新教材英语高三Unit 5 Getting the message

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Look at the pictures on page37 and fill in the chart
Items Ad 1 Ad 2 Ad 3
The products they persuade you to buy Advanced electronic roducts Shampoo Soft drinks
How to persuade By using abstract design, slogan and pictures By using wonderful pictures ,slogan and realistic products By using wonderful pictures, slogan and products
The message each ad gives High quality,Help customers to succeed Create beauty,bring happiness and love to customers Help athletes to refresh themselves.
How is the information conveyed Pictures, slogan, spokesman Products,slogan, pictures Pictures,slogan, products
Words related to advertising
advertise, advertisement advertiser, brand, post, spokesman, spokeswoman, designer, entertain, promote, customer, slogan, text, writer mislead, humorous, persuasive, broadcast, annoy, appeal to
Collect advantages and disadvantages of advertisements from the students
Advantages Disadvantages
Provide information Mislead customers
Increase sales Give false or incorrect information
Make the public aware of social problem Raise the price of products

1.the first form of advertising : in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C.
2.the first printed advertisement: in London 1477
3.the first commercials on radio: about 1920
4.the first commercial on TV: after World War 2
Reading Find out the main idea for each paragraph
Pa1: Ads are found almost everywhere
Pa2: People react to advertisements in different ways.
Pa3: The basic principle of advertisements is to influence customers’ choices.
Pa4: Ads help companies and customers n a variety of ways.
Pa5: the most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.
Pa6: Governments and other organizations use ads to make people aware of government policies and social problems.
Pa7: Customers should be careful of illegal ads.
Pa8: Customers should learn to protect themselves from false ads and make smart choices.
Answer the following questions
Fast reading
1.What is people’s reaction to ads.? P2
2.What is the basic principle of advertising? P3
3.What is the most important function of ads? P5
4.what’s the advantage of good ads? P8
Careful reading
1.Why is advertising popular?
2.How does advertising help consumers and companies?
3.What is the basic principle behind advertisements?
4.Why do advertisers often have to work hard to attract people’s attention?
5.What is a “bait-and-switch” a?
6.How can we protect ourselves from misleading ads?
Choose the best answers:
1.The word “advertising” means to make a product known to . D
A managers through broadcast B leaders by radios
C firms by printed notices D people in various ways.
2.One advantage of advertising is that it helps . A
A increase product sales B make a product more expensive
C increase production D reduce the costs of a product
3.Advertising is a highly developed . B
A information B industry C trade D science
4.The development of radio, television, cinema, magazines and newspapers has with the development of advertising. B
A followed up B gone hand in hand C gone behind D taken place
5. The best chance to reach customers is to . C
A sell them the product B sell them what money can not buy: love, happiness and success.
C appeal to their emotions D reduce the price of the products.
6.The development of media has gone hand hand the development of advertising. C
A. by; by B. by; with C. in; with D. in; by
8.People react to advertisements in different ways.Because . 答案:A
A. ads are useful and entertaining to some people while annoying to others
B. ads are useful and entertaining C. ads are annoying
D.ads are not only useful and entertaining but annoying
9.When we buy an expensive product, can help us make the right decision. 答案:B
A. sellers B. ads C. our friends D. defenders
10.“Not all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits” means . 答案:D
A. all ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits
B. few ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits
C. no ads are used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits
D. all ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits
11.In order not to become easy target for ad makers, we must . 答案:A
A. distinguish between fiction and facts B. watch TV more often
C. believe all the ads D. never believe any ads
12.The best chance to reach customers for the advertisers is to . 答案:A
A. appeal to their emotions B. make interesting pictures
C. give customers proper prices D. send messages to customers
13.Paragraph 4 is mainly about . 答案:C
A. ads must increase the production B. ads must reduce the price of the production
