人教版高三Unit 6 vocabulary

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1. perseverance 坚持不懈, 不屈不挠
• persevere vi. He persevered with his work.
• perseverance n. Our study needs perseverance.
Perseverance can make miracles happen!
2. quit (quit, quit, quitting) 放弃,停止,离开; 辞职
 I had to quit the gathering in order to be home by midnight.
• I've quit my job. 我已辞职。
• He has not quit smoking, but is holding down to three cigarettes a day.
3. apply vt, vi 请求;申请; 应用;使用;适用; 涂,敷,抹
• She wants to apply for a job here.
• ~ to the government for financial help
• A nurse is applying some medicine to his wound. 有个护士正在给他的伤口敷药。
• What I have said does not apply to you.
• You can’t apply this rule to every case.
• Apply laser to an operation
• 专心致志于---,专心从事---
• The new comer applied his mind to the job.
• Students should apply themselves to their study.
Ex. Windows _____to isolate different physical environments while allowing light to pass.
A. are applied B. applying C. applied
Eco-agriculture _____to more Chinese farmland
A. applied B. is to be applied C. will be applied
4.add v. 增加;添加;相加;继续说
(1) Would you like to add anything to what I've said, John?
(2) If you add 5 and / to 3, you get 8.
(3) He added that they were very pleased with the result.
add up加起来
Add up all these figures.
Please add the figures up / together.
add up to 总计达;总起来意味着
1)These figures add up to fifty.
2) All he said added up to his disagreement.
add to 增添,增加
(1) The music added to our enjoyment.
(2) The green belts add to the beauty of the school.
add fuel to the fire 火上加油;使事情更糟
Ex. The money he spent ____up to more than $ 1,000.
A. adding B. added C. in adding
Three _______to one is four.
A. adding B. added C. adds

