella.你出门不带伞会被淋湿的。
He will be sixteen years old next month.下月他就满十六岁了。
I am sorry I shall not be free tomorrow morning.对不起,明天上午我没空。
▲be going to表示现在打算在最近或将来要做的事,或表示说话人根据已有迹象推断可能要发生的事。如:
We are going to have an English evening tonight.今晚我们准备开个英语晚会。
It looks as if it’s going to rain.看上去天要下雨了。
I think he is going to leave soon.我认为他很快就会离开。
There is to be a party on Saturday evening.星期六晚上有个聚会。
Am I to go on with the work?这工作我还继续干下去吗?
I am to meet Mr Smith at eleven this morning.我要在今天上午十一点钟见史密斯先生。
▲be about+不定式,表示即将发生……,意为“即将”“正要”。如:
Let’s hurry. The meeting is about to begin.让我们快点,会议就要开始了。
The Smiths are about to start on a journey.史密斯一家就要去旅行了。
【注】be about+不定式表示马上就要进行的动作,故在句中与表示具体的将来时间连用,但可以和as或when引导的时间状语从句连用。如:
As I came,sha was about to go to the cinema.我到时,她要去电影院了。
When I reached home,Mother was about to go shopping.我到家时,母亲准备出去购物。
【注】will和be going to都可表示意愿,但前者多表示决心、意志;而后者表示经过考虑后的打算。请比较:
He is studying hard and is going to take the college entrance exams.他正努力学习,正准备考大学。
They will go their own way in spite of the difficulties.不管有多少困难,他们都决心走自己的路。
If she’ll listen to me,I’ll give her some advice.如果她愿意听我说,我会给她一些劝告。
【注】上句中用在条件句中的will表示意愿,不是表示单纯的将来,但be going to可用于条件句中表示单纯的将来。如:
If you are going to visit the museum next week,please take Helen along.
All living things will die without air and water.没有空气和水,所有的生物都将死亡。
Water will boil if heated to 100℃.水如果被加热到摄氏一百度就会沸腾。
Jack said he would go to Hawaii for the holiday.杰克说他将去夏威夷度假。
I asked if he would come and repair my TV set.我问他是否可以来给我修理电视机。
I thought it would rain,and sure enough it did.我想会下雨,果然下了。
【注】从过去某一时间来看将要发生的事,还可以用were/was going to do或were/was to do或was/were about to do来表示。如:
He said he was going to try.他说他准备试一试。
I was about to go when a friend dropped in.我正要出门,来了一个朋友。
She was to meet Kurt at an appointed place on the street.她将和库尔特在街上约定的地方见面。
I was to have seen him last Sunday but he did not come.我本打算上星期天和他见面的,但他没有来。
I was to have told you about it but I didn’t have time to come over.
The telephone is ringing.Would you answer it?电话铃响了,请你接一下,好吗?
They are making preparations for it.他们正在做准备工作。
He is studying English and teaching Chinese.他在学习英语,又在教汉语。
Professor Smith is translating a novel these days.这些天史密斯教授正在翻译一本小说。
Are you leaving for Shanghai tomorrow?明天你去上海吗?
How many of you are coming to the party?你们有多少人来参加聚会?
He is always making silly mistake.他总是犯愚蠢的错误。
You are always interrupting me!你老打断我的话。
She is always thinking of her work.她老想到她的工作。
He is continually reminding me of what I owe him.他老提起我欠他钱的事。
Tom was watching TV when I came in.我进来时,汤姆正在看电视。
She was then working in an army hospital.那时她在一家陆军医院工作。
At that time he was working in a laboratory.那时他在一家实验室工作。
During the summer of 2003 she was travelling in Europe.2003年夏天她在欧州旅行。
She told me she was sending me some new stamps soon.她告诉我,不久她就会给我寄几张新邮票来。
She knew the plane was taking off in five minutes.她知道飞机五分钟后就要起飞了。
The two brothers were frequently quarrelling. 这俩兄弟老是吵架。
He was always complaining about something.他老是怨这怨那。
She was continually asking questions.她老是提问题。
She was writing letters.I didn’t want to disturb her.她在写信,我不想打扰她。
She wrote several letters and asked me to post them.她写了几封信让我寄出去。
It was raining this morning.今天早晨一直在下雨。
It rained this morning.今天早晨下雨了。
I was wondering whether you’d like to go with me.我不知道你是否愿意和我一起去。
I was hoping we could have dinner to together.我希望我们能在一起吃饭。
Don’t phone me between 7 and 8 p.m.We’ll be having dinner then.
