人教版高一第一册unit10 grammar探究课研究报告 |
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教学设计 教材分析:第10单元grammar部分。本单元语法是复习学过的一项语法项目:“直接引语与间接引语”的应用。这一课程主要让学生在原有知识的基础上,能够灵活运用直接引语与间接引语,区分特殊用法。 学生分析:这一课时的语法呈现是阅读课的延续,语法项目又是以前学过的课程,所以学生在接受这一课内容是没有问题的。教学中的任务能让不同层次的学生参与进去,让他们都能享受到用学英语的乐趣。 设计思路:本堂课采用任务型教学途径,任务型教学是一种以人为本的,能体现语言价值的,先进的、有效的教学途径。学生带着任务学习,在完成任务的过程中逐渐生成的知识,形成的技能。本课将通过任务型教学,努力达到课堂活动目的。 四、教学目标:1总结出直接引语与间接引语的转换规律 2 熟练掌握直接引语与间接引语的应用 五、教学实施过程 Step1 Lead-In T: Today is Christmas Day.Do you receive any presents? I received two cards last night.I was deeply moved.Thank you very much! I’m very happy.So I want to share happiness with you.I want to make you happy,too! So let’s enjoy a joke together. (show the joke on the screen) T:Do you think it is funny? Is it interesting? Ss:Yes./No. T:(yes)I’m so happy that I can make you happy.(no)I’m sorry to hear that.I try to make you happy,but I failed.Anyway I’ll make you happy next lesson. (当日上课是圣诞节,贺卡倒入使学生尽快进入状态,给学生展示一段英语笑话,引出直接引语与间接引语的例子) Let me in Little Mary was in her bedroom when her younger brother knocked on the door. "Hey! Let me in," he shouted."I can't let you in because I'm in my nightgown (女睡衣) and mama says it isn't right for little boys to see little girls in their nightgowns!" Her little brother thought about this for a moment, then turned to walk away, when Mary called out from her room. "You can come in now! I took it off!" T: There are some sentences underlined.What kind of speech are they? Ss: Direct Speech T: How to change it into Indirect Speech? Who can change it? (ask some students to do it) (让学生回答,整体开始回忆) T:Good!(can correct some errors)We have learnt Direct speech and Indirect Speech before.Do you still remember the rules? Ss:Yes./A little. T: Greet! Today I don’t want to teach you the grammar as a new knowledge.It’s your turn to tell me the rules.You are teachers,I’m a student. Step2 Task 1 T: I’ll devide you into four groups.The student who give us a rule can win one apple for his/her group.At last, the group who gets the most apples will be the winner. You can discuss with each other and find out the rules.Are you clear? (给学生5分钟时间,这是小组搜集整理资料,讨论,学生通过讨论集体合作完成任务,是自我发现探索过程。让学生自我寻找问题的解决途径,并且是在教师没有直接灌输知识的情况下,学生很高兴自己寻找。在这几分钟里,平时最不愿意学英语的学生都参与进去,因为对他们来说,寻找材料获得信息较有成就敢。采取任务型方法,小组讨论竞赛的方式。) Step3 Competition T: Now, Let’s begin! You can stand up by yourself. Ss:…. T: Don’t say sth as others.Say some different things.(if students say something wrong,I will act as a student to ask some questions to make them think clear.Draw some pictures.) 学生在这一过程中充分展示自己,不但总结出以往学过的一些规律,还提出一些自己在做练习时发现的规律。例如:直接引语在变成间接引语的过程中,反问句的变法用连接词“whether”或“if”比较好。对于人称的转换也在讨论中清晰起来。更值得高兴的是,学生在时间状语的转换上发现了我忽略的问题,也是很多参考资料里以及题目中没有出现的。对于“the day before yesterday”由直接引语变间接引语怎样推。变成“two days before”还有学生根据以往做题的错误得出结论,连接词“that”不用最保险,要用“whether”不用“if”。 分析:研究性学习目的之一是促进学生形成积极的学习态度和良好的学习策略,培养创新精神和实践能力。