人教版高二Unit 8 First Aid
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教学目标:1)了解在各种意外的紧急情况下的急救知识. 2)练习用英语知识表达应该做和不应该做. 3)继续学习并运用虚拟语气. 4)写一篇有关顺序表达方式的短文. 教材分析: 本单元的中心话题是意外情况下的急救知识,语言技能和语言知识主要围绕急救着一中心话题进行设计的. 热身(waimming up) 部分通过六幅图片导入新课,让学生针对这些图片思考一些问题,你回怎么办?该怎么办?当谈论这些意外的情况时,你会想到哪些生词,以激发学生的学习兴趣。 听力(listing )提供发生在医院里的情况,一个男孩腿部受伤,另一个是小女孩误喝了墨水。教材设计了以笔记形式的问题填空和填缺词,目的是训练学生通过听获取急救方面的信息 口语(speaking)部分继续围绕在家里如何确保家人的安全,应该做,不应该做。训练学生听的能力。同时要求学生说出更多的句子,引发真实性的交际。 读前(Pre-reading)设立了三个outline 供学生讨论选择。假如你想写急救,你会选择哪种提纲,学生可以各自表达自己的看法,为下面的Reading 打下伏笔。 阅读(Reading)本文主要介绍急救的一些常识,DR ABC 利用人们记住着方面的知识。 读后(post-reading) 呈现三幅图片,要求用课文所学的知识说出图中人物正在如何运用急救知识救助伤员。 第二个问题是复述DR ABC 内容 语言学习(Language study )分词汇和语汇两部分,词汇部分设计了五个情景,帮助学生加深对新词汇的理解和记忆,同时指导学生养成通过语境记忆词语的方法。第二题是一个故事,要求通过上下文语境内容,选择所给的词语,加深所学知识。 语法部分是虚拟语气,要求学生掌握对将来、现在、过去这三种情况的假设,还有虚拟语气在宾语从句的用法。如suggest, recommend 等。这里有三大题:第一题:根据语境填上合适的虚拟语气。第二题:用虚拟语气连接句子。第三题:改错。 这些练习利于学生从理论到实践,循序渐进,利于学生比较牢固地掌握着部分的语法内容。 综合技能(lntegrating skills) 阅读部分谈如何处理animal, bites, burns, cuts, oisoning中如何进行急救,同时进行分组活动。最后写作部分,要求学生运用所学知识,写出表示顺序的短文。 学习建议(tips)提供如何做一个急救箱的内容,为本单元的话题服务。 复习要点:(checkpints)复习虚拟语气,要求学生造句,句型转换。 Period 1 ( warming up and listening) What happened to the girl ? What can we do to help her ? What can we do to help her before the doctor comes ? What do you already know about first aid ? Step 1 warming up Brainstorming: What words can you think of when you talk about accidents and first aid ? Accident first aid ( drown, bleed, choke, burn/catch fire, cut, electrical, wound, unconscious, ambulance ) Pair work Look at the pictures on Page 57 1. What would you do in these situations ? Drowning Check to see if he/she is breathing, Try to start his/her breathing Never swim in deep water. Traffic accident Call for a doctor or an ambulance, Never pull her out of the car Find enough people to lift the car safely and take her to hospital at once. Look at both side when crossing the street. Burns Call 119 first and tell them the exact Address on the phone. If someone is badly burnt, we should call 120 to ask for an ambulance. Never play with fire. Be careful with gas. Make sure that all the electric wires are safe. Bleeding Try to stop the bleeding, Press a handkerchief onto the bleeding point and hold it there. Hold up the part of body which is bleeding if possible. Cuts Go to the hospital at once . Never pull it out of the cut. If the cut is not serious, we can wash the area of cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry and clean cloth. Choking Make him/her spit by patting her/him on the back.. To avoid this, we shouldn’t talk or laugh when eating. Step 2 Listening Pre-listening: Look at the pictures on Page 58 When are they ? What do you guess has happened to the boy and the girl ? Now read the requirements quickly and find out what to do . While-listening: listen to the tape and finish the exercises on P58. 1. Listen to the tape. What happened to each child ? Child 1 : _____________________________ Child 2 :_______________________________ 2. Listen to the tape again and answer the questions. Child 1 child 2 When did it happen ? Was any first aid given? If so what was given ? 3. Listen to the nurse’s questions in the first dialogue and write them down.. 1) Can __________________________? 2) What’s ________________________? 3) What did you do ________________? 4) Does __________________________? Post-listening : Look at the pictures 1 . What would you do in these situations ? 2.What could we do to prevent these accidents ? Period 2 Speaking Nowaday, there are a lot of unexpected accidents. What would you do in such situations? Task 1 . Discussion: What should you do if you find …… 1) a person fall off the second floor ? 2) a person who has stopped breathing ? 