外研社版高一第三册(必修1)第四模块Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia(全套)

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Module 4 Sandstorms in Asia
1 语言知识、技能目标:掌握与沙尘暴有关的词汇、短语;能读懂课文并理解语段之间的逻辑关系,从中获取信息并回答有关问题;能深刻理解动词不定式各种形式的含义;能听懂教材配套材料并根据要求完成练习;能叙述沙尘暴在我国的危害、提出自己的想法,并书面表达出来。
2 素质教育目标:了解世界环保情况,培养环保意识。
教学内容:1, Word list and names and places of Module 4
2, Exercises related to vocabulary
教学难点:Correctly pronounce the long words
教学方法:Listening, reading and practicing
Step1 Introduction
We have learned many kinds of natural disasters such as Tornados, hurricanes and earthquakes, and we know that we can’t stop them from happening, but we can reduce the damage they bring by studying them. Do you know that there is other kind of disasters caused by both climate changes and human beings? (Leave a few seconds for the students to think.) Sandstorms are one of this kind of disaster. In this module, we will talk about sandstorms. First, let’s deal with the new words in this module.
Step 2 Presentation
Page 114, Word list of module 4;
Play the tape of the word list, Module 4 for the students to follow at least twice. Listen to the long words a few times more for the students to listen more clearly and repeat.
Step 3 Practice
Allow the students at most ten minutes to practice reading these words and then check the pronunciation. While checking, the students read the words one by one, and each student reads only one word. Meanwhile, correct the wrong pronunciations together with the students.
Step 4 Presentation
Briefly explain a few words, such as desertification, forecast, and so on. Write them on the blackboard
Step 5 Practice
Page 31, Part 1 and 2; Page 33, Part 2 and 3; Page 35, Part 1.
Allow the students enough time to practice, when most of them have finished, check the answers.
Step 6 Homework
1 Read the word again.
2 Preview the text.
Step 7 Teaching reflections
Most of the students can read the word list correctly and fluently. Encourage the quick students to help those who have difficulties in pronouncing.
Word list of Module four
1 desert n. 沙漠------desertification n. 沙漠化;
2 forecast n./v. forecast(ed) a weather forecast 天气预报
3 concerned adj. 1) be concerned about 关心…
2) as far as I’m concerned 我认为/就我来说
教学内容:Sandstorms in Asia
教学重点:1 Read to get certain information
2 Language points
教学方法:Pair work, discussing and Reading
Step 1 Revision
Ask three or four students to read the word list and other students to correct their wrong pronunciations.
Step 2 Pair work
Page 33, Exercise 2, ask the students to read the words in the box for each other and discuss to make clear their meanings. After a while, check the answers. Exercise 3, in pairs, students discuss first and then check the answers.
Step 2 Discussion
Page 32: Discuss the picture together with the students according to the questions at the top of the text.
Answers to these questions:
1 There is a sandstorm blowing.
2 She is wearing hoods, masks and glasses.
3 The traffic moves slowly. Because it’s not clear to see everything on the road and people must take great care.
4 Experts advise people to stay at home in this situation.
Step 3 Skimming
Show some questions on the screen or hand out a piece of paper with the questions on it. Ask the students to read the text fast to find the answers.
1 What are sandstorms?
2 In what places do they often happen?
3 What does Ren Jianbo’s example tell us?
4 Are there sandstorms in China? Where?
5 Have sandstorms in China increased or decreased recently? Why?
6 Why does traffic move slowly during the sandstorm?
7 What’s the expert’s advice when a sandstorm arrives?
8 What does the government do to protect Beijing from sandstorms?
Step 4 Scanning
Page 33,Exercise 4 and 5: Allow the students enough time to read the text carefully and then do the two exercises. When most of them have finished, check the answers. (The answers can be found in the Teacher’s Book.)
Step 5 Language points
Type the language points on the computer and show them on the screen.
1 mass adj. 大规模的 a mass campaign 一场大规模的战役
n. 团,块,堆
a mass of clouds /hot air
a mass of =masses of 许多,大量
the masses 群众
2 be caught in 被困于…,遇到…
He was late for work yesterday afternoon because he was caught in the traffic jam.
Charles Chaplin was once caught in a snowstorm for several days.
3 appear v. 1)出现,出版,发行
His book will appear in the bookshop next week.
A smile appeared on his face when he heard the good news.
2) 看起来,似乎。 系动词
She appeared very tired.
She appears to want to leave.
4 prevent somebody from doing, stop somebody from doing,
keep somebody from doing
Note: keep sb. from doing 中from 不可以省略,因为keep sb. doing 意为:让某人一直做某事。其他两个词组中from省略后意思不变。
I’m sorry to keep you waiting so long. 很抱歉让你等了这么久。
We must keep him from complaining all day.
