牛津模块3第一单元第一课时Welcome to the unit

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模块3 Unit 1 The world of our senses
Period I
Welcome to the unit
I. Questions and Answers
1. How many senses do you have?
2. Ask students to complete the following table.
We do with the sense
see 1. ____ 2. ____
hear 3. ____ 4. ____
5. ____ tongue/taste buds 6. ____
7. ____ 8. ____ smell
9. ____ hands/feet/skin 10. ____
3. Do you know how blind people can read?
Key: They can read by touching raised dots which represent numbers and letters.
4. How do the deaf communicate with each other?
Key: They use body language or sign language.
II. Talking
1. 谈论图片
If I look at the white part, I can see a vase; If I look at the black part, I can see two faces.
Use a ruler to measure the two lines.
Place a ruler next to the line, we can know the answer.
Can be read as the letters K, B, R, M, or K, 13, R, M.
2. 视觉测试

Question 1: Which square is bigger, the white one or the black one?
Question 2: Which circle is bigger, the white one or the black one?

Question: Which circle is bigger, A or B?
III. Reading and checking
Students read the part, and try to put the following into Chinese
1. 在某人的日常生活中 2. 和某人讨论某事
3. 相互影响 4. 捏住鼻子
5. 味觉 6. 以凸起的园点形成的字母
7. 听力有问题的人 8. 一两次
9. 听说过 10. 取得巨大成就
IV. Discussion(课本讨论题)
1 Do you use one of your senses more than the others? Give an example.
参考答案: We use one or two of the five senses more than the others when we need to. For example, in the darkness, the sense of hearing and the sense of touch become more sensitive because we can’t see anything. When we listen to our favourite music, we will close our eyes and just want to listen with our ears. When we read a very interesting book, we'll lose ourselves in it, and hardly hear anything around us. When we eat something, we do not only taste or smell it. We look at it as well.
2 Some people cannot remember something until they have seen it. Other people only need to hear something Once or twice before they can remember it. Which sense helps you learn best? How does it help you?
参考答案: I think in learning English, the sense of sight and the sense of hearing help me a lot. I usually listen to the tape before I read. While I'm listening to the tape, I'll look at the text. And I often read the English text aloud. The combination of these two senses best helps me remember what I have learnt.
3 Do you know of any people who have made great achievements even if they have lost one of their senses? What did they achieve?
参考答案: There are quite a few people who have made great achievements even when they have lost one of their senses. Take Beethoven, the great German composer, as an example, He began to lose his hearing in 1801 and was partly deaf by 1819. In 1824 when he was completely deaf, Beethoven completed his most famous symphony, the Ninth Symphony(第九交响曲). Another famous musician is Hua Yanjun, Blind Abing(瞎子阿炳). Although he couldn’t see anything, his famous erhu solos are admired by people all over China.
Language points
1. affect vt.(=have an effect on) effect n. [C]
Smoking affects health.
The new policy has affected the price of coal.
2. one another 指三者以上(所有格one another's)
each other 指两者以上(所有格each other's)
The two brothers always fight against each other. 这两兄弟总是互相斗来斗去。
They looked into one another’s eyes for a silent moment. 他们彼此一时相对无言。
3. hold vt. 握住;支撑;保持某姿势
hold a knife in one’s hand hold sb. in one’s arms
hold one’s hand hold an important position
The bench can hold 4 people.
hold one’s head up高昂着头
The dog holds its tail between its legs.
4. as+原级
He runs as fast without shoes.
The piano in the other shop may be cheaper, but not ____.
A. nice B. best C. as well D. as good
5. fail vt. (健康,视力)衰退
Her eyesight is failing.
one’s failing health某人恶化的健康状况
fail sb. 辜负某人
6. even if/though 即使
I like her, even though he can be rough at times.
7. confuse vt. 使糊涂,使迷惑
confuse sb.
confuse A and/with B 把……混淆
confused adj. 困惑的,糊涂的 confusing adj. 令人困惑的,含糊不清的
It was a very ________ situation.
He was in a ________ state of mind. 他心里充满困惑。
8. achieve vt. 达到,实现 achievement n. [C] [U]成绩,成就
achieve success 取得成功
On the drive test he achieved a speed of over 200mph.
All you’ve achieved is to upset me. 你唯一做到的事是让我难过。
make an achievement 取得成就
a sense of achievement (=a feeling of pride)成就感
I. Pre-study Reading
II. Extra work
1. All the____ noise in the crowd made the little girl ____.
A. confusing; confusing B. confused; confused
C. confusing; confused D. confused; confusing
2. ____ my hometown take on a new look, a ____ of pride suddenly appeared in my mind.
A. Having seen; happiness B. Seeing; meaning
C. When I saw; sense D. While I saw; feeling
3. ____ you dislike ancient monuments, Warrick Castle is ____ worth ____.
A. Even if; well; a visit B. Though; very; visiting
C. If; quite; to be visited D. When; well; being visited
4. Winning three gold medals is a great ____.
A. progress B. pleasure C. achievement D. score
5. Though good care has been taken of him, his health is still ____.
A. so poor B. poor C. as poor D. poorer




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