中学英语课外学习辅导:同意还是不同意 |
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当我们和别人一起讨论问题,或别人向我们提出建议时,如果觉得对方蛮有道理,在点头称是的同时我们应该用英语说点什么?如果我们的观点、想法与对方不同,仅仅生硬地说声No肯定是不行的,那又该如何恰当表明自己的观点与态度呢?这就得学会表示同意和不同意的日常用语了。 II.日常用语 这得分为三种类型:完全同意、部分同意和不同意,我们分别看看它们的常用句式吧。 1.完全同意 如果完全同意对方的观点或看法,我们可以说: (1) Certainly. / Sure. / Of course.当然行了。 (2) Yes, please.好的,请吧。 (3) Yes, I think so.是的,我认为是这样的。 (4) That's true.那倒是真的。 (5) All right. / OK.行。/好。 (6) That's a good idea.是个好主意。 (7) I agree (with you).我同意你的意见。 (8) I'm sure you're right.我敢肯定你是对的。 (9) No problem.没问题。 (10) That's correct / right.对。 (11) Exactly.确实如此。/完全正确。 2.部分同意 如果仅在一定程度上同意别人的意见、观点或叙述的事实,但并不完全赞同,我们可以使用maybe, perhaps, may be, suppose等模糊语言,并采用下列表示部分同意的句型: (1) Yes, maybe / perhaps.是的,也许吧。 (2) You may be right.你可能是对的。 (3) That's possible.有可能。 (4) Yes, I suppose so.是的,我猜想是这样的。 3.不同意 如果不同意对方的观点或看法,我们可以说: (1) No, I don't think so.不,我不这样想。 (2) I don't agree (with you).我不同意你的看法。 (3) I can't really agree with you.我实在不敢苟同。/我真的不同意你的说法。 (4) I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。 (5) No, you are wrong.不对,你错啦。 (6) Of course not.当然不是。 (7) No way.没门儿。 III.注意事项 1.在英美国家,如果我们同意别人的观点,那就没必要隐瞒,我们可以直接表态,有时还可以加进称赞或附和的意思,那样效果就更好了。比如: (1)-Li Xiaofang is the best student in our class. -That's true. And she is also very good at playing football. (2)-Would you like to go shopping with me? -Sure. And I can help you carry things. 2.与英美人士交往时,如果自己不同意他们的看法,一般应该直接陈述自己的观点,但最好使用比较委婉的句型,以免伤害对方,也便于对方重新考虑,这能使气氛缓和,融洽人际关系。比较委婉的句型主要有:Sorry, I don't think so. / I'm afraid not. / I can't really agree with you.等。如: (1)-Can you mend my bike, Li Ming? -Sorry, I don't think so. (2)-I think we can walk to the park. -Well, I can't really agree with you. It's far from here. And it takes a long time. IV.巩固练习 根据下列对话情景选出恰当的答语。 1. -May I sit here? - ____________ . a. Never mind b. Not at all c. Yes, please d. You sit down 2. -I think it will rain soon. -____________ a. Sorry, I think so. b. That's all right. c. Thank you. d. Maybe you're right. 3. -Shall we go and play table tennis? - ____________ . a. That's a good idea b. Good luck c. No, I like playing table tennis d. I don't like playing football with you 4. -Can you help me mend my clock, Li Lei? -Sorry, ____________ . a. I think so b. I don't think c. don't I think so d. I don't think so 5. -Can you come out and play football with us now? -________. I must finish my homework first. a. Certainly b. I'm afraid not c. Of course d. I'm coming 相关链接:课外拓展
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