新目标英语八年级上Unit 4 How do you get to school The First Period

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Teaching Plan For Unit4 The First Period
Go for it!Grade Eight Book1
Teacher: Wangtingting (Wenzhou Normal College)
Contents:Unit4 The First Period Section A(1a,1b,1c,2a,2b)
(45 minutes in total)
Teaching Aims and demands:
1. Knowledge Objects: Key vocabulary.
Target language.
Oral practice.
2. Ability Objects: Listening skill.
Writing skill.
Communicative competence.
3. Moral Objects: Know about some traffic rules.
Teaching Key Points:
Key vocabulary: subway, take the subway, train, take the train, ride a bike, take the bus, walk, take a taxi, go in parent’s car,forty,fifty,sixty,seventy,eighty, ninety,one hundred.
Teaching Difficulties:
Target language: (1) A: Hey, Dave. How do you get to school?
B: I walk. How about you, sally?
A: I ride my bike.
(2) A: How does Bob get to school?
B: He takes the train.
Teaching Method:
Listening method, Writing method, Pairwork, Game
Teaching Aid:
A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard.
Teaching Procedures:
StepⅠ.Greet the class and Lead-in. (3 minutes)
T: Good morning, boys and girls!
Ss: Good morning, teacher.
T: Well, you have just had a seven-day’s vacation. Did you have a good time during this vacation?
Ss: Yes.
Lead-in (ⅰ) T: S1, what did you do on vacation?
S1: I went to the zoo.
T: Who did you go with?
S1: I went with my parents.
T: How did you get to the zoo?
S1: I went there by car.
T: So, did you have a good time there?
S1: Yes.
T: Very good, sit down please. S2, how did S1 get to the zoo? ( This is the past-tense )
S2: He went to the zoo by car.
Lead-in (ⅱ) T: S3, Where do you live?
S3: I live …
T: How do you get to school everyday?
S3:I go to school by bus.
T: S4, How do you get to school?
S4: I go to school on foot.
T: How does S3 get to school?
S4: She goes to school…
StepⅡ.Learn new words. (3 minutes)
T: Ok, boys and girls, now let’s play a game. I will give you a sentence description, and you try to guess what it is. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: Ok, first one, “It is like a bike, but goes much faster than bike.” Can you tell me what it is?
Ss: It’s a motorbike.
T: …
Ss: …
(These are the pictures of different means of transportation, it includes motorbike, subway, ferry and so on which are the new words of this unit. This method is good for the students to learn English words well.)
T: As we know,
Step Ⅲ.Learn new phrases. (Section A 1a) ( 5 minutes )
T: Now, boys and girls, let’s look at the picture. S1, what is he/she doing?
S1: He is walking. / She is riding a bike.
T: What is he doing when he is in the train?
S2: He is taking the train.
T: What is she doing when she is in the subway?
S3: She is taking the subway.
T: What is he doing when he is in the bus?
S4: He is taking the bus.
T: Ok, let’s read the phrases twice.(注意,在这里 take the bus/ subway/ train 以及 ride a bike 都是动词短语.)
Step Ⅳ.Practice ( 5 minutes )
T: Now, let’s do the practice. S1, How do they get to school?
S1: They go to school by subway.
T: Yes, quite right. And we also can say “ They take the subway to school.” Right?
T: …
S2: …
T: 由此可见, “take+冠词+交通工具”与 “by+交通工具”意思相同, 但是它们之间又有什么区别呢? 谁能来说一下!
Ss: …
Step Ⅴ.Section A 1a (5 minutes)
T: Now, look at the picture on page 19, I will give you one minute to write down how the students get to school in the morning.
T: Are you finished?
Ss: Yes.
(Teacher first ask some students to read his/her answers, then show the answers on the screen.)

1. take the subway 3. take the bus 5. walk 7. go in parent’s car
2. ride a bike 4. take the train 6. take a taxi 8. take the boat
T: Now read the phrases after me please, read it twice.
Ss: …
T: Look at the dialogues in the picture, who can read it?
(Teacher asks some students to read the dialogue.)
Step Ⅵ. Section A 1b (10 minutes)
First point out the names of the students in the box. Ask one student to read the names.
T: Ok, listen to the conversation. Please write the number of the name in the white box next to the student.
Ss: Yes.
(First check the answers on the screen. Then ask the students how Bob/ Mary/ Paul/ Yang Lan/ John gets to school.)
T: Then, use these persons to make a dialogue like this:

Step Ⅵ. Practice (8 minutes)
1. Show some pictures on the screen, and ask some questions about “How does/do he/they get to school. This method can help the students master the target language well.
2. Translation practice.
Ask the students to translate some Chinese phrases into English, which are the target language of this period.

Step Ⅶ. Section A 2a & 2b ( 4 minutes)
2a:(Play the tape, then ask the students to read it twice.)
2b:(Ask the students to answer it one by one)
Game time: (考考记忆力)
Step Ⅷ. Summary and homework (2 minutes)
T: This class we’ve learnt some key vocabulary and the target language. How do you (does he) get to school? Do you know how your parents go to work? Next class I’ll ask some of you to tell me the answers. Are you clear?
Ss: Yes.
T: Besides, recite the key phrases in Section A 1a, and finish WB(1)---Ⅰ,Ⅱ.Ok, class is over, see you tomorrow.
Step Ⅸ. Blackboard Design

Unit 4 How do you get to school?
Key vocabulary: subway, train, take the subway/train, walk,
go in parents’ car
Target language: How do you get to school?
How does he get to school?




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