人教版七年级Unit 8 Mainly revision

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学科:英语 年级:初一 辅导教师:张丹梅 期数:125
Unit 8 Mainly revision
(1)What’s your fax/Id/home phone number?你的传真/身份证/住宅电话号码是多少?
(2)Can I see your licence?我可以看一下你的执照吗?
(3)I go to work on my bike.我骑车上班。
( 2 ) 形容词性的物主代词:my,your,his,her,its,our,their;
( 3 ) 指示代词:this,that,these,those及有关句型
(4)系动词be的句型:I am, you are, He is, She is, It is, We are, They are…(缩略式为: I’m, You’re, He’s, She’s, It’s, We’re, They’re…)
疑问式:Am I, Are you, Is he, Is she, Is it, Are we, Are they?
( 5 ) 疑问词:what, how, where, who及所引导的特殊疑问句。
在英语中,可以用old和age来表示年龄,但由于二者的词性不同,故用法也就不同。若要询问对方“多大年龄”,可用How old are you?或What’s your age? 说某人“…岁”,用“be+基数词(years age)”。说某人年老、年轻用“somebody + be +old/young”, 而不能说“one’s age is old/young”. 例如:
How old are you?你多大了?
I’m fifteen (years old).我十五岁了。
What’s his age?他多大年龄了?
He’s twenty-eight.他二十八岁。
Mr Smith is (very) old. 史密斯先生年纪(非常)老了。
3.Can I see your licence?我可以看一下你的行车执照吗?
这是一般疑问句,Can I …? 是一个常用句型,一般用于征求对方的意见或要求给予许可。其中can是情态动词,意思为“能,可以“, 后面一定要跟动词原形。其常用的答语有:
Ok./All right./Yes,please./Yes, you can.
No, you can’t./Sorry, you can’t.
3. I’m an English teacher at No 4 Mddle School. 我在第四中学教英语。
No 4是Number 4 的缩略形式。当No. +数词来修饰名词时,朗读No.时一定要加定冠词the。 No.4应读作the Number four。学校全称应分别大写各单词的第一个字母。4.I go to work on my bike.我骑车上班。
On one’s bike 表示骑车,也可以说on a bike, 若主语是复数的话,bike 也要用复数表示。例如:
Sometimes they come on their bikes.他们有时骑车来。
类似的用法还有in a car, in his car, on the bus, in the boat等。
5.Count like this 像这样数数
You look like your father.你看上去像你的父亲。
We like English very much. 我们非常喜欢(学习)英语。
另,此句在英语中叫作祈使句。这种句子是向对方提出请求,命令或劝告,一般读降调。它的句型为:“动词原形+其他成分”,句末用感叹号或句号。这种句型的主语常常是第二人称you, 除个别时候,它往往被省略。例如:
Sit down, please.请坐
Be careful.请小心点
Look ar the picture , and listen to the tape.看图听录音。
祈使句的否定形式为:在句首加do not,一般情况下缩略为don’t 。
Don't talk in class! 上课别讲话
Don't be afraid.别害怕
Don’t be late again. 别再迟到了
以特殊疑问词所引导的疑问句称做特殊疑问句,其特殊疑问词为疑问代词或疑问副词。如:疑问代词what什么,who谁;疑问副词where在哪里,how如何,怎样,等。特殊疑问句在朗读时句末用降调。回答特殊疑问句时不能用Yes或No, 必须对句中提出的疑问做具体的说明。例如:
What’s your name?你叫什么名字?
My name is Gao Feng.我的名字叫高风
Who’s that in Picture 2?第二幅画中的那个人是谁?
That’s Lei Feng.那是雷锋
Where’s Lucy’s pencil?露西的铅笔在哪儿?
It’s here.在这儿。
How is your father?你父亲身体好吗?
He’s fine. Thank you.谢谢你,他身体很好。
初一英语测试 笔试试题
一. 单词辨音 从 A.B.C.D 中找出其划线部分的读音与众不同的单词 (5 分)
( ) 1. A. hello B. wrong C. clock D. on
( ) 2. A. this B. those C. three D. they
( ) 3. A. where B. what C. who D. which
( ) 4. A. name B. apple C. Kate D. game
( ) 5. A. fine B. hi C. Chinese D. in
( ) 6. A. seven B. next C. let D. these
( ) 7. A. tree B. very C. teacher D. Chinese
( ) 8. A. number B. come C. mother D. father
( ) 9. A. pens B. maps C. desks D. boats
( )10.A. look B. book C. room D. good
二. 字母辨音 从A.B.C.D中找出与所给字母含有同一元音的选项 (5 分)
( ) 1. E A. J B. K C. G D. W
( ) 2. A A. F B. H C. I D. L
( ) 3. Q A. S B. M C. W D. C
( ) 4. V A. L B. A C. P D. I
( ) 5. S A. Y B. J C. Z D. G
三. 翻译词语 (10分)
1.十二个小孩 2. 一位老人
3. 他的卷笔刀 4 .在二排五号
5 .他们的橡皮 6. 在第五幅画中
7 在上学 8我的橡皮
9 一年级四班 10劳驾
四. 填入所缺字母并译成汉语 (10 分)
( )1. sh_ _pener _________ A. er B. ar C. ur D. a
( )2. keyb_ _ _ d _________ A. ore B. oer C. oar D. aor
( )3. er_ _er _________ A. sa B. as C. za D. az
( )4. m_ n_s _________ A. a,u B. i, u C. i,a D. i,o
( )5. s_cr_t _________ A. e,e B. i,a C. e,i D. i, e
五. 选择填空 (15 分)
( ) 1.He is _______ English teacher.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 2. There is _____ “n” letter in the word “fine”.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
( ) 3. He is our teacher. _____ name is Mr Smith.
