人教版高二Unit 20 Disabilities

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I.Teaching aims and demands
1.Words and expressions:
dream of, come true, seldom, matter, as though, in need of, bathroom, conductor, tourist, disable, platform, slightly, prevent, brain, sense, tongue, nervous, treatment.
2.Daily English:
It’s a beautiful day today.
Hopefully tomorrow will turn out fine.
So far as I know, tomorrow should be fine, too.
You said that you hoped…
II.Grammar: Revise modal verbs.
III.Main and difficult points:
1.Language points
IV.Allocation of time: 6
Period 1 (Lesson 77 of Unit 20)
I.Aims and demands:
1.Reading comprehension
2.Language points
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Check the diary.
2.Retell what we learned in last unit.
Step 2. Presentation
1.Describe the picture and learn the new words:
2.Disability, tourist, wheelchair, dream of
Step 3. Reading
Read the dialogue silently and find out where the tourist is going tomorrow.
Step 4. Dialogue
1. Play the tape for students to listen and follow. Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure them understand it.
2. Show the language points:
Hopefully my dream will come true.
Hopefully our guests will be here by 11.
2.Turn out
It was cloudy this morning, but it turned out fine later.
The boy turned out successful after all.
The accident turned out to be a good thing.
3.Dream of
How did you manage without a job?
He managed to escape from the fire.
The room was very dirty, but he managed to clean it.
5.Be determined to
6.Enjoy oneself
7.As …as possible
We go there not to enjoy ourselves, but to work, and as hard as possible.
Please try to be as friendly as possible when you meet him.
You should finish your homework as early as possible.
8.Even though = even if
We like English even though it is rather difficult for us.
Some disabled people become world-famous even if they met with lots of difficulties.
We have decided to visit the place of interest here even if / though it rains tomorrow.
9.It’s a pleasure.
Step 5. Practice
Demonstrate a short dialogue with a good student. You can also ask questions.
Step 6. Workbook
Ex2 gives the students a lot of freedom when they describe the pictures. If they find it very difficult, you have to give them help. Then let them work in pairs.
EX3 helps revise the use of modal verbs. After one student translates each of the sentences into Chinese, get another student to put it back into English without looking at the book.
IV.Blackboard design
Turn out
Dream of
Be determined to
Enjoy oneself
As …as possible
It’s a pleasure.
No. 052
Period 2 (Lesson 78 of Unit 20)
I.Aims and demands:
1.Reading comprehension
2.Language points
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises. Revise the dialogue in Lesson77.
Check Ss’ understanding of the four words and expressions.
Step 2. Presentation for reading
SB Page 44, Part2. Tell the Ss’ Today we are going to read about disabilities. How many different types of disability can you think of? What problems may disabled people have?
Step 3. Reading
1. Go through the exercise and make sure the students know what to do. Ask the students to read only the first sentence of each paragraph and tell what the text is about.
2. Show the language points:
Step 4. Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow. Pay attention to the skill of giving instructions clearly.
Step 5. Reading comprehension
1. Part 3 on P45 Let the students read the passage carefully and deal with any language problems. Guess the meaning of some new vocabulary: slightly, platform, prevent. Then show an oral explanation.
2. Notes to the passage and leave the students to consult the dictionary.
Protect Not only … but also
Continue It used as informal object
Step 6. Oral practice
Part 3 on P45. Look at the pictures and cover the text in pair work.
Step 7. Workbook
Finish all the exercises in WB.
Step 8. Consolidation
Ask the students to remember the five long sentences and retell the text according to Ex.3 on p109.
1.Read the passage again and retell the text.
2.Finish off the WB exercises.
IV.Blackboard design:
Not only … but also
No. 053
Period 3
I.Aims and demands:
Go on learning the text and show the language points to the students.
To improve the reading ability and help the students understand the text wholly.
To enrich the students' imagination and encourage them to talk.
To improve the students' ability of communication in English.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the diary.
2. Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.
Step 2. Language points
Ask the students to show the examples for the phrases below:
1.prevent sb. from doing sth
We must prevent them from making trouble.
The heavy rain yesterday prevented us from coming.
There was nothing to prevent her from doing so.
2.Not only… but also
He not only has to type out the answer on a computer, but he also get w the computer to translate it into sounds.
Not a single mistake did he make.
Not only did he say, but he also did so.
3.continue with sth.
Please continue with your discussion while I am out of the room.
I was tired of him. But he still continued with his explanation.
It’s late in the night, the teacher continued with his work.
We couldn’t continue our journey, as there was a storm.
You should continue to improve your spoken English.
Can we continue using the lab after class?
4.make it possible to do
I think it necessary for her to learn the piano.
I found it possible for them to improve the working conditions.
The noise made it impossible for us to sleep.
I felt it strange for him to come to school so early.
Step 3. Practice
Ask the students work in group to discuss the text. Then divide the whole class into two parts and one side is …., the other side is ….
Write a short summary about the text.
Do some supplementary reading.
