人教版高一Revision for Unit 18 New Zealand

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I Phrases:
1. 位于
2. 被……围绕
3. 和……同样大小
4. 发电
5. 占有,占领
6. 和……签订协议
7. 提到,谈到,查阅
8. 和……有关联;关于
9. 把……和……比较
10. 由……组成 组成
11. 在早期
12. 以……为标记,以……为特征
13. 转为做……转向做……
14. 把某物(用船、飞机)运送到……
15. 高质量的
16. 去宿营
lie//be in the west/south/north/east of…在…之西/南/北/东(表示在另一个地点的里面)
lie//be on the west/south/north/east of…在…的西面/南面/北面/东面(表示两地接壤)
lie//be to the west/south/north/east of…在…之西/南/北/东(表示不包括在该地区之内)
* west/south/north/east还可做副词,注意此时它们前面不用the
⑴The city lies about 66 kilometres east of Yantai.
  = The city lies about 66 kilometres to the east of Yantai.
⑵West of the city is a small lake.
  =A lake lies to the west of the city.
⑶The house whose window faces to the south is our classroom.
  =The house whose window faces south is our classroom.
  east---eastern   形容词     东部的
  west---western  形容词     西部的
  south---southern 形容词     南部的
  north---northern 形容词     北部的
  ____of the village ______ two small lakes.
  A. The east, lie   B. East, lies   C. The east, lies   D. East, lie
* 在离…的海上
  ⑵They were sailing two miles off shore.
* 靠近…
  ⑴The restaurant is just off the main road.
  ⑵The ship sank off Cape Horn.  
3. make up…      
 be made up of…   
be made of…   
be made from…
be made in…     
be made into…
Everybody in the village likes Jack because he is good at telling and_____ jokes.(2005江苏高考)
A. turning up   B. putting up   C. making up   D. showing up
4.turn to sth./sb./doing sth   求助于,转向
  ⑴Holmes turned to the lady.  
  turn…into…    把…变成,翻译成
  turn in       上交
  turn over      翻转,移交
  turn down把…    开小些,拒绝
  turn on/off     开/关(收音机,灯等)
  turn out to be   原来是,证明是
  turn up        把…开大些,到达,露面
1)----Why does she always ask you for help?
----There is no one else _____, is there?(2005全国高考北京卷)
  A. who to turn to   B. she can turn to  
C. for whom to turn   D. for her to turn
2)However, there was nobody that I could _______ help.
A. turn     B. turn to     C. turn for     D. turn to for
3)We wanted to get home before dark,but it didn’t quite ____ as planned.
A make out B turn out C go on D come up
4)--- _____ a second time ,will the man have one more try?
--I’m sure he will.
A Turn down B If turning down C To turn down D If turned down
5)Would you like me _____ the radio a bit?
--- No,it is all right. I’m used to _____ with the radio ____.
A to turn up ;work; on B to turn down; working; off
C turning off ; working ;off D to turn down; working; off
6)--- “Dear Frank, when will our wedding be?”
---“Ah, when? God knows.” He said, and _____ away from her, walked rapidly away.
A turning B turned C turn D to turn
7) Through the economic reform ,the economic situation of China ____much better than it used to be.
A turned into B turned off C turned in D turned out
5.be of
1) be of +抽象名词= be +adj.
Value ,importance,use,benefit…
2)be of +a//an +n.
age,color, size,height,weight,shape,kind,type ,price…
1. I don't think ________difficult for a Chinese student to master a foreign language within five years
 A. that    B. it    C. too    D. very
2. It's the second time you ________late this week.
A. arrive    B. arrived   C. have arrived  D. had arrived
3. It will not be ________we meet again.
 A. long before    B. before long
 C. soon after     D. shortly after
4. It's demanded that we ______there on foot.
A. not to go   B. don't go    C. not go  D. won't go
Has ______been decided when we are to hold the sports-meeting?
 A.that    B.this    C.it    D.what 6.—Did Li Lei call me while I was out?
 —Yes, it was ________ that called you.
 A.him    B.he    C.who  D. whom
7. It was 7:45 ________ he finished the work.
A. when B. that C. since D. before
8. ____ he went home did he find that he ____ his book in the classroom.
A. Not until; had forgotten
B. Not until; had left
C. It was not until; had forgotten
D. It was not until; has left
9. --It’s a long time ____ I saw you last.
--Yes, and what a pity it is since it will be a long time ____ we see each other again.
A. before; since B. when; when C. since; before D. when; before
10. --Was ____ Bill ____ played football well, ____ helped the blind man cross the road?
--Yes, you are right. He is always ready to help others.
A. it; that; who B. which; that; that
C. it; who; that D. who; which; that
1.This is because two thirds of the earth’s surface is made up by vast oceans.
2.As is well known that the moon travels around the earth.
3.I have been told that there used to have an old temple on top of the hill.
4.There are many islands on the coast of the Irish Sea.




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