Unit 2 In the lab

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SEFC Book 1A
Unit 2 In the lab
通过对课文"Look carefully and learn" 的学习,掌握英语中表示命令的请求的句式。
1. 日常交际用语:
Here are some dos and don'ts.
What sure that…
Do what he or she tells you to do.
2. 祈使名在直接引语和间接引语中的变化
Lesson 5 Dialogue
1. show的用法
①to offer for seeing (拿给人看) Show sth (to sb)或 show sb.sth.
He showed his ticket at the door. 在门口的时候他拿出了他的票。
The doctor said,"Can you show me your tongue? 医生说:"能让我看一下你的舌头吗?"
② to go with and guide or direct. (引导、带领)
May I show you to your seat? 可以让我带你到你的座位吗?
Show the gentleman in. 把那位先生领进来。
③ make known or clear. 表明,说明。
The results show that you are right. 结果证明你是对的。
The introduction shows you how to use this machine. 介绍教给你怎样使用这台机器。
2. Have been 和have gone
①Have you been in this lab before?
②My father has goon to Shanghai on business.
③- " Where is Lily? "
--" She has gone to the library."
--" Do you know where it is? "
--Sure, I have been there many times. I will show you the way.
--Thank you.
注:have been to/in 强调过去式或去过多少次,着重指到目前的一个结果。
Have gone to 讲的是现在的情况,着重指现在人不在,只用于第三人称。
①I have never seen such a good film before. 我以前从未看过这么好的电影。
②He finished this job not long before. 他不久前刚完成这项工作。
③注:before可以单独使用,表"以前",也可以和ever, never, 或者示时间段连用,
如,ten years before,常与完成时连用。
We first met you two years ago 我们2年前第一次见到你
注:ago从不单独使用,也不能与ever, never连用。但可与表示时间段的词连用,表多长时间前,所以必须用过去时。
①Once you are (in) here, listen to your teacher's instructions.
②Once you Understand my words, you will believe me.
①Take this medicine once a day. 这药一天吃一次。
②Try it once more. 再试一次。
③Take it away at once! 马上把拿来!
5. Unless的用法
Unless = if not 如果不…就…
①He told me that he wouldn't go to the party unless was invited.
②Stay home unless I phone.
6. Sure的用法
① I'm sure of his honesty.
sure that he is honest. 我相信他是诚实的。
注:be sure of + 名词/that …
②He is sure to come. 他一定会来。
③make sure
I remember that there is a plane at 8:30 PM, but you'd better make sure.
Please make sure how many professors will take part in this meeting.
7. allow sb to do sth. 允许某人做某事。
①After finishing the homework, the boy is allowed to watch TV.
②Once the concert starts, nobody is allowed to enter the concert hall.
③No smoking allowed.
8. 这课书的一些动宾搭配
Tidy the lab. 打扫实验室。
Turn on / off the lights / electricity. 打开/关上/电灯/电器
Shut the door / windows. 关门/窗
Lock the door. 锁门
Lesson 6 Look carefully and learn
9. make的语法
make +宾语 +宾补
①Marx made London the base for his revolutionary work.
②Would you like to make yourself known to us?
③You may take a horse to the water, but you can not make him drink.
④What you did made me sad.
注:make后面作宾语补足语的不定式不带to,但被动语态须带to。 如:
⑤He was made to be our leader.
10. Sound, smell, taste, feel, look, 表示人的感觉的连系动词
①The surface of the table feels rough.
②This plan sounds good.
③The dish tastes terrible
④You look pale, you'd better go to see a doctor.
⑤The neat smells bad.
11.Instead和instead of
① I went to Guangzhou by air instead of by train.
②Mary played the piano at the concert instead of playing the violin.
Mary didn't play the violin at the concert, instead , she played the piano.
注:instead of 后面接名词、代词、动词 ing 形式,改写成instead 句型时要注意②的变化。
12. return
①When does he return from school?
②MiLu Deer returned to china.
③Please return the book to the library on time.
