人教版高二Unit 21 Music

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I.Teaching aims and demands
1.Words and expressions:
2.Daily English:
II.Main and difficult points: Language studies
III.Allocation of time: 7
Period 1 (Lesson 81 of Unit 21)
I.Aims and demands:
1.Learn some daily English.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Check the exercises.
2.Ask the students how much they know about music
Step 2. Presentation
Describe the picture and ask:
What do they think is happening?
Step 3. Reading
Read the dialogue silently and find out the answer to these questions:
What kind of music does Mary want for the party?
(Quiet and peaceful music to start with, then jazz or pop, familiar songs at the end)
Step 4. Dialogue
Play the tape of the dialogue for the students to listen and follow.
Explain the following phrases:
Would like sb. to do
At the end / beginning
Would rather
Play the guitar
As well
Step 5. Practice
The people in the new dialogue are making plans for a wedding party.
Step 6. Workbook
Finish all the exercises in workbook.
III. Blackboard design
Would like sb. to do
At the end / beginning
Would rather
Play the guitar
As well
Period 2 Lesson 82 of Unit 21
I.Aims and demands:
1.Reading comprehension
2.Language points
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Make sentences with the key phrases.
2.Ask some questions about the dialogue:
Step 2. Presentation for reading
How many different kinds of music are there in China?
Step 3. Reading
Today we’e going to read a passage about music. Read quickly to find the different types of music mentioned itn the text:
Pop music
Film music
Music for TV
Folk music
Music stories
Street music
African music
Indian music
Caribbean usic
Step 4. Reading aloud
Read the whole passage carefully and answer the questions working in small groups or in pairs.
Notes to the text:
1. earn one’s living
2. write exact instructions
3. is to be played
4. pass on / down
5. in praise of
6. learn by heart
7. neither nor
8. drop into
9. play an important part in
10. bring from
11. get married
12. make out of
Step 5. Reading comprehension
Play the tape of the passage for the students to listen and follow. And the listen to the tape of the first two paragraphs once more.
Step 6. Oral practice
Part 3 on P5. Then work in groups.
Step 7. Workbook
Finish off all the exercises in workbook.
Step 8. Consolidation
Get the students to tell you as much as they can remember about world music.
III.Blackboard design:
1.earn one’s living
2.write exact instructions
3.is to be played
4.pass on / down
5.in praise of
6.learn …by heart
7.neither … nor
8.drop into
9.play an important part in
10.bring from
11.get married
12.make …out of
IV. Homework
Read the passage again and retell the text.
Finish off the WB exercises.
Have a good preview about next lesson.
V. Post-class Notes:
No. 066
Period 3 Lesson 83 of Unit 21
I.Aims and demands:
Reading comprehension
Grammar: ing-form used as predictive.
II.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
Check the homework exercises
Make sentences with the key phrases.
Step 2. Presentation for reading
Today we’re going to read a poem called “A Perfect Day”.
Step 3. Reading
Read the poem carefully and ask:
Is this at the beginning of a day or at the end of a day?
Is the writer alone, or with someone?
Is the writer meeting someone, or saying goodbye to someone?
Step 4.Language study
I’ve decided where were going to have the wedding party.
The people who are performing all play different instruments.
You often see musicians who are performing in the streets.
Step 5. Practice
Finish off all the exercises in workbook.
The theme of love and friendship
The theme of a trip / journey
Saying goodbye
The sunshine
1.Finish all the exercises.
2.Do some supplementary readings after class.
N0. 067
Period 4 Lesson 84 of Unit 21
I.Aims and demands:
1.Listening practice
II.Teaching aids: a small blackboard and a recorder
III.Teaching Procedures:
Step 1. Revision
1.Make sentences with the useful phrases:
2.Recite the poem.
Step 2. Preparation for listening
Today we’e going to listen to a story about a famous artist.
Step 3. Listening
Listen to the tape and let the students discuss their answers in pairs. Play the tape again if necessary. Then check the answers with the whole class.
Step 4. Checkpoint
Ing-form a smiling boy and a sleeping car
Ask the students to make sentences with each useful expression.
Step 5. Writing
Get the students to write a paragraph about the picture. Explain that they must not just write a list of sentences using the structure have something done. Not every sentence must use this structure.
Step 6. Test
Give the students the following test on the –ing form.
Step 7.Homework
1.Write a short passage about music.
2.Finish off all the exercises in workbook.
Finish off all the exercises.
V.Blackboard design:
A sleeping boy
A sleeping car
Be familiar with
Earn one’s living
Learn … by heart
In praise of
Get married
No. 068
Test for Unit 21
I.Multiple choice
1.earn one’s living
2.in praise of
4.join in
5.learn … by heart
II.Close test
Play an important part in
Make use of
III.Reading comprehension
A: The appearance over Shanghai of the UFO, also known as Flying Saucers, has brought people’s attention to the mysteries in the night sky.
IV.Error correction
A concert was given to several famous singers last Saturday . 1------------
Tickets were very hardly to get . Since I enjoy attending 2-------------
that concert , I bought one at the high price . For the first 3-------------
half hour the concert went on smooth . The nice shows of 4------------
the stars singers were warmly welcomed by the listeners . 5------------
Many of them couldn’t help burst into tears . Before 6------------
long the microphone went wrong . Some people began
to make voice . The members of the theatre tried to keep 7--------------
in order , but failed . They had difficulty in continuing the 8-------------
concert . Thus , a perfectly good concert caused to be of 9-------------
no value by some uneducated people . 10-------------
答案: 1 to --- by 2 hardly ---- hard 3第一个 the ---- a 4 smooth ---- smoothly
(副词作状语) 5 stars --- star (名词作 定语时 ,不用复数形式)6
burst ---- bursting (固定:can’t help doing sth 忍不住做)7 voice --- noise
( 固定:make noise发出声音) 8去第一个 in (固定:keep order
维持秩序) 9 caused前加 was 10 yes
Lying in the subtropical zone, Taiwan is struck by hurricane between
July and August every year. The damage they bring with them is great, People
there have, therefore, considered it one of its main pieces of work to protect
against hurricanes. During this period people should listen to the broadcasts
to get the information about hurricanes. Before a hurricane comes, people
should check their roof tops, windows, and doors, keeping water and food.
In that case, the damage can be made smaller.




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