At this time tomorrow,I’ll be taking a test.明天这时我会在考试。
A week from today,we’ll be flying home.一星期之后我们就乘坐飞机回家了。
We’ll be spending the winter in Australia.我们将在澳大利亚过冬。
Professor Blake win be giving a lecture on American Literature tomorrow evening.
When you pay back the money?(不太客气)
When you be paying back the money?(比较委婉)
Have you ever been to the Great Wall?你过去长城吗?
I have forgotten her telephone number.我忘了她的电话号码了。
We’ve not been to the cinema recently.我们最近没去看电影。
He has worked as an animal trainer for many years. 他当了好几年的训兽师。
I’ve waited a week for your answer.等你的答复我等了一个星期。
Don’t get off the bus until it has stopped.等车停了再下车。
We’ll start at three o’clock if it has stopped raining by then.
“Come and have breakfast with us.”“Thank you.I’ve just had it.”
I had my breakfast in the dining hall.我在饭厅吃的早饭。(仅说明吃饭这个事实)
I’ve chosen some CDs for the party.我为晚会选了几张唱盘。(可以在晚会上听了)
I chose some novels and bought them.我挑了几本小说买下了。(没说明与现在的联系)
I have seen him.我见过他了。
I saw him yesterday.我昨天见到他了。
There you are!I’ve been waiting for two hours!
She is very tired.She’s been working the whole morning.她很累,她干了一个上午了。
It has been raining,but it has just stopped now.天一直下雨,刚停。
He has been calling on her several times this week.他这个星期几次来看她。
We’ve been having a lot of rain recently.最近雨水很多。
You have been cleaning the classroom.I think.
我想你刚才在打扫教室吧!(言外之意:Your clothes are covered with dust.)
The boy has been playing with toys.
那男孩一直在玩玩具。(言外之意:There are toys hare and there on the noor.)
Her eyes are red.She has been crying.她眼睛红了,她一直在哭。
I have been reading the book.
I have read the book.我读过这本书了。(强调动作的结果)
Who has been drink my wine?谁喝了我的酒?(已喝掉)
Who has been drinking my wine?谁喝我的酒来着?(被喝掉一些)
I have known him since I was a child.我从孩子时起就认识他了。
I haven’t seen him for a long time.我很久没见过他了。
When I rang,Mary had already gone to work.我打电话时玛丽已经上班了。
By dusk,the news had spread through the town.到黄昏,消息已传遍全镇。
The room was dirty.I hadn’t cleaned it for weeks.房间很脏,我已几个星期没打扫了。
She had lived in the south for three years before she came here.她来这儿之前,在南方住了三年。
By the end of last month,I had studied in the college for two years.
【注】表示过去的两个动作紧接着发生,可不用过去完成时,而用一般过去时,常见于as soon as,before,after,immediately,instantly,the moment等引导的带有时间状语从句的复合句中。如:
I loved you the moment I saw you.我一见到你就爱上你了。
Immediately she entered,his eyes lit up.她一进来他的眼睛就亮了起来。
Directly I walked in the door I smelt smoke.我一进门就闻到烟味。
I had hoped to send him a Christmas card, but I forgot to do so.
