人教版高二Unit 6 Life in the future

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Period 1 Warming up
Talk about life in the future
Practice making predictions
Step 1 Leading-in
Boys and girls, as we all know, the moment people landed on the moon for the first time, science and technology began to develop very rapidly. Last year China’s “Shenzhou V” was successfully launched with the development of science and technology. So we deeply believe people will invent more and more advanced things and explore the universe further. Can you imagine what our life will be like in the future?
Step 2 Warming up
Ask students to talk about the life in the future.
1. Divide the students into four groups or more to talk about the pictures one page 41.
2. Ask the students to have a discussion on what the new technology can do for us. Try to give typical examples and explain your reasons. You may use expressions or questions in the boxes below on page 41 to help you.
Period 2 Listening and speaking
Step 1 Listening
1. Listen to the tape of part 1 for the first time and answer the questions on page 42;
2. Listen to the tape again and check the answers with the whole class;
3. Listen to the tape of Part 2 and fill in the forms;
4. Listen to this part again and ask one student to describe what Mekanika wants to know.
Step 2 Speaking
1. Divide the students into four groups to talk about the pictures on page 42 and then ask one of them to report their ideas to the whole class.
2. Ask the students to list the advantages and disadvantages of having a double. Then let them give some ideas whether a new technology should be used.
Step 3 Homework
Ask the students to try to predict a new technology in the future and discuss the change it brings to the life.
Period 3 Reading comprehension
Life in the future
1. Make the students get more information about the change of life in the future.
2. Improve the student’s ability of getting the main idea of each reading subject.
3. Help the students to grasp some useful words and expressions by using them.
Step 1 Leading in
We all know that many things are affecting the quality of our life. What are they? Would like to list them? The following things are suggested for considerations: clothes, food, house, transportation, health, education, cultures, arts, sports, amusement, etc.
Step 2 Pre-reading
Scan the text to find out in which paragraph you can find the answers to the pre-reading questions.
1. How will people shop in the future?
2. How will people travel in the future?
3. What will schools be like in the future?
4. What will the future be like in general?
Step 3 Reading
1. Skimming
Ask the students to read the whole text quickly and try to grasp the general idea. Do the following multiple-choice questions.
(1) What can we infer from the first paragraph?
A. It is impossible for people to predict the future life.
B. It is quite easy to know what life will be like in the future.
C. People can know exactly what future life will be like through examining the contemporary society.
D. It is possible to forecast about future life by examining some of the major trends of the contemporary society.
(2) Which statement about the current life is true according to the text?
A. People pay much attention to a healthy diet instead of regular exercise.
B. Public transportation is well developed in all areas of China.
C. E-business is so popular that people are doing more and more online shopping.
D. E- schools have taken the place of common classrooms.
(3) What can we learn from the text?
A. Scientists are trying to protect what life will be like in the future.
B. We had better keep on studying all life to keep up with the changeable world.
C. Life in the future won’t change too much.
D. Life in the future will be completely different from what it is today.
Suggested answers:
(1) D (2) C (3) B
2. Scanning
After getting the general idea of the text, students will be encouraged to get more information from the text by doing the following multiple choices.
(1) For what purpose is the example of “the new maglev train” introduced?
A. To show the great achievement in science.
B. To tell new technology is used to reduce the pollution of transportation.
C. To show the modern transportation is much faster.
D. Both B and C.
(2) In the future people will shop ________.
A. not for basic goods.
B. Only for entertainment.
C. Using special small cards instead of cash.
D. In less crowded malls.
(3) What is the main advantage of e-schools?
A. Students can save time on the way by attending e-schools.
B. They will help people study whenever and wherever they like.
C. They supply more knowledge than common classrooms do.
D. Attending e-schools is fashionable.
(4) The word “predict” in the first paragraph is close to ______ in meaning.
A. learn B. guess C. forecast D. describe
(5) To live a longer and healthier life, people believe in _______.
A. eating healthy food and taking regular exercise.
B. Eating more.
C. Doing much exercise every day.
D. Having physical examinations often.
(6) People can deal with new diseases like SARS mainly through __________.
A. advances in medical science.
B. Regular exercise
C. A healthy diet.
D. Good treatment of doctors and nurses.
(7) It is better to be lifelong learners because ______.
