人教版必修第三册Unit4 |
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二、教学方法建议 (一)主题任务(Core task) 根据本单元的中心话题,建议设计以下三个任务供教师参考,并根据实际情况运用任务。 任务一:收集植物 活动时间:完成热身、听力及口语之后 语言知识要求:与本单元有关的词汇 语言技能要求:听、说 活动形式: 1.个人活动:搜索有关植物的知识,记录整理: What is the name? What is it like? What is it used for? What is its family? 2.小组活动:四至五人一组,小组同学互相介绍自己搜集的植物,然后推选一至两人到班上展示。 3.班级活动:各组学生代表用表格、图片或课件等形式向同学介绍该植物。其他同学做记录,尽可能多地了解植物。 任务目的: 1.熟悉、认识更多的植物; 2.更多地了解植物的特性、象征意义等; 3.在实践中运用所学语言及知识,解决生活中的问题。 任务二:小小花卉展(小小生物角) 活动时间:贯穿整个单元 语言知识要求:与本单元相关的词汇 语言技能要求:听、说,读、写 活动形式: 1.班级活动:本单元一开始,教师布置每个同学(或两人一组)准备一种或一种以上花盆植物,可以是家里现成的,也可以是自己去山上采挖、然后种植于花盆的。 2.个人或两人小组活动:同学分头准备花盆植物,并用英语记录花卉名称、产地、用途、花卉形状、象征涵义等。 3.个人或两人小组活动:记录、观察花卉的生长过程,做观察日记:如土壤要求、气候要求、用水要求、成长变化等。 4.分组活动:6-8人一组,同学之间互相介绍自己所准备的植物,用英语描述、介绍该植物的特性等;然后贴上标签,注明植物名称、标明植物特性,挂上自己做的观察日记。小组同学互相提出修改意见。 5.班级活动:植物展览,同学互相学习,评出最佳花卉、最佳植物描述、最佳观察日记等。 任务目的: 1.培养、激发学生对大自然的热爱; 2.尽可能多熟悉、解植物特别是花卉的有关知识; 3.培养学生仔细观察、认真记录的习惯,并注意准确记录; 4.将所学语言和知识用于实践,学以致用; 5.美化、爱护环境。 任务三:生物科学家论坛 活动时间:学完“读前”、“阅读”、“读后”、“综合技能”之后 语言知识要求:本单元有关词汇 语言技能要求:读、写、说、听 活动形式: 1小组活动:以4-6人为一小组,讨论确定将要介绍的生物科学家。 2.个人活动:分工搜索、重组材料(有条件的学校可以要求学生利用网络搜寻资料并将材料根据需要以Powerpoint形式或网络形式制成课件)。要求学生在语言运用上突出重点,充分利用本单元的语言。 3.小组活动:小组成员之间介绍、交流自己搜寻的材料,整合所有有用信息。 4.班级活动:小组同学以论坛形式向全班同学演示、介绍该生物科学家,班级将各组的资料做成墙报进行展示(也可以在网上共享),并评出最佳作品。 任务目的: 1.加强学生的探究意识,提高学生有目的地搜索信息和加工信息的能力; 3.运用、巩固有关语言知识,提高学生的思辩能力。 评价工具(选票) Group1 Group2 Group3 Group4 They cooperated well. They used what they had learnt recently. Their introduction was meaningful and informative. They used proper aids in their presentation. They wrote the introduction by themselves and the language is good. (二)热身(Warming up) 本单元的话题是“绿色世界”,主要谈论的是植物学这一学科。学生对这一话题并不陌生,但是也不会懂得很多。建议教学活动如下: 1.T:What is the green world? What can we see in the green World? Ss:We can see a lot of trees,plants,flowers, vegetables and etc. 2.How many trees do you know? 教师向学生展示有关树的图片。 How many flowers do you know? Can you name some?(Ss can name the flowers in Chinese if they don’t know the English for the flowers.)教师向学生展示有关花的图片,并逐个讨论。 如: What is the name of the flower? Where does it usually grow? What is it used for? Does it have any special meaning? What is it? Can you describe it? What is your favourite flower? Why? 教师和学生一起讨论有关花卉知识,并呈现有关花卉的词汇。然后完成课本练习。 (注意:下列材料仅供参考:) Flowers come in many different colours,shapes and sizes.Flowers like tulips and roses are big and showy,but grass and oak tree flowers are tiny and often difficult to see.Flowers grow on garden plants,on shrubs,on trees and even on grasses.They contain the parts that make seeds.The seeds will grow into new plants.So flowers help to make more plants of the same kind. Blossoms Many trees have attractive colourful flowers,or blossoms.The blossoms of fruit trees,such as cherry,apple and pear, develop into fruits,which contain the trees’seeds. Colour and scent Some flowers,like poppies,are brightly coloured. Hyacinths and roses are colourful and have a sweet smell,Flowers which bloom early in the year, such as snowdrops and daffodils,are mostly white or yellow.Sunflowers are always yellow in colour, but other flowers,like chrysanthemums,can be yellow. orange,blue,red,and many other colours,too. Hidden flowers The flowers of grass and sedge plants can be difficult to see.They are often the same colour as the plants,leaves and steins Some trees,such as willow and poplar trees,grow plain-looking flowers called catkins They hang down from the tree in small clusters (三)听力(Listening) 热身活动之后,相信学生对花卉有了初步的了解。