
中学英语教学资源网英语教案教学设计 手机版

welcome to the unit
Teaching aims and demands:
New words:ability , Superdog , fly , careful , collect elderly
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1 to revise vocabulary about helping people in the community
2 to generate ideas about ways to care for and help others
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
一. Warm-up
Talk to students about Superman . Guide students to understand the meanings of “can” and “can’t” .
二 Main task
1 Ask for suggestions of some typical ways students help you , the school , the community and others . Write the words ‘ everyday hero’ on the board and then brainstorm situations in which students can be helpful .
2 Ask students to look at the pictures on page73 . Explain the context . Check understanding of the words “ planting , clean up , elderly “ . Then ask students to read descriptions a-f and de the task .
3 Check answers with the class .
4 Ask students to look at the pictures and statements and consider how often they engage in the activities . ask them to respond using the words “ regularly / sometimes / never “ .
5 Do a class survey . then fill in the following form .

activities always usually often sometimes never
Helping old men
Planting trees

三 Exercises :
练习一Welcome to the unit
1 Thank you for (bring) me presents and cards .
2 He is a (细心的)boy .
3 I saw a lot of smoke (come) from next door .
4 I poured some water over my jacket . That’s what I did for my (safe).
5 Fire can be very (danger) .
6 It is important to be (care) with fire .
7 Children should not play with (match) .
1 我们可以为希望工程捐款。
We can for .
2 她是一位细心的学生,课堂上她总能认真听讲。
She is a student . She always to the teachers .
3 少先队员们为老人们一周两次打扫房间。
The Young Pioneers the rooms for twice a week .
4 七年级一班的学生将去河边植树。
The students of Class1Grade 7 near the river .
5 李平经常帮助老人。
Li Ping often .
6 他经常在车上让座。
He often someone on the bus .
7 他正在为希望工程筹集东西。
He is Project Hope .
8 你们这星期五去老年公寓吗?
Are you this Friday ?
7B牛津英语unit5教案 Reading a brave girl
Reading a brave girl
Teaching aims and demands:
New words: brave , fire , alone , smoke , hurt , pour , rush , save , blanket , burn , arm , danger , careless , by oneself , safety ,
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1 to introduce and expand vocabulary to describe dangerous situations
2 to guess general meaning from picture , key words and context
3 to identify names of specific places and actions
4 to skim the text for overall meaning and scan for detail
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
一. Warm-up
Talk about danger and potential hazards at home . ask if any students have ever had an accident at home . talk about what to do in case of emergency .
二 Main task
1 Review vocabulary which is relevant for this context .eg. “ smoke , rush , danger “ .
2 Encourage students to draw on their own knowledge about such incidents . Have they heard about similar incidents ? What happened ? Ask :
1 Who had the accident ?
2 Who helped in the emergency ?
3 How did it end ?
3 Listening the text and repeat after the tape , then tell the you the name of the hero in the text .
4 Ask six students to read one paragraph each . then ask at least “Yes /No” about the article to check understanding
1 Did Wang Fang go out on 10th May ?
2 Was there a fire in the kitchen ?
3 Was there a lot of smoke ?
4 Did Wang Fang run out of the building ?
5 Did the fire burn Wang Fang ?
6 Did she stay in hospital for two months ?
5 Read the text carefully again then answer the following questions :
1 What happened on 10th May ?
2 Who saved Mr Sun ?
3 Why could Mr Sun not get out of the kitchen ?
4 How did Wang Fang put out the fire ?
5 Why was Wang Fang in hospital ?
6 Explain the useful expressions in the the text
① help her neighbour out of a fire / danger
eg Yesterday Jim helped a little girl out of danger .
② alone = by oneself
My parents were out just now. I am alone / by myself now .
Peter can do his homework alone / by himself .
③ hear someone shouting
see / watch / find / hear sb do sth ( doing sth )
eg I often see them play football on the playground .
The teacher found them talking happily when she came into the classroom .
④ 79-year-old
eg. Mr Sun is a 79-year-old man . = Mr Sun is 79 years old .
