人教版高二unit 16 The sea

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Unit 16
I.Teaching aims and demands
1. Words and expressions
Sailor, do well, make up one’s mind, bathe, time(v.), spring, beg one’s pardon, captain, seaside, beach, dive, navy drown, vast, surface, solid, various, depth, float, construction, on average, pole, huge, occur, treasure, voyage, load.
2. Daily English
I wish we did / could …
I wish I / we / you / it were …
It’s a pity we …..
3. Grammar Revise and master the use of the Ellipsis.
II.Main and difficult points:
1. Wishes
2. Learn how to use the useful expressions
III.Main and difficult points:
1. Making appointments
2. Let the students understand how a newspaper is produced and something about ‘China Daily’.
IV.Allocation of time: 6
Lesson 61 of Unit 16
I.Aims and demands:
Learn the dialogue and understand how to express wishes.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the diary.
2. Ask some students to tell you the names of as many oceans and seas of the world on the blackboard
Pacific Ocean --- between Asia and America
The Atlantic Ocean ---
The Indian Ocean -----
The Arctic Ocean ------
The Mediterranean
The Dead Sea
The River Jordan
Step 2. Presentation
Describe the picture and get the students to tell what will happen.
Seaside, bathe, beach
Step 3. Reading
Read through the whole passage and answer the following questions:
Where would Bruce like to go today? (to the seaside)
What do Bruce and Li Qun talk about? (about the sea, holidays, jobs, Li Qun’s cousin)
See if the students can guess the meaning of sailor, dive, drown, time.
Step 4. Dialogue
Listen to the tape and the second time for students to repeat. Then ask pairs of students to act in front of the class.
It’s a pity
Elliptical sentences:
(It’s a) beautiful day, isn’t it
(It’s a) Pity we live so far from the sea.
(That ) sounds like a good idea.
Notes to the text:
When did you last go = When is the last time you went.
Leave school, go to school, start school
I’ll time you. = I will look at my watch to see how long you can hold your breath.
Step 5. Practice
Get the students to work in pairs and match the questions wit the answers about Part 2 on P19.
Step 6. Workbook Finish the exercises 1-4.
Step 7. Consolidation:
Revise the dialogue. Dee if the students can have a dialogue with their books shut.
1. Practice the dialogue after class.
2. Do Ex. 4 as written homework.
Blackboard Design:
I wish he were …
It’s a pity that … = pity ….
Take a deep breath
Post-class Notes:
Lesson 62 of Unit 16
I.Aims and demands:
1. Reading comprehension
2. Learning the text
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the diary.
2. Ask and answer about the dialogue learned last period.
Step 2. Presentation for reading
Four students in each group to discuss the questions in Part 1 on P20.
1. Seaweeds produce chemicals that help seawater stay clean.
2. 3.5%
3. in the USA
4. 71% about two thirds
Step 3. Reading
A. Go through the exercise and make sure the students know what to do. Read the whole passage quickly and choose the best answer to each question.
Step 4. Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and find the useful expressions.
Two thirds of
Be made of
Keep the water clean
Reach up to
It takes sb. some time to do sth.
Coral beds
A variety of animal life of different shapes and bright colours
Fall below
A depth of
Step 5. Reading aloud
Play the passage for the students to follow and repeat.
Step 6. Note making
1. How salty are different lakes and seas?
Name %
a. oceans 3.5
b. Mediterranean 3.7-3.9
c. Dead Sea 25
d. Great Salt Lake 27
2. What conditions are needed for coral to grown in the sea?
a. water temperature above 20C b. light
c. clear water d. depth of less than 60 metres
Step 7. Workbook
Finish the exercises 1-4.
Step 8. Consolidation
Get the students to tell you how a newspaper is made without looking at their books.
1. Try to tell how salty different lakes and seas are.
2. Do Ex. 2 as written homework.
IV.Blackboard Design:
Two thirds of
Be made of
Keep the water clean
Reach up to
It takes sb. some time to do sth.
Coral beds
A variety of animal life of different shapes and bright colors
Fall below
A depth of

I. Aims and demands:
Go on learning the text and show the students the language points.
II. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Check the diary.
2.Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.
Step 2. Language points
1. Seen from the plane, the houses look like tiny toys.
Folded up along the lines, the paper will be a little box.
2. make up
These three stories make up the whole book. = The whole book is made up of these three stories.
The coat and trousers make up a suit. = A suit is made up of the coat and trousers.
Thousands of parts make up the machine. = The machine is made up of thousands of parts.
3. little = small
4. as & because
I did it because I liked it.
Why don’t you do it now?
Because I’m too busy.
5. by weight
The package is charged by weight.
These workers are paid by the day, but we are paid by the month.
In England, sugar is sold by the pound, eggs by the dozen and cloth by the yard.
6. on (the) average
On average she receives 5 letters each day.
The price of apples is about four yuan per kg on average.
These youths are on the average better educated than those in the marketplace.
7. average
The average age of students in Senior II is seventeen.
The average temperature in Wuhan during August can reach 39c.
Step 3 Workbook
Finish off all the exercises.
1. Write a short passage with the useful expressions.
2. Have a good preview about next lesson.
Blackboard Design:
Make up
As & because
On the average
Lesson 63 of Unit 16
I.Aims and Demands:
1. Reading comprehension
2. Ellipsis
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Ask some students to describe what the editor and journalists do.
2. Four sentences for students to translate on the blackboard.
(1) 从太空望去,地球看上去是蓝色的。
(2) 地球表面三分之二是由广阔的海洋组成的。
(3) 地中海和大西洋的汇合处只有一个狭窄的入口。
(4) 这里的雨水极少,每年平均降雨量只有60毫米。
Answers to the above:
(1) Seen from space, the earth looks blue.
(2) Two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up of vast oceans.
(3) There is only one narrow entrance where the Mediterranean meets the Atlantic.
(4) There is very little rain here, merely 60 mm in a year on average.
Step 2. Preparation for reading
Tell the students to look at the picture and teach the new words sperm, whale, squid. And find the answer to the following question:
Which living things in the oceans are mentioned in the text?
Step 3. Reading
Read the passage quickly and then do Ex. 1 on p90.
Step 4. Reading aloud
1. Listen to the tape and then ask some students to read the text paragraph by paragraph.
2. Read the passage to find some useful expressions:
Below zero
A particular chemical
Per cubic meter
Provide the main food
At a time
Enjoy four meals a day
In the dark
At a great depth
At the bottom of the ocean
A length of 15 meters long
Feed on small fish
Manage to do
Hold one’s breath
At the same time
At the bottom of the ocean
Step 5. Discussion
1. Their blood contains a particular chemical to help them live in below-zero sea temperatures
2. The sperm whale has teeth.
3. Small fish.
4. Squid.
5. It can dive to 1,000 meters but on one occasion it was recorded at a depth of 2,250 meters.
6. Its heart slows to half its normal speed, land the oil in its head is probably cooled at the same time.
7. By using sound waves in the dark.
Step 6. Language study
We do not visit my parents as much as we ought (to).
I go to the doctor only when I have to.