3) a person whose leg is bleeding ? What things at home can be dangerous ? electrical equipment knives Electric fires hot water Poisons windows ladders Task 2. Discussion: How to prevent us from being injured at home ? Electricity: Make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t touch them. Cooking If a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. Things in mouth: Don’t leave small things on the floor or table which a baby can put in its mouth. Poisons : Don’t pour poisons into other containers, for example, empty bottles . keep them on a high shelf out of the reach of children. What must you do if you are badly burnt? Cool the area of skin at once . wash the area of skin under the cold tap of several minutes. Put a piece of dry clean cloth over the area of the burn. How do you deal with a simple cut ? Wash the area of the cut, dry it and cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth. What should you do when a person is bitten by an animal ? Wash the wound under cold running water, then see a doctor as soon as possible. More advice Gas fires : If you are using one of these, check that a window is open. Water: Make sure that young children can not get close to pools, lakes and rivers by themselves Ladders : Don’t use them on a wet floor. Get someone to hold the ladder for you. Don’t reach sideways while standing on a ladder. Get down first and move the ladder. 1. put away knives, forks, containers with hot water beyond the reach of children. 2. tell children not to play with matches, lighters. In short, tell them not to play with fire. Don’t forget to phone 120 and 110 whenever necessary ! Task 3 work in pairs. Use the lists of dos and don’ts below to tell each other what you should and should not do. Safety around the house Dos A . make sure that electric wires are safe and that children can’t reach them. B. if a pan of oil catches fire, turn off the gas and cover the pan quickly. C . make sure that everyone in your family knows how to call 110 and 120. D. learn more about first aid. Don’ts A. Don’t put poisons into other containers, for example empty bottles. B. Never leave small things a baby can put in its mouth on the floor or table. C. Don’t play with electrical equipment. D. Never use ladders on wet floor. Useful expressions You should always…. You must……Make sure that ……. You ought to/should….. You have to ……You should not ………. You should never…….. You must never….. Never……….. Please don’t……………. Task 4 . Talking In China, 120 is the number to call when medical help is needed. Emergency line operators must always stay calm and make sure that they get all the information they need to send help. Work in pair and use the role cards below to practise describing accidents and asking for help. Take turns being the eyewitness and the operator. Eyewitness Operator Description of accident :______________ what happened ?________ Number of people injured: _____________ who was hurt ? _________________ Type of injuries _______________ Was any first aid given? _______ Place _______________ The third period Teaching aims: 1. improve the students’ reading ability. 2. help the students to master the new words and expressions. 3. Let the students know more about first aid. If someone is badly hurt in a traffic accident, you should…/mustn’t…. Dos Don’t Leave the person where she/he is. Move the person Telephone for help Tell the person not to worry carry tbe person Tell the person to stay still let the person get up Before the doctor comes, what is the most important ? What is First Aid ? First aid is the science of giving medical care to a person before a doctor can be found.. Look the outlines. If you are asked to write a text about first aid, which of these outlines will you use ? You may have a discussion in pairs and then I’ll ask some of you to tell us your opinion. A B C 1. First aid is important 1. Learn how to give first aid 1. There are two types of first aid 2. Reason 1 2. First,…… 2. The first aid 3.Reason 2 3. Second,…. 