We had thought to return early but he wouldn’t let us go.我们本想早点回来的,但他们不让我们走。
She had intended to speak,but time did not permit.她本想发言,可时间不允许。
I had been waiting in the room for half an hour before she called me in.
She was out of breath.She had been running.她气喘吁吁。她一直在跑来着。
Jane was annoyed.Peter had been phoning her every night.简很不高兴,彼得每晚给她打电话。
Last night I was reading a novel when the bell rang.昨晚铃响时,我正在读一本小说。(当时正在读)
Last night I had been reading a novel when the bell rang.到昨晚铃响时,我一直在读一本小说。(一直在读)
He had been smoking for twenty years when he decided to give it up.
He has been smoking for twenty years.他已有二十年的烟龄了。(到现在为止)
She said she had been writing her composition.她说她一直在写作文。(可能尚未完成)
She said she had written her composition.她说她的作文已写完了。(已完成)
I’m sure he will have settled the problem before you arrive there.
On Monday he’ll have been in America for three years.到星期一,他在美国就满三年了。
The film will have started by the time we get to the cinema.我们到电影院时电影已开始。’
By ten o’clock this evening,I shall have reviewed lessons.到今晚十点钟,我将复习完功课了。
1.---Miss Zhang’s second-hand car _____wrong though she used it only once.
---You’d better go to check it.
A.has gone B.went C.goes D.had gone
2.The telephone ____four times in the last hour,and each time it _____for the student doing a part-time job here.
A.has rung,was B.has been ringing,is
C.had rung,was D.rang,has been
3.The day before yesterday we ______a very bad storm.
A.had B.had had C.were having D.have had
4.Ever since they came to live here, they ______everything about the place.
A.hated B.have hated C.hate D.have been hating
5.---Did he decide to take part in the competition?
---Yes,of course.He _____to.
A.has been encouraging B.had been encouraged
C.has been encouraged D.was to be encouraged
6.Where have you been?We _____you back much earlier.
A.were expecting B.are expecting
C.have expected D.were hoping
7.---I hear that you _____a new house.
---Yes,but I _____in it now.
A.have bought,won’t live B.have bought,am not living
C.win buy,have we lived D.will buy,am not living
8.---Who ¬_____that piano?
---My wife, when she ______time.
A.plays,has B.is playing,has
C.plays,is having D.is playing,has had
9.Is it the second time ______you ______here?
A.when,have been B.that,came
C.that,were D.that,have come
10.The key I _____I _____ in my own pocket.
A.think,lost B.had bought,lost
C.thought,had lost D.have thought,have lost
11.---____the new VCD forme,Mum?You promised.
---Oh,dear,I ____.
A.Will you buy, forget B.Did you buy,forgot
C.Have you bought, forgot D.Would you buy,have forgotten
12.---Why did you go to bed so early last night?
---Because I ____very tired.
A.am feeling B.was feeling C.felt D.had felt
13.When the boy asked why he had to go to bed early,his mother told him the early bird ____the worm.
A.caught B.catchas C.catch D.will catch
14.I hope you ____all the material before you make the final decision.
A.will have read B.will read
C.will be reading D.would have read
15.The little boy ______for ages, Where do you suppose he is?
A.had been going B.is gone
C.has gone D.has been gone
16.Last Sundav all the students went to a nearby farm,where they ____for six hours.
A.worked B.had worked C.have worked D.were working
l7.By the time he was 14,he _____advanced mathematics.
A.was teaching himself B.taught himself
C.had taught himself D.has taught himself
18.She’s too thin.She ____put on some weight but she ______too little.
A.would,eats B.will,eats C.would,ate D.will,ate
19.Look at the dark clouds.It looks as it _____.
A.will rain B.is going to rain
C.is to rain D.is about to rain
20.---Have you repaired my watch yet?
---oh,sorry.I _____do it at once.
A.am going to B.am to C.shall D.will
21.---When are you leaving here?
---Tomorrow morning.My plane _____at ten a.m.
