人教版高三Unit 7 A Christmas Carol

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话题:Learning about Charles dickens and his works
词汇:bacteria, powder, standard, conscience, frost, handwriting, overcoat, wage, anyway, god, admit, foolish, clap, partner, abundant, warmth, taxpayer, occupy, constant, welfare, clerk, composer, novelist, firm, shadow, ambition, noble, bond, indeed, goose, selfish, bishop, choir, care for, leave alone, in want of, badly off, close up, have an eye for, as follows, of late
功能:谈论身会责任(Talking about social responsibilities)
Business is not only about making money and profits.
We should care for other people.
It’s necessary for employers to care about their employees and their families.
Rich people should help poor people in society.
People who make and sell fake food products and medicine must be punished.
Companies must take necessary measures to improve working conditions to protect the people working for them.
We cannot only think about ourselves , and we should open our hears freely and think of others.
1.care for 关心
2. want all day off 想放一整天假
3. leave…alone 不管,不理会
4. May sth/sb +动词原形 祝某人…
5. Bring in profits 对某人有益, bring in profits
6. open one's heart freely自由地敞开心扉
7. at this festive season 在这个欢庆的季
8. be in want of 缺乏
9. raise money 筹
10. means of warmth取暖的用品
11. make a contribution作贡献
12. can/cannot afford to do负得起/负不起做某事的费用 穷 be badly off
13. close up 停歇,关门
14. be typical of sb/sth 典型,代表
15. be concerned with 与…有关
16. display one's sympathy for sb 表现对…的同情
17. have no eye for 对…不感兴趣
18. be an immediate success 立刻成功
19. comment on sth 评论某事
20. put sb in prison 把某人投进监狱
21. end up in financial troubles 以经济困境而结束
22. read as follows内容如下
23. have an eye for 有眼力,把眼睛盯着,关注;
能判断;能欣24. 赏
24. date back to 追溯到,追忆到
25. get sth wrong 把某事搞错了
26. of late 近来,最近
27. Long life to him! 祝他长寿!
28. No time to lose. 别浪费时间了
29.on the contrary 相反
30. toast to…为…干杯
31. wish you a Merry Christmas祝你们圣诞快乐
32. weigh… by gain 根据利益权衡
33. drink a toast to 为…干杯
34. go about 着手做某事,从事
35. pick up sb 勾搭上某人 36. drop in 顺便拜访
37. greet sb with a smile 笑迎某人
38. with great fear非常恐惧地
39. make up for 弥补
40. with tears of regret in one's eyes眼中带着悔恨的泪
41. make a call upon sb to do sth号召某人做某事
42. have mercy on 怜悯
43. be well off富裕
44. with confidence自信地
45. have a cigarette between one's tips嘴上叼着香烟
46. do harm to sb 对某人有害
47. the newly learnt words新学的单词
48. have a bird's eye view of the city俯视城市
49. be sentenced to 8 years in prison被判8年徒刑
50. be guilty of doing sth有…之罪
51. hand over交出
52. take no notice of不注意
53. receive jail sentence被判刑
54. be responsible for对…负责
55. attend to照顾,护理
56. at the hands of在…手下
57. do justice 公平对待
58. throw sb in prison把某人投进监狱
59. be freed from prison从监狱中解放
61. want revenge for想为…报仇
62. fall in love with…爱上
63. be a failure失败
64. for fear of由于害怕,生怕,以免
65. upon arrival在到达时
66. be on sb's side支持某人
67. read sth to…把某物读给…听
68. answer for为…而受责
69. do wrong to sb对某人不公平,冤枉某人
(1) If you’d working harder, you wouldn’t be cold.
(2) If I hear another word from you, you will go where it is really cold.
(3) Much good may it do you!
(4) That’s not what life is about! You only have eyes for money.
(5) Our bond dates back to the time when we were both poor and content to be so.
(6) I think it’s because he walks slower than he used to, as of late.
(7) I wish there was something I could do to make me interested in studying English again.
(8) Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures.
(9) Not all of us want to be translators or interpreters.
(10) If we develop our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be twice as hard as learning our mother tongue, but can in fact be twice as easy and a lot of fun.
(11) It’s the only time of the year when one does not only think about oneself, but when men and women open their hearts freely and think of other people.
(12) It can’t be true.
(13) Let’s observe another little scene, as you might have in your life to come.
(14) It’s twice the size of …
(15) The rich could do as they liked, while the peasants suffered.
 conscience n.良心;是非感
①have a good/clear conscience问心无愧
a bad /guilty conscience 感到内疚
②A good conscience is a soft pillow.问心无愧,高枕无忧.
③A guilty conscience is a self-accuser.做贼心虚. examine one’s conscience扪心自问
be a matter of conscience事关良心
according to one’s conscience = in all conscience凭良心
 2. admit (admitted) vt.承认;准许…进入; 容纳=seat/hold/contain vi.容许;承认
admit sb./sth into /to …允许某人进入…
sb./sth. to be adj. 承认。。。是。。
sth/ doing 承认…
(to sb.) that –clause 向某人承认。
①The prisoner admitted having broken prison.
that he had broken prison.
②Though he was admitted into/to a famous university, his parents couldn’t afford the tuition.
③We admit him to be foolish.
 3. abundant adj.大量的,充足的; 丰富的,富裕的 be abundant in = be rich in
①There is abundant rainfall in our hometown./ ②Fish are abundant in the lake.
③Iraq is abundant in oil.
 4.occupy vt.占(空间/时间), 占用; 使忙碌,使全神贯注;占领,侵占=take/seize;担任(职务)=hold
occupy oneself with / (in) doing sth. be occupied with/ (in) doing sth.
①The table occupies a lot of space.(takes up)
②Is this seat occupied?(taken)
③His lecture occupied two hours.(took)
④The newcomers are occupied in writing letters home.(are busy writing/ are engaged in writing)
⑤the enemy-occupied areas
⑥He occupies an important position in the government.(holds)
 5.close up (暂时)关闭
down (永久性的或长期的)关闭
 6. be badly off穷的,境况不好的;缺少的
cf: be well off= be rich




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