Go for it 8A新课标Unit 3 What are you doing for vacation?教案

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Go for it 8A Unit 3What are you doing for vacation?教案      
本单元是Go for it八年级上册中第三单元“What are you doing for vacation?”。本单元的核心话题是谈论未来计划,课文始终围绕这一主题展开,我们要学习如何谈论假期的计划(Vacation plans),及对将来的安排(Future plans)。让学生学会用what询问将要干什么并回答;用when, who, where, how long, how等词围绕未来计划进行提问和回答。语言知识和语言技能部分主要是围绕核心话题时设计安排了许多听,说,读,写的任务活动,来不断丰富巩固这一话题的词汇及习惯短语。我将灵活运用这些活动,并将其中的一些活动进行变化或整合。
3.语法:①现在进行时表示将来用法及去做某事的go doing
②用what, when, where, who 等对句中的事件、时间、地点、人物等提问。
4.功能: 谈论未来的计划安排
5.话题: 熟悉有关度假的内容。
重点是‘talk about future plans’及本单元出现的词汇、句型和语法。主要句型如下:
What are you doing for vacation?  I am spending time with my friends
When are you going?       I’m going next week.
How long are you staying?    We are staying for two weeks.
在上册书中已学过用一般过去时谈论过去度假的表达,具有了学习本单元知识的认知前提,能自然地与本单元话题进行衔接。因此,在本单元的对话中,教师可鼓励学生将过去度假的经历结合到本单元的对话中,充实对话内容,同时复习一般过去时。谈论未来计划是人们日常生活中遇到的话题,故学生喜于用英语表达此类知识。教师可在课前请学生在各种资料上查阅一些国内外风景名胜的情况介绍,包括其名称、所在国、气候、风景特点等, 以便在对话时有更大的自由表达空间,同时与其他同学互相学习、互通信息。同时教师也查阅一些资料提供给学生。教师应从学生的生活经验和兴趣出发,在课堂教学中应设计任务型教学活动,体现以学生为主体的教学活动,让学生在完成各项任务的过程中自主学习语言,提高综合运用语言能力。
Beautiful, warm,
Sunny, nice Sports camp ,at home, on the beach, in the mountain
↑ ↑
Weather Places

Vacation plans ↗

Vacation words
Description of the vacation
↓ ↓
Babysitting, spending time, visiting,
relaxing, going camping, go hiking, Relaxing,
going sightseeing, going fishing, going
shopping, go swimming, going bike riding, taking walks, renting videos
Period1 (Section A 1a/1b/1c /2c SectionB1a/1b/4)
Period2 (Section A 2a/2b/SectionB2a/2b/ 2c /Selfcheck2)
Period3 (Section B2c / Section A 3a/3b/ 课外阅读(go camping)/4)
Period4 (Just for fun/SectionB3a/3b/3c/ Selfcheck1/自编的Selfcheck)
每课时都有一个主题:Period1---Speaking,Period2---Listening, Period3---Reading, Period4--- Writing。但每课时都始终坚持任务目标→导说领先→活动或讨论→反馈或笔头落实→环环相扣,逐步铺垫。其根本目的在于突出重点,使课堂节奏紧凑,连贯,达到知识到能力的正向迁移。
1).单词: babysit, camp, bike, ride, sightseeing, fish, rent.
2).句型: What are you doing for vacation? I’m visiting my grandmother.
What’s she doing for vacation? She’s going camping.
What are they doing for vacation? They’re relaxing at home.
II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和怎样谈论将来的计划,及提高学生说的能力。
IV. 教学设计:
Step1Brain storm
Collect the names of activities which said by students.
Step2 Revision (pair work)
Revise something about vacation by asking:
Where did you go on vacation?
How was your vacation?
Step3 Lead-in
①通过看a video 进行match 来复习现在进行时。
②Show students a big calendar which prepared before class, and say:
Today is Thursday. Two days later is Saturday. I am staying at home on Saturday. And I am not going out.
And ask students:
What about you? What are you doing on Saturday?
学生做出各种不同的回答,教师将句子I am staying at home on Saturday。及学生回答中的动词短语写在黑板上,通过朗读回顾知识。这里应提醒学生注意be doing sth. 用现在进行时代表将要发生的动作,表示对未来的计划和安排,译为“我将要…”,“我打算…”,而不是正在做某事。
eg . What’s she doing for vacation? 她假期要做什么?
She’s babysitting her sister. 她要看她妹妹。
Step4 Presentation (SectionB1a /SectionA1a)
①National Day is coming. What are you doing for vacation?
(通过各种图片来教学词汇与短语--- going bike riding, going sightseeing, taking walks, going fishing, renting videos, camping, babysitting, exercising etc )
②Finish Section B 1a. Match the words with the pictures. Keys: d b c a e.
③Finish Section A 1a. Look at the vacation activities in the picture. Make a list and add some more.
Step5: Listening (Section A 1b)
Listen to the conversations and number the picture[1-3]
We will listen twice.The first time, just listen.The second time,listen and fill in the blanks.
Step6: Practice (Section A 1c)
What’s she/he/ doing for vacation?
What are they doing for vacation?
Step7: Survey (Section A 2c)
Ask classmates what they are doing for next vacation.
What are you doing for vacation?
Who are you going with?
Name Vacation plans
Li Chen He’s going camping with his parents.