⑤ be in hospital
My friend was ill yesterday , so she is in hospital now .
⑥ It’s important / good / + 形容词 for sb to do sth .
eg. It’s good to give someone a seat on a bus .
1 Ask the students to identify the words in the text first and then use the information in the sentence to help them guess the meanings .
2 According to the text , use the correct words in the box to complete the conversation between Wang Fang and the interviewer .
3 Ask students to read the conversation in pairs . Then invite two or three pairs to present it to the class .
1 Read the text for this task and make sure that students understand it .
2 Ask students to check the conversation individually for any words they do not so that they can work out the wrong information in the conversation easily .
3 Ask them to underline the mistakes then replace the wrong words with the correct ones and read the conversation .
4 Read the instructions to the class and ask students to find the correct picture on their own . Check answers as a class .
5 Ask them to think of any other safety advice .
eg . Don’t play on the street .
Cross the street at the zebra crossing .
三 Exercise
1 That man (quick) ran away .
2 Don’t (抽烟) here , please .
3 Jack fell (跌倒) off the ladder and (hurt) himself .
4 We should (study) hard .
5 It’s important (learn) English well .
6 We went to visit Uncle Wang and (bring) some flowers to him .
7 The fire (burn) the house .
8 He can (swim) very well .
9 Suddenly I heard someone (shout) to the next room .
10 The firemen rushed into the house (救) that little baby .
1 That old man was ill hospital .
2 It’s important to be careful fire .
3 Mr Li put the fire a blanket .
4 Don’t pour water her jacket .
5 I heard a strange noise next door .
6 Mr Fang lives next to my room . He’s my good .
7 We often cook meals in the .
8 We should be when we cross the road .
9 How the girl is ! She saved an old man from the water .
10 That girl is to go out at night . So she often stays at home and watches TV .
Mr Sun is Wang Fang’s . He is years old . He
lives . One day , Wang Fang him “ Fire , Fire !” So she
out and Mr Sun’s house was on . Mr Sun his leg , He
can’t get out . What can she do ?
Quickly , she back , water over her jacket , then into
the fire . She was . She helped Mr Sun out .
After this , Wang Fang often says :”Fire can be very . It’s to
be with fire . “
1 玩火是危险的。
It’s fire .
2 她有一个8 岁的女儿。
She has daughter .
3 今晚我一个人在家。
I at home tonight .
4 在五月十日, 那男人从或里救出一个小女孩。
, that man a girl a fire .
5 我们应该互相帮助。
We .
6 那场火烧毁了屋子里的一切。
The fire in the house .
7 他迅速跑回公寓去取钥匙。
He quickly his flat the key .
8 他正在写一篇1500字的故事。
He is .
9 我哥哥今天不能来上学因为他的腿受伤了。
My brother because .
10 这只老鼠用牙齿咬断了绳子帮助狮子脱离了危险。
The mouse cut the rope and helped the lion .
11 孙太太住院多长时间了?
was Mrs Sun ?
12 我们应该互相学习, 互相帮助。
We should .
13 学好英语是非常有用的。
It’s to .
7B牛津英语unit5教案 Vocabulary
Teaching aims and demands:
New words:grateful , quick , slow , rude , recommend , award , super , sportswoman
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1 to develop an understanding of the use of adjectives in different context
2 to use suitable adjectives to describe people’s behavior and character
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
1 Make sure that students understand the concept of opposites , Give some similar examples . eg . hot /cold , fast / slow , big / small
2 Explain the concept of prefixes and suffixes .Tell students that when we add the prefix un- in front of some adjectives , it usually means ‘ not’. Give some examples eg. friendly / unfriendly , healthy / unhealthy , lucky / unlucky , usual / unusual . When we add the suffix –ful to the end of some adjectives , it means ‘ full of ……’ i.e. the person or thing has that quality . When we add the suffix –less to the end of some adjectives , it means ‘ without’ or’ lacking’ .
3 Ask students to look at the words in the left column of Part A and do the task on their own .
4 Have one student read out a word from the left column and another student give the opposite word from the right column. Write the correct answers on the board .