Blackboard design:
prevent sb. from doing sth
Not only… but also
continue with sth.
make it possible to do
No. 054
Period 4 (Lesson 79 of Unit 20)
I.Aims and demands:
To improve the reading ability and help the students understand the text wholly.
To enrich the students' imagination and encourage them to talk.
To improve the students' ability of communication in English.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the diary.
Check Ss’ reading work.
Step 2. Presentation for reading
SB Page 46, Part1. Learn the new words: deaf, blind, splendid
There are five important points in this text. Read these notes on the Bb; they are not complete. Now read the passage quickly to complete these notes.
Step 3. Reading
1.Go through the exercise and make sure the students know what to do. Ask the students to read only the first sentence of each paragraph and tell what the text is about.
2.Show the key phrases:
Step 4. Reading aloud
Play the tape for the students to listen and follow.
Step 5. Reading comprehension
Let the students read the passage carefully and deal with any language problems. Guess the meaning of some new vocabulary: attitude, bathroom, painting, treatment, as a matter of fact, end up with.
Notes to the passage:
Step 6.Discussion
Part 2 on P46. Work in groups to find the answers.
Step 7. Workbook
Finish all the exercises in WB.
Step 8. Consolidation
Ask the students to retell the text.
1.Read the passage again and retell the text.
2.Finish off the WB exercises.
IV.Blackboard design:
as a matter of fact
end up with
No. 055
Period 5
I.Aims and demands:
Go on learning the text and show the language points to the students.
To improve the reading ability and help the students understand the text wholly.
To enrich the students' imagination and encourage them to talk.
To improve the students' ability of communication in English.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1. Check the diary.
2. Ask the students to read the text and check all the exercises.
Step 2. Language points
1.consider sb. to be
He lay on the grass, looking at the stars in the sky.
They sat around the table, talking about the plan for the holidays.
Don't consider him to be a true friend.
We considered the facts to be clear enough.
He considered the facts to be clear enough.
2.end up with
The speech ended up with a famous poem.
The birthday party started with a song of “Happy Birthday to You”, and ended up with the singing of “Auld Lang Syne”.
At the dinner we usually begin with soup and end up with fruit.
The total number of people present is 2,555.
What is the total cost of these books?
He was a total stranger to me.
They certainly need your help.
Help should be given to those who need it.
I don’t think you need to help him.
Our farm needs helping in autumn.
The vegetable garden needs watering.
= The vegetable garden needs to be watered.
Her face is pale. She looks as though she is in need of a rest.
We’re not in need of money.
There’s no need for you to worry.
5.the truth is that
The truth is that he pretended to be deaf. He could hear.
I didn’t ring him up. The truth is that I forgot.
Step 3. Practice
Ask the students work in group to discuss the text. Then divide the whole class into two parts and one side is …., the other side is ….
Step 4. Workbook
WB Lesson 31, Exx.2 and 3.
Before doing Ex.2. Revise the phrases by getting the Ss to translate them from Chinese into English. Then let them discuss the answers in pairs. Finally check the answers with the whole class.
For Ex.3, say the adjectives and the verbs and ask the Ss for their noun form. Then let them read and study the words in the Workbook.
Finish off the Workbook exercises.
Revise the new language in this unit.
Write a short summary about the text.
Do some supplementary reading.
Blackboard design:
consider sb. to be
end up with
the truth is that

No. 056
Period 6 ( Lesson 80 of Unit 20)
I.Aims and demands:
1.Listening practice
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Check the homework exercises.
2.Get the students to tell each other in pair what they have learnt about disability so far in this lesson.
Step 2. Preparation for listening
We are going to listen to a tape about a doctor’s life.
Step 3. Listening
Do each exercise in turn. Play the tape, then let the students discuss their answers in pairs.
Step 4. Checkpoint
1.Go through Checkpoint 20. Revise Inversion. Practise the useful expressions and deal with any language points that you or the students wish to raise.
2.Make sentences with each useful expression.
Step 5. Writing
SB Page 48,Part 3.Read through the parts of the dialogue which are printed in the book. Get the Ss to give correct answers.
Step 6. Test
SB Page 48,Part 3. Read through the instructions aloud and check that the Ss know what they have to do. If you like, read out a sample letter which you have written and which uses the guiding phrases printed in the SB. Revise the layout of a personal letter, i.e. the address from which they are writing and the date, etc.
Finish off all the exercises.
1. Go over whole unit
2. Have a good revision from unit 13- unit 20
Blackboard design:
Prevent from
Dream of
Come true
As though
End up
look forward to

No. 057
Test for Unit 20
I.Multiple choice
1. every boy and every girl
2. many a student
3. two thirds of the students in our class
4. 40% of the population
5. some advice
6. news / politics / physics
7. make use of
II.Close test
Judge from the context and then fill in the gaps.
III.Reading comprehension
First read the whole passage quickly and get the general idea and then judge which is proper from the choices.
IV.Error correction
2.fixed phrase
3.-ing & -ed
5.personal pronoun
7.verb form
8.preposition & adverb
Dear Mum,
I’m always taught to help others. But not until last week did I understand the meaning of the proverb:” Helping others is the source of happiness.”