Step 7 Practice
1. I beg your pardon.
2. I haven’t seen you for ages.
3. I’m sorry to hear that.
4. Come this way, please.
5. Have you found the treasure?
6. Would you like some more tea?
7. It doesn’t matter.
8. It is a pity you couldn’t come.
9. That sounds fine to me.
10. What terrible weather it is!
11. Have you ever been to the seaside? No, we can’t afford to go to the seaside.
12. Don’t tell me the name of the sailor if you don’t want to tell me the name of the sailor.
13. I don’t think they have returned from the beach but they might have returned from the beach.
14. The captain can find a boat quicker than we can find a boat.
15. Are you coming swimming? You don’t have to come swimming if you don’t want to come swimming.
Step 7. Workbook
Finish workbook Exx.1-3 on P63.
1. Do Ex.3 as written work.
2. Read the text three times after class.
IV.Blackboard design:
A particular chemical
Per cubic meter
Provide the main food
At a time
Enjoy four meals a day
In the dark
At the bottom of the ocean
A length of 15 meters long
Feed on small fish
Manage to do
Hold one’s breath
At the bottom of the ocean
No. 027
I. Aims and demands:
Go on learning the text and show the students the language points.
II. Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Check the diary.
2.Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.
Step 2. Language points
1. long – length
strong --- strength
deep – depth
wide -- width
2. a type of whale
3. sperm whale
4. slow – to become slower
Slow down before you reach the crossroads.
The train slowed its speed as it came near to the station.
The thick snow slowed our progress.
Cool – become cooler
The head contains a lot of oil, and this is probably cooled at the same time.
The rain has cooled the air.
Let your tea cool a little before you drink it.
Warm – become warmer
Please warm this milk.
The water is warming in the pot over the fire.
5. using sound waves used as adverbial. = by using sound waves = by means of sound waves.
They crossed the river using small boats.
George forced the door open, using all his strength.
They had to work slowly by using old type ploughs.
Step 3. Practice
Finish all the exercises and make new sentences with the key point.
Write a short passage about a type of animal.
Blackboard design
1. length
2. a type of whale
3. sperm whale
4. slow
5. using sound waves
Post-Class Notes:
Lesson 64 of Unit 16
I.Aims and demands:
1. Listening practice
2. Writing.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the diary.
2. Make sentences with the useful expressions in Checkpoint 16.
Step 2. Preparation for listening
We are going to listen to a talk about diving. When you dive in the sea, you need to take an air supply with you. Divers usually carry a bottle of air on their backs.
Step 3. Listening
Play the tape and let the students discuss their answers in pairs.
1. Depth of the water
time spent underwater
2. air bottle
metal weights
3. 20 meters
40 minutes
to help them sink, otherwise the air in the air bottle would bring them up to the surface
certain dangerous types of fish
4. Diving is not easy. There are a few dangers you have to learn.
Divers can help each other if they get into trouble.
Step 4. Checkpoint
1. Revise the examples of ellipsis.
2. Practice the useful expressions.
Step 5. Test
Have a dictation.
Step 6. Writing
Finish Par 2 & 3 on P24
1. Finish off the workbook exercises.
2. Have a good preview about Unit 17.
IV.Blackboard design:
Do well
Make up one’s mind
Come up
On average
At a time
Beg one’s pardon
Test for Unit 16
1. Multiple choice
(1) Expect sb. to do
(2) winding coast
(3) wash well
(4) cross one’s mind
(5) so am I and so I am
(6) either, both, neither
(7) after all
(8) come along
(9) forms of energy
(10) increase one’s knowledge
2. Close test
Ask a student to say something about the flood.
3. Reading comprehension
4. Error correction
1. by bus
2. a long way to go
3. make the time pass
4. turn to
5. an important football match
6. so that
7. has – had
8. arrived
9. they – he
10. most - more
5. Composition
Reading newspapers is a good habit for us to acquire. First of all, we can get all kinds of new by reading newspapers. This helps us to understand the developing world.
Then, by reading newspapers, we can learn many skills such as taking photos, cooking
meals and operating machine.
Finally, reading newspaper can widen our scope of knowledge. It can also help us to
improve our writing ability.




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