A.will leave B.is leaving C.leaves D.is to leave
22.---Let us go and see if the football games has ended?
---Ended?It must be clear which team ______.
A.is winning B.has won C.won D.would win
23.John and I ______friends for eight years.We first got to know each other at a Christmas party.But we _____each other a couple of times before that.
A.had been,have seen B.have been,have seen
C.had been,had seen D.have been,had seen
24.---I failed again.I wish I _____harder.
---But you ______.
A.had worked,hadn’t B.worked,don’t
C.had worked,didn’t D.worked,wouldn’t
25.Someone _____my umbrella.It’s all wet and it was wet yesterday and the day before yesterday.
A.was using B.must have used
C.has used D.has been using
26.You _____television.Why not do something more active?
A.always watch B.are already watching
C.have always watched D.have always been watching
27.My money _____.I have to go to the bank to draw some of my savings before I’ve none in hand.
A.has run out B.is running out
C.has been run out D.is being run out
28.---Have you ever worked with a tape recorder?
---I ____it a lot when I was studying French in school.
A.used B.was used C.have used D.had used
29.Glad to see you back.How long _____in America?
A.did you stay B.have you stayed
C.were you staying D.have you been staying
30.He works in a factory now,but he ______on a farm for nearly 10 years.
A.worked B.has worked
C.had worked D.had been working
31.---Was Tom in the lab when you arrived there?
---Yes,but he _____soon afterwards.
A.had left B.left C.would leave D.has left
32.The medicine is supposed to cure this disease,but I’m not sure if it ______.
A.does B.was C.has D.is
33.---What place is it?
---Haven’t you seen that we _____back where we ______?
A.were,had been B.are,were
C.were,have been D.are,had been
34.She was in her bedroom.Suddenly she heard the boy shouting and _____out as quickly as possible.
A.going B.go C.had gone D.went
35.---Will you attend the meeting this afternoon?
---But I _____anything about that yet.
A.hadn’t told B.haven’t been told
C.wasn’t told D.won’t tell
l-5 AAABB 6-10 ABADC 11-15 CBBAD 16-20 ACABD
21-25 CBDCD 26-30 BBAAA 3-35 BABDB
1.If you go out,who will ____the baby?
A.attend to B.look to C.care about D.take for
2.The message ______in full as follows.
A.is read B.reads C.is reading D.is being read
3.He had to _____his wife _____when she became mentally ill.
A.send;away B.throw;away C.put;away D.carry;away
4.His eyes _____the man who had just entered.
A.fixed on B.were fixed on C.fixed upon D.were fixed in
5.Computers that can think are only _____the corner.
A.on B.in C.at D.around
6.______the window,my finger was cut unexpectedly.
A.Cleaning B.To clean
C.While cleaning D.While I was cleaning
7.He is sometimes strange,so I can’t _____his thoughts.
A.notice B.read C.see D.know
8.The shop owner will get all these goods ordered ______to the customers today.
A.delivered B.delivering C.deliver D.to deliver
9.“Why did you come so late?”
“The bus was crowded.We ______waiting for half an hour.”
A.were kept B.kept C.have kept D.had kept
10.It’s a pity that the quarrel ______their friendship.
A.made up B.gave up C.broke up D.put off
11.About sixty percent of the population _____peasants,but things are different now.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
12.He was taken away by the police.He ______for a thief.
A.must mistake B.must be mistaken
C.must have been taken D.must have mistaken
13.We all know the truth ____there are air,water and sunlight,there are living things.
A.wherever B.that C.where D.that wherever
14.“What a beautiful picture!”“It’s yars ______a picture as beautiful as this one.”
A.that I have painted B.since I have painted
C.since I painted D.when I painted
15.“_____progress you have made this year,Tom!”
“Thank you.But I have a long way to go.”
A.What a good B.How rapid C.What great D.How big
16.You can use a large plastic bottle, _____cut off, as a pot to grow flowers in.
