
中学英语教学资源网英语教案句子和句型专题指导 手机版

1.Undertake, undertook , undertaken
a.to accept that you are responsible for a piece of work, and start to do it.担任, 承担, 着手做
He undertook the difficult task willingly.
他开始做新的实验。 He undertook a new experiment.
b. undertake to do sth./that…答应,允诺
to promise or agree to do sth.
He undertook to pay the money back in six months.
他答应星期一以前完成这项工作。He undertook that he would finish the work by Monday .
2.analysis, analyses.
a.u.n./c.n. A chemical analysis.
我们仔细地分析了这个问题。We made a careful analysis of the problem.
b. In the last/final analysis ,in a word.总之
In the final analysis, money cannot bring happiness
In the final analysis, profit is the motive.
v. We analyzed the causes of our failure.
S3.obvious. Obviously. Easy to notice or understand
He told the teacher an obvious lie.
很显然,他不是自己做的。It is obvious that he didn’t do it himself.
Obviously he can’t tell the difference between them.
4. Within My house is within 2 miles of the school.
Stay within hearing distance of the house.
我们生活应该量入为出。We have to live within our income.
It wasn’t within my power to help her. he analyzed the text in detail
5. Curious, curiously, curiosity.
A .Wanting to know sth. The street was crowded by curious people.
a. Be ~ about+ n. be interested at
Children are curious about everything around them.
b. Be ~to do – want to do sth. very much
I am curious to know what is written in his letter .
c. Be ~ wh- I am curious how he will do it .
B . Strange or unusual.
It is curious that he left without saying goodbye
C . Stop looking around so curiously.
The boy was dying of curiosity to know what was in the box.
arouse~/ out of (from)~/ show ~ about
引起~ 出于~ 对于~的
6. Debate, debates, debater.
n. (u.n. c.n.) Open/ close a debate. After much (a long) debate he was chosen captain
of the team.
那个问题还在讨论之中。 The problem is under debate
v. vi. Vt. To discuss formally
We must debate the question with the rest of the members.
They were debating whether to go to the seaside or not. The debaters debated for an hour
7. Scan, scanned, scanning n. v.
look at, look through
I scanned the page quickly for her name.
scan a person’s face.端详某人的脸。
The police scanned the whole area but found no trace of her body.
8. Boundary.
The river forms the boundary between the two states.
我不知道。/那超越我的知识范围。 it is beyond the ~ of my knowledge.
9.work on.
they worked on for 2 hours.
The novelist is working on his novel. She works on china daily。她在中国日报社工作。
His words didn’t work on me
10.Go by. He goes by our front door every day.
1.(常用被动语态)使从事于(in),使 忙着;
Comrades(who are) ~in mass work Please wait a minute; he is ~d now.
The line is engaged. 2. Be/get engaged to sb 与莫人订婚 Tom is ~d to Anne.
13.dream of/about. dreamed;dreamt
V. a. 梦见。He sometimes dreams of home.
b. 梦想,想象。He dreamed of success.
I often dreamed of becoming a famous star. I never dreamed that I would see her again.
n.dream a… dream
I dreamed a strange dream last night
14.Disable. Disabled, disability.
v. He was disabled by an accident.
Her illness disabled her from going abroad. n.There are some special chairs for the disabled now.
She is always happy in spite of her disabilities.
15. Seek v. sought, sought. Seeker vi. or vt.
a. ~ (for/after) look for
They sought shelter from the rainb. Try to get. He found it worthless to seek fame.
We are always seeking to improve our English. He sought to deceive his parents but in vain.
c. Ask for
~sb’s advice/ help/ assistance etc.
He sought his doctor’s advice.
Seek out, 找出 be much sought after 非常抢手16. turn out.a. 结果是 Everything turn out well.