3. The second type 4 Reason 3 4. Third, …… 4. Similarities and differences Fast-reading Which outline is used in the passage ? What’s the topic of the paragraphs ? Para. 1 First aid is very important Para 2 The most important is to stay calm Para 3-4 When we have to think fast, we must remember DR ABC to give first aid. Para. 5-6 When we have checked the DR ABC we should give the first aid that is needed and call an ambulance. Listen to the tape and answer the question. Para. 1 First aid is very important Why is first aid important in our daily life ? Para 2 What is the most important thing to remember when dealing with an emergency ? Para 3-4 What do the hospitals recommend ? What do the letters DR ABC stand for ? What are three important things ? 1. Check that the person can breathe . 2. If the person is not breathing , you must try to start his breathing at once. 3. If the person is bleeding badly, you must try to stop the bleeding . Para 5 What should we do when we have checked the DR ABC ? Para Can we do first aid correctly after reading this passage ? Comprehension 1. By saying “ Second count in an emergency, ” the writer means _________. A. time is important B. you can count numbers by the second C. time is life D. to be calm down, in an emergency, just say numbers by the second 2. What should you do if you want to do first aid correctly ? A. Learn with a teacher. B. Remember the letters DR ABC . C. Stay calm D. All of the above 3. According to the passage , people in the accident _________ A. can be helped by anyone who’d like to do so B. should be waken up as soon as possible C. should be put in the recovery position when having been given first aid. D. Can be given first aid even without checking the DR ABC 4. Which of the following sentences best expresses the main idea of the passage ? A . DR ABC should be remembered B Remembering the letters DR ABC is enough for first aid C. Why first aid is important and what the letters DR ABC stand for in an emergency D. What the letters DR mean 5. In the passage, the author seems to be ____________. A. explaining the meaning of the letters DR ABC B. telling us the importance of the first aid C. giving some basic information about first aid D. showing the importance of DR ABC True or False 1. we can do nothing but call an ambulance or the police when someone is hurt 2. If you don’t know about first aid , never try to revive the wounded person. 3. We can check blood circulating only by looking for eye movement. 4. If the person is not breathing , we must start her breathing in ten minutes. 5. If a person is bleeding , make sure that the airway is clear and it is easy to breathe. 6. When the accident happens, go to save the wounded people immediately. Post-reading Look at the pictures on Page 60 . Use what you have learnt from the text to explain what the people are doing in the pictures. Picture 1 The man is gently tipping the person’s head back to make sure that his airway is open and it is easy to breathe. Picture 2 If a person is not breathing , we can use the mouth-to-mouth way to start his/her breathing. And this must be done within five minutes. Picture 3 If a person is bleeding, we should cover the wound with a clean piece of cloth and press on the wound to stop the bleeding . Part 2 Work in pairs. Use the letters DR ABC to tell your partner how to give first aid . First, you should ______. Second , ________Third,_____ Fourth ,_______. Last,______. Match the sentences Situation measures 1. If the person is not breathing, A. you mustn’t move him . you must get help. 2 If the person is bleeding badly, B. you must try to start his/her breathing at once. 3 If the person loses one third of his blood C. You must try to stop the bleeding. 4. If someone is badly hurt, D. you should hold up the part of the body which is bleeding. 6. If the person can breathe weakly, E. Open the mouth and tale the food out at the back of the mouth if any. Language points. 