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1. 名词性从句包括
eg. That he will succeed is certain.—→It’s certain that he’ll succeed .
eg. Whether she will go there is not know.
what(……东西) who(谁) which(哪一) when(何时) where(什么地方) why(为什么) how(怎样,如何)
whatever,whoever,whomever,whenever,wherever,(无论什么,无论谁,无论何时,无论在哪里)语气比what,who,when等强烈 。
引导词:that (无任何意义,不充当任何成分,常省略)
eg. I don't think you are right.
eg. I don't know whether he will come or not.
Everything depends on whether you agree with us.
eg. The trouble is that we are short of money
eg. It was uncertain whether he would come.
The first question is whether it is true or not.
eg. The problem is how we could make him understand it.
as if/though (“似乎”,注意.从句表达的是真实事实还是要用虚拟语气)
eg. He looks as if he were angry.
It looks as if it is going to rain.
引导词:that(在下列名词后可用that引导同位语从句,answer,belief,doubt,fact,hope,idea,information,knowledge,law,news,opinion.plan, suggestion,thought,truth,word等)
wh-疑问词(no idea后用when,where,how等)
引导词:关系代词 who,whom,that,whose(某人的);which,that,whose(of which)(某物的)
关系副词 when,where,why
引导词:关系代词 who,whom,whose,(某人的)as,which,whose(某物的);
eg. As is known to all,
As is often the case,
As is expected.
连接词 when, while, as; before; after; since, ever since, until, till, as soon as, once, no sooner…than; hardly……when, scarcely…before(when),immediately, directly, instantly; the moment, the minute, each time, next time, the first/last time, soon after
△when 既可引导一个持续性动作,也可引导一个短暂性动作,可用于主句和从句动作同时发生或从句动作先于主句动作
while引导的动作必须是持续性的,强调某一段时间内,主从句动作同时发生,相当于during the time that……
as 引导的时间状语从句可用持续性动词,也可用非持续性动词,但它较强调主从句中的动作同时发生,也可用来说明两种正发展或变化的情况。 “随着”,表时间的推移。
eg. It was raining when she arrived home.
My mother was cooking while I was doing my homework
As I get older, I get more optimistic
△(主句)延续性动词(肯定式)+until/till从句(短语) “直到……才” 强调句型 It was not until … that …
not until 置于句首,主句要用部分倒装
△Since 引导时间状语从句,“自从……时”,主句要用完成时态。但时间的计算方式略有不同
在“It is + 一段时间 +since从句……”句型中,时间一律以since从句的动作完成时算起。
eg. Mr Li has been here since he came back
He hasn't been back at school since he was ill.
I haven't heard from him since he lived here.
It is three years since she was not in our class.
△ no sooner … than, hardly … when, scarcely……before/when 引导的时间状语从句表示“刚……就……”,“一……就……”,在这些结构中,主句动作先发生,用过去完成时, 从句用一般过去时,主句常用倒装语序,即把助动词had放在主语前面
eg. No sooner had he reached home than it began to rain.
Hardly/Scarcely had I entered the room when the phone rang.
连接词 where ,wherever
△ 地点状语从句有抽象条件的含义时,从句要在主句的前面。
eg . I will follow you wherever you go.
Where there is a will ,there is a way.
eg. Go back where you came from. (从句前无先行词)
Go back to the village where you came from. (从句前有一个表地点的n作先行词)
连接词 because. since, as, for; now that(既然);seeing that(鉴于……),considering that (考虑到……;由于……)
△ because 所表示的原因含有较强的因果关系,专门回答用why 提出的问题,一般放在主句后面
since 语气次于because,表示稍加分析后推断出来的原因或是人们已知的原因。“既然,由于”,常置于句首。
as 语气最弱,多以既成的事实为理由,一般放在句首。用于因果关系十分明显的场合,也可置于主句后面。
eg It was because he was ill that he didn’t go with us
Since no one is against it ,let’s carry out the plan.
As he wasn't ready in time, we went without him.
We couldn't walk very fast as the street was quite dark.
for 表原因,属并列连词,不是说明直接原因,而是对某种情况加以推断,用于表示补充说明理由。
eg. .He must be ill ,for he is absent today
△.now that 用来说明一种新情况,然后加以推论,位于句首时,that可省略
eg. Now (that) everybody is here, Let's begin.
连接词/词组 so that(以便,为了),so(以便),in order that ,in case (以防,免除),for fear that(以防),lest(以免)
从句中谓语常含may, might, can, could, will, would等情态动词。
△当从句与主句主语一致时,可将从句变换为so as to, in order to 短语。lest 引导的从句中须用“should+动词原形”,表虚拟语气。
eg. I shall write it down lest I should forget.