A. learning is pleasant.
B. Things are changing all the time.
C. We’d better prepare ourselves well for the coming changes in our life.
D. We can’t forecast what will happen in the future.
Suggested answers:
(1) D (2) C (3) B (4) C (5) A (6) A (7) C
Step 4 Post-reading
1. Ask the students to discuss the post-reading questions (2---5).
2. What should we do to make sure we can have a bright future? Please write a short passage according to the text and your imagination.
Period 4 language points
1. catch/get/have a glimpse of 瞥见,望见一眼
eg. I caught a glimpse of the thief when he ran past, so I can’t describe him.
We caught only a glimpse of the rabbit before it ran into the grass.
2. ensure v. 担保, 确保
(1) ensure that------
If you want to ensure that you won’t be late for the meeting, take a taxi.
(2) ensure sb sth
This cup of coffee will ensure you a clear mind.
This pill will ensure the old man a good night’s sleep.
3. without doing----
They went back to the classroom without saying anything.
He lay still in bed overnight without moving, without even thinking.
He stole into the building without being noticed.
4. make it easier for sb to do sth
make it +adj +(for sb) +to do
make it +n +(for sb) +to do
eg. The Internet makes it quite easy for us to look for information.
We make it a rule for students to take part in school activities as well as study.
试比较:find it +adj +(for sb) +to do
find it +n +(for sb) +to do
eg. I find it difficult to understand what he said.
I find it a pleasant job to teach these lovely children.
5. keep in touch with 与------保持联系
be in touch with 与------保持联系(状态)
get in touch with 与------取得联系
lose touch with 与------失去联系
be out of touch with 与------没有联系(状态)
eg. I lost touch with Mary, my old classmate, two years ago. I’m trying to get in touch with her.
He has got tired of doing business. He’d like to go back to teaching, but he is out of touch with his subject now.
6. search ---- for----寻找------
eg. The police were searching the woods for the lost child.
= The police were searching for the lost child in the woods.
= The police were looking for the lost child in the woods.
= The police were in search of the lost child in the wood.
= The police were in their search for the lost child in the woods.
7. deal with 对付,处理;涉及,讨论;与-----做生意
eg. Our manager will deal with everything.
How did they deal with the old newspapers?
= What did they do with the old newspapers?
This book deals with the European music in the 19th century.
We ‘ve dealt with Mr Wang for about 5 years.
8. lead to 引起,造成,导致
eg. His hard work finally led to his great success.
= His hard work finally resulted in his great success.
= His great success lay in his hard work.
= His great success resulted from his hard work.
Lead to a place 通往某地
Eg. The road leads to the village.
Lead sb to do 使得,导致(某人做谋事)
Eg. People’s mispronunciation led him to change his name.
The news led him to run away from the village.
9. appreciate vt 欣赏,感激
eg. She doesn’t appreciate modern art.
His abilities were not appreciated by his boss.
I really appreciate your help.
I would appreciate your calling back.
10. in store 储备着,贮藏着
eg. Keep your energy in store for the coming examination.
Squirrels have much food in store for the cold winter.
In store for 等待着(某人)
Eg. There is a bright future in store for you.
Who knows what the future has in store for us?
Period 5 language study
1. Learn to use some words and phrases in the reading passage.
2. Learn about the noun clauses serving as subjects, object and predicative in a sentence.
Step 1 Word study
1. Ask the students to fill in the blanks of exercise 1 on page 45 with the correct form of the ten words listed below:
in general, forecast, trend, urban, consumer, keep in touch with, customer, tiny, cash, pay attention to, regularly, physician, lead to, effort, in store.
2. Explain the meaning of each phrase in the box of Exercise 2. Then ask the students to fill in each blank with them and change the form where necessary. Go over the passage with the whole class.
Step 2 Learning about Noun Clause (2).
1. In pairs discuss the examples on page 46 and the function of each clause. Do exercise 1. Then check the answers with the whole class.
