人教版高三英语Unit 4 Green worlds

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1.Mr Black gave his money to those whom he considered .
A.was most worthy B.being worthy C.as being most worthy D.most worthy
【题解】选D。动词consider意为“认为”“把……看作……”,可以和as连用,但后接名词,也可以在宾语后用“to be+形容词/名词”作宾语补足语,其中to be可以省去。根据whom可知所缺部分为宾补,故选D。
2.What he said suggested that we a serious mistake.
A.were making B.had made C.make D.should make
3.“Are you afraid of rats?”“____.”
A.Yes,but not a bit B.Not much
C. No,not a little D.No,not in the least
【题解】选D。not in the least意为“一点儿都不”,进一步地加强了否定的语气,也可说not a bit,意思是一样的。选项A回答矛盾,选项B应改成not very much,选项C也是回答矛盾,not a little是“非常”的意思,应改成not a bit。
4.Talking with him,you are sure to be able to a lot about what you don’t know.
A.know B.learn C.catch D.study
【题解】选B。根据句意,应用learn,表示“学会”“学到”。learn表示“学”的范围较广,可指知识,也可指技术或其他方面的情况。study由只强调学校中专业及学科知识的学习或研究,不用于技术或生活等方面的学习。know通常不与表示能力的词连用,catch作“听清”“听明白”,不符合题意。5.Which house is it____you are interested in?
A.that B.where C.what D.which
6.Is this museum_____you visited the other day?
A.that B.the one C.which D./
【题解】选B。首先将该句变成陈述句,可以看出面,museum是主语,is是系动词,空格部分应是表语,表语后有一个定语从句,表语the one等于the museum,定语从句的关系代词that/which作visited的宾语,在此句中被省略掉了。故选B。如果在museum前有定冠词,应选A、C或D,句子就变为:Is this the museum(that/which)you visited the other day?
7.He called to give mean urgent____that the date of the meeting was advanced from the 10th of August to the3rd of July.
A.news B. message C.information D.advice
8. The man was found_____on the ground.
A.lay dead B.1ying dead C.1ying died D.lie lying
【题解】选B。本句是find sb. doing sth.的被动结构be found doing sth.。find一般不用不带to的动词不定式作宾补,而带doing作宾补表示宾语的主动动作。此处lie意为“躺”,为不及物动词,而lay意为“放”,作及物动词,后需带宾语,或用过去分词laid。由此可见只有B项为正确答案。
9.The watch I went wrong again.
A.repaired B.had had repaired C.had it repaired D.have repaired
【题解】选B。根据went判断空格上的动作发生在went之前需用过去完成时。had had的宾语是省略掉的关系代词that或which repaired作that或which的宾补,与宾语存在动宾关系,属 have sth. done结构,故选B。
10. I____to buy this dictionary,but they sold out all the copies of it.
A.meant B.have wanted C.was hoping D.am intending
I like sports while my brother likes music.我喜欢体育活动,而我弟弟喜欢音乐。
We had fish for lunch yesterday.昨天午饭我们吃鱼了。
Houses made of wood catch fire easily.木质结构的房子很容易着火。
I met Mary in the street last Sunday and talked with her.上星期日我在街上遇见玛丽并跟她谈了话。
He will do anything for her.为了她他什么都愿意做。
They didn’t promise her anything.他们没有答应她什么。
The nurses in the hospital looked after the wounded well.这家医院的护士把伤员照顾得很好。
We should respect and help the old.我们应该尊敬、帮助老人。
About ten percent of the students are from South,the rest are from North.
She wants to have a word with you.她想跟你说句话。
Please remember to post the letter for me. 请记住给我把这封信寄了。
The naughty boy likes to make faces in class.这顽皮的男孩喜欢在课上做鬼脸。
My father has already given up smoking.我父亲已经戒烟了。
He is used to sitting up early in the morning.他已经习惯于早起了。
She forgot telling me the news and she told me again.她忘了曾告诉过我这消息,又跟我讲了一遍。
I really don’t know how to answer the question.我真的不知道怎样回答这个问题。
We haven’t decided when and where to hold the meeting. 我们没有决定在何时何地开会。
The teacher gave us some advice on how to learn a foreign language.