A.the top is B.with its top C.whose top D.the top of which
17.I bought a shirt because it was good in quality and _____in price.
A.valuable B.reasonable C.comfortable D.enjoyable
18.She seldom,if _____,goes to the cinema.
A.ever B.never C.always D.usually
19.When they arrived at the crossroads they went the wrong _____.
A.path B.way C.street D.direction
20.He went from door to door,______waste paper and magazines.
A.gathering B.grasping C.storing D.collecting
21.I don’t think I’ll need any money but I’ll bring some ______.
A.at last B.in case C.once again D.in time
22.“What did you think of the speech?”
“She _____for one hour but didn’t ______much.”
A.spoke;say B.spoke;spoke C.said;speak D.said;say
23.I hate to read letters written ______a pencil more than ______ink.
A.in;in B.with;with C.with;in D.in;with
24.An iron and steel works,with some satellite factories ______to be built here.
A.is B.are C.was D.were
25.The _____look on his face suggested he ______that.
A.surprised;hadn’t expected B.surprising;hadn’t expected
C.surprised;haven’t expected D.surprising;haven’t expected
26.Just after putting away the dishes,______.
A.the doorbell rang loud B.Nancy heard the doorbell ring
C.someone knocked at the door D.the doorbell was rang
27.Don’t worry,I’ll think _____a way _____the difficulty.
A.of;out of B.about;of C.of;out D.over;out
28.“What a lovely day!Won’t you go out with them?”
“No,I’m going to have my car _____go out.”
A.fix up rather than B.fixed up rather than
C.to fix up more than D.to be fixed up rather than
29.Voices were _____when the discussion became more heated.
A.risen B.raised C.shouted D.improved
30.His theory _____many scientits and _____right.
A.surprised;is proved B.is surprised to;proved
C.is surprised at;is proved D.surprised;proved
bakery, prayer, pround, rare, simple, approval, possession, calculate, burden, possible
1.We’re going ahead with the wedding even though my family don’t ______.
2.It isn’t _____a question of money _____.
3.I have _____seen such a beautiful sunset at the seaside.
4.She _____herself on her ability to speak several foreign languages.
5.He was ______that no one had noticed his absence.
6.In ancient times,bricks were _____in the sun.
7.China’s economic development has opened up a world of _____for western companies.
8.The develoving countries bear the _____of an enormouse extermal debt.
9.According to our _____,we’re only got three years left.
10.He gave away all that he ______.
Many doctors who reviewed the reports of Napoleon’s illness found the symptoms(征兆)did not show that a man suffered from stomach cancer.It was 1 that Napoleon had 2 m some other cause,In 1961,a Swedish doctor 3 .Some of Napoleon’s hair and found a 4 level of arsenic, a chemical poison.Was Napoleon murdered?It is doubtful.Arsenic was used in many types of 5 during Napoleon’s time,so he might have taken some as a cure for his 6 .
He was sent to the island of St.Helena 7 the coast of Afica in 1815 after he lost the 8 of Waterloo.
Although he had servants to 9 to him,he had to live in one small building.Then,in 1982,Dr.David Jones from England began to 10 the mystery and 11 Napoleon might have 12 arsenic which was in the 12 of his house.In the 1700s and 1800s,arsenic was used to make a kind of green used in
14 and wallpaper.If the paint was used on a wet wall,the arsenic would 15 the house.A person in
the building might take in that air.After 16 the house where Napoleon died,Dr.Jones found much arsenic in the green paint on the 17 .The result was proved again by 18 German doctor in Apirl,2002. 19 some materials,the leading guard settled Napoleon where was the bedroom 20 the thicker poisonous gas.
