Teaching Plan for Unit 8 Learning a foreign language, twice as hard?

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Teaching goals 教学目标
1. Target language 目标语言
a. 重点词汇和短语
acquisition, correction, data, patience, stick, acquire, instruct, adopt, face, awful, academic, anxious, appropriate, make sense of, distinguish … from ,be equipped with, adjust itself to, be born with, regardless of, consider… put… to use, take risks/a risk, contribute to, take patience
b. 重点句型
Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures.
If we develop our study skills, … but can in fact be twice as easy and a lot of fun.
2. Learning ability goals 学能目标
Help the Ss learn how to talk about the different methods of learning a foreign language and the characteristics of the successful language learners.
Teaching important points 教学重点
Analyse the organization of the text.
The understanding of the reading text about the problems and factors related to learning a foreign language.
Teaching methods 教学方法
Listening and intensive reading with the aid of the computer courseware.
Teaching aids 教具
A computer, a projector and Internet.
Teaching procedure & ways 教学过程与方法
Step1: Lead-in
1. What’s our mother tongue?
2. What’s our foreign language?
3. Which do you think is harder ?
Step 2: Skimming
1. If we develop our study skills and way of Learning, is learning foreign language twice as hard or as easy?
Twice as easy.
2. Find out the topic sentence of each paragraph.
Main idea
Para. 1 Learning a language is obviously more than just memorizing words, phrases and structures. It is puzzling how we are able to learn or acquire our mother tongue.
Para. 2 Language experts have different answers to the question.
Para. 3 Learning a foreign language is different from learning one’s mother tongue
Para. 4 Successful language learners share a number of characteristics
Para. 5 By planning and evaluating their learning, successful language learners gain confidence which in turn allows them to enjoy the learning process and learn better and faster.
Para. 6 If we adopt some of the study skills and characteristics described in the text, we will become more successful.
3、What’s the purpose of writing this article?    
A. Learning a foreign language is twice as hard as learning our mother tongue.
B. Learning a foreign language is more important than learning our mother tongue.
C. Learning a foreign language is twice as easy if we develop our study skills.
D. In fact, the number of people learning a foreign language has increased with years.
4、Match the part with the main idea.
Part1(Para 1~2) differences
Part2(Para 3) successful language learners
Part3(Para 4~6) learning of the mother tongue
Step3: Scanning
1. Answer the questions or do multiple choice.
①What is the most puzzling question in learning our mother tongue?
How were we able to make sense of what we heard and distinguish the mistakes and errors from "good" language?
②How do different people explain our ability to learn our mother tongue?
Some experts explain that we are equipped with a special ability to learn language and our brain adjusts itself to the language, Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things and that what we are born with is a general ability to learn and adapt ,not a language –specific part of the brain.
③The sentence “Life is a very successful language school” means .
A. we are equipped with a special ability to learn language
B. the key to learning the language well is to communicate with the people around us
C. parents can give children language lessons
D. people can learn the language by themselves
Language points:
1. make sense of 理解 make sense有意义
make no sense in a sense在某种意义上
Can you __make sense of ___ what I said?
Talking after the accident __makes no sense___.
what he said is reasonable__in a sense_.
2. adjust 调整 adjust / adapt… to适应
1) You shouldn’t adjust your computer without any instruction.
2) He adjusted his errors and continued his research work.
3) When you go to a new country, you must adapt /adjust yourself to new circumstances
3. regardless of : 不管,不顾
The coal boss risked making money regardless of workers’ safety.
They decorated the house regardless of cost.
In fact, we learn English much faster than we may have thought because ________.
A. A lot of people are born with a special ability to learn a foreign language.
B. English learning always takes place in class.
C. Communicating with people often takes too much time.
D. We can get a lot of help and the learning is more efficient.
Language points:
1. in other words            换句话说
in a word 总而言之
in word 口头上
with the words             说完就......
have a word with sb. 和某人说句话
have words with sb = quarrel with sb 与…争吵
keep one’s word = keep one’s promise 遵守诺言
Word came that… 有消息传来……
1) With the words, he walked away with a smile.
2) It’s no use promising in word, but in deed.
3) In a word, you are a very good boy.
4) She often depends on others. In other words
she doesn’t do things by herself.
5) I hope you will always keep your word
6) Have a word with Rose and see what she thinks.
7)Word came that our team had come out first.
8)After having words with the boss, he decided to quit the job.