1. drown vt. Vi The man drowned in the river. The man drowned himself in the river. The great flood drowned many houses . a drowning man/a drowned man 2. prevent……from The heavy rain yesterday prevented us from coming . Prevent…from doing sth. =stop ..from doing =keep…from doing 3. upside down Hang upside down from a tree. The boy turned the room upside down. 4. Seconds count in an emergency. Every minute counts. 5. keep/ bear …in mind Please keep these rules in mind. Keep in mind that the petrol can only last 2 hours. 6. panic vt In case of fire, don’t panic. Get in a panic The crowd was in a panic. She phoned the doctor in panic. 7. calm adj. Vt It was a calm, cloudless day. He always keeps/stays calm in an emergency. Please go to calm the patient. 8. respond to He didn’t respond to my question. She hasn’t responded to treatment yet. Response n. He made/gave no response to my question. Her cries for help met with no response. In response to He opened the door in response to a knock. 9. witness Did you witness the accident ? witness to She witnessed to seeing that man take the money . witness n. The police found the witness to the murder case. He was a witness to the accident. 10. on the way Christmas is on the way . She is on the way to getting well. He is on the way to success.虚拟语气 Language study (p61) word study 1. Fill in the blank with words in the text. 1) The front part of the body between the neck and the stomach is called the __________ 2) To_________ is to make a loud ,long and sharp cry. 3) She shouted at me ,but I tried to keep _________an ignore her. 4) When a doctor takes a person’s__________,he usually puts his finger on the wrist to feel the heart beat. 5) A________is a large piece of woven material that people use to stay warm. 2.Read the following story and fill in the blanks with words form the box. Bleeding response aid slightly would recovery rolling ambulancer Peter was walking back home from school ,thinking about the class today .It was about giving on the ground.She seemed to be asleep, But Peter saw that her face was very pale .He walked upto the girl and called softly,”Miss?Miss” She moved_______,but gave no clear_______.He put his hand under her nose. Yes , she was still breathing. Then he suddenly saw that there was a________on her left leg,and blood was flowing out.She might have been hit by a car or a motorcycle.He knew what he should do mext .he dialed”120”and called a(n)__________.Whiling waiting for it,he took out his hand kerchief and tried to stop the ____.Then he put the girl in the ___________position by________her on to one side and placing her left upper arm under her chin.”she ‘ll be all right,”he thought when the ambulance arrived five minutes later. P132 1 Fill in the blank with the wouds below.You may change the form if necessary. Calm slight sudden witness loose panic bite tap 1)I staying________in an emergency and knowing what to do can mean the dillerence between life and death. 2)The middle-aged man died of a_________heart attack .His death shocked all his family. 3)A mouse _________the little boy on the arm when he tried to catch it. 4)They ran away in such a_________that they dropped their bags ane shoes. 5)Don’t worry about me .I’ve just got a_____________headache. 6) The sweeter does not fit you ;it is too___________. 7) A man who _______the accident said that the car was going at mearly 100 km per hour when it crashed. 8) Remember to turn off the ¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬¬_______after you wash you hands. 2 There is one error on each of the following sentences.Find and correct I 1) If we know more about giving the first aid ,we may help people in an emergency. 2) A drowned man is screarming for help in the river. 3) Knocked down by a car ,he was bled to death . 4) Help,the baby is choked on some candy! 5) My pen has run out inks .Can you lend me some? 6) She witnessed to the traffic accident and reported it to the mearests police station. 