新课标(外研社版)高一英语第四册(必修4)Life in the Future

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Module 1 Life in the Future
Words: brick ,concrete, mud
Step 1
A) Ask the students to do this individually, then discuss their answers with a partner.
B) Call back answers in a whole-class situation.
C) List the suggestions on the board, and try to open up a discussion.
1. What is it ?
2. Where do you think it is ?
3. Would you like to live in it ?
Step 2 Choose the building material to complete the sentences.
A) Read through the words in the box, and have the students repeat them chorally and individually. Pay attention to the pronunciation of this word, where the stress doesn’t fall on the first syllable: aluminium
B) Make sure the students know what all the materials are, either by eliciting or by using dictionaries.
C) Ask them to do the activity individually, then check with a partner.
D) Call back the answers in a whole-class setting, asking students to read complete sentences.
aluminium brick concrete glass mud plastic rubber steel stone wood
1. Aluminium is a very light metal.
2. Steel is a very strong metal.
3. Both rubber and wood come from trees.
4. Plastic is light, strong, very popular, and man-made.
5. Bricks are often used to build walls.
6. Concrete is very strong and used in many modern buildings.
7. Mud is wet earth.
8. Glass is used to make windows.
Step 3 Pairs works
Works in pairs . Discuss what materials your school is made of / from.
A) Pair the students to discuss the school. Ask them to make a list.
B) Ask the pairs to discuss the house in the picture.
C) Call back answers in a whole –class setting and list the answers on the board.
Step 4 Exercise
Workbook p68 EX.5 Choose the correct answers. Finish them in the class.
Keys: 1. b 2 a 3 a 4 a 5 b
Reading And Vocabulary The City of the Future
Activity 1 Look at the title of the passage. Tick the topics you think it will mention.
•• Read through the list of the topics to the class and have the students repeat them individually and chorally.
• Ask the students to read the title and tick the topics .
• Call back suggestions from the whole class, write the suggestions on the board.
• Add other topics to the list. E.g.
Public services ( garbage ), traffic ( cars )
Activity 2. Read the passage and check your ideas.
Alternative energy, crime , shopping , environment, entertainment

Activity 3 Match the words and phrases from the text with their meanings.
1. Read through the words to the class and have them repeat chorally and individually.
2. Ask the students to complete the task individually. They can check with a partner.
3. call back the answers from the whole class.
clinic disability mall net online outdoors recreation run out solar
surgery urban
1.a problem which prevents you from doing something disability
2.not in a building outdoors
3.from the sun solar
4.free time activities, such as sport and entertainment       recreation
5.You can use this to catch a lot of fish at the same time net
6.Through the Internet online
7.a place where you can get medical treatment clinic
8.to do with town or city life urban
9.a shopping centre mall
10.to use up or finish completely run out
11.medical treatment in which the doctor cuts open your body surgery
Activity 4 Match the words and phrases in Box A with those in Box B.
Keys : arrest --- criminals , carry out --- operation , load --- huge spaceship ,
Recycle --- material , rely on --- alternative energy , waste (v) --- natural resource,
Activity 5 Find the words or phrases in the text which mean these things.
1 not a wise thing to do a risky business
2. someone who needs medical treatment but doesn’t
need to stay in hospital outpatient
3. remove get rid of
4. old people senior citizens
5. you don’t have to pay for something free of charge
6. a hole in the ground filled with garbage that can’t be recycled landfill
Activity 6 Work in pairs .Ask and answer these questions about the passage.
1. What have students in a Texas university done ?
---- They’ve thought how to run a city in 2025 .
2. Where will garbage ships go ? ------ To the sun
3. Who will batman pets catch ? ---- Criminals
4. Where won’t people be allowed to smoke ? ------- Within a city’s limits
5. How will people go shopping ? --- Online
6. What number will people keep for life ? ---- Their telephone number .
7. What won’t people have to pay for ? ----- Recreation
8. How will cars be different ? ---- They’ll be powered by electricity
9. What will doctors do from a distance ? ---- Surgery
10. Where will old people go without moving ? --- Anywhere in the world
Activity 7 Discuss these questions in pairs.
Which prediction …
1 is the strangest ? 2 is the most useful ? 3 will come true first ?
4 will come true last ?