Step8: Report
Good morning! In my group, Li Chen is …
Step9: Homework
①(P17 Survey) Make a survey about what your classmates’ weekend plans and write a report.
②预习Section A 2a/2b2c, Section B 2a/2b/2c
语言目标 学习策略与思维技巧 重点词汇
What are you doing for vacation?
I’m spending time with my friends.
When is she going?
She’s going on Monday / on the 12th /…
How long is she staying?
She’s staying just for four weeks. Role playing
Listening for key words. Spending time, babysitting, bike riding, sightseeing, fishing, take walks, rent, how long
语言结构 语言功能 跨学科学习
Present progressive as future
Where, when, how long questions Talk about future plans 了解和熟悉楠溪江地理

Step 1: Warming up
Ask some students to report the result of the survey---weekend plans.
Step 2:Lead-in:
T: Your plans are exciting. Would you like to know the vacation plans of Hector, Susan and Molly.
Step 3: Listening
①Listen to the tape of Section A 2a, Before listening, and ask:
   What are they doing for vacation?
②Section A 2b, Before listening, one question is given.
When are they going for vacation?
Who What When
③After checking the answers, and ask students to describe the 3 students’ vacation plans.
Step 4 Task one: show one’s own vacation plan.
Pair work and presentation.
Brain storm: (复习Section B 1b) let students speak out the vacation activities they’d like to do.
Step 5: Task two: Travel around.  
①Section B2a Listen to the tape and check the questions the reporter asks.
②Section B2b Listen again and write He Yu’s answers to the questions they checked.
Step 6:Class work 
Ask classmates about their vacation plan and fill in a chart.
Name Place Weather Activities When How long

Name Place Weather Activities When How long
Mary Hongkong Sunny, warm and humid Going to the beaches, going to the Sea Park… Next summer Two weeks
Jim …