Part 3:
1. If you want to be a successful language learner, what characteristics must you have?
•interested in understanding my own thinking;
•curious about the world;
•willing to take chances ;
•confident in my ability;
•use different ways of learning ;
•plan my studies in order to deal with academic challenges.
2. tick(√)some of the following points that the write thinks are important.
( )1. set a clear goal in learning
( )2. evaluate our learning
( )3. make proper study plans
( )4. have good pronunciation and intonation
( )5.have interest in learning
( )6.understand English grammar
( )7.memorize new words
( )8. be active and patient
( )9. adopt some good study habits
( )10. take risks and put ourselves in new learning situations
( )11.put what we know to better use.
Language points:
1. put…to use : make use of / put...into practice
1) You should put what you have to better use.= You should make better use of what you have.
2) She put her knowledge of German to good use
2. take/ run/ risks 冒险
at any risk无论如何, 无论冒什么危险
at risk = in danger处于危险中
at the risk of ... 冒着…的危险
1) 他冒着生命的危险救了我一命。
He saved my life at the risk of his own/losing his own .
He took risks of his own/losing his own life to save me.
2) 疾病在蔓延, 所有五岁以下的小孩都有危险。
The disease is spreading, and all children under 5 are at risk.
3. adopt vt.
(1) 收养
这对夫妇不能生育孩子, 所以就收养了两个小孩。
The couple couldn’t have children of their own so they adopted a couple of kids.
Circumstances will force us finally to adopt this policy.
The adopted son can’t adapt/adjust himself to the new family
Key phrases
1 acquire a language 1掌握语言
2 communicate with 2与.........交流
3 make sense of sth 3 弄懂
4 distinguish from 4 区分
5 be equipped with 5 装备
6 adjust to 6调整
7 be born with 7天赋
8 regardless of 8 不管
9 as a consequence of/as a result of 9 结果
10 in other words
11have sth in common
12 be curious about
13 take chances
14 be confident in/have confidence in
15 take risks
16 contribute to
17 adopt habits 10 换句话
11 与......有共同处
12 对.......好奇
13 找机会
14 对.........有信心
15 冒险
16 对.........贡献
17 养成习惯
Ⅰ.Fill in the blanks according to the text
1. We learn our mother tongue by _c________________ people around . But how were we able to _s____________ what we heard and _d_________ the mistakes and errors ______ “good” language?
2. Some experts believe that we are _e____________ a special ability to learn language and that our brain _a____________ the language we hear around us. Others think that we learn language in the same way we learn other things.
3. Learning a foreign language is _d_____________ learning one’s mother tongue. Research has shown that successful language learners do_s_____ a few _c____________.
Successful language students gain _c___________ and are able to _r________ and enjoy the learning because they plan and e their learning. And they’re more willing to take r and to place themselves in new learning situations, If we want to be successful language learners, we should try to a some of the study habits described above. If we d our study skills, we may find that learning a foreign language does not have to be t as hard as learning our mother tongue.
Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the right form of words and expressions according to the hints given.
1. We learnt or a our mother tongue by communicating with the people around us.
2. The stronger the m ,the more quickly a person will learn a foreign language.
3. successful language learners also use different ways of learning and plan their studies in order to deal a challenges.
4. Successful language students gain confidence and are able to relax and enjoy learning by planning and e their learning.
5. To live one year in a foreign country is enough to b your horizons and improve your understanding of the world.
6. Studying abroad have both advantages and d .
7. The problem is really difficult and is above my c .
8. The resolution was a by a vote of 180 in favour to 10 against it.
9. It is very important that you find an a course for you in a local school in the country you live in.
10. Many parents worry about the safety of their children in a foreign country and may also be c about the cost.
11. I always when I come across a new word in
reading.(have trouble)
12. It is puzzling how we are able to what we
13. It is interesting to know how people the mistakes and errors______
"good" language. (differ; tell)
14. Some people believe that our brain the language of the culture we are born in. (adapt to)
15. , active learners do better in areas such as reading comprehension, vocabulary learning and writing. (as a result)
16. Confident learners are willing to and to place themselves in a new learning situation. (take adventure)
17. There are a few important factors that the learning abilty of the learners. (lead to)
18. It to learn a language for any learner. (patient)
19. , we saw a boy rushing from behind the comer and he was hit by a running car.(suddenly)
20. As an exchange student, you have to learn to yourself. (rely on)
Step 5 Homework
1.Word study Exx1&2 in language Study on page 68&69.
2.Vocabulary Exx1&2 in the Wb on page203&204.




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