Homework Page 68 Ex.5
Language points :
1. care for , care about
care for “喜欢” ,常用于疑问句或否定句;“照顾”是较正式的用语
I don’t really care for tea. 我其实不太喜欢喝茶。
The mother cared for the sick child day and night .母亲日夜照顾生病的孩子。
care about “关心,在乎 ” 只表示认为某事重要并产生兴趣或忧虑,常用于疑问句和否定句;后接从句about时省略。
I don’t care about your opinion. 我不在乎你的意见。
I don’t care whether it rains. 我才不在乎下不下雨呢。
2. 与run有关的短语: run against和 ……(对抗);竞选 run after 追逐,追求
run away 逃跑 run over回顾,回想 run through浏览 run out逃开,用完
run across 无意间碰到 in the long run从长远的观点看来,毕竟,终究
in the short run 从短期看来,在短期内
run out与 run out of
run out 用完了 ( = become used up ) ;其主语通常为时间、食物、金钱等名词,例如:
His money soon ran out . 他的钱很快就花完了。
run out of “用完了 ”, 表示主动含义,主语一般是人。
He is always running out of money before payday . 他总是发工资的日子还没到就把钱花完了。
run out of +宾语还有“从……流出 ”,“跑出”的意思
run out 也有“流出 ”的意思,但不可接宾语。
3. rely on / upon sb. / sth 指望或依赖某人或某物
Nowadays we rely increasingly on computers for help / to help us .
I relied your coming early. 我指望你早来。
She cannot be relied on to tell the truth . 你别指望她能说真话。
4. get rid of ( = get … of … ) 含义为“处理掉、去掉、排除、摆脱”的意思。
We have to get rid of these old pictures . 我们得把这些旧图片处理掉。
The young man made up his mind get rid of his bad habit. 这个年轻人决心改掉坏习惯。
5. 费用:charge , cost expense
charge 表示费用时,指的是某种“收费”或“征费”
Farmers find it hard to pay school charges for their children.
cost 表示费用时, 指的是为某中目的的“支出性的、投资性的、成本性的”费用。
The cost of the construction was great . 这项建设投资很大。
expense 表示费用时,指的是各种可能的“开支、消费”,常用复数形式。
The expense of living tends to grow higher and higher . 生活费用呈越来越高之势。
6. common adj. 共同的have … in common 在……有共同之处,和……一样
have much / a lot in common 有许多相同之处have nothing / little in common没有共同之处
They have the same tutor , so they have many things / much in common .
in common with 和……一样
In common with her mother , she is good at singing and dancing .
in common 还可以作“公有、共用”解。
Real friends should share everything in common . 真正的朋友应该不分彼此。
Exercise: ________________ many other twins, they ___________.
Key: In common with ; have a lot in common (和其他许多双胞胎一样,他们有很多相似之处。)
7. attach (v.) 把某物系在、缚在或附在另一物上
attach a label to each piece of luggage 每件行李上都加上标签
You’ll be attached to this department until the end of the year. 你在年底前将暂属于这一部门。
attach sth. to sth. 将某事物与另一事物相联系。
Do you attach any importance to what he said ? 你认为他说的话重要吗?
attach to sb. 与某人相关联,归于某物
No blame attaches to you in this affair . 这件事不怪你。
Homework page 68-69 Exx.6.7. 8.9.10

Function Talking about the future
Activity 1. Read the extract from The City of the Future and answer the questions.
1. Make sure the students understand the words “certain future” and “prediction ”.
2. Ask the students to read and answer individually.
1). Which sentence talks about a certain future ?
---- the second sentence talks about a certain future ( with the going to future )
2). Which sentence talks about a prediction ?
----- The first sentence talks about a prediction ( with the will future )
Activity 2. match the sentences A--- F with the meanings 1—6.
Keys: A3, B4, C2, D1, E6, F5
Activity 3. Underline the most appropriate form of the verb.
1. No one knows what the world will be like / is going to be like in the future .
2. What are you doing / are you going to do when you leave school ?
3. What time does the plane arrive / will the plane arrive ?
4. Look out ! We’re having / ’re going to have an accident !
5. I can’t go out tonight , my cousin comes / is coming for dinner .
6. I’ll ring / ’m ringing you if I arrive early .
7. My brother has decided .He’ll study / ’s going to study urban planning .
8. I think I go / ’ll go home now.
Activity 4. Write another prediction for the city of the future .
Listening and speaking
Activity 1. Describe your home to your partner .Talk about these things.
size and number of your rooms furniture technology
1). Ask the students to think about their home, and make some notes under three headings in the box.
2). Say what you like about you home.
Activity 2. Listen to an architect talking about the home of the future and answer the questions.