1. A.unknown B.strange C.important D.obvious
2. A.failed B.escaped C.imprisoned D.died
3. A.checked B.examined C.tested D.studied
4. A.low B.thin C.thick D.high
5. A.materials B.medicine C.paper D.buildings
6. A.heart attack B.stomachache C.headache D.lung diseases
7. A.of B.on C.to D.off
8. A.balile B.fight C.war D.struggle
9. A.observe B.care C.see D.notice
10. A.come across B.get through C.look into D.make up for
11. A.ordered B.demanded C.requested D.suggested
12. A.taken B.touched C.bathed in D.breathed in
13. A.air B.bedroom C.bathroom D.medicine shelf
14. A.clothes B.clothing C.cloth D.table-cloths
15. A.give out B.go into C.take off D.get in
16. A.living in B.studying C.watching D.breaking down
17. A.ground B.roof C.ceiling D.walls
18. A.other B.the other C.another D.certain
19. A.So B.And C.Then D.However
20. A.without B.in C.of D.with
At first Kate thought the Romanan girl could not speak and understand English.Nadia would not reply to anything Kate said.Kate was in charge of showing Nadia around on her first day at Buckminster Grade School.Kate could not figure out why the school had put Nadia in a class where she could not understand what people were saying.
“Why did they do this?”Kate wondered aloud.“I mean,you can’t learn if you can’t understand the teacher.”
Nadia’s voice was a whisper.“I understand English.I will learn.” Nadia’s English was perfect.
Kate was perplexed.She couldn’t understand why Nadia did not like to speak.Then she realized that moving to a new country probably wasn’t the easiest thing to do.There were hundreds of unfamiliar and unusual to learn——all at the same time.
“There’re a lot of new things to learn,huh?” said Kate.
Nadian nodded rapidly.In a quiet voice she replied,“Many things people say, I do not understand.I have been speaking Enghsh and Romanian all my life,but I do not know what some children are saying.For exaxmple,yesterday a boy asked if I could help him find the USB port on a thin black box he was carrying.Isn’t a port a place for ships?It made no sense to me。
“Don’t worry,” said Kate.“You’ll figure everything out in time.You see,that thin black box was a computer.A USB port is a place where you can connect other machines to a computer.”
Nadia and Kate were quiet after that.They took notes while the teacher gave a maths lesson.To Kate’s surprise,Nadia put up her hand and offered to answer questions at the balckboard.
Nadia handled every question the teacher gave her.Some of the questions were really difficult,and no one understand what was going on except Nadia and the teacher.When the teacher said that Nadia
answered everything correctly,the whole class clapped their hands.
Nadia was smiling when she sat back down next to Kate.“Some things,” she said in a normal voice,“are the same all over the world.”
1.At the beginnng of Nadia’s first day at school,she was _____.
A.disappointed B.helpful C.lively D.shy
2.The underlined word “perplexed’’ probably means _____.
A.puzzled B.angry C.shocked D.serious
3.We can infer from the passage that ______.
A.Nadia did not hke Kate
B.Nadia had lived by the sea before
C.Nadia had never seen a computer before
D.Nadia spoke in a soft voice out of politeness
4.Which of the following statements is true?
A.Nadia was better at maths than other students.
B.Nadia found some of the maths questions difficult.
C.Nadia was encouraged to answer questions in class.
D.Nadia understood the maths teacher better than other teachers.
5.What is the message of the story?
A.Talking about something familiar gives you confidence in communication.
B.Answering questions in class makes you better understood by classmates.
C.Language plays an important role in communication between cultures.
D.Mathematics helps to improve communication between cultures.
“If you want to see a thing well,reach out and touch it!” That may seem a strange thing to say.But touching things can help you to see them better.
Your eyes can tell you that a glass ball is round.But by holding it in your hands,you can feel how smooth and cool the ball is.You can feel how heavy the glass is.The roundness,smothness,coolness and heaviness are all part of the ball.When you feel all these things about the ball, you really see it.
