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牛津英语7B UNIT 1词组
1.dream homes 梦想的家
2. live in a palace / next to a restaurant 住在宫殿里/餐馆隔壁
3. learn about the homes in different countries 了解不同国家的家
4. countries and capitals 国家和首都
5. the capital of … ……的首都
6.homes around the world 世界各地的家
7. the home pages of four foreign students 四个外国学生的主页
8. sit on the big floor cushions 坐在大垫子上
9. live with my family in a wooden house 和我的家人住在一座木屋里
10. climb a ladder to get into my house 爬梯子到房子里去
11. it rains a lot 下很多雨
12. make dinner 做饭
13. in the center of Moscow 在莫斯科中心
14. in a flat on a busy street 在繁华大街的一座公寓里
15. share…with…. 和……分享……
16. write down the meanings of some of the words 写下一些单词的意思
17. make some mistakes 犯一些错误
18.write the correct words above each mistake 把正确的单词写在每一个错误
19.lie on his bunk beds 躺在他的双层床上
20. above the top bunk bed 在上层床的上面
21. have a free day 空闲一天
22. be tired after the long plane trip 在长途飞行后很累
23. where else we are going? 我们还要去哪里?
24. made a video / watch the video 拍/看录像
25. be really different from 真的与…….不同
26. I’m afraid… 我恐怕……
27. take a message 捎个口信
28. call you back 给你回电话
29. do a survey 做一个调查
30. complete the questionnaire below with your own 用你的个人信息完成下面 information 的问卷
31. at least 至少
32. a football pitch 一个足球场
33. a swimming pool which is 50 metres long 一个50米长的游泳池
34. have /take a bath/ shower 洗澡/淋浴
35. at the same time 同时
36.live two floors above/ below sb 住在某人的上/下两层
牛津初中英语7B UNIT 2 词组
1 Welcome to Sunshine Town 欢迎来阳光镇
2 dog food 狗食
3 how much money 多少钱
4 tins of dog food 几听狗食
5 a tin / can of …… 一听…… tins / cans of …… 几听……
6 order a pizza 点一份比萨饼
7 a group of exchange students 一群交换生
8 take them to the sports center 带他们去体育运动中心
9 go to lots of different Chinese restaurants 去不同的中国餐馆
10 There be sth to do 有事要做
11 live in a modern town 住在现代化的城镇
12 by underground 乘地铁
13 less than 少于 ; 不超过
14 air pollution / make the air dirty 空气污染
15 a beautiful country park 一座美丽的乡村公园
16 go walking 去散步
17 most of us 我们中的大多数人
18 live in tall buildings 住在高楼里
19 such a tall building 如此高的一座高楼 such+a/an +形容词+名词
20 places like this 像这样的地方
21 be close to 接近;靠近
22 have to 不得不;必须
23 go far 走远
24 want help with our homework 需要人帮助我们的家庭作业
25 until ten o’clock at night 直到晚上十点
26 not……until…… 直到……才……
27 find all the souvenirs 找到所有的纪念品
28 in the centre of Beijing 在北京市中心
29 be here in the right place 来对了地方
30 Beijing Duck 北京烤鸭
31 choose any food 挑选任何食物
32 lots of Western restaurants 许多西餐馆
33 enjoy Beijing Opera 欣赏京剧
34 visit our local theatre with us 跟我们一起参观我们当地的剧院
35 Why don’t you do sth ? 你为什么不做某事?
36 think of 想起
37 watch plays or shows 观看戏剧或表演
38 be / feel sick 生病;感觉不舒服
39 in the hospital 在医院
40 in hospital (生病)住院
41 fifteen loaves of bread 十五条面包
42 three kilos of each 每样三公斤
43 five packets of chips 五包薯条
44 four big cartons of milk 四大盒牛奶
45 hold a party (for sb) (为某人)举行聚会
46 have a really good time 过得真愉快
47 come to the party 参加聚会