Did you write down what she said?她说的话你记下了没有?
I wish you would study harder than before.我希望你比以前更努力地学习。
Please show me your passport.请把护照给我看一下。
Remember to write us a note when you get there.到那里时记住给我们写封短信来。
They asked the little girl to sing them an English song.他们要那小女孩给他们唱一首英语歌。
The shirt cost me thirty dollars.这衬衣花了我三十美元。
I’ll return the dictionary to you tomorrow。明天我把词典还你。
Fetch a few chairs for us,win you?给我们搬几把椅子来,行吗?
We are living a happy life now.我们现在过着幸福的生活。
Last night he dreamed a terrible dream.昨晚他做了个恶梦。
She smiled a sweet smile.她甜甜地笑了笑。
He smelt a smell of cooking.他闻到烹调的味道。
3.He managed___________________________(他们设法得到了他们想要的东西。)
4.I hope________________________________(希望你们两人都玩得好。)
7.We must________________________________.(我们必须弄清事实真相。)
8.The policeman noted down .(警察把我讲的每句话都记了下来。)
1.the old,the young 2.acting like a child 3.to get what they wanted 4. you both enjoy
yourselves 5.smiled a warm and friendly smile 6 .dreamed a sweet dream 7.find out the
truth of the matter 8.every word I said 9.They promised her a job 10.She enjoyed being
praised 11.I don’t understand what you meant 12.Have I made myself clear 13.Don’t for set to have him come 14.Let me have one or two 15.Fasten your seatbelts,please 16.We are waiting for the rain to stop 17.She couldn’t think what to give the children for Christmas 18.I’ll remember how to do this in future 19.My idea is that we should stick to our original plan
20.The question is what we should do first
1. the fact that there was thick fog,he drove his car out.
A.Despite B.In spite C.Although D.No matter how
2.Orange juice______a lot of vitamin C.
A.includes B.contains C.owns D.possesses
3.Housekeeping______cooking,washing dishes,sweeping and cleaning.
A.contains B.including C. involves D.concerns
4.The young man had no____for hard work.
A.appetite B.taste C.desire D.enjoyment
5.All this_____their interests in Europe.
A.got B.contained C.had D.involved
6.Don’t worry! The food_____us several days,and we’ll find a way out.
A.lasted B.will last C.remains D.will keep
7.Many people poured into big cities from the countryside_____a better life.
A.look for B.to search C.after D.in search of
8.A man is being questioned in relation to the______murder last night.
A.advised B.attended C.attempted D.admitted
9.I appreciated______the opportunity to study abroad two years ago.
A.having been given B.having given
C.to have been given D.to be given
10.“You haven’t lost the ticket,have you?”“_____.I know it’s not easy to get another one at the moment.”
A.Yes,I have B.I hope so
C.Yes,I’m afraid so D.I hope not
11.Not a single song______at yesterday’s party.
A.she sang B.sang she C.did she sing D.she did sing
12.The old man,______abroad for many years,is on the way back to his own country.
A.to have worked B.to work C.working D.having worked
13.Alice,______ we all hoped,has won the first prize in the composition.
A.as B.who C.whom D.that
14.Mr Turner works in a watch company but he____in his sister’s shop,since he is on leave.
A.works B.is working
C.has worked D.has been working
15.It took him 2 hours to work the difficult maths problem.
A.as many as B.as much as C.as long as D.as far as
16.Mary smiled_____her mother did when she was Mary’s age.
A.what B.as if C.the way D.that
17.In such dry weather,the flowers will have to be watered if they_____.
A.have survived B.are to survive
C.would survive D.will survive
18.I feel it is your husband who_____for the spoiled child.
A.is to blame B.is going to blame
C.is to be blamed D.should blame
19.The sisters look so much alike that even their parents cannot_____them apart sometimes.
A.divide B.separate C.prevent D.tell
20.Look at the words on the box.You must_____the equipment from sunlight and rainwater.