注:return有back的意思,所以不能用return back。另外还用pay back (the money)to sb. 而不用return to。
13. None和no one
①None of us know(s) you. 我们没人认识你。
No one knows you. 没人认识你。
②None of these dictionaries belongs to me?
注:None通常与of边用,表二个以上全部否定。即可以指"没有一个人",也可以指"没有一个物",但no one只指人,不指物,也不能与of边,谓语动词可单可复。
14. Enough
①The students didn't look carefully enough.
②He is old enough to dress himself.
③We don't have enough money to buy it.
④There isn't enough room to hold so many people.
注:enough修饰名词时放在前 enough+n. 修饰形容词或副词时放在后adj/adv+enough.
15. On holiday 度假
① The old couples are on holiday in London.
16. While 并列边词,表句意转折
① Mother is watching TV, while father is reading the newspapers.
② You like sports, while I like music.
17. 直接引语和间接引语
① 如果直接引语是表示请求的口气,则间接引语用 ask sb.to do sth.
如果直接引语是表示命令的口气,则间接引语用 tell / order sb.to do sth.
② 否定式是not to do sth.
③ 注意人称,时态做相应变化。
例: "Do not eat cold food " , the doctor said.
→the doctor told the patient not to eat cold food.
 "Do some shopping for me , please." ,he said to her.
→He asked her to do some shopping for him.
 "You must do everything as I do" ,the professor said.
→The professor ordered his students to do everything as he did.
1.The boy wanted to ride his bicycle in the street, but his mother told him __. (95年高考)
A.not to B. Not to do C.not to it D.do not to
2.You will be late ______ you leave immediately. (96年高考)
A.unless B.until C.if D.or
3.I can hardly hear the radio, Would you please ___________ .
A.turn it on B.turn it down C.turn it up D.turn it off
4.When he was sixty years old, he __________ his hometown.
A.returned B.returned back C.returned to D.went back
5.Mr Green is ill, so today Miss Zhou teaching his class_____________ .
A.instead B.instead of C.insead him D.to take place
6.His explanation ______________ strange, but in fact it is reasonable.
A.sounds. B.sounded C.is sounded D.sound
7._________ How much water is left- ?
A.No one. B.None. C.Nothing D.Nobody.
8.That is ___________ me.
A. enough good to. B.enough good for. C.good enough for. D.good enoough to.
9.What about for a drink?
A.going out. B.go out. C.went out. D.you go out.
10. You can see a post office the other side of the street.
A.by. B.at. C.in. D.on.
1.He said to her, "Go away! "
2.Mother said to me, Come back before 10:00.
3.She asked us to sit down.
4.He told the boys not to make so much noise.
5.She told us not to touch anything.
1-5. A.A.C.C.A. 6-10. A.B.C.A.D.
1.He ordered her to go away.
2.Mother told me to come back before 10:00.
3.She said to as ,"please sit down."
4.He said , "Don't make so much noise ,boys."
5.She said, "Don't tough anything."
分析:1.本题考查祈使句转为间接引语的用法,完整的句子应为 "His mother told him not to ride in the street." 为了避免重复,省略了ride in the street.
2.本题考查词义辨析。unless为"除非,"unit (为 …才,常用来表延续动作)
或状态直到某时刻结束,如选①应为Leave immediately, or you will be late.
3.turn on 为"打开",turn off为"关闭", turn up为"把…调高.
turn down"把…调低"
4.return是不及物动词,返回某地要用return to.
5.instead of是介词短语,表示"代替了…"实际上是"舍"。Instead是副词,表示"取" 本句意思为:格林先生病了,于是周小姐替他上课。
6.none表示三者以上的否定,两者的否定用neither,常回答以How many或How much
no one一般指人,回答以who开头的疑问句。
are kind enough to help us.肯帮助我们,你真好。
9.what about? …怎么样? 因为about是介词,所以后面要跟动名词或句词。
10.on the side of 指两边或这边与那边相对,by the side of 表示在…旁边,
at the side of 意为在…的边上。




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