5 Explain the context of Part B . You may want to remind students about prizes that can be won at your school and activate students’ knowledge about recommendation letters .
6 Ask students to read two reports on their own first . Ask them to try to make sense of what is being said in the reports .
7 Then students read the first report again and use the mixed-up letters to help them make a suitable adjective .
8 Follow the same procedure for the second report . Ask students to read out the report one sentence at a time . Write the missing words on the board .
9 Ask students to write a report about one of the classmates using one of the reports in Part B on page 77 as a model . Encourage them to use as many adjectives as possible .
7B牛津英语unit5教案 Grammar
Teaching aims and demands:
Teaching methods: task-based approach
Teaching task: 1 To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to express ability in the present and past .
2 To recognize and understand how to use “can” and “could” to talk about possibility in the present and past .
3 To recognize degrees of possibilities when u8sing “may and “might”
Teaching aids: tape recorder
Teaching procedures:
1 Revise the key vocabulary about leisure activities and introduce “row a boat / ride a bike / fly a kite “ Talk to students about summer camps in general and the type of activities offered /. Elicit as much real information from students as possible .
2 Students have already learned the use of “can” and “may” in making requests(Book7A , unit2) therefore , you need to introduce the idea that here , the word “can” is used to express ability .
3 Ask students to identify activities that they can do well . Write students’ statements on the board . First write “ I can “ on the board .
4 Ask students to say the things they can do , and sort them into categories : sports/ leisure/school subjects
5 Go through the tables at the top of page 78 and explain the use of “can/could” and their negative forms . We use “can” to say that we are able to do something . We use “could” to say that we were able to do something in the past .
6 Ask students to work out the rule on their own . Then they check with a partner and confirm that their answer is correct with the whole class .
7 Ask students to check the information table in Part1 about the Beijing Sunshine Secondary School students’ abilities . Reinforce the use of “could/ could not” for the past and “can / can not” for the present . Then they complete the sentences on their own .
8 Check students’ understanding of the grammar tables on page79 . Then explain the negative and question forms using “can /could” in Part2 .Ask them to work out the correct information by referring back to the table on page78 .
9 Students do Part A2 first on their own and then check their completed sentences with a partner , Then ask students to read the conversation in pairs .
10 Check answers as a class, remind them to write the pattern into their grammar pattern books together with their own examples.
Part B
1 Tell students that they are now able to talk about their present and past abilities using “can/could” . Introduce the idea that we also use “can/could” to express possibilities .
2 Ask students to study the tables at the top of the page to clarify the use of “can/could” and their negative forms .
3 Explain to students the concept of possibility . We use “can” to say that something is possible . We use “could” to something was possible . However, we are not talking about the chances that something will happen . Provide examples using students’ own experience :
School finishes at 4 p.m. The bus leaves at 4:10p.m. we can take the bus home .
It will be warm tomorrow so we can wear short sleeves .
4 Ask them to do PartB1 in pairs , For less able students , allow them refer to the table on the top of page 80 .
5 Check the answer as a class . Pay special attention to any common mistakes and clarify them . choose five students to read aloud .
Part C
1 Introduce the idea that we also use “may” and “might” to express possibilities . Students probably know how to use “may” for making polite requests but possibly will not know the meaning of “might” . Tell them that “might” is the past tense form of “may” .However , we also use “might” to talk about possibility .
2 Explain the context by talking to students about the Class 1 Grade 7 students’ summer Camp and what the students may / may not or might / might not de there .Talk students through some examples using questions about everyday events at your school .
3 Ask students to study the tables at the top of the page , and explain to them the difference between the uses of “may” and “might” .
4 Have more able students provide other sentences to illustrate “may” and “might” .Encourage them to think of their own examples to express degrees of possibilities .
5 Explain the context of Part C . Ask students to read what each person is saying and underline the keywords in each speech bubble . i.e. ”maybe” , “only a small chance” , “ I’m sure” and “highly possible” . These words will determine the use of specific modal verbs .
6 Then ask students to complete sentences 1-4 at the bottom of the page . Check the answer as a class activity . Clarify any possible problems .




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