A.stop B.protect C.prevent D.defend
21.When he was still a child,he managed to______by selling newspapers.
A.make a life B.do his living
C.own his life D.earn his living
22. singer and dancer is also good at drawing.
A.The;the B.The;a C.A;a D.The;/
23.Both the magazines are nice,but you are permitted only to take____of them.
A.neither B.each C.either D.one
24._____the bad news,every one burst into tears.
A.For B.At C.To hear D.listening
25.Rather than_____on a crowded bus,he always prefers bicycle.
A.ride;ride B.riding;ride C.ride;to ride D.to ride;riding
26.The roof fell_____he had time to dash into the room to save his baby.
A.before B.after C.as D.until
27.Tom ought not to_____me your secret,but he meant no harmness.
A.tell B.have told C.be telling D.having told
28.You should make it a rule to leave things____you can find them again easily.
A.when B.where C.which D.there
29.When I got home,I found my wallet missing.But I couldn’t remember the_____amount of money in it.
A.indeed B.real C.true D.actual
30.She was really an unusual woman.She remained____even at the news of her son’s death on the battle field.
A.worried B.quiet C.silent D.calm
appear, observation, narrow, champion, attraction, relation, curious, separate, describe, appoint
1.He asked me some questions_____to my plans.
2.The book fair____publishers from all over the world.
3.This season I expect US to retain the______and win the European Cup.
4.Five firemen______escaped death when a staircase fell down beneath their feet.
5.I had_____little difference in his behavior toward me.
6.The little boy’s sudden_____was very worthing.
7.The police have issued detailed_____of the missing women.
8.To satisfy our own_____we travelled to Baltimore.
9.He returned home after seven years’ ______from his family.
10.John’s_____to the post as manager comes as a surprise to everybody.
Many animals use some kinds of language.They use signals which 1 meaning.For example, 2 a bee has found some food,it goes 3 to its home.It is impossible for to 4 the other bees where the food is 5 speaking to them,but it can do a little dancing.This tells the bees 6 the food is and 7 far away it is.
Some animals 8 how they feel by making sound.It is not 9 to tell if a dog is angry because it barks.Birds make several different sounds and each has its own meaning.Sometimes we humans make sounds in the same 10 .We make sounds like“Oh!”or “Ouch!”to show how we feel about something or when we 11 something on our toes.
But we have 12 that no animal has:a large 13 of words which have the meaning of things,feelings or ideas.We are able to give 14 information,to tell other people what is in our mind,or how we fell.By writing down words we can remember 15 has happened or send messages to people far away.It is 16 for animals to do this.Some birds,like parrot,can be 17 to say words,but they do not know what they mean.They cannot use the words.
No one knows how humans learned to 18 words.Perhaps they began by imitating animals.Perhaps they imitated sounds they heard all around them.In some way they learned to make words.As the centuries 19 ,they made more and more words.This is what we 20 by language.
1. A.is B.has C.have D.are
2. A.when B.sometimes C.because D.while
3. A.up B.back C.down D.forward
4. A.say B.describe C.tell D.explain
5. A.by B.with C.from D.for
6. A.what B.where C.when D.why
7. A.how B.very C.where D.tells
8. A.admit B.cry C.show D.appear
9. A.dull B.difficult C.possible D.easy
10. A.way B.meaning C.thing D.time
11. A.lay B.fall C.drop D.draw
12. A.anything B.nothing C.something D.a lot of
13. A.quantities B.masses C.pack D.number
14. A.them B.each C.each other D.the
15. A.what B.that C.who D.which
16. A.possible B.impossible C.interesting D.helpful
17. A.found B.taught C.made D.bought
18. A.teach B.use C.find D.make
19. A.went on B.went by C.went slowly D.went along
20. A.thought B.mean C.refer D.meant
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Fermat’s Last Theorem
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1.What is Animal Hospital?
A.A news story. B.A popular book.
C.A research report. D.A TV programme.
2.In Michael White’s book,Newton is described as_____.