With your skin,you can feel surprisingly well.For example,your fingers can tell the difference between a nickel(五分硬币)and a dime(一角硬币)in your pocket.You can feel a tiny drop of water on the back of your hand,or a puff(喷送)of air against your skin.
You can even feel sounds against your skin.Have you ever wondered why some people like very loud music?They must like to feel the sounds of music as well as to hear them.
Most of us like the feel of fur.We like to touch a fur coat or fur collar(衣领).
All children soon learn what “Don’t touch’’ means.They her it often.Yet most of us keep right on touching things as we grow up.In stores,we touch things we might buy:food,clothing,furniture.To see something well,we have to touch it.
The bottoms of our feet can feel things,too.You know this when you walk barefoot.Warm sand,cool grass and a soft rug(地毯)all feel different under your feet.
There are ways of learning to see well by feeling.One way is to close your eyes and try to feel everything that is touching your skin.Feel the shoes on your feet,the clothes on your body,the air on your skin.At first,it is not easy to feel these things.You are too used to them.
Most exhibits in museums axe just for looking.But today some museums have some things to touch.Their signs say,“Do touch!”
There you can feel the shape of a gun,the smooth silk of a pillow,the rough wood of an old chair.If you want to see better,reach out and touch it.Then you will really see!
6.Besides the title “Do touch!”,other tides are given below.Which best fits this story?
A.Things Feel Soft or Hard! B.Sign That Say,“Don’t Touch!”
C.To See Better——Feel! D.Hearing by Feeling!
7.It is not easy to feel the shoes on your feet at first because _____.
A.you wear them every day B.they are rough
C.they are too familiar to feel D.they are too heavy to feel
8.In stores,people usually touch things _____.
A.they like B.they want to buy
C.that are to familiar D.they are less expensive
9.Some like very loud music,because _____.
A.it sounds beautiful
B.it is popular
C.they liked to hear loud music
D.they like to hear loud music and feel the sounds as well
10.Which of the following statements is true to the passage?
A.Touching is a better way to feelings than feeling.
B.One can buy everything only by touching without seeing it.
C.When buying something,one can touch it to see it better.
D.All the children never to touch when they hear “Don’t touch!”
Do you think animals can tell you how the weather will 1.____
be like?Some people believe the groundhog can,that is 2.____
a small furry animal.There is a special day in America calling 3.____
the Groundhog’s Day that falls in February 2.On the day, 4.____
if the groundhog comes out his home in the ground 5.____
and sees his shadow he will be frightening and 6._____
go hurried back into his hole.People say this means 7._____
there will be six more of weeks of winter to expect. 8._____
However,if he can’t see his shadow this day and stays outsides 9._____
his hole,it means whether spring is coming soon. 10.____
2.阐明男女择业的异同点,并突出男女择业的最显著的差异之处(the most striking contrast)和相同之处。


1-5 ABCBD 6-10 DBAAC 11-15 DCDCC 16-20 BBABD
21-25 BACAA 26-30 BABBD

1. approve 2. simply 3. rarely 4. prided 5. praying 6. baked
7. possibilities 8. burden 9. calculations 10. possessed

1-5 DDBDB 6-10 BDACC 11-15 DDACD 16-20 BDCBD

1-5 DACAA 6-10 CABDC

1. how-what 2. that-which 3. calling-called 4. in-on 5. out后加of
6. frightening-frightened 7. hurried-hurriedly 8. 去掉第一个of 9. √ 10. whether-that

Middle school students have some ideas for their future jobs. The most striking contrast is in teaching. 30 percent of girls want to be teachers while only 10 percent of boys want to do the job. As girls, the second largest group would like to act as medical workers (25 percent) and scientists (25 percent).
What boys like to be most are scientists and lawyers (30 perfect separately). The second choice is to become medical workers and businessmen (15 perfect separately). Only 5 percent of girls like to do business and around 15 percent want to be lawyers.
The above numbers show that a large number of girl students as well as boy students want to be scientists.




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