Unit Three Going Places

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[ 作者:蒋秋霞 ]

The fifth period
Teaching aims:
1. Review means of transportation.
2. Write travel letters.
Teaching methods:
1. Talking and writing
2. Sentence-making.
Teaching Process:
1. a. Review different means of transportation.
b. Ask students to say something about hiking and rafting.
2. Say something about their future travel plans.
a. Where would you like to go?
b. How will you go ?
c. Why would you like to go there?
d. Do you think about it’s an eco-travel? Why ?
3. Go through the short passage on page 20.
Ask about the Chinese meaning of the following:
1)combine A with B
2)for pleasure / fun
3)use ----as a way to protect the environment
4)on the other hand
5)travel responsibly be responsible for
6)at least at most
7)as well as
Peter , as well as his parents, is going to Beijing by train.
4. Work in groups of four. Imagine that four of you are going on an eco-travel. Prepare role card for the discussion and decide where you are going. Then prepare reasons for visiting one of the places.
5. Ask students to report their discussion.
6. Talk about our future trip to Tianmu Lake.
7. Teach how to write English letters. Read the tips first.
8. Ask the students to make sentences with the phrases given to describe what you are doing, what you will do and what you have done. Put the sentences together. Work and check in pairs. Polish their letters.
9. Go through checkpoint 3.
10. Collect the useful expressions in this unit.
11. Homework:
a. Finish the letter. b . Review the whole unit.
c. Finish the essay on page 101. (Writing)

The sixth period
Teaching Aims:
1. Develop the skill of listening and speaking.
2. Develop the skill of reading.
Teaching methods:
1. Listening and speaking.
2. Question-and-answer activity.
3. Pair work.
Teaching aids:
A tape recorder
Some maps ads and pictures of different places.
Teaching process:
1. Revision of the phrases in this unit.
2. Listening:
a. Teach the word security, security check.
b. Listen and arrange the pictures in the right order.
c. Check their answers in pairs.
3. Discuss: What do you have to do before you get on the train.
4. Talking:
a. Read the role card.
b. List more ideas.
c. Demonstrate with a student.
5. Integrating skills:
a. Read the text and try to find the main idea of the text.
b. Read again, try to find some Dos and Don’ts while swimming with a dolphin.
c. Do questions and answers in pairs.
d. Finish the table.
6. Show some of the maps ads and pictures. Arrange different positions of each person in a group. Work out the project in a week.
7. Homework: Do some research on the project by surfing the Internet or going to the reading-room.

Useful expressions in Unit 3
1. means of transportation
2. by means of
3. boarding calls
boarding cards
on board
4. final destination
5. Forbidden City
6. Eiffel Towel
7. South Pole
8. polar bear
9. travel in time
10. with a time machine
11. travel to the past
12. would most like to go
13. in the future in future
14. adventure travel eco-travel
15. try new kinds of food
try doing sth try to do sth
16. experience life
17. get away from
18. look for an unusual experience
19. instead of doing sth
20. spend one’s vacation/ holiday
on vacation/holiday
go on a vacation/holiday
go for a vacation/holiday
21. get close to nature
22. take exercise
23. at the same time
24. do hiking
25. the basic equipment for hiking
a piece of equipment
26.successful tips for hiking
27.watch out for possible dangers
28.poisonous plants
30.paddle down rivers
31.a normal rafting trip
32.whitewater rafting
33.a quite stream
34.look for more excitement
35.as with hiking
36.the basic skills of rafting
37.wear a life jacket
38.famous sites
39.put ------in danger
40.have no effect on
41.in a few days’ time
42.be off
43.see sb off
44.say “hi” to Bob for me
45.used to do sth
46.a form of
47.combine A with B
48.instead of doing sth
49.for pleasure
50. use ----as a way to protect the environment
51.on the other hand
52.travel responsibly be responsible for
53.at least at most
54.as well as
55.go for walks
56.learn about nature
57.the schedule for Sue’s trip
58.list good idea
59.make notes make a note of
60.give examples of
61.security check
62.pay an airport fee/tax
63.check-in counter
64.open a local mountain
65.turn---into a tourist resort
66.exchange A with B
67.fill one’s heart with happiness
68.bring joy to sb
69.keep in mind
70.catch up with
71.take care of their young
72.reach out
73.frighten frightened frightening
74.make a wonderful memory
75.give away
76.come up with
77.get started
78.create an achievement chart




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