新教材高二Unit 20 教学设计

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新教材高二Unit 20 教学设计
Unit 20
Period 1
1. Vocabularies.
I some useful words
decoration, spear, pot, emperor, pin, clothing, clay, arrow, cushion, spare, tend, status, approximately, homeland, average, lorry, remote, distant, link, monument, quantity, mask, accompany, vast, square, triangle.

1) more important words
accompany, link, tend, average, quantity, status, mask, clothing, unearth, spare, cover.
2) less important words
curiosity, unearth, artefact, warrior, copper, earring, weapon, pottery, ivory, jade, site, investigation

II some useful phrases
date back to, be made of, tend to, be linked to, have a hand in, in terms of, instead of, as well as, belong to, remind of, serve as, dig up, in eyes of, lend a hand

2. Ask the students to use all the useful phrases to make some sentences.

Period 2
I Warming up
1. Talk about the pictures in the text.
2. Describe the life of people in China during the periods below. What did they eat? Where did they live and what did their homes look like? What kind of tools did they use and what objects have we found from their age?
Stone Age Bronze Age Han Dynasty Tang Dynasty
Home decoration

II Listening
Listen to the tape, and answer the questions in the text.

III Speaking
Make some dialogues.

Period 3
1) Pre-reading
Describe the kinds of objects kings and emperors in China were buried with.
2) Fast-reading
Scan the text and write down which objects were found in the grave of the King of Stonehenge.
3) Careful-reading
Choose the correct answers:
1. What does the last paragraph but two mainly talk about?
A. How Stonehenge was built.
B. To build Stonehenge was hard
C. Stonehenge was made of big stones.
D. It is a mystery how Stonehenge was built.
2. The man buried in the grave might be ___ at that time.
A. a poor man B. a kind-hearted man
C. a rich man D. an ordinary man.
3. Why is the man buried in the grave called the “ King of Stonehenge”?
A. He was buried three miles from Stonehenge.
B. He had the oldest gold ever found in Britain.
C. He might be a member of a power class who might have organized the construction of Stonehenge.
D. All of the above.
4. We can infer from Passage1 that______.
A. how Stonehenge was built.
B. The King of Stonehenge was from France.
C. Stonehenge was built through several ages.
D. Stonehenge was built because of wars.

4) Post-reading
Finish all the exercises in the textbook.

Period 4
Grammar: Review the use of “it”
Choose the correct answers:
1. Nothing can stop us, ________?
A. can’t it B. can it C. can’t we D. can we
2. Does ____ matter a lot whether she will come here by bus or by taxi?
A. the thing B. that C. it D. her mother
3. I don’t think _____ possible to master a foreign language without much memory work.
A. this B. that C. its D. it
4. I want that new coat but ____ is too expensive for me at present.
A. which B. one C. it D. what
5. ---I’m looking for a flat.
---Would you like____ with_____ garden?
A. it; the B. it; a C. one; a D. one; the
6. Our food and service are better than____ in Japan.
A. that B. those C. them D. it
7. There was a lot of rubbish on the floor so I asked Jack to sweep ____up.
A. her B. it C. them D. him
8. ____ felt funny being called grandmother.
A. I B. We C. It D. Everyone
9. _____ now pretty late, we took candles and went upstairs.
A. Being B. For C. For being D. It being
10. We consider _____ a beautiful city to visit in autumn.
A. that B. it C. this D. what
11. ---Who came to see you last night?
---____ was an old friend of mine.
A. That B. This C. There D. It
12. I hate____ when people talk with there mouths full.
A. it B. that C. these D. them
13. ---Are they coming to the meeting?
A. I know so. B. I am sure so.
C. I am sure of it. D. I questioned it.

Period 5
Integrating skills
1) Fast-reading
Find the main idea of the text.
2) Careful-reading
a. Complete the form:
______ Ruins
Found in _____
By ______ workers
Unearthed more than1,000 cultural relics, including gold,______, bronze, _____ and stone objects. ________ Ruins
Found in 1929
By ________
Unearthed more than _____
relics, including bronze and gold ____, bronze ____ and images, _____ and jade.
b. Choose the correct answers:
1. Archaeologists are scientists who______.
A. study nature B. give instructions to Ss
C. Study the buried remains of ancient times
D. do researches on animals
2. Which of the following statements is right according to the text?
A. Jinsha had no trade links with other areas.
B. The ivory and animal bones found at Jinsha are of no real value.
C. Sichuan has a history of more than 2.300 years.
D. Many of the relics at Jinsha have no connection with those found at Sanxindui.
3. We can infer from this passage that________.
A. China has a long history with a rich culture.
B. Yan Kaizong kept the relics found by his grandfather as his own.
C. Since 1986, archaeologists have stopped gigging at Jinsha Relics.
D. Sanxindui Relics was first discovered by archaeologists.




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