A.a person who did not look the same as in many pictures
B.a person who lived a colourful and meaningful life
C.a great but not perfect man
D.an old-time magician
3.Which of the following best explains the meaning of the word“baffle”as it is used in the text?
A.To encourage people to raise questions.
B.To caused difficulty in understanding.
C.To provide a person with an explanation.
D.To limit people’s imagination.
4.The person who finally proved Fermat’s Last Theorem is_____.
A.Simon Singh B.Andrew Wiles
C.Pierre de Fermat D.a French woman scientist
5.What is the purpose of writing these three texts?
A.To make the book easier to read. B.To show the importance of science.
C.To introduce new authors. D.To sell the books.
Martin is a man of all trades and of many experiences .He never stays at one job for more than six months and never leaves the job of his own will.He is not actually lazy or unfit and his employers(雇主)can not be said to be unreasonable.He is only,according to one of his former employers,too eager for the work that his employer hasn’t the intention(打算)to let him do.One fact about Martin is that he never waits long to find a new job.Last month,he was fired again.Mr King,the owner of a small shop hired him to paint his new house.He readily accepted the job without a word.When later Mr King went to see how things were going on there,he couldn’t find Martin.Instead he saw four workmen carefully painting the wall.“What’s the matter?”he wondered.
“Hi,Mr King!”he heard Martin’s voice calling from behind.“They are working hard,aren’t they?”
Mr King turned back.He saw Martins smiling at him.“What’s happened,Martin?And why are these workers here?”Mr King asked.“I’ve hired them at 8 dollars for each man,” Martin told him happily.
“But I will only pay 30 dollars for the whole work.”Mr King couldn’t understand.“I know,Mr King.But just think.I only need to pay another two dollars and then can enjoy the happy feeling of being a boss.Isn’t it worth the money?”
6.Why is Martin often fired?Because he____.
A.is too lay B.has few experiences
C.tries to be a boss D.often acts against his employers’ will
7.Martin seems to be a____.
A.narrow-minded fellow B.light-hearted man
C.man who is at loose ends D.person full of fears
8.Mr King was____when he saw four workers painting his house.
A.happy B.angry C.satisfied D.surprised
9.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Martin and Mr King B.Painting a New House
C.It’s Worth the Money D.Reasonable or Not
Two women on a train were quarreled.At last 1.____
one of them sent for the conductor.She said,“If this 2.____
window is open,I’ll catch bad cold.And maybe I’ll die. 3.____
The other woman said,“And if this window is shut,I’ll 4.____
have difficulty with breathing.I’ll die.” The conductor 5.____
didn’t know how to do.An old man was listening all 6.____
the times.He said that he had a good idea.“First open 7.____
the window,that will kill one.”He said,“Next shut one, 8.____
that will kill the other.Then we can have a peace.” 9._____
On hearing this,all of the women were ashamed. 10.____
Ⅰ 1-5ABCAD 6-10 BDCAD 11-15 CDABC 16-20 CBADB 21-25 DDCBC
26-30 ABBDD
Ⅱ 1. relative 2. attracted 3. championship 4. narrowly 5. observed
6. disappearance 7. description 8. curiosity 9. separation 10. appointment
Ⅲ 1-5 CABCA 6-10 BACBA 11-15 CCDCA 16-20 BBDBB
Ⅳ 1-5 DCBBD 6-9 DBDC
Ⅳ 1. quarreled-quarreling 2. √ 3. 在bad前加a 4. And-But 5. with-in
6. how-what 7. times-time 8. shut one-shut it 9. 去掉a 10. all-both

Beijing is the capital of China. It is situated in the north of the country. The weather here is very good. There are many tourist spots in Beijing, such as the Summer Palace, the Temple of Heaven, the Great Wall, the Palace Museum. Recently, a new park has been built in Beijing. It is called “World Park”. The traffic here is very convenient. The buses, underground, taxi go almost everywhere. Many overpasses have been constructed. They are grand if you take overlook. We Beijingers are kind and hospitable. Welcome to our city. Welcome to Beijing.




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