7) Where is the wound? Let me check them. 8) The car rolled over the bridge.Call for a ambulance! 3 Translate the following sentences into English 1) 这栋房子昨晚失火了,是小孩玩火引起的(catch fire ) 2) 我不相信你在读报,因为你把报纸拿倒了。(upside down) 3) 开车一定要小心。记住——任何一个小疏忽都有可能导致交通事故(keep in mind) 4) 这出戏是为了纪念那些火灾事故中遇难的消防队员们。(in honour of) 5) 外出旅游时最好带上手机,以防出现紧急情况。(in case of) 6) 购物时要想省钱又省时间,最好预先把要买的东西列在一张清单上。(a list of ) 7) 他翻过身,换了个舒服的姿势。(roll over) 语气是表示说话者对动词所表示的动作或状态的态度,是一种动词形式。英语中的语气有三种: 1、 陈述语气(the Indicative Mood )用来陈述一个事实,或提出一个想法。有肯定、否定、疑问或感叹等形式。 日本东邻中国。Japan lies on the east of China. 鱼儿离不开水。The fish is not alive without water. 2 祈使语气(the Imperative Mood)用来表示请求、邀请、命令、警告或劝告等。 不要者急。 Don’t be worry. 3 虚语语气 (the subjunctive Mood)表示说话人的一种愿望、建议、命令、要求、有时是一种真实的假设、料想、或是不可能实现的与事实相反的愿望。 如果他在这儿,他就会同意我的意见。If he had been here ,he would have agreed with me. 我希望我能飞。I wish I could fly. 虚拟语气的用法 一、 虚拟语气在条件句中的用法。 条件句有真实条件句和非真实条件句两种。真实条件句所表示的假设是可能发生或实现的。句中的条件从句与结果主句皆用陈述语气。 你如果把油倒在水里,油就浮起来。Oil floats if you pour it on water. 假如明年我有钱,我就去日本。If I have enough money next year ,I will go to Japan. 非真实条件句所表的假设则是不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,句中的条件从句与结果主句皆用虚拟语气。 条件从句的谓语形式 主语的谓语从句形式 与现在事实相反 If 主语+动词过去式 主语 +should/would/could/ might+动词原形 与过去事实相反 If 主语+had +动词过去 分词 主语+should/would/could/ migh+have+过去分词 与将来事实相反 If 主语+动词过去式 +should+动词原形 +were to +动词原形 主语+should/would/could might+动词原形 1. 表示跟现在事实相反 要是我是你,我就会对他说实话。 If I were you, I should (would, could, might)tell him the truth. 如果他有时间,他就会(可能)和你去。 If he had time, he would (could, might) go with you. 要是我哥哥在这儿,一切都没有问题了。 If my brother were here, everything would be all right. 2 与过去的事实相反 从句的谓语用had+过去分词,构成If I (we, you, he, they)+had+过去分词的形式;主句的谓语用should(第一人称)/would(第二、三人称)/could/might have +动词过去分词。 如果你仔细一点, 这个错误是可以避免的. If you had been more careful, the mistake might have been avoided.有时间,我就会来看你的. If I had time last night, I should have come to see you. 昨晚如果假如受过良好的教育,他就不会表现成那样。 He would never have behaved like that if he had had a good education. 假如我的表不停,我就会准时的。If my watch had not stopped, I should have been on time. 3 与将来事实相反 从句的谓语用If I (we, you, he, they) +动词过去式或were to do 或should do 形式,主句谓语用should(第一人称)/would(第二、三人称)/could/ might +动词原形。 假如他来了, 我们对他说什么呢? If he were to come, what should we say to him. 假如他看见我, 就会认识我。If he should see me, he would know me. 假如我们爬上山顶,我们能有一个好的视野吗? If we climbed to the top of the mountain, should we get a good view? 4 If从句中若含有should, had 或者were,那么就可以把它们放在句首,与主语颠倒形成倒装,但动词过去式不可以与主语倒装。 如果他在,他会来帮助我们。Were he here, he would come to help us. 假如你刚才在这里,你就会遇见她。Had you been here just now, you would have met her. 假如我明天看见他,我就会告诉他关于这一切。Should I see him tomorrow, I would tell him about it. 假如你按照我说的去做,你就会成功。Had you done as I told you, you would have succeeded. 5 当条件状语从句表示的行为和主句表示的行为所发生的时间不一致时,被称为“错综时间条件句”,动词的形式要根据它所表示的时间作出相应的调整。 如果他早点出发,他现在已到家了。If he had set out earlier, he would be home now. 假如我不忙,我家会来了。If I were not busy, I would have come. 假如你接受了我的意见,你现在就会好的多。You would be much better now if you had taken my advice. 6 用介词短语代替条件状语从句。常用的介词由with, without, but for等。 What would you do with a million dollars?=if you had a million dollars We couldn’t have finished the work ahead of time without your help. (=if we hadn’t got your help) But for rain(=If it hadn’t been for the rain), we would have finished the work. 7 含蓄条件句 有时为了表达的需要,在虚拟语气中并不总是出现if引导的条件句,而通过其他手段代替条件句。I was ill that day. Otherwise, I would have taken part in the sports meet.(副词) He telephoned to inform me of your birthday, or I would have known nothing about it .(连词) A man who stopped drinking water would be dead in about seven days. (定语从句) Everything taken into consideration, they would have raised their output quickly.(独立主格结构) 二、虚拟语气在宾语从句中的用法 1 在动词wish后的宾语从句中,表示与现在或过去的事实相反,或对将来的主观愿望,从句通常省略连词that。 (1)表示对现在情况的虚拟:从句动词用过去式或过去进行式(be动词一般用were)。 我希望知道这个问题的答案。I wish I knew the answer to the question. 但愿北京全年是秋天。I wish it were autumn in Beijing all the year around. 她希望仍和祖母住在一起。She wishes she were still living with her grandmother. (2)表示对过去情况的虚拟:从句动词常用“had+过去分词”。 