Step5 Summary
In this class, first, we learned that the sandstorm is a serious environmental problem and Chinese government is making efforts to deal with it. Try to describe the damage that sandstorms bring and say what you think we should do that is helpful in dealing with sandstorms. Think about this question after class. Second, we learned some new words and phrases. Let’s go through the new words in Exercises 2 and 3 on Page 33 and the language points again quickly.
Step 6 Homework
1 Describe the damage that sandstorms bring and suggest your ideas about how to deal with sandstorms in the exercise books.
2 Remember the new words and language points you learned in this class.
Step 7 Teaching reflections
Now, the students have learned about and can say something about sandstorms. But the sentences containing infinitives are difficult to understand, so ask the students to underline them. After they have learned Grammar 1 in this module, they will understand.
板书设计 Sandstorms in Asia
1 Skim to answer questions
2 Scan to do Exercises 4 and 5
3 Language points:
课型:Grammar and listening
教学内容:Grammar 1 and listening
1)Make clear the uses of Infinitive.
2) Listen to find certain information from the listening material.
教学方法:Interpretation, practice and listening
Step 1 Revision
Ask a few students to describe the sandstorm situation in Asia and China.
Step 2 Grammar
Page 34: Infinitive
Part 1, read these sentences together with the students. Then in Chinese introduce the different types of infinitive and explain what part of speech they act in a sentence. Allow the students a few minutes to do Exercise 2 and 3 silently and then check the answers.
Hand out a piece of paper with the following on it.
一)不定式的句法功能是做主语,表语,宾语,宾语补足语,主语补足语,定语,目的状语和结果状语,分别给出一个例句 :
1) To master a foreign language is necessary for a college student.
2) Your job is to wash dishes.(表语)
3) She promised to give him a chance. (宾语)
4) The teacher told his students to pay attention to their pronunciation.(宾语补足语)
5) I was asked to help him with his lessons.(主语补足语)
6) Have you got a pencil to draw pictures with?(定语)
7) Some scientists went to Germany to attend a medical conference.(状语)
8) He was too excited to say anything.(状语)
1)它的一般式to do表示不定式动作与主动词处于同一时间层面或动作发生于主动词之后。
He seems to know French.
I have so much work to do now, so I can’t go shopping with you.
2) 它的进行式表示不定式动作与主动词处于同一时间层面并且动作正在进行。
He pretended to be listening attentively when the teacher looked at him.
3) 它的完成式表示动作发生在主动词之前。
He seems to have read the novel.
4) 它的被动式表示动作与逻辑主语之间是被动关系。
The meeting to be held tomorrow is about how to stop the pollution.
I’d like to have been told the news earlier.
The problem is how to persuade him to change his mind.
2) 带有逻辑主语的结构of/ for sb. to do sth
The first thing to do is to clean the room.
It is foolish of you to say such words.
Page34, Part 2 and 3, allow the students a few minutes to do these exercises and then check the answers.
1 As air pollution has been greatly reduced, the city is still____.
A a good place to live B a good place for living
C a good place to be lived in B a good place for living in
2 the headmaster is the right person ____.
A for talking B to talk to C talking D talking to
3 I picked up a few books about history ____during your trip to Beijing.
A to be read B to read C reading D to have been read
4 I spoke to her kindly ____ her.
A to frighten B not to frighten C not for frightening D frightening
5 The boy wanted to ride his bicycle , but his mother told him _____.
A not to B not to do C not do it D don’t to
Step 3 Listening
Page 35, Part 2,3and 4, allow the students about three minutes to go through the topics in exercise 2, the questions in exercise 3 and the incomplete sentences in exercise 4, and then play the tape three times continuously, asking the students to do the exercises one by one . After that, check the answers.
Step 4 Summary
Briefly go through the knowledge of infinitive.
Step 5 Homework
1 Revise the use of infinitive.
2 Listen to the tape, the passage on Page 32 and the dialogue in the Listening on Page 35.
Step 6 Teaching reflections
Infinitive is both important and difficult for Senior High students to learn. They need much practice later to consolidate it. The listening practice here is not very hard since they have learned the word list ahead of time.
1 否定式: not to 2 进行式:to be doing
3 完成式:not have done 4 被动式: to be done
5 完成被动式: to have been done
教学内容:Page 36, 38 and 39
1 Grammar: but+infitive
2 Learn to express strong opinions.
3 Learn something about environment protection in the world.
教学难点:Express strong opinions by stressing certain words.
教学方法:Pair work and Practice
Step 1 Revision
Complete the sentences using infinitive structures.
