人教版高三英语unit1 grammer(subject)教案

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第一章  主语
A.You are wanted on the phone.
B.John has three sisters. Mary is the cleverest of the three.
C.---- What makes you so upset?
----Losing the wallet.
D.It's no use crying over spilt milk.
E.To see is to believe.
F.It is possible to fly to the moon by spaceship.
G.Whether he comes or not doesn't matter.
H.It is well known that the moon has no light of its own.
I.It is not known where the meeting was held.
2.动名词与不定式都可在句子中作主语。动名词作主语时一般来说指的是一个概念或一个既成事实。如上边的例句C,问及什么令你感到不快时,回答说是Losing my wallet。完整的句子应当是:Losing my wallet makes me so upset.再如:Teaching English is my job. Teaching English 是一个概念名词,而不是一个动作。
3.当一个不定式短语作主语时,我们常用It作形式主语,而把真正的主语——动词不定式放到句子后边。这样的句型还用在It's…for sb. to do…It's…of sb. to do…中。如果It's后边的形容词与人的天资、秉性有关时,必须用It's…of sb. to do…;这类形容词包括 good, bad, clever, stupid, wise, foolish, cruel, mean 等。
如果It's后边的形容词与人的天资、秉性无关时,则要用It's… for sb. to do…。
4.It is well-known to all that + clause It is known that + clause
It is said that+clause
It is believed that+clause
It is reported that+clause
以上五个句型中It是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句。在这样的主语从句中that不能省略,就其本质讲,用That…is well-known;That…is said也是可以的。但是经过长期使用,上述五个句型已经被固定下来。分别被用来表示众所周知、据说、据报道、据传等。
5.In the following, we must use gerunds. They are:
It's no use doing…
It's no good doing…
It's useless doing…
6.In familiar speech, the subject is sometimes left out when it is a pronoun. We call it omission of the subject.
A.I thank you.
B.I never heard of it.
C.It looks like it.
D.It sounds like common sense to me.
E.It serves him right.
1.What can be a subject? From the sentences(on the left)we can see that, pronoun, noun, gerund or gerund phrase, infinitive, infinitive clause, can be a subject.
The grammatical subject of a sentence is often a noun or a pronoun. The infinitive, the gerund and the subject clause are often found in the subject-relation, but they are generally represented by the“preparatory it”, and the real subject is put at the end of the sentence.
2.We know that the gerund and the infinitive can be the subject in a sentence. What's the difference between them?
A.Losing my wallet makes me upset.
主语 Losing my wallet 是件事而不是动作。
B.To do that sort of thing is necessary.
主语To do that sort of thing 是要去做的事,或要做的动作。
3.As is pointed above, when an infinitive phrase is used as the subject, we often use“It”to represent the infinitive phrase and put the real subject at the end of the sentence. Sentence F if just an example. What else should we know about it?
A.It's mean of you to eat all the peaches.
B.It's clever of you to work out the maths problem.
C.It's wrong of you to tell lies.
D.It's important for us to learn English well.
E.It's necessary for Li Ming to attend the lecture given by Professor Liu.
It's well-known that European football is played in over 80 countries.
It's said that Robert once studied abroad; but I don't know what country he studied in.
It's believed that Chinese first invented the compass.
It is a fact that China is getting richer and stronger.
5.We can put both sentences into English, using the three patterns.
A.It's no use keeping in close touch with him.
It's no good keeping in close touch with him.
It's useless keeping in close touch with him.
B.It's no use arguing with him.
It's no good arguing with him.
It's useless arguing with him.
6.In spoken English we often hear sentences like this:
A.Thank you.
B.Never heard of it.
C.Looks like it.
D.Sounds like common sense to me.
E.Serves him right.
How can we an alyse these sentences?
1.We wrote a letter of thanks to ______ had helped us.  [    ]
2.Tom's mother kept telling him that he mustn't smoke,but _____ didn't help.  [    ]
A.he                 B.which
C.it                  D.they
3.____ you don't like him is none of my business. [    ]
A.What               B.If
C.That                D.Whether
4.Just after finishing writing the composition, _____.   [    ]
A.the doorbell rang loud
B.Nancy heard the doorbell rang
C.someone knocked at the door
D.the doorbell was rung
5.----The exam was easy, wasn't it? [    ]
----Yes, but I don't think _____ could pass it.
6.They live on a busy main road. ______ must be very noisy.    [    ]
A.There               B.It
C.That                D.They
7.I'm sure the Olympic Games will be held in 2008 in China, _______? [    ]
A.won't it              B.won't they
C.shall we             D.aren't I
8.While watching TV, _______. [    ]
A.the boy came in
B.my mother was cooking
C.I heard a terrible noise
D.the doorbell rang
9.He's late,_____ is often the case. [    ]
A.as                  B.what
C.it                   D.this
10.It was the training that he has as a young man _____ led to his success.     [    ]
A.that               B.it
C.which              D.who
11.______ about the history of that part because there is not enough written information. [    ]
A.People know nothing
B.Much is known
C.People know a lot
D.Little is known
答案:1~5  DCCBD  6~11  BBCAAA




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