The rumor turned out to be true. It turned out that two travelers had been killed.
b. produce.这个工厂一天能生产一千辆汽车。
The factory can turn out 1000 cars a day.
c. Turn off ,turn on ,turn up, turn down turn to, turn over,
17. Observe, observation, observer.
a. look at carefully. Are you interested in observing stars
She observes attentivelyb. Notice
~ +n. I observed a letter on the table
~sb. Doing sth./do sth 他的邻居看见一个陌生人进了他家。
His neighbor observed a stranger going into his house.
~ that 我发现有几个同学在睡觉。
I observed that several students were sleeping.
c.( Formal ) to say what you have noticed about a situation.
“It’s a lovely day today” he observed.
He observed that we would probably have snow that afternoon.
d. To follow. we should observe the traffic rules18. Match , to go with.
v.a. Her clothes don’t match her age.
The two pieces of furniture don’t match.
No one can match her in knowledge of classical music.
n. a. I’m going to watch the boxing match tonight.
b. this tie is a good match for your suit.
c. she is more than a match for me.
- she does better than me
d. he struck a match and lighted the candle.
19. Predict , to say sth. will happen or that sth. will happen in a particular way.
It is said that she can predict a person’s future.
Is it possible to predict when one will die?
Predictable, 可预言的,predictably果然,如预料的Predictably, the rain began to fall.
20. What if.
a.表建议。What if we move the picture over there? Do you think it will look better?
What if he gets angry?
21.Patient. patience
a.adj.~of sth. With sb. He is very patient with the students.
这种工作需要耐心。This kind of work requires much patience
He was patient of hardships. n. People who are ill.
护士们对待病人很有耐心。The nurses are very patient with the patients
1、 主语:(主-谓-宾)常用it作形式主语。
e.g. It’s our duty to take care of the old.
2、 宾语:(主-谓-宾)常见只加不定式作宾语的动词有:want/wish/hope/manage/ask/offer/promise/pretend
intend/attempt/decide/learn/desire/agree/care/choose/deternmine/expect (不加动名词)
e.g. He refused to make a speech.
3、 表语:(主-系-表)
e.g. His suggestion is to put off the meeting.
4、 定语:(修饰句中名词)
e.g. The next train to arrive is from Washington.
5、 宾补:(主-谓-宾-宾补)常用的谓语动词有:
e.g. His mother didn’t allow him to play computer games.
6、 状语:(有目的状语和结果状语等)
e.g.①I stayed here to see what happened.(目的)
e.g.② Jane hurried to the cinema,only to find that the film had been over.(结果)
① to do : I hope to be a university student this year.
②to be doing: They seemed to be discussing something important.
③ to have done: I am sorry to have kept you waiting.
reliable adj. 可信赖的; 可依靠的; 确定的
They are reliable friends.
reliably adv. 可靠地;确实地
reliability n. 可靠性;可信赖性
rely on = depend on
fire 的动词用法
1) 解雇,开除The company fired him for not coming to work on time.
(2) 发射He fired his gun at the big snake.
(3) 点燃It’s difficult for him to fire the wet twigs.
(4)激发(感情等)The story fired his imagination.
difficulty 表示“难,困难”时用作不可数名词,
☺elect 只能用于选举人, 是投票选举的正式用法。☺choose 可用于挑选人或物。
☺select 指精心挑选,多用于物。
Mr. Charles was elected chairman of the education committee.
It’s hard for me to choose from the five pairs.
She selected a pair of socks to match her shoes.
go upThe lift went up to the fourth floor.There is a path going up to the mountaintop.
1.burn down 作为“烧毁”讲,可以作为及物动词词组或不及物动词。
2.burn down 可表示“由于材料不足而火渐弱”3.burn up 也表示“烧尽”“烧光”, 但burn up强调结果,burn down强调其破坏性。
4.burn up与burn down意思相反,它表示(火、炉等)烧injure: 指意外事故造成的伤害,可能危及功能发展。
wound: 指刀、枪、剑伤或战场上受伤。也指对感情的伤害。
hurt: 指精神上或肉体上的“创伤”“伤害”,作不及物动词,意为“疼痛”。
harm: 一般指伤害有生命的东西,常指伤及一个人的健康、权利、事业等。
damage: 主要指对价值和功能的破坏,多用于无生命的东西,一般还可以修复。
destroy: 指通过某种有力的或粗暴的手段使之毁灭或无用。一般不能或很难修复。有时可用作比喻意义(hope)。
inform sb. of sth. inform sb. that/wh-…inform sb.+疑问词+不定式
They informed us of the time of the meeting. The nurse informed me that visiting hours were over.