听力的内容是有关“水果”的话题,因此,教学活动可以紧接着进行。建议教学开展“听前”、“听录音”和“听后”活动。 1.听前活动:师生讨论 T:Now you have some knowledge of flowers The green world includes flowers,vegetables and fruits.Do you like fruits? What do you know about them? What kinds of fruit do you know? (教师可以出示各种水果图片,学生讨论水果有关知识) 学生小组讨论: 1)names of the fruits; 2)kinds of the fruits; 3)ways to put different kinds of fruit into groups; 4) why people need to eat fruit. 班级讨论:小组向全班同学展示刚才讨论内容。 2.听录音,完成第4、5练习。 3.听后活动:学生根据听前讨论内容和录音材料,谈谈水果方面的有关内容,也可以作为课后书面作业,写在作业本上。 (四)口语(Speaking) 口语活动的教学目标可以从以下三个方面考虑:1.语言目标——学会如何叙述做事步骤。如: First(ly).second(ly),After that,At last等。2.知识目标——会谈论如何种植花草、蔬菜等绿色植物。3.技能目标——学会种植一种绿色植物,培养自己动手、策划和探究能力。 建议教学开展以下活动: 1.师生讨论: T:Do you have pots of plants in your home? What is it? Who usually looks after it? 教师也可以事先准备一棵植物,与学生一起讨论: T:Do you know what it is? Do you know how to plant (look after) it? 2.生生讨论:2-3人一组,其中一个记录。如: S1:What have you grown?/What would you like to grow? How would you take care of it? I water it regularly… S2:I have a pot of flowers in my home.It is called chrysanthemum.I planted it last spring.I know how to grow it.Firstly,… S3:I have planted a pot of cymbidium.First…. 3.班级活动:全班同学讨论、讲述如何种植花卉或蔬菜体会,例如:It is a good idea to… Firstly, we…Secondly,we…学生在叙述做事步骤时,再一次运用firstly,secondly,thirdly,then等词进行描述。然后完成课本练习2和练习3。 也可以参照任务二。 (五)读前(Pre-reading) 为了更好地理解课文,教师可以在读前做一些适当的铺垫。如教师可以呈现植物、水果图片或实物,引导学生进入植物的世界。 T:What's this? (What are these?) What are they used for? Where are they from? Can you classify them into groups? What do we call the persons doing the research on the plants? (botanists) Do you know any botanists? How do scientists classify them now? How did they classify them in the past? How was the science of botany born? 然后自然过渡到阅读课文。 (六)阅读(Reading) 本阅读篇章的目标为: 1.使学生了解植物学这一学科的形成,并了解一个学科的形成需要经过漫长的时间及几代科学家的努力和奋斗。 2.使学生了解科学家为科学事业所作的努力及其奋斗精神。 3.培养学生捕捉细节、分析主题最终提高阅读的能力。 针对这些教学目标,建议进行如下教学活动: 1.解读标题The Birth of a Science。由于有了读前的过渡、铺垫,学生容易理解本文标题。 2.疏通课文,捕捉细节。 Scientists Achievements and contributions Carl Linnaeus He developed the system how to classify plants into groups His system conquered the world. Daniel Solander Linnaeus’student, travelled to England to promote the new system and travelled on the Endeavor with Joseph Banks. Joseph Banks rich.but made his career in science,He made his first journey to study wild plants in 1766. His second expedition was the great voyage with James Cook to the Oceania.He supplied about 10,000 pounds.His three-year voyage achieved a lot on botany He not only studied and described the new plants he found but also looked out for new economic species After his return.he helped develop the royal gardens at Kew into one of the great botanical gardens in the world and made it a center of scientific and economic research. (有关这三位科学家的参考资料见补充参考资料) 3.