我后悔不该花那么多钱。I wish I hadn’t spent so much money. 他真希望没有失去机会。He wishes he had not lost the chance. (3)表示对将来的主观愿望:从句动词形式为“would+动词原形”。 注意:主句的主语与从句的主要不能相同,因为主句的主语所期望的从句动作能否实现,取决于从句主语的态度或意愿(非动物名词除外)。 但愿雨能停止。I wish it would stop raining. 但愿你立刻来。I wish you would come soon. 2 在一个坚持(insist),两个命令(order, command),三个建议( suggest, advice, propose),四个要求( ask,demand request, require)等动词后的宾语从句中,谓语动词用“(should)+动词原形”,表示建议、要求、命令等。 我建议马上动身。I suggest that we (should) set off at once. 学生们坚持要多上英语课。The students insisted that they (should) have more English classes 3 在主语+would (had) rather +that 宾语从句中,从句谓语用过去式表示虚拟形式。 我倒希望他们和我一起去。I would rather they went with me. 三、虚拟语气在主语从句中的用法。 主语从句是It’s necessary (natural, important, strange, surprising, better, a pity, no wonder) +that时, 谓语的虚拟形式用 (should)+原形动词或should+have+过去分词来表示。 高中学生掌握一门外语很有必要。It is necessary that a high school student should master a foreign language. 很遗憾他居然没有在It is a pity that he should be absent today. 我们说话要有礼貌,这是很重要的。It is important that we should speak politely. 注意:有些过去分词可以当形容词使用,在主语从句中要用虚拟语气,常见的有:desired, demanded, requested, suggested,required等。 四、虚拟语气在表语从句和同位语从句的用法。 在suggestion, proposal, order, plan, idea, request, advice等名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中要用虚拟语气。其构成是“should+动词原形”。 My idea is that we should think it over before accepting it. We all agreed to his suggestion that we should go to Dalian for sightseeing. 五、在It is (high) time (that)…的句型中,定语从句的虚拟形式常用过去式或should+动词原形(should不能省略),表示“现在该……” 我们该走了。It is time we left. 六、 if only…表示一种假设情况,意思是“要是••••••就好了”,相当于主语+wish。 要是今天是星期天就好了。If only it were Sunday today. 要是他幽默点就好了。If only he had a sense of humor. 七、由as if(as though) 或even though(even though) 引导的状语从句表示比较或方式时,从句谓语形式为动词的过去式(be用were)或“had+过去分词”。 他那样对待我,好像我式陌生人似的。He treats me as if I were a stranger. 她谈论那部影片,就好像她确实看过一样。She talked about the film as if she had really seen it. 注意:如果表示的事情可能会发生,那么方式状语从句中的谓语动词可用陈述语气。 八、虚拟语气用在含有If it were not for或If it had not been for 条件句中。 If it were not for the rain, the crops would die. If it had not been for your help, we couldn’t have finished the work ahead of time. 九、虚拟语气表示委婉语气的句型中。 It would be better for you not to do that. Would you be so kind as to show me the way to the railway station. 十、 用于“may+动词原形”表示“祝愿……”,may须置于句首。 May you succeed! May you be happy! P61 1Fill in the blanks with the words in brackets. You man change the form if necessary. 1 Our teacher suggested that we ____________(discuss) the question in groups of four. 2 If he had not made many mistake, he _________(pass) the test. 3 If you had gone to see the doctor earlier, you ________(fall) seriously ill. 4 If you had arrived at the airport ten minutes earlier, you ______(miss) the flight. 5 If you _______(be) here last night, you would have met the well-known cancer expert. 6 Someone recommended that the housing programme _______(carry out) soon after the conference. 7 If the little girl should take piano lessons, she _________(have) less free time. 8 If we had listened to her advice and brought a map with us, we_________(lose) our way. 9 If he ___________ (see) you yesterday, he would have told you. 10 If it were to rain tomorrow, we __________(go) for a picnic. 2 Join the pairs of sentence using the Subjunctive Mood. 1 The old man died of a sudden heart attack./ He was not sent to hospital in time. 2 The boy died of an electric shock./ He touched the electric wires. 3 The building had burnt down./ They did not fix the electric wires. 4 The woman was gas-poisoned./ She did not open the window while cooking. 5 The worker fell down the ladder and broke his leg./ He put the ladder on a wet floor. 6 The litter girl drowned./ She got too close to the lake. 7 The baby put small pieces of the toy in her mouth./ Her mother left them on the floor. 3 Find one error in each sentence and then correct it. 1 I don’t think it a good decision that he will be given this job since he has no experience at all. 2 If he didn’t choose to save the girl,he would not have died in the mountains. 