A. He B. He’s C. His D. his
( ) 4. What are these? ______ are red apples.
A. These B. It C. Those D. They
( ) 5. _____ everyone here today?
A. Are B. Is C. are D. is
( ) 6. Those are _____________.
A. banana trees B. banana tree
C. bananas trees D. bananas trees
( ) 7. The ______ are on the teacher’s desk.
A. Boxes B. box C. boxs D. boxes
( ) 8. How are you? _______.
A. How do you do? B. I am fine. C. How are you? D. And you?
( ) 9. Is your father in? No, he isn’t _____ home.
A. in B. on C. at D. for
( )10. Who is that in ______?
A. one picture B. picture one
C. One Picture D. Picture One
( )11. I am in ________.
A. Class one, Grade one B. Grade One, Class one
C. Grade one, class one D. Class One, Grade One
( )12. Is she _____?
A. in Row Two, Number Four B. Number4, Row 2
C. Row Two, Number Four D. in Number Four Row Two
( )13. What’s seven plus six?
A. twelve B. thirteen C. one D. threeteen
( )14. What is this ____ English?
A. in B. at C. on D. for
( )15. Is this your ruler? Yes, it is. ______.
A. Please give me. B. Here you are.
C. Here are you. D. You are here.
六、 句型转换 (10 分)
1. Those are their English friends.(一般疑问句)
______ those their English friends?
2. They are orange trees. (单数形式)
______ ________ orange _________.
3. The woman under the tree is her mother. (划线提问)
_________ ________ is her mother?
4. I think he is wrong. (否定句)
I ________ think he _______ wrong.
5. Is his teacher a man ? Is his teacher a woman? (选择疑问句)
______ his teacher a man ________ a woman?
6. He is fine today. (划线提问)
_______ ________ he today?
7. Is that your pencil-box? (肯定回答)
_______, _________ is.
8. Five plus eight is thirteen. (划线提问)
_______ _______ five plus eight?
9. I am a teacher. (划线提问)
________ ________ a teacher?
10. He’s in Class Six, Grade One. (划线提问)
________ _________ is he in?
七、 完成下列句子 (10 分)
1. 这东西用英语怎么说? 它是钟表。
______ this in English? _______ a clock.
2. 那是一辆英国轿车
That is ______ ______ jeep.
3. 我的尺子在哪?在这。
_______ are my ________ ? Here they are.
4. 你会拼写你的名字吗?
_______ you _______ your name, please?
5. 我想他很老了。
I think ________ very ________.
八、 完成对话 (10 分)
David: Hello! 2865424.
Sam: Hello! May I speak to Bill, please?
David: Sorry, he’s not at home now. 1 .
Sam: 2 . Bill’s English is in my bag. 3 .
David: Yes, 4 . 5 , Sam?
Sam: I’m fine, too. Thank you. I will tell (将告诉) Bill. His book is in your bag.
David: Thank you . Goodbye!
Sam: Bye!
A. Who are you? B. How are you?
C. This is Sam. D. Are you David?
E. This is David. F. Who’s that?
G. How do you do ?
九. 阅读理解 (5 分)
My name is Alice. I’m an English girl. I am thirteen. I’m a student in a middle school. I’m in Class 4 Grade 1. Hong is my good friend. She is a Chinese girl. She is one year older than I (比我大一岁). And she is in Class 4, Grade 2. I like her very much. And this is my bird, Qiaoqiao. It’s three. It’s my good friend, too.
( ) 1. I am a __________. A. English girl B. Chinese girl C. student
( ) 2. Hong is _________. A. old B. a boy C. Chinese
( ) 3. Hong is _________. A. 12 B. 13 C. 14
( ) 4. My bird’s name is __________. A. Qiaoqiao B. three C. friend
( ) 5. I have ____________.
A. one good friend B. two good friends C. three good friends




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