48 become good friends 成为朋友
49 the best game in the world 世界上最好的运动
50 a very friendly boy 一位十分友好的男孩
51 Don’t miss the great exhibitions 别错过盛大的展览会
52 golden throne 金制的御座
53 works of art 艺术品
54 Chinese paintings 中国画
55 come to the Palace Museum 来故宫
56 see a stone carving 看石雕
57 make plans to go out 计划外出
58 enjoy a full day 享受一整天
59 youth centre 青少年活动中心
60 meet friends at the youth centre 在青少年活动中心会见朋友们
61 ride bicycles 骑自行车
62 play ball games in the park 在公园做球类运动
63 go to the cinema 去电影院
64 show you around my home town 带领你参观我的家园
65 show (sb) around (some place) 带领某人参观某地
66 grow vegetables and flowers in the garden 在花园种蔬菜和花
67 go to the nearest town 去最近的城镇
68 go into town on the bicycle 骑车进城镇
69 (be) warm and sunny 既温暖又晴朗
70 a wonderful place to live 一块居住的好地方
71 a bottle of orange juice 一瓶桔子汁
72 instead of 替代
牛津初中英语7B UNIT 3 词组
1 follow sb 跟随某人 follow me 跟着我
2 Let’s go down / up here 让我们从这儿下/上
3 Don’t be afraid 别害怕
4 come with me 跟我来
5 go on an outing 出去玩
6 north-west of the zoo 在动物园的西北 south-east of 在……的东南
7 get a call 接到一个电话
8 live nearby 主在附近
9 drive to the zoo quickly 快速驾车到动物园
10 get out of / ( into) the car 下 / 上小汽车
11 at once / right now 立刻 ;马上
12 three men in police uniform 三个穿警服的人
13 run out of the building 跑出大楼
14 ask sb about sth 问某人关于某方面的事
15 push…into… 把……推进……
16 drive away 开车逃走 run away 逃跑
17 try to do sth 尽力做某事
18 fail to do sth 做某事失败
19 take different routes 走不同的路线 take a route 走……的路线
take another route 走另一条路线
20 go along 6th street 沿着第六大街走
21 turn left into Park Road 左转进入公园路
22 run to the police station 跑向警察局
23 stop at the traffic lights 在交通灯处停下
24 stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下来做某事
25 jump out of the van 跳出货车 jump into the river 跳进河
26 be surprised to do sth 做某事感到吃惊 be surprised at sth 对某事吃惊
27 close the back /front door 关后/前门
28 in the end / at last 最后
29 at the end of the road 在路的尽头
30 be far (away) from 远离
31 at a crossroads 在十字路口
32 tell sb about a story of 告诉某人关于……的故事
33 call sb for help 打电话给某人请求帮助
34 road signs 路标
35 zebra crossing 斑马线
36 teach sb how to read a map 教某人怎样识图
37 at the entrance of the zoo 在动物园的入口处
38 at the corner of the road 在马路的拐角处
39 cross the road 过马路
40 swim across the swimming pool 游过游泳池
41 go through a tunnel 穿过隧道
42 walk along the road 沿着马路走
43 climb up the hill 爬上山
44 walk around the table 围着桌子走
45 jump over the chair 跳过椅子
46 walk down the stairs 走下楼梯
47 tell me the way to the railway station 告诉我去火车站的路
48 walk up / down the steps 走上/下台阶
49 at the other side of the park 在公园的另一边
50 come out of the park 出公园
51 walk over the bridge 走过桥
53 take them to the Summer Palace 带他们去颐和园
54 join sb 加入某人 join us 加入我们
55 meet at the school gate 在校门口集合
56 take an umbrella 带一把雨伞
57 all day 整日 all night 整夜
58 start a campfire 升篝火
59 walk /go on 继续走
60 walk straight on 一直走
61 walk along /down the street 沿着街走
62 turn right / left (into …) 向右/左转进入….