2. More examples are given to explain the usages of noun clauses.
名词性从句的功能相当于名词,根据其在句中充当的成分可分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句等。引导名词性从句的关联词有:从属连词that/whether/if/as if/as though; 连接代词 who/whom/whose/what/which/whoever/whatever/whichever; 疑问副词 when/where/why/how, 以及由how组成的词组,如 how many/how long/how far等。
(1) 主语从句(subject clause)
eg. That he will come is certain.
Whether he’s coming or not doesn’t matter too much.
Who will be chosen is a matter of public concern.
Where she has gone is not yet known.
注:主语从句如果较长,常用it 作形式主语,而把主语从句放到句子的后面。
Eg. It is certain that things will change.
It is uncertain whether he can come or not.
(2) 表语从句(predicative clause)
eg. The truth is that he has been there once.
That is why she was absent yesterday.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
The factory is where they once worked.
(3) 宾语从句(object clause)
A. 用作及物动词的宾语
eg. He said that he wanted to have a chance to travel abroad.
I wonder whether it is true or not.
Please give the book to whoever wants to have it.
B. 用作介词的宾语
The teacher was pleased by what the students had done.
He always pays attention to whatever the teacher says.
Everything depends on whether they have enough experience.
She told of how she helped the old woman to find her sick husband.
C. 用作某些形容词的宾语
I am sure that you looked beautiful that evening.
We were not surprised that he returned three days later than expected.
I am very glad that you enjoyed the food I cooked.
Everyone was afraid that another earthquake would hit the city.
Period 6 Integrating Skills
(1) Foster the students’ ability to read English letters.
(2) Enable the students to write a predictable life in the future.
Step 1 Leading-in
Ask the students to have a discussion in pairs or groups about the following topic:
“What will the life be like in the year 3000?”
Step 2 Listening and reading
Ask the students to listen to the tape of this passage and then answer the questions on page47:
1. If you had an e-friend, what would you use it for?
2. Why is it something difficult for Mekanika to know what is real and what is an image?
3. How is your life different from the way people lived one thousand years ago?
Step 3 Dealing with language points
1. company n. 陪伴;与他人在一起
eg. I always feel safe with my e-friend. I enjoy his company.
A book may be compared to the company you keep; if it is good, you cannot keep it too long; if it is bad, you cannot get rid of it too early.
Keep sb company 陪伴某人,给某人做伴
Eg. I hope you can stay here and keep me company.
In company with sb 和某人在一起
Eg. I, in company with many others, feel it unwise to refuse him now.
For company 做伴,一起
Eg. The old man dislikes going out alone; he always takes his dog for company.
2. in the same way 用同样的方法
the way (that---/in which/----/of doing/to do---) 做某事的方法
in the way 挡道,碍事
on the way 在路上
by the way 顺便问一下
in a way/in one way/in some ways 在某种意义上,在某种程度上
3.after all 毕竟,尽管
eg. I didn’t invite him to my birthday party; after all, I don’t really know him well.
The passenger was tired and walked more slowly, but he got home after all.
In all 总共
All in all 大体而言,从各方面来说
Above all 首要的,最为重要的
At all 全然,究竟,到底
Eg. We have 20 people in all to work on this project.
All in all, it has been a great success.
Above all, enjoy your reading!
Are you at all worried about the result?
4. more than 超过,不仅仅是,极其
eg. More than fifty students went to the meeting.
A national flag is more than a piece of cloth. It stands for a country.
I’m more than happy to offer you my help.
试比较:more------than------- 与其说-------不如说---------
no more than =only
eg. Facing so many audience, I’m more excited than nervous.
She is no more than a secretary, so she has no right to decide it.
5.clean up 收拾,整理,弄赶净,整齐
eg. I cleaned up the room after the party.
The mayor is determined to clean up the city.
比较:clear up 清理,消除疑虑,天气放晴
eg. It’s not an easy job to clear up the kitchen after the dinner.
His clear explanations cleared up their misunderstandings.
It is likely to clear up this afternoon. We can go out for a walk.
6. some day (将来)某一天
one day (过去或将来)某一天
the other day 前几天= a few days ago
another day 改天
eg. My dream will come true one day.
The other day I met my English teacher in the bookstore.
Since you can’t come today, let’s make it another day.
Step 3 Writing
Ask the students to write a short passage about the advantages and disadvantages of the new technology.




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