One day on my way to school, l met with a traffic accident, in which a boy was seriously injured by a motorcycle. I ran to rescue him as quickly as I could, I put him on my back land took him to the nearest hospital, where he was given immediate medical care. After knowing the boy would be all right soon. I left the hospital without giving my name, but my heart was full of joy and peace. That may be the most unforgettable experience of my life.
Best wishes.
N0. 058
Revise the dialogue
Unit 13 Identifying people
Is it …?
He fought for the freedom of slaves
He wrote books about communism.
He made the first telephone.
He was a famous professor of physics.
Unit 14 Intentions and wishes
I feel like going to a museum.
I’d rather go to the Science Museum.
I’d like to see that too.
I’m planning to do a special study of satellites next term.
Why don’t you get your things ready?
Unit 15 Farewells & good wishes
I’d like you to meet Dr
I’ve got some personal affairs that I have to see to.
It’s time I went and picked up my little girl from school.
I hope you have a good journey back to Guangzhou.
Please remember me to your wife.
Unit 16 Wishes
I wish we could go to the seaside today.
He’s doing very well in the navy.
I haven’t made up my mind yet.
I wish the weather were better.
Unit 17 Prediction, conjecture & belief
Do you think our manager is going to have a new factory built?
Do you think it’s possible that it will happen?
New jobs are needed because a number of people are out of work.
What do you think is likely to happen?
I think our manager will persuade the government to let him build a new factory.
We just have to trust our manager.
Unit 19 Talking about an event
I imagine you’re not very interested in politics.
I joined in the march and we were marching peacefully along and then the police came up.
They hit us with their sticks over and over again and put some of us in prison.
No. 059
Revise the text
Notes to the texts on pages from 158 to 170
1---- We are going to have an English exam tomorrow, Dad. -----______
A It’s very kind of you to tell me this B It doesn’t matter with me
C Good luck with your exam D Can you get an “ A” ?
2 ----Has the new book _____ ? ----- Not yet It _______
A published; will print B come out ; being printed
C been printed ; is printed D been come out; will be printed
3 Suzhou is a beautiful city and it is well worth _______
A being B to visit C visiting D visiting it
4 ----- Do you know the town at all ?
------ No , this is the first time I _____here .
A was B have gone C came D have been
5 The lady was told that her life was ______
A dangerous B in the danger C in danger D with danger
6 It’s time we ______to the lecture .
A go B. went C will go D are going
7 My parents have ordered some new -_______
A furnitures B pieces of furnitures C piece of furniture D pieces of furniture
8 That collection contained 54,951 coins ____ from the years AD 260-275
A dating B date C dated D which were dated
9 Many towns and villages had their water supply _____
A cut off B to cut off C cut down D to cut up
10 Which of the following is wrong ? On Sundays, I often help him ______
A to study English B study English C studying English D with his English
11--- Why don’t you have your new house painted white ?
----_____. I’ll have someone do it soon .
A I think the same B Yes, thank you very much
C That’s really very good D That sounds a good idea
12.Children like to _____to the park on Saturday .
A visit B visiting C pay a visit D pay visit
13.-- My little daughter always has lunch at school . How about your daughter ? --- ____ .
A So has my daughter B So has she C So does my daughter D So she does
14.My wife has a good knowledge of computer science , ----- helps her a lot in her work
A that B which C it D what
15.-------- of the questions is to be discussed first doesn’t matter very much
A What B That C All D Which
16.The boss ordered that all the work ----- today
A will be finished B would be finished C be finished D finish
17.____ Did you visit many places while you were in Italy ? ____ Yes , ------ places
A only a few B quite a few C few D a few
18.---- is the best student in the class ?
A Do you think who B Do you think whom
C Whom do you think D Who do you think
19.They have English classes ----- day , Mondays , Wednesdays and Fridays
A another B the other C every D every other
20.Don’t delay ------ your exercise-book though it is Saturday
A handing in B to hand in C handed in D and hand in
答案: 1 C 2 B publish , print 须用被动语态;come out 无被动语态 3 C 固定词组:
be worth doing sth ;宾语Suzhou 又是句子的主语,不可重复 4 D 区分:This was the …
time I had been … 5 C 6 B It’s time ( that) … 从句中动词用过去时,属虚拟语气 7 D furniture 不可数名词 8 date 不及物动词,不可用过去分词表示被动;D应是:which
dated 9 A 词组B意思:砍下;砍倒; D:砍碎 A:切断 ;应用过去分词表示被动。
10.C help 固定词组:help sb do / to do / with sth 11 D 12 C名词 visit / key / answer / entrance / reply/end后接 to 13 C = My daughter has lunch at school , too . (has 不是助动
词) 14 B 注意这种非限定性定语从句,which 指前面的话 15 D 16 C order / demand / require /suggest / advise的 that从句及 It’s important /necessary that …,动词用(should) do
形式 17 B 18 D 找出原句:I think Kate is the best student in the class . 可见:宾语从
句中做宾语,不可用宾格 19 D 词组A:另一天 B:前几天 C:每天 D:每隔一天
20 A 查只能接ing 的动词




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