63 take the second turning /(crossing / crossroads) on the right / left
64 turn right / left at the second turning / (crossing / crossroads)
65 walk across / (cross) the road at the traffic lights 在交通灯处过马路
66 walk past the supermarket 走过超市
67 walk towards the bridge 朝桥走过去
68 have a farewell party 举行告别会
69 have a picnic 举行野餐
70 have a barbecue 举行烧烤
71 half of the students 一半学生
72 look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事
73 take the underground 乘地铁
74 join the farewell party 参加告别会
75 walk past the Bank of China Building 走过中国银行大楼
76 send some postcards to his friends 给他的朋友们寄些明信片
77 all over the world 全世界
牛津英语7B UNIT 4 词组
1.its bright lights 它的明亮的光
2.keep your eyes open 让眼睛睁着
3.at the same time 同时
4.walk on tiptoe 用脚趾走
5.one Sunday morning 一个星期天的早上
6.as usual 向往常一样
7.turn around 转过身来
8.be/feel frightened 感到恐惧害怕
9.listen very carefully 听得非常仔细
10.be afraid 害怕
11.run away quickly 很快地跑开
12.on their way 在他们的路上
13.search carefully 仔细的搜查
14.say to oneself (myself , yourself , himself ,herself , itself ,ourselves , yourselves , themselves) 自言自语
15.be weak 虚弱
16.show sb sth (show sth to sb) 把某物给某人看
17.later that day 那天晚些时候
18.the following Sunday (过去) 接下来的星期天
19.have a good time 过得愉快
20.help sb do sth 帮某人做某事
21.be crazy about sth /doing sth 着迷某物/做某事
22. love doing sth /doing sth
23. be fond of sth / doing sth 喜欢某物/做某事
24.like sth / doing sth
25. dislike sth / doing sth 不喜欢某物/做某事
26. hate sth /doing sth 憎恨某物/做某事
27. a baby panda /two baby pandas 一/两只幼年熊猫
28.the most dangerous animal 最危险的动物
29.Let’s take turns to do 让我们轮流做
30.a wedding of two dogs 两只狗的婚礼
31.the tallest man in history 历史最高的人
32.during our lives 在我们的生命中
33, in the daytime 在白天
34.stay on the seabed 呆在海床上
35. walk in the mud easily 轻松地在泥中走
36.move quietly 悄悄地移动
37.be surprised to do 惊讶做某事
38.It is interesting to do 做某事很有趣
39.read out 朗读
40.return to 把------归还-------
牛津英语7B UNIT 5 词组
1 be careful / look out / take care 当心 、 小心
2 different abilities 不同的能力
3 recommend sb for sth / doing sth 推荐某人(获得某物 / 做某事)
4 plant trees 植树
5 clean up 清理干净 / clean up the park 把公园清扫干净
6 give a seat to someone on the bus 在公共汽车上给人让座
7 collect things for Project Hope 为希望工程募集东西
8 visit a home for the elderly 参观老年公寓
9 a brave girl 一位勇敢的女孩
10 an eight-year-old girl 一位8岁的女孩
11 help her neighbour out of a fire 帮助她的邻居脱离火灾
12 be at home alone 独自一人在家
13 hear someone shouting 听到有人大声叫喊
14 a lot of smoke from next door 许多烟从隔壁冒出来
15 hurt his leg 弄伤了他的腿
16 run back to her flat quickly 迅速跑回她的套间
17 pour water over her jacket 用水浇透了她的杰克杉
18 rush into Mr Sun’s kitchen 跑进孙先生的厨房
19 put out 扑灭 、熄灭 / put out the fire with a blanket 用毛毯扑灭火
20 burn WangFang’s neck 烧伤了王芳的脖子
21 be in hospital for two months 住院两周
22 help each other 互相帮助 / learn from each other 互相学习
23 keep one’s life from danger 使某人的生命脱离危险
24 keep sb (away) from sth / doing sth 阻止某人(某事/做某事)
25 by oneself = alone 独自
26 hurt by fire = burn 烧伤
27 thank you for joining us 感谢你加入我们
28 take part in (活动) = join 参加
29 sound dangerous 听起来是危险的
30 do something for your own safety 为你自己的安全采取措施
31 what happened to Wangfang 王芳发生了什么事
32 a good idea 一个好主意
33 get better 变的更好
34 be careful with matches 小心火柴
35 Do not leave the stove on . 别让炉火开着