relate (to) sb. / sth. 能理解或同情某人(或某事物)Students find it difficult to relate to the life of a scientist.
relate … to …If you relate the results to the cause, you will find things are not that simpleswitch v. 转换,改变He is always switching jobs.present vt. 你将在什么时候提出报告?When will you present your report?
政府向医院赠送了一些车。The government presented cars to the hospitals.
effort n. [U,C]努力;艰难的尝试;努力的结果
without effort 毫不费力
make an effort to do 努力,尽力
spare no effort to do 不遗余力
make no effort to do
adapt for sth. 使适合于;为…改编(改写) adapt from sth. 根据…改写(改编)
adapt sth./oneself to (do) sth 使…适应, 适合或习惯与…be / get / become addicted to sth. / doing sth. 对~成瘾/成癖; 痴迷于…..
1) It doesn’t take long to become addicted to these drugs.
2) It’s a pity that her child has got addicted to smoking.
ignore vt. 不理睬;忽视You shouldn’t ignore your father’s advice.
draw attention to sth / doing sth 关注某事;对…加以注意
draw / attract/ catch one’s attention 引起某人的注意
on all sides = on every side 在各方面, 到处
On all sides we have heard approval of his plan.tolerate v.t. 容忍,忍受,允许
critical adj 批评的;评论的;挑剔的;危急的;关键的 We arrived at the critical moment. Why are you always so critical? The patient’s condition is criticalaffair: 指日常事务或国家事务 the affairs of state/one’s family
business: 指商务或正经事travel on business
matter: 指麻烦事;常与the连用What’s the matter with you?
event:其所长指国内外的大事to cover events in politics
concern vt 与……有关系,影响;与……有牵连
The traffic accident doesn’t concern him.
He doesn’t concern the traffic accident .
So / As far as I am concerned,……就我而言 As far as I am concerned,the cost of the repair is not my responsibility.
be concerned about / for sb(sth) 关心,操心
be concerned with sth 为某人(某事)担忧;涉及
ìì look up to =respect, admire 尊敬,敬佩
look down on 轻视,看不起
e.g. The young should look up to the old.
ìì fall in love with 爱上(表示动作,不延续)
e.g. I fell in love with her at first sight.
She fell in love with the house as soon as she saw it.
be in love (with) 相爱,喜欢(表示延续状态)
e.g. If you’re really in love with art, you don’t mind hard work
Prefer v. 更喜欢,偏爱 Preference n. 偏好,优先
Prefer + n.(would) prefer to do sth.
Prefer sb/sth to sb/sthPrefer doing sth to doing sth
Would prefer that ClausePrefer to do sth rather than do sth.
Prefer doing sth rather than doing sth.
design n. /v. 设计;图象;计划;目的;打算;意向
designer n. 设计师be designed for sb/sth be designed as sth be designed to do sth
have designs on sb/sth 企图伤害…;企图将…占为己有
convenient adj. 方便的,便利的convenience n. 方便,便利
It is convenient for/to sb (to do..)(做…)对…是方便的
If convenient 假如方便的话For (sb’s) convenience 为了..的便利
At one’s convenience 在…便利的时候
Impress sth on/upon sb 使…铭记…;使想象 impress sth. On/in sth. 在…上/压/盖印impress sb. (with sth.) 给予某人深刻印be impressed by/with/at sth 对…印象深刻Give/Create/Leave /make a/an… impression on sb.
Fill up with…Fill… with…Be filled with. Be full of …Be crowded with…He set aside a bit of money every month for old age.