1) It’s good manners _____ people in trouble.(help)
2) All I did was _____him some advice.(give)
3) He does nothing but ____all day.(play)
4) It has no choice but _____down and sleep.(lie)
5) Is there anyone ____ care of these children?(take )
6) ______ a friend, he got off the train in Beijing.( see)
7) He hurried to the station, _____that the train had gone.
8) He happened ______out when I went to see him.(go)
9) I’d like _____the news earlier.(tell)
10) It’s foolish of you ____such words.(say)
Answers : 1 to help 2 give 3 play 4 to lie 5 to take
6 To see/In order to see 7only to see 8 to have gone out
9 to have been told 10 to say
Step 2 Grammar 2
Page 36, Exercise 1: Students discuss in pairs the three questions below the sentences in Exercise 1 after reading them and the six sentences in Exercise 2. After a while, collect the answers.
Note : In sentence a, “but” means “except”.
In sentence b and c, “can’t help but do” and “can’t but do” means “have to do”.
区别:can’t help doing… 禁不住…
Hearing that she was admitted to a famous college, she can’t help jumping.
Do exercise 2 orally together with the students.
Step3 Function
Exercise 1, listen to underline stressed words. After listening, check the answers.
Exercises 2 and 3, students do pair work discussing the stressed words and complete the dialogues. After a while, check the answers.
Ask the students to read the three sentences in Exercise 1 together following the tape and then the three sentences in Exercise 2, paying attention to the stressed words.
Note : “I have no idea.” means “ I don’t know.”
Step 4 Everyday English
Students do pair work to discuss the right answers and then check the answers.
Answers: 1b, 2 a, 3 b, 4 a, 5a.
Step 5 Culture corner
Page39, discuss the picture: what is the little boy doing? What do you think of his action? Go through exercise 1 together with the students, and then ask the students to read and find the answer. (Answer: They put the garbage into different bags. There are laws that don’t allow people to burn too much coal. In the 1970s, they started a “green” movement).
Note: 1 CFCs: chlorofluorocarbons 含氯氟烃 (一种化学有机物)
2 aerosol cans 气溶胶罐;aerosol, 浮质(气体中的悬浮颗粒,如烟雾等。)
Step6 Summary
Briefly summarize what we did in this class.
Step 6 Homework
1 Revise what we learned in this class.
2 Read “The Green Movement” again, and then think about the things you do everyday, and whether they are good or bad for our environment. Write a short passage about 80 words on the exercise book.
Step 7 Teaching reflections
Expressing strong opinions by stressing certain words is not very easy to master. Encourage students to practice whenever possible.
1 can’t but do, can’t help but do 不得不,不会不
区别:can’t help doing 禁不住做 can’t help to do 不能帮忙作
can’t …too/over 总不嫌过分,越…越好
eg. You can’t be too careful when crossing the road.
3 I have no idea.
It couldn’t be be worse.
It’s absolutely hopeless.

课型:speaking and writing
教学内容:Page 37 and 90
教学重点:Write a message about environmental problems
教学难点:Organize the discussion
教学方法:Group work, reading and writing
Step 1 Group work
We have learned from the previous class that some European countries are better than us at looking after the environment. It’s high time for us to realize the importance of protecting our planet and do something that is actually helpful. Now please turn to Page 37, look at Speaking 2, Exercise 1, let’s discuss how the things in the first box are bad for the environment, using the words in the second box to help you. Using “We need to…”, “We must…”, “We should…” to discuss solutions. Divide the class into groups of four to discuss in the charge of the group leaders. Each group chooses only one of the five topics. While they are discussing, the group leaders keep records. After about ten minutes, ask two group leaders to give a short talk about their discussion to the class.
Step2 Reading
Page 90, Exercise 17, allow the students three minutes to read the passage and think about the questions at the top of the passage. After that, orally discuss the headings of each paragraph.
Step3 Writing
Page 90, Exercise 18, ask the students to choose a heading from the first part, then write a message with the help of the paragraph headings in Part 2, using the message in Exercise 17 as a model. After about ten minutes, ask a few quick students to read their writings.
Step 4 Summary
In this class, we discussed how to solve environmental problems closely related to our lives. I hope every one of us can make some efforts to improve our environment. And we learned how to write this kind of article.
Step 5 Homework
1 Hand in their writings after class when they have finished
2 Revise the whole module.
3 Finish the workbook exercises.
Step 6 Teaching reflections
The discussion in this class was successful and this kind of writing is very suitable for the students to practice writing.
板书设计: Writing
Paragraph headings:
1 What you are worried about
2 Causes and results
3 What we should /need to / must do about it
4 Conclusion:Why it’s important to do something




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