5.circumstance 通常用复数)环境;情况
• in the present ~s
• Under the circumstance of market economy, 在市场经济条件下
• Circumstances allowing, I’ll go abroad to study.
under/ in the ~s 在此情况下,既然这样
• I had to give up my attempt in the circumstances.
under / in no ~s 无论如何不,绝不,在任何情况下都不 (放在句首句子要部分倒装)
• I will under no ~s let my daughter marry such a person.
Under no circumstances will I let my daughter marry such a person .
• Under no circumstance will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.
I saw Bob play the piano at John’s party and on that _______ he was simply brilliant.
A. scene B. circumstance
C. occasion D. situation
on that occasion意为“在那一刻”。
6. lose heart/hope 泄气,灰心
• Lose one’s heart to 爱上(某人),倾心于
• Don’t lose heart when you come across difficulties.   遇到困难时你不要灰心。
• He lost his heart to the famous actress. 他爱上了那个著名的女演员。
Ex. Keep on trying . Never _________. I'm sure you'll succeed sooner or later.
A. Lose heart B. lose one’s heart C. lose hearts
The young explorer feels greatly ____by the difficulties he has encountered.
A. discouraged B. disappointed C. disheartened
7. take it / things easy 别紧张,放松点
• take sb. / it /things seriously 尊敬某人;重视; 认真对待, 当真
8. keep up 维持;保持;坚持;继续;
1) They lead an active life to keep up their body temperature.
2) Many people keep up this old tradition.
3) Will the weather keep up?
4) If this rain keeps up, the garden will be ruined. 如果这雨继续下,花园就完蛋了。
5) The high cost of materials keeps up prices. 材料的昂贵费用使价格居高不下。
keep up with 不落在---后面, 赶上
• She likes to keep up with the latest fashion
• He walked so fast that she couldn’t keep up with him.
9.common sense 常识,情理=general knowledge
• a sense of humour/beauty/shame幽默感/美感/羞耻心
• a man of sense通情达理的人,有理智的人
10.survive 生还,残存;比---长寿
• Only one baby survived the terrible car crash.
• The girl survived her parents.
• survival n. survival kit 紧急求生用品箱
• survivor
11. nail 指甲;钉子 fingernail toenail
• You must stop biting your nails.
• He drove/ hammered a two-inch nail into the wall.
• The two girls are fighting tooth and nail (=fiercely) 竭尽全力,拼命地
12. beyond prep. (表位置)在…的那边远于;(表时间)迟于;(表范围、限度)超出;(用于否定句和疑问句)除……以外
• Let’s go beyond the mountain.
• Some shops keep open beyond midnight.
• That is beyond my power/reach.
• I know nothing of it beyond what he told me.
• Go about 100 meters beyond the bridge, and you’ll find the school on the right.
• He is such a naughty boy and is beyond my control.
• The TV is beyond repair.
• This problem is far beyond me / my comprehension.
• Don’t stay out beyond 10 o’clock at night.
• I cannot say anything beyond that.
13. Leave behind 忘带;留下
• I’ve left behind my hat on the chair.
• The lights of the city were soon left behind.
• He left a great fame / a large fortune behind (him).
14. Ox- oxen  cattle cow bull buffalo bison
• John Bull 约翰牛(指英国或英国人)
15. burden
• She bore the burden of caring for her sick mother.
• The boy was a burden to / on his family.
• Senior middle school students were heavily burdened with all kinds of homework
16. desperate绝望的,极其严重的
• The ~ thief shot at the policeman.
• The situation was so desperate.
• in desperate need of 很渴望的
• He was desperate for fame.
• He is desperate to pass the entrance exam.
• desperately adv.拼命地, 绝望地
17. be / get / become accustomed to =be/get/become used to
• I am accustomed to cold weather/ walking long distances.
• You’ll soon get accustomed to cold weather.
18. thirst
• After walking for three hours, I really had a thirst.
• She has the thirst for fame.
19. starve, starvation
• die of ~
• ~ cure断食疗法
20. anxiety about/ for
• I felt anxiety about / for his safety when I heard the news of the train accident.
• with great anxiety非常担忧, 十分焦急地
21. come to an end 结束, 告终
• The meeting came to an end at midnight.
• bring …to an end结束, 完成, 终止
22. anniversary周年纪念(日)
• Tomorrow is the anniversary of the first day we dated.
• A wedding anniversary
• They celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary.
23. relief
• n.(指税, 压迫等的)减轻, 解除(痛苦, 烦恼等); 救济(难民等); 救济品
• give a patient relief from pain使病人减轻痛苦
• Will this medicine give immediate relief from pain?
• provide relief for refugees 救济难民
• a relief fund 救济基金
1. 解脱的感觉
• I felt great relief when I heard I had passed the examination. 听说我已经通过了考试,感到轻松多了。
2. Aid in time of danger. 援助
• to send relief to flood victims
• 将救济物资运送给遭受水灾的灾民
relieve v.
1. 减少;减轻
• This will relieve pressure on the trains to some extent. 这将会在一定程度上减轻对火车的压力。
2. 免除;解除(与of连用)
• Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel. 让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。
relieve sb. of 解除某人的(负担等); 减轻某人的(痛苦等) ;[俗]偷去(某物) ; 解除某人(职务)
• Let me relieve you of that heavy parcel. 让我把你的重包裹解下来吧。
• relieve sb. from anxiety消除某人的忧虑
• relieve the people in flood-stricken area 救济水灾区的人们
• relieved all his symptoms 减轻了他的所有症状;
• relieved the tension.缓和紧张局面
• a drug that relieves headaches 缓解头痛的药
24. deliver
1.递送 ~ sth. (to sb.)
• The mailman delivers the mail twice a day in this area.
• Would you deliver my message to your mother?
2.发言He delivered a long speedh.
3.接生The doctor managed to deliver the triplets safely.
• delivery n.
25.tough强壮的;坚强的;吃苦耐劳的; 坚韧的;困难的;费力的;难切难吃的; 残暴的;严酷的;苛刻的:
• a tough winter ( severe; harsh)
• This steak is too tough 咬不动
• He looked ( to be) the toughest of all the challengers.
• tough policies 强硬的政策
a tough guy [美]无赖
• a tough job 棘手的工作
• a tough customer 难伺候的客人
• have a tough time of it 日子不好过
26. stake
• be at stake 在危险中 = in danger
• His life was at stake
27. go for为…去; 努力获取; 追求,想获得; 喜欢;被吸引
• She’s gone for a book.
• go for a walk
• to go for a job求职
• She doesn't go for men of this type.她不喜欢他这种类型的男人。
28. more than
1) Hibernation is more than sleep.
2) He’s more than a teacher. He’s our best friend.
3) The museum is more than a museum. It’s a school.(=not only)
4) The museum is more than 10 kilometres from here(=over)
5) More than one house was burnt down in the fire.
6) Her performance was more than good; it was perfect.(extremely)
7) The consequence was much more than he imagined.
8) I love you more than my wife.
9) He is not more diligent than John. 前者不如后者
10) He is no more diligent than John . 一样不
11) He is not more than 40. 不超过(不强调少)
12) He is no more than 40. (=only,强调少,有感情色彩)
13) He is no less active than he used to be. 不少于,不亚于,和…一样
14) He is more brave than wise. 有勇无谋
15) The film is more in name than in reality. 名不符实
16) The book seems to be more a dictionary than a grammar. 与其说是语法书倒不如说是本词典




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