Keys: 1.a, 2.b, 3.c, 4.b, 5.a, 6.a, 7.c, 8.c,
Activity 3. Work in pairs. Try to remember what the architect says about :
1). Pair the students to do the activity
2). Ask them to join another pair and discuss what they can remember.
Answers: 1. They will disappear. 2. The computer will do it .
3. it will move higher or lower depending on who uses it .
4. it will wash the dishes without water.
Activity 4. Say which things you think will happen , and which won’t happen.
e.g. : I think bathrooms will get bigger. I don’t think toilets will move.
Activity 5. Work in pairs, imagine your house of the future, think about these things:
1. How big it will be ? 2. What will it be made of / from ?
3. Which rooms will be most important ? 4. What are technology will it be ?
5. how environment –friendly will it be ?
Grammar The future continuous
( “助动词+shall / will + be+ 现在分词” 构成, Textbook page 107, 细解page 13 )
Activity 1. Look at these sentences from the interview and tick the true statements.
a. Where will we be living in twenty years’ time ?
b. We won’t be living underground or in space.
c. We’ll be living in houses and flats just as we do today .
Answers 1,2,3,5, (√ ); 4 (╳ );
Activity 2. Complete these sentences from the interview in listening and speaking .
1. We will probably be using the kitchen more as a family room.
2. We will be spending more time in the bath .
3. Everyone will be trying hard to take care of the environment.
Activity 3. Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets using the future continuous.
1. At nine o’clock tonight I will be doing ( do ) my homework..
2. Don’t call me before seven. I will be getting dressed ( get dressed )
3. They won’t be working ( not work ) next Thursday . It’s a public holiday.
4. In the year 3000 a lot of people will be living ( live ) on space stations.
5. Will you be staying ( stay ) here next summer ?
6. This time next year I will be lying ( lie ) on a beach .
Activity 4. Tell your partner what you will be doing …
1. at six o’clock this evening 2. at half past eleven this evening
3. this time tomorrow 4. this time next year
5. this time in fifteen years
Homework: page 67 Exx. 1-4
1. Underline the stressed words in this passage. Then listen and check..
Twenty years’ isn’t a long time . We won’t be living underground or in space. We’ll be living in houses and flats just as we do today.
2. Look at the stressed words. Predict what the passage says.
1). kitchen ---- most important room --- house . We --- will --- cooking , probably --- using ---
kitchen more --- family – room . bathrooms --- bigger .
2) Listen and check.
Key: The kitchen will become the most important room in the house ! We’ll still be cooking , and we’ll probably be using the kitchen more as a family room . And bathroom will be bigger .
Activity 1. Read what four students predict for the future. Work in pairs and answer the questions.
1. Ask the students to read and answer individually , then check with a partner.
2. Call back the answers from the whole class .
Answers :1) a--- Ken b --- Emma c --- Mary d --- Thomas
2). a – I’m not really sure b – definitely c – hopefully d – maybe / probably
e --- eventually
3) I will be doing / I will definitely study / I’m going to go / I guess that I will
Activity 2. Write about what you will be doing in ten years in 100 words .
(1. to find 5 things of which most think will happen to them e.g. go to university / work / get married / have children / buy a house / buy a car ….2. Encourage the students to use : a) the future continuous tense : I’ll be doing / I won’t be doing b) the introductory verbs : I hope / I guess / I imagine / I’d like to c ) the introductory words : hopefully / eventually / maybe / definitely )
Everyday English
Look at the words and phrases and choose the best explanation.
1. Ask the students to do this individually, then check with a partner .
2. Call back the answers from the whole class as complete sentences.
Answers : 1) b , 2) a , 3) b , 4) b , 5) a,
Cultural Corner
Activity 1. Read the passage and decide which prediction you find most amusing.
1. Ask the students to read the questions to themselves, decide the ones which they find most amusing, then tell a partner.
2. Ask for some suggestions from individuals ( ask them why they found it most amusing ) and see who else agrees in the class.
Activity 2. Write 5-7 sentences about life in China in the future.
1. Ask the students to do this individually. They can then share their ideas with a partner.
2. Call back ideas from the whole class. If you wish, make a list on the board and open a discussion on the predictions made.
Activity 3. language point :与 throw 有关的短语
throw about 到处扔;舞动手脚 throw one’s money about 乱花钱 throw away 扔掉,抛弃,浪费金钱 throw back掷还;使向后 throw back one’s shoulders挺胸
throw down tools 扔下工具, 罢工 throw down 扔掉,扔下 throw off 匆匆脱掉,摆脱




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