She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.
Let’s set aside our personal feeling.
GrammarThe Past Participle used as Object Complement1.feel, find, hear, notice, see, watch + sb./sth. +done.2.get, have, make, keep, leave +sb./sth. +done3.want, wish, like, order + sb./sth. +(to be) done4.with/without +sb./sth +done2. get, have, make, keep, leave +sb./sth. +done
They kept the door locked for a long time.
Don’t leave the windows broken like this all the time.
I raised my voice to make myself heard.
They managed to get themselves understood in very simple English.
I have had my bike repaired.
I had my wallet stolen on 3. want, wish, like, order + sb./sth. +(to be) done
He didn’t want such questions (to be) discussed at the meeting.
The manager ordered the work (to be) finished at the end of this week.
I wish these letters (to be) typed as soon as possible.
Unit 4 A Garden of PoemsI.Language points1.AbsenceHis absence of mind in class made the teacher angry.
His absence made us rather disappointed2.Recommend sb to do sth Recommend doing
Recommend that…(should)à advise, suggest
order, demand3. Apart adv Alice and her husband now live apart.
New York and Tokyo are thousands of miles apart.
Apart from…All the children like music apart from Bobby.
4. most
1. The meeting is going on in a most friendly atmosphere. Compare: Linda is a most warm-hearted girl. Linda is the most warm-hearted girl. 5.call up
1.Your letter calls up the days when we worked together.
2. The song calls up happy memories of my childhood.
Revision: call on, call at, call for
6.stand out If something stand out, it is much better or more important than other things of the same kind.
7.lead to This road leads to the railway station.
Eating too much sugar and fat will lead to health problem. 他的粗心使他丧了命
devote… to Belong to…Pay attention to…contribute to8. Contribute to
The weather contributed to the success of the voyage.
A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health.
9. In comparison with
The tallest buildings in London are smaller
in comparison with those in New York.
•Revision:Compare with Compare to
10.Get through•
Tom gets through plenty of work in the morning. He got through the novel in one evening.
No matter how well a poem is translated, something of the spirit of the original work is lost. Unit 5
1. consist vi.(与of 连用)
由…组成/构成,包括(没有进行时, 相当于 be made up of ) The medical team consists of 10 members.
3. be made up of
其主动形式 make up Our class is made up of 53 students.
50 students make up our class.
•The boy made up a story; which was not true.
•She made up her face to look prettier. • She has been absent for two weeks, so she had a lot of homework to make up. They hurried on to make up for the lost time.
4.mistaken adj. 弄错的be mistaken about sb. / sth. 对……持错误见解, 把……弄错
mistake sb. /sth. for … 错把……当作
5. make the most of :make the best of We should make good use of the good chance.
6. hold together 使..连在一起/团结一致The country needs a leader who will hold the nation together.7. In general 一般地;大体上;通常
In general, your plan is practical.
8. influence1) n. 影响, 作用;势力,权力•have (an) influence on / upon/ over对…有影响
2) vt. 影响; 对…有作用/产生影响
I don’t want to influence you, so I won’t tell you my opinion.
9. basis 复bases -- v. base
What is the basis of your opinion? on the basis of … 在...的基础上
10. Judge
Judging from what he said, he must be an honest man.
n. judgement make a judgement on11. proof v. prove
Do you have any proof that you are innocent.
12. Own I saw it with my own eyes. This house is my own.
He has owned the house for 40 years.
on one’s own 靠自己的力量,独自 She lived on her own.
13. employ vt. 雇佣,利用 He employed the girl as a typist.
We should employ English as a common language.
be in the employ of sb.= be in sb’s employ 受雇于...
n. employment
14. approach •靠近 vt. : come near
As you approach the town, the first building you see is the church.
着手处理 : deal with We approach the problem.
n. 接近 with the approach of the winter n. 入门, 途径,通道 an approach to …1.a new approach to language learning
2.All the approaches to the gate were guarded by the policemen.




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