36 put something hot into the rubbish bin 把热东西到进垃圾箱
37 keep long hair away from fire 让长发远离火
38 recommend ChenDan for the Grade 7 Most Helpful Student Award
39 think of others first 先人后己
40 a member of the Swimming Club 游泳俱乐部的一位成员
41 play water sports 进行水上运动
42 fall into the water 掉入水中
43 be grateful (to sb) for sth 感激某人某事
44 in the past 在过去
45 row a boat 划船
46 practise doing sth 练习做某事
47 go skiing 去滑雪
48 go to the fashion show 去参加时装展览
49 catch a fish within five minutes 五分钟内捉到一条鱼
50 lose the game within 10 minutes 十分钟内输掉比赛
51 have a good memory 有好的记忆力
52 read more often 更加经常阅读
53 know a lot about Chinese history 对中国历史了解很多 / 熟悉中国历史
54 do one’s best (to do sth) 尽力(做某事)
55 organize class activities well 班级活动组织的好
56 get better results in 在……取得更好的成绩
57 jump high 跳得高
58 get into the school team 进入校队
59 teach me how to dance 教我怎样跳舞
60 No problem 没问题
61 do more exercises 做更多的练习
62 tell their differences 说出他们的不同之处
63 need more practice 需要更多的训练
64 a clever young boy 一个聪明年幼的男孩
65 plan everything well 每件事安排妥帖
66 be thoughtful 考虑周到
67 lose one’s way / get lost 迷路
68 look forward to doing sth 盼望着做某事
69 hear from / get a letter from 收到……的来信
70 be able to ( do sth ) 能做某事

牛津英语7B UNIT 6 词组
1 ought to do sth . 应该做某事 ought to be more polite 应该更有礼貌
2 take photos 照相
3 swim around 四处有动
4 sleep on my lap 睡在我的膝盖上
5 hold sth in one’s hand 手里拿着东西
6 play with 与……玩 don’t play with fire 别玩火
7 the cleverest animal of all 所有动物中最聪明的动物
8 with eyes open wide 眼睛睁得大大的
9 do wonderful tricks 做令人感到惊奇的事
10 sit on the sofa 坐在沙发上
11 most of the time 绝大部分时间
12 make a lot of noise 发出许多噪音
13 ring the doorbell 按门铃
14 do amazing things 做令人感到惊奇的事
15 hunt for / look around for 搜寻
16 get /be tired 感觉累
17 sleep in the armchair 睡在扶手椅上
18 knock on the cage door 敲鸟笼的门
19 look so beautiful 看起来如此漂亮
20 in the sun 在阳光下
21 walk the dog / take the dog for a walk 带狗去散步
22 pull the rabbit’s ears 拉兔子的耳朵
23 don’t frighten the cat 别吓唬猫
24 brush the dog’s fur 给狗梳梳毛
25 don’t give her fish bones 别给她鱼骨头
26 give her enough water 给她足够的水
27 don’t give her a shower 别给她淋浴
28 keep her warm 给她保暖
29 be quiet 安静
30 play with your pet for some time 跟你的宠物玩一段时间
31 feed your dog at the table 在桌旁喂你的狗
32 too much food 太多的食物
33 be healthy 健康
34 all over our flat 整个我们的公寓
35 be busy with sth 忙于某事 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事
36 all day 整天
37 bark a lot 经常叫
38 make too much noise 发出许多噪音
39 take her out to the park 带她到外面的公园里去
40 at least 至少
41 get a book about the right way to look after bird
42 weigh about four kilograms 称重四千克
43 make sure 确信、务必
44 at the bottom of the tank 在缸底
45 take it out of the water 把它拿出水
46 listen to a talk on the fantail goldfish 听关于扇尾金鱼的报告
47 be different from 与……不同
48 look a little different 看起来有点不同
49 be interested in (sth / doing sth ) 对(某事/做某事)感兴趣
50 keep the fish tank clean 保持鱼缸干净
51 all kinds of vegetables 各种各样的蔬菜
52 play with pieces of string 玩线段
53 take good care of 好好照料
54 keep her on a lead 用链子栓着她
55 rhyme with 与……押韵
56 don’t chase the cat 别追猫
57 it’s important not to do sth 不要做某事是重要的
58 be noisy 吵闹的 sound noisy 听起来吵闹
59 worry about = be worried about 为……担忧
60 lie on the bed 躺在床上





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