人教版高一Unit 2 English around the world |
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I. 单元教学目标 技能目标Goals Learn about the differences between American English and British English. Learn about communication skills. Report requests and demands using “He/She asked me to...” and “He/She told me to…”. Write a short passage comparing American and British English. II. 目标语言 功 能 句 式 Language difficulties in communication Can you spell... , please? Could you repeat... , please? What do you mean by saying... ? Could you speak a little slowly, please? Sorry, I couldn’t follow you. I beg your pardon? How do you say... in English? How do you pronounce…? What does... mean? Could you explain it in another way? 词 汇 1.四会词汇:bathroom, towel, closet, pronounce, broad, repeat, majority, native, total, tongue, equal, government, situation, international, organization, trade, tourism, global, communicate, communication, exchange, service, signal, movement, commander, tidy, stand, independent, fall, expression, typhoon, publish, southern, president, European, howl, cookbook, compare, replace 2.认读词汇:Nancy, landlady, Karen, Thompson, Dave, ketchup, the United Kingdom, mother tongue, Pakistan, Nigeria, the Philippines, peg, tornado, Spanish, Noah Webster, statement, Florida 3.词组:make oneself at home, in total, except for, stay up, come about, end up with, bring in, a great many 4.重点词汇:pronounce, majority, native, international, trade, tourism, communication, exchange, compare 结 构 Direct and Indirect Speech(2)—Requests and Commands He/she asked/told...(not) to do... 重 点 句 子 1. English is a language spoken all around the world. P10 2. With so many people communicating ..., it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English. P11 3. How did these differences come about? P12 4. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language... P12 5. At the same time, British English..., ending up with different words. P13 6. Except for ..., written English is more or less the same... P13 7. However, most of the time ... do not have any difficulty in understanding... P13 8. Not only did Xiaohua learn ..., she also became interested... P95 9. I try to read as many books and magazines as I can find about Canada. III. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析 本单元以“世界英语”为话题,介绍了英语在当今世界所起的重要作用,使学生进一步了解学好英语的必要性,了解英美语言在词汇、拼写、语音等方面的区别,学会用请求和命令两种方式转述他人的话语,知晓在写作过程中尽量使用间接引语的优越性。 1.2 LISTENING部分要求学生听后快速记下房东太太对Brown先生所讲的住房规矩,培养学生通过听快速获取有效信息的能力,并在“写”的实际中运用“请求和命令”两种用语间接转述他人的请求。 1.3 SPEAKING部分要求学生三人一组合作,学会在不同场合下运用请求和命令两种用语口头转述他人所说的话,提高他们的语言表达能力。 1.4 PRE-READING 是READING的热身活动。通过对这两个问题的讨论使学生意识到学习第二语言(英语)的重要性。 1.5 READING部分是一篇说明文。文章的三个段落均说明了英语的确是世界范围内使用最广泛的一门语言,是联合国的工作语言,是其他语言无法替代的。 1.6 POST-READING 部分设计了两种练习,练习一的前两题是细节题,第三题是一个开放性题目,鼓励学生将英语学习与现实生活相联系。练习二是填空题,帮助学生梳理文章、概括中心思想。 1.7 LANGUAGE STUDY分词汇和语法两部分。其中,Word study 旨在培养学生用英语解释生词的能力;语法部分是有关“请求和命令”用语的直接引语和间接引语的转换。 1.8 INTEGRATING SKILLS 通过阅读使学生了解英国英语和美国英语的差异及产生差异的历史文化背景。在归纳其差异的基础上写一篇有关“英美语言差异”的小短文,也可模仿课文写出你所熟悉的不同方言的一些区别。 2. 教材重组 2.1 从话题内容上分析,WARMING UP与SPEAKING部分的PART TWO话题较为一致。将WARMING UP作为SPEAKING部分PART TWO的引入部分上一节“口语课”,让学生了解英美语言的确存在差异,有时若不了解其差异会造成很尴尬的局面;进而让学生练习和掌握语言交际中遇到障碍时的一些常用句型。 2.2 将 LISTENING 和SPEAKING部分的PART ONE设计成一节“听力课”,为本单元语法课作铺垫。 2.3 将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING整合上一节“阅读课”,训练学生的阅读理解能力和技巧。 2.4 将LANGUAGE STUDY和WORKBOOK中的PRACTISING语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。 2.5 利用INTEGRATING SKILLS的READING和WRITING上一节“读写课”,让学生了解英美两种语言的差异并将其整理成文。 3.课型设计与课时分配(教材重组后,本单元可用五课时完成) 1st period 口语课 2nd period 听力课 3rd period 阅读课 4th period 语法课 5th period 读写课 IV.分课时教案 The First Period Speaking Teaching goals 教学目标 1. Target language 目标语言 a. 重点词汇和短语 bathroom, towel, closet, pronounce, direct, have a good flight, at all, make oneself at home, if you’ll excuse me now, stay up, end up with b. 交际用语 Can you spell that please? Could you repeat that, please? What do you mean by ...? Could you speak a bit slowly, please? Sorry, I didn’t follow you. I beg your pardon? How do you say ... in English? How do you pronounce...? What does ... mean? Can you say that in a different way? 2. Ability goals 能力目标 To learn some differences between American English and British English. 3. Learning ability goals 学能目标 Let students learn how to deal with language difficulties in communication. Teaching important points 教学重点 1. How to improve the students speaking ability 2. How to make up another dialogue for three students and act it out in class. Teaching difficult points 教学难点 How to use different sentence patterns for language difficulties in Communication Teaching methods 教学方法 1. Listening to the tape .(individuals) 2. Pairs work to practise the dialogue and make up another dialogue(cooperative learning) Teaching aids 教具准备 1. a recorder 2. a projector and some slides Teaching procedures && ways 教学过程与方式 Step I Greetings and Revision T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls! Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Mr Chen! T: Sit down, please. Today we are going to learn Unit 2: English around the world, but I want to check your homework first. 2. Check whether they have previewed the new words and expressions in this unit. Then the teacher write down: English around the world — The First Period on the blackboard. Step II Warming up T: Look at the picture and try to guess: Qs: 1.What do you think is happening in the picture? 2.Where do you think is the man? Sa: A funny story is happening. Sb: The man is in the bathroom. Ask the students to discuss the following questions. 1. What is Joe’s nationality? How about Nancy? 2. What it is that Nancy thinks Joe wants? 3. What is it that Joe is looking for? 4. What is their misunderstanding about? After discussion. Sa: Joe is an American while Nancy is British. Sb: Nancy thinks Joe wants to have a bath. Sc: Joe is looking for a toilet. Sd: In American English the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a toilet and sometimes a bath or shower. In British English, the word “bathroom” means a place where there is a bath or shower and sometimes also a toilet. Joe wants to go to the toilet, but Nancy thinks he wants to take a bath. T: You did quite well. There are really some slight differences between American English and British English, so in order to avoid misunderstanding, it is necessary for us to know about some differences between American English and British English. Step III Speaking T: Now, I think you must know about why the misunderstanding occurred between Joe and Nancy. Then turn your book to page10. Let’s do Speaking—Part Two. In the following box there are several useful expressions. These sentences are all about the language difficulties in communication. When we express our requests and orders, we use them. Here I give you a few minutes to remember these sentences. Can you spell that, please? Could you repeat that, please? What do you mean by ...? Could you speak a bit slowly, please? Sorry, I didn’t follow you. I beg your pardon? How do you say ... in English? How do you pronounce...? What does ... mean? Can you say that in a different way? T: Now please work in small groups to make up dialogues about other language difficulties in pronunciation, spelling, grammar, uncertainty, misunderstanding, etc. and act out in class, using the useful expressions above. Sample dialogues Situation 1: Taking a message: A is visiting B, but B is not in , C takes a message for B A: Is B at home? C: Sorry, she isn’t in. She went out just now. A: Oh, could you do me a favor to take a message to her? I am her workmate. C: I’d be glad to. A: Could you please tell her we have decided to go out for an autumn outing. Please ask her whether she’d like to join us. My phone is 7500924 C: Could you repeat that, please? A: It’s 7500924 C: Ok. I have taken it down. I’ll tell her about it the time she comes back Situation 2: Answering the telephone: Lucy is trying to call Mary, but Mary is not in .Tom takes a message. Tom: Hello! This is Tom speaking. Lucy: Is Mary in? Tom: She is not in. Can I take a message for you ? Lucy: It’s very kind of you. Henry Potter Ⅲ is going to be put on in the cinema at 3:00 pm this afternoon. I have got two tickets. If she wants to, please tell her to send an e-mail to me at noon. The address is lucy_pretty123456@yahoo.com. Tom: Could you speak a bit slowly, please? Lucy: lucy_pretty123456@yahoo.com. Have you got it? Tom: Ok. Bye. Situation 3: The teacher tells the monitor about the task this afternoon. And the monitor tells it to the rest of the students. T: This afternoon we’ll do some cleaning in our classroom at 4:00 pm . Could you please tell the students about it? M: Certainly, I’d be glad to . T: Please tell the students to bring some cloth M: Sorry, I didn’t quite follow you. What shall we do with it? T: Oh, we’ll mainly clean the glass and sweep the floor. M: Ok, I will tell the class about it. Extension Task: Students can create and practise their own dialogues. They may include other language difficulties such as pronunciation, spelling, grammar, uncertainty, misunderstanding and inability to express what they mean or want to say. (若时间不足,可改为作业) Step VI Homework T: Now let’s recall what we have learned during this course. We have learned a dialogue about misunderstanding between Joe and Nancy. And then we have learned the useful expressions about language difficulties in communication. Our homework: 1. Remember the useful expressions on Page10. 2. Complete Talking in workbook. |
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