深层理解、归纳课文。 Do you think it is easy to have a science born? What is the main idea of the text? 4.升华主题。 What is important in their scientific work? What can we learn from these scientists? (七)读后(Post-reading) 读后练习的目的是加深对阅读的理解,其中问题2、3、4可在阅读过程中处理。然后组织学生讨论:How was the science of botany born? Was it easy?也可以结合任务三,引导学生更多地了解植物学家,进一步激发学生对生命科学的热爱和探索热情。 (八)语言学习(Language study) 1.词汇学习(Word study) 词汇学习的第一个练习让学生根据句子意义,在方框中找出与句子划线部分意义相似的词或短语;第二个练习运用本单元所出现的词汇完成短文填空。建议做练习前,教师在复习课文的同时对本单元出现的词汇以听写、造句,编故事等形式先做一一复习、归纳,然后让学生自己完成这两个练习。 2.语法(Grammar) 语法部分复习宾语从句。鼓励学生进行探素性学习,自己进行分析归纳。 (九)综合技能(Integrating skills) 综合技能的阅读部分主要介绍了达尔文及另外两位科学家格雷戈•门德尔,约特•杜尔松关于物种的研究和他们的成粜。达尔文参加“小猎犬号”船队远征,完成了科学巨著《物种起源》。在加拉帕戈斯群岛,他发现了几百种不被世人知晓的新植物,并发现植物与动物物种一样起源于不同的居住地和不同的食物源,同时还找到了解释不同物种之间差异的答案;19世纪40-50年代,门德尔酷爱大自然,做了大量的花草实验,发现植物的特性代代相传,并不受环境影响,他的研究使植物遗传学诞生;1922年,杜尔松找到证据,表明由于各地的气候条件、土壤状况不同,同一物种的植物也会产生差异。三位科学家的研究表明遗传和环境对植物有着极其重要的影响。 教师可以让学生细读课文,完成下列表格。 Names of the scientists When and where Achievements 写作部分可以让学生结合所学课文,通过仔细观察,以及根据课文提供的写作提要完成作文。可采用生生互动及师生互动参与评价。 评价工具: 三、教学评价建议 (一)非测试评价根据自己的实际情况回答下列向题,并存入个人学习档案: The things I can do Evaluation I have learned more about green world. 5 4 3 2 1 I can describe the green world now. 5 4 3 2 1 I can observe the world around us carefully now. 5 4 3 2 1 I can take a right attitude while learning and working. 5 4 3 2 l I can talk about things in a proper procedure. 5 4 3 2 1 I can use object correctly. 5 4 3 2 1 I can write all essay by observing. 5 4 3 2 1 (二)测试性评价 1.Fill in the blanks with the following words,using their proper forms. 1.The Labour’s Day is coming,we will celebrate it on a large __________. 2.The books in the library are __________ according to subject. 3.The strike __________ many unemployed people. 4. He worked hard and was __________ to manager in the company 5.It is __________ that you attend the meeting.as you are supposed to make a speech there. 6.She __________ to be sent to prison 7. He hired a plane.regardless of __________. 8. The __________ of money.knowledge and experience is important in our career. 9.One can not __________ happiness and wealth. 10.A $ 100 __________ has been offered for the return of the stolen painting. 2.Fill in the blanks with proper prepositions. 1.He is eager to learn.Namely, he shows an appetite __________ knowledge. 2.She is called Rose,which is named __________ a flower. 3.Comrade Deng Xiaoping passed __________ in 1997. 4.Joseph Banks was involved __________ enterprises such as the exploration of Africa and the settle ment of Australia. 5.They fell in love __________ first sight. 答案: 1 1 scale 2 classified 3 involved 4 promoted 5 essential 6 deserved 7 expense 8 accumulation 9 identify 10 reward 2 1 for 2 after 3 away 4 in 5 at |
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