认知学习理论认为:知识习得的关键是理解,而理解的实质是学生弄清新旧知识的关系,形成认知结构。上述“先呈现、总结规律、形成知识网络”的活动促进了理解,巩固了知识,是一有效的学习策略;而“简化复杂的知识点巧妙记忆所学内容”的活动是一种认知策略的学习,学会这种策略对学生今后的各科学习影响巨大,终生受用。从效果来看,两种记忆方法虽略显粗糙,但已是学生积极思维的结晶,迸射着创新精神、实践能力的火花。且学生讨论的气氛、笑声、表情、拍手拥抱等动作无不体现出探究过程中的情感体验,促使其形成积极主动的学习态度。我观察到平时最不喜欢听讲的学生也积极投入到竞赛中,集体荣誉感得到提升。 Step4 Summary T: You are all good teachers! You did a good job.I just want to have a brief summary. (展示出总结好的规律,并结合学生总结的规律,使学生知识形成系统) T:Now which group is the winner?Don’t give up,we’ll have other competitions.It is not the final result. Stet5 Practise T: Direct speech and Indirect Speech are quite useful in our daily life.We can use them everywhere.There is a dialogue between two drunken men.Let’s enjoy the flash and find out how they use Direct speech and Indirect Speech。 A:So which part of the city are you from? B:Pardon? A:I asked which part of the city you were from. B:Oh, I live at No.250 Park Street. A:No.250 Park Street? Me too. B:Let’s drink to this. A:So, are you married? B:Sorry I didn't quite hear you. A:I asked if you were married. B:Oh, not yet. A:Me neither. Let’s drink to this. B:So, when were you born? A:I beg you pardon? B:I asked when you were born. A:I was born on April 1, 1988. B:Me too. That’s incredible! Let’s drink to this. (这是呈现的过程,呈现对话目的是让学生能够理解并完成下一步的练习。) T: Now you know how to use Direct speech and Indirect Speech. There are two other pictures. You can imagine what they are saying and make a dialogue with your partner. You must use some Indirect Speech sentences. The more sentences you use, the more apples you will get.Are you with me? Let’s go! (Teacher can explain that Direct speech and Indirect Speech can be used to ask for help.For example,in the class,the boy can’t follow the teacher.) (学生讨论准备对话,教师参与,给学生帮助) T: Stop!Which group want to be the first? Good, please. Ss:…… T: How many Indirect Speech sentences do they use? T:Wonderful! Now which group is the winner? Congratulations! (学生在对话设计与操练上表现出创造性,对本堂课的语法操练也很到位,受这堂课设计风格的影响,学生编写的对话也都很幽默,整个课堂气氛再一次进入高潮。许多学生下课铃响了还要进行表演,意犹未尽。) Step6 Summary and Homework T: Today we have reviewed the using of Direct speech and Indirect Speech. After class you must practice them. 反思:在这堂课准备之初,我对于上这堂课很没有把握。放手学生解决问题到底学生能不能接受?学生的潜力到底有多大?在备课时,我要对各种可能出现的情况准备策略,备学生要很仔细。语法本身就是学生的薄弱环节,单纯的灌输学生只是记忆,没有自我探索,发现解决问题印象深刻。这一次尝试让学生体会到学习英语的快乐,即使最枯燥的语法也可以很简单地学会。一开始学生很不习惯,不知道从何说起。随着竞赛活动的开展,学生渐渐投入到这种上课状态中,不但把自己平时对该语言点的误解讲出,也发现许多新问题。我在学生的探索过程中充当引领者的角色。学生的探索也有错误,生硬指出错误会打消学生积极性,因此我在学生说出错误观点时,引领其他学生思考提出问题,辩论,逐渐进入正确的思维轨道上。从学生的练习中我发现,学生用这样的学习方式掌握的知识更扎实,理解的更深刻。学生通过这堂课能够体会到自我学习的快乐,培养自我学习的能力。 当然,这堂课也有缺憾。如一开始学生并不适应这种方式,气氛沉闷,不敢参与,耽搁时间,影响后面任务完成。再者学生从学习资料中获得的信息纷繁复杂,自己又不懂得整理,学习任务量过大,收效不见得好。这种探究花费时间多,课堂容量小。课堂纪律也不好控制。 新的方式总有漫漫实践的过程,这种方法很能培养学生学习的自主性,自觉性,培养学生养成动脑动手的习惯,开拓思维。而且唤醒了他们的竞争意识,对教师提出更高要求,有利于教师自身素质的提高。 |
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