C. ads must help companies and customers D. ads must make a product more expensive
14.Which sentence tells us the main idea of Paragraph 5? 答案:C
A. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the prices of the products.
B. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the types of the products.
C. The most important function of advertising is to introduce new products.
D. The most important function of advertising is to introduce the company where the products come from.
15.Why is advertising popular? 答案:C
A. Because ads are found in newspapers. B. Because ads are found on the Internet.
C. Because ads are found on TV. D. Because ads are found everywhere.
16.We can infer from the last sentence of the text that . 答案:C
A. we must learn to believe ads B. we must learn to accept ads
C. we must learn to analyse ads D. we must learn to accuse ads
T or F
1.People react to advertisements in different ways.( )
2.The basic principle of advertising is fairly difficult.( )
3.Since an increase in sales means an increase in production, the price may be increased, too. ( )
4.Truthful ads provide good information that helps customers to decide whether they want or need the advertised product.( )
5.Perhaps the most important function of advertising is to increase a company’s profits. ( )
6.By using the techniques developed by the advertising industry, governments and other non-profit organizations can spread knowledge, change attitudes and improve society.( )
7.All ads are not used to promote a product or to increase a company’s profits.( )
Difficult sentences
1.The development of radio ,television and other media has gone hand in hand with the development.
2.Customers see so many ads every day that advertisers must work hard to get their message across.
3.The best chance to reach customers is to appeal to their emotions.
4.First of all ,we should always keep an eye out for “hidden information”.
Integrating skills
Fill in the blanks for the revision
Advertising is a highly developed industry. It has gone hand in hand with radio, television and other media.
People react to ads in different ways. Some think ads are useful and help consumers
make informed choices while others accuse companies of using ads to mislead us. Companies can influence customers’ choices by introducing a brand name and by associating products with customers’ needs. There are so many ads for customers that advertisers must try to get their message across by appealing to their emotions.
Ads help companies and customers in all kinds of ways. They can help companies increase sales . At the same time , they help customers choose among all the available products. In fact, truthful ads provide good information,and help customers compare feathers, functions and costs. Some governments name a famous person as their spokesman or spokeswoman to make people aware
of their social problems and policies.
Customers should protect themselves by keeping an eye out for bad ads, telling false information from real facts and making good choices.
II Lead-in
1 what product do they persuade you to buy?
2 what information about product can you get?
3 How is the information conveyed?
4 What are the skills of making good ads?
III Reading
1 How do the ad-makers create a positive image of the product they are promoting?
2 How do ad-makers choose a name for the product?
3 What kind of slogans should be used to make the consumers to form a positive image? Can you give an example?
4 How are the ads presented ?
How to create a positive image of the product
Choose the words and brand names --- tell the consumer about the advantages of the product ---choose a funny name(use a well-known word--- choose names from old stories--- invent a new word )
A good slogan( should be catchy --- easy to remember --- convey a message)
Ads are started with a puzzle or question And presented in a humorous way
1.in order to 为的是;目的在于
2.take …into consideration 考虑某事物
3.compare…with… 把……与……比较(对比)
4.complain about 对某人与某物抱怨
5.in charge of… 负责;处于控制或支配的地位
6.hand in hand 手拉手;密切关联的
7.with the develop of 随着……发展
8.on the other hand 另一方面
9.get… across 传播或为人理解
10.instead of 代替(后面接名词\代词\动名词或介词短语)
11.appeal to 呼吁;上诉;投合(兴趣或心愿)
12.armed with用…… 做准备;备有
13.make sb. aware of 使人明白;觉察;意识到
14.keep an eye out for 留心或注意到某人或某事物
15.protect…from… 防护而不受
16.at the right time 在恰当的时候
17.point out to (向某人)指出;使注意
18.make sense 有意义;有道理;讲得通
19.accuse…of… 指责;控告
20.attach to 系;贴;固定;附着
21 differ from 不同于
22 attach to/connect with 附着/联想
23 attach importance to 给予重视
24 start with 以 开始
25 with the purpose of 以 为目的
26 point out 指出
27 refer to 指/参考
28 think twice 慎重考虑




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