3 If he hadn’t used his cellphone to make that SOS call, all the passengers on the boat would have left to die in the sea water, just like what happened to the people on the Titanic almost 100 years ago 4 If the poisoned girl was found two hours earlier, she could have been saved. 5 When Edison died, it was suggested that the American people turned off all power in their homes, streets and factories for several minutes in honor of this great man. Integrating skills (1) Dealing with common injures What are common injuries ? Common injuries are accidents that easily happen at home . We may not be able to prevent them from happening , but everyone should know what to do if an accident happens. Scanning How many kinds of common injuries are mentioned in this passage ? Animal, bites, burns, cuts, poisoning Task 1 You are a doctor, tell your classmates how to deal with these 4 common injuries,Now please finish the following table. Common injuries: Animal bites: wash the wound with cold running water. See a doctor as soon as possible. Burns: cool the area of skin, wash it under the cold tap, cover the wound with bandge/clean cloth. Cuts: wash the area of cut, dry it, cover it with a piece of dry clean cloth, stop bleeding Poisoning: get him or her to breathe and spit out poison, call for an ambulance, search for any poison. Applications: What should you do in the following situations? 1. Your little brother is bitten by a big dog. First,…….. 2. Your mother burned herself while she was cooking for you. Second,….. 3. You found your classmate with a knife in his leg. Third,….. 4. You found a person who has stopped breathing. Finally,…… 5. You found a girl unconscious on the beach of the park. Other common injuries. How to deal with nose bleeding 1. stay calm 2. breathe through the mouth ,not the nose. 3. sit up and bend the head slightly forward. 4. Pinch both nostrils shut using a thumb and forefinger. 5. spit out any blood that collects in the mouth. Sunburns 1. cool the burnt area with clean towels dipped in cool water. 2. test in a cool, quiet room. Find a comfortable position. 3. drink plenty of water. 4. put sunglasses on and cover sunburned skin when you go in the sun again so you don’t get burned more. To remove a foreign object in the eye: 1. wash your hands. 2. twist a piece of tissue , moisten the tip with tap water, and gently try to touch it with the tip. 3. if the foreign object is under the upper lid, look down and pull the upper lid away from the eyeball by gently grabbing the eyelashes. 4. don’t rub the eye. 5. gently wash the eye with cool water. Writing Write a paragraph in which you tell your friends how to give first aid. Choose one of the accidents from the reading passage or from daily life. What accident How (basic steps) First,… second,/then… Finally,…. Tips to remember Task 2 Making a first-aid kit A first-aid kit is a box or bag of useful items and information that may be helpful in case of emergency. A well-stocked first-aid kit, kept in easy reach, is necessary in every room . It Should include: Bandage alcohol flashlight thermometer soap sharp scissors plastic gloves(at least 2 pairs) Your list of emergency phone numbers……. Homework (translation) 1. 如果我们在家发现有人胳臂严重被切伤或砍伤怎么办?首先我们必须止住血,然后为他找医生,不能抬起或动他。 2. 我们必须阻止小孩子误食毒药。 3. 你作为家长,应确保电线是安全的。 4. 他丧失知觉了,我们应马上叫救护车吗? Integrating skills(2) First Aid Right And Wrong Read the following descriptions of accidents on page 14 and decide what the rescuers did wrong. situation What they did wrong Car accident Skate accident Hotel fire poisoning Use what you have learned about first aid to list what they should have done WritingChoose one of the situations in the reading and write a description. In the new description, the rescuer should give first aid in the right way. |
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