Step 7: Task three: Susan’s tour in Nanxi River.
  Imagine you are a tourist guide from … agency. You plan the schedules with your group mates for Susan in Nanxi River.
  The schedule must contains:
  Where are you going? What are you doing there? What should tourists take with them?
  Where are you leaving from? When are you leaving?  What are you eating?
Step 8:Report: 
  Hi, Susan. I’m glad to tell you ...
①Write down your schedule and write a letter to her.
②Finish Section A 2c(Role play.)
1).单词: hike, yeah, away, send, get back, post card, how long, San Francisco, Hawaii, Tibet, Hong Kong.
2.能力目标:1).继续提高听读能力。2). 学会使用现在进行时态表示未来计划;掌握wh-特殊疑问句的运用。3). 学会科学安排自己的假期活动,能和合作伙伴互相交流,充分交换信息。
3.情感态度目标: 能在描述自己的计划和打算时,激起学生更加热爱祖国的美好河山。
II.教学重点: 掌握本课新单词和句型和学会科学安排自己的假期活动并能灵活运用于生活中。
IV. 教学设计:
Step1 Make an interview
Role play. Student A is the reporter. Student B is He Yu. Student A , interview Student B.
Ask some groups to act it out in front of class.
Step2 Listening (Section A3a)
①Fill in the chart after listening.
Tony Lin Hui
Where are they going? Hong Kong
How long are they staying?
②Say a few sentences about Tony and Lin Hui. Eg. Tony is going to…
Step3 Read(Section A3a)
①Answer any difficulty raised by students. Meanwhile deal with the new words, phrases and sentences.
I’m going to Tibet for a week.
He’s staying there next Sunday. etc.
③Read in pairs.
④Act it out before class.
Step4 Pairwork (Section A3b)
①请一名学生对左边的表格作一简要的说明。让学生说出自己的理解,如:这三列内容分别代表人物、将去的地点和将停留的时间。Friday-Tuesday 应读做from Friday to Tuesday等。
②学生读右边方框中的对话,然后用左边内容替换相应部分进行两人对话。也可将全班分成boys and girls or halves等,进行齐声问答。
③Say one sentence for everyone. ---Dave is going to his cousin’s house for a week. …
Step5 Reading
短文词汇 读完所用时间 阅读速度 理解专练 作对题数 正确率
共234词  分钟 词/分钟 5题  %
Let’s go camping
  What do we do when we go camp? First, we work out a plan. We take food, clothing, a knife, and things for cooking and eating. We take things to keep us away from insects and the sun.
  Then we put everything into the car and we drive to the woods. We look for a place for campers (露营者) and we look for a good place for our tent(帐篷). The place should have a lot of moving air. This will keep some insects (虫子) away. High land with water on both sides of it is good. Then we put up our tent. We put everything into the tent, and we are ready for fun. We can swim in the lake, walk in the woods, climb a mountain, row a boat, or go fishing.
  In the evening we come back to the tent, we build a big fire because it can keep the insects away. We sit around the fire and talk. We may tell interesting stories or we may sing songs.
  At night we lie down on the grass. We can look up at the stars. It is a busy day, so we try to go to sleep early.
  Everything is dark. Everything is quiet. We hope we won’t hear music from the radio in the next tent. We hope it won’t rain.
  Multiple choice:
  1.Before going to camp we should first ___________.
  A. draw up a plan        B. take some food
  C. take things to keep us warm  D. take something for cooking and eating
  2.We go to camp __________.
  A. by bus  B. by car  C. by bike  D. on foot
  3.Campers can take part in ________ activities.
  A. one or two  B. only a few  C. many  D. two or three
  4.In the evening we build a fire because ________.
  A. it is cold at night      B. it can keep us warm
  C. it can keep the insects away D. it is dark and quiet
  5.The campers like to ____ at night.
  A. hear music from the radio B. go to sleep early C. have rain D. be busy
   答案:A  B  C  C  B
Step6 Vacation Dreams
①Individual work. Write down your vacations dream with a few sentences.
②Group work. Read it aloud in your groups, and let listeners fill the following form.
Name Place Activities When How long

③Classwork. Report
  Ask students to make a report in front of class.
Step8 Homework
Groupwork: discuss and write a report. The plan of National Day. The plan must contains: who, what, where, when, how, how long, why, what kind of food, the people and the weather.
Teaching aims and demands
  Knowledge: talk about future plans
     Learn future tense
  Moral education: communication with others freely.
  Ability: Talk about things planned to happen
Difficult points:  
进行时表计划安排, be doing sth表示在计划中的将来要做的事情; on schedule打算将要做的事情,或根据判断得出的结论。
Teaching methods: Task based
Step1 Warming-up 
Greeting the whole class as usual.
Step2 Revision
1. Just for fun
Enjoy the cartoons together. 
2.Free talking
What are you doing for vacation?  How are you going there?  
Where are you going?   When are you going?  How long are you staying?
Step3 Listening
Ask some students to say something of the five pictures. eg: the names of the activities…
2.Let the student listen to 3a and answer the following questions:
Where did Ben Lambert’s go at first?
  When is Ben Lambert leaving?
Step4 Reading
1. Pre-reading
①Let the students underline the names of the activities in the magazine article.
②Write the number of each picture next to the correct activity.
2. While-reading
What does Ben Lambert do?
Is he taking a long vacation or a short vacation?
  Where did he plan to do at last? Why?
  Which part of Canada is he going, in the north or in the south?
How many activities is he going to do? What are they?
3. Explain any question which raised by students.
4. Read aloud.
Let students read it loudly.
Step5 writing 3b
1. Ask the students to go through the whole passage, and grasp the main idea and ask the teacher to explain some difficult express.
2. Discuss what kind of words should be filled in the blanks in groups. Eg, places, activities, or time etc.
3. Fill in the blanks. After finishing it, ask some students to read out their own passages and others assess them together.
4. Read their own articles freely.
Step6 task  
On the way to Canada, Ben Lambert is staying in Beijing for two days (Saturday and Sunday). Please plan schedules for him.
  place of interests in Beijing:
Tian'an men Square  天安门广场   the Palace Museum 故宫
the Temple of Heaven 天坛   the Great Wall 长城
the Ming Tombs 明十三陵   the Fragrant Hills 香山
the Summer Palace 颐和园   the Ruins of Yuanming yuan 圆明园
History Museum 历史博物馆   The World Park 世界公园
Museum of Science and Technology 科技馆Beijing Amusement Park 北京游乐园
  ①Plan schedules in groups
  ②Report the plan.
  Good morning, Ben Lambert. I'm … from … Travel Agency. I'm glad to share the next two days with you…
  ③Write the plan.
④Correct a report in class.
Step8 Self-check1
①Ask the students to find the sentences with the five words--- leave, hear, plan, ask, hope in Section A and Section B, and pay attention to the meanings and usage of them.
②Let the students make sentences with the five words.
③Get the students to fill in the blanks with the proper forms, then check the answers together.
Step9 Self-check
1. I am going to spend my summer v with my sister.
2. Tom doesn’t have enough money to buy a house, so he has to r one.
3.What’s your p for this term.
4.A: What you ? B: I am my sister.
A: do; do; babysit B: are; doing; babysit
C: did; do; babysitting D: are; doing; babysitting
5.A: What is he doing for vacation? B: He is .
A: going camping B: go camp C: go camping D: going camp
6.I plan abroad.
A: go B: going C: to go D: is going
7. A: what are doing for vacation? B: .
A: Go to see a movie B: Going to see a movie
C: To go to see a movie D: Went to see a movie
8. It is a trip. You will feel very .
A: relaxing; relaxing B: relaxing; relaxed
C: relaxed; relaxed D: relaxed; relaxing
9. I am going hiking the mountain.
A: on B: to C: of D: in
10. A: are you going to stay there? B: a week
A: when; about B: how; for C: how long; for D: what; about
Key: vacation, rent, plan, D, A, C, B, B, D, C
Step8 Homework: (choose one )
①Finish 3c (Pretend you are a famous singer or football player. What are your vacation plans? Write an article.)
②Review the whole unit and preview Unit 4.
八、 备课体会
2、教学任务设计主要围绕以下几个主题:①任务目标。教学步骤中每一步都将成为下一教学步骤的铺垫,在每一步骤中,教师设计具体任务,让学生参与到课堂互动中,并完成具体的任务。在写作课中,Discussion能充分使学生如释重负。②自主学习。本单元的主题任务,都要求学生在课余进行资料收集、整理并在课堂上报告,对于基础较弱的学校,教师可以事先收集资料让学生课前阅读。③着重思维培养,围绕话题 future plans 进行多方面的扩展,并且能较好地利用 reading 部分,引发学生积极思维、讨论。④课堂总结,当堂巩固。在授课过程中,在师生互动中呈现并教授新学词汇,并落实在课文和练习巩固中。对于长句、难句,教师进行控制性提问和分析。⑤尽量引导学生利用网络资源。




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