连接词/词组 so(结果),(so)that(结果),so……that……(如此……以至于……),such……that……(如此……以至于……)
eg. Mr Smith had overslept so he was late for work.
My pen fell under my desk (so) that I couldn't see it.
so +adj./adv. + that从句
so +adj. +冠词 +名词单数+that从句
so +many/few/much/little + n +that从句
such + 冠词+adj.+名词单数 +that从句
such + adj. +不可数名词/名词复数
eg. The box is so heavy that I can't carry it .
She is so beautiful a girl that all the boys of our class like her.
There is so little water that you can't drink.
She is such a good girl that she can help you.
连接词/词组 if (如果,假如),once(一旦),so/as long as (只要……就),unless(如果不,除非),on condition that (条件是……),suppose(倘若,万一),supposing(要是,仅在问句中用),provided that/providing that(假如)
“祈使句+and/or/or else/otherwise引导的结果句”句型中,祈使句在意义上相当于条件状语从句
连词/词组:as(像……一样,依照),just as ……so ……(像……,正如……,对于……),as if/though (仿佛……的,就像……似的)
eg. I'll do as I am told to.
Just as water is to fish, so air is to man.
He spoke as if he had been there before.
△.as if /though 引导的从句与事实相符,用陈述语气;与事实相反,用虚拟语气。
eg. The woman teacher hurriedly left the classroom as though she was angry.
Our teacher treats us as though we were her children.
连词:though/although (尽管,虽然) ever if/though(即使),
whoever/no matter who ,whatever no matter what, whichever/no matter which, whenever/no matter when, wherever/no matter where, however/no matter how, whether……or(not),as, while(尽管)
△.although 比though的语气重些,多用于正式文体,引导的从句常位于句首,但一般二词也可互换使用,都不可与but连用,可以和yet,still连用。
△.even if/though 常用以强调让步概念,会有退一步想的意思(有时用于虚拟语气)
eg. We'll make a trip even if the weather is bad.
Even if I were in your place, I wouldn't take the job.
△.as 引导让步状语从句,从句部分用倒装语序,句型为:
adj/adv/n(不带冠词)/动词原形 + as + 主+谓
eg. Although the TV set is very dear, I still bought it
child as he is, the boy knows a lot.
Try as I might, I couldn't lift the stone.
Whether you believe it or not ,it is true.
No matter how difficult (it may be),we are determined to carry the research to the end.
连词:as……as(和……一样),not so/as……as(和……不一样)
More…… than ,less than (比),the ……the……
eg. John plays football as well as ,if not better than, David.
She is not so wealthy as her brother.
Nothing is so difficult as this.
I like bananas less than apples.
The more you read ,the more knowledge you can get.
at the week 在周末 at Christmas 在圣诞节期间
at the Spring Festival 在春节期间 at lunch 午餐时
on 某天或某天上、下午
on Monday 在星期一 on January 1st 在1月1日
on my birthday 在我生日那天 on the afternoon of June 3 1月3日下午
on a cold winter evening 一个寒冷冬天的晚上
in “一段时间”,也可用在月、季节、年等时间短语前
in the months that followed 在后来的几个月里
in the day 在白天 in half an hour半小时之内(后)
in spring在春天
during 在……期间
during the summer holidays 在暑假期间
during the last three years 在过去的三年中
for “达,计”
for a long time 好久 for a few days 好几天
for a monment 一会儿 for ever 永远
within “在……期间,不超过”
I'll be back within an hour.
Do you think the work can be done within five days?
from Monday to Friday
from morning till night 从早到晚(till不能用to)
△表示其它时间概念的介词有before,after,since,until,till,between,by,up to等
before “在……之前,早于”
before class 上课前 the day before yesterday 前天
before long 不久
after “在……之后”
after a while 过了一会儿 the day after tomorrow 后台
since last Monday 自从上星期一以来 since 1998 自从1998年以来
until/till “直到……”
He didn't leave the swimming-pool until closing time.
between “在……之间”
I'll call on you between two and four this afternoon.
He was at middle school between 1983 and 1997
All of must be at the school gate by 6 tomorrow morning
By the time of last week,we had finishied all the lessons for this term
every year(month,week)
We worked there all afternoon.
She has lived in the village all her life.
in a city在城市 in the sun在阳光下
in the north在北方 at the gete在大门口
at the second crossing 在第二个十字路口
at the bus stop 在公共汽车站 at the doctor's 在医院诊所
on the other side of 在……的另一边 on the left 在左边
on the Thames 在泰晤士河上
above 侧重于指上下位置,有对比与参照物
The picture is above the map
The mountain is about 2000 meters above the level.
over 侧重于指横跨两端,或有覆盖的含义
She spread a cloth over the table
There is a bridge over the river.
under 与 below 均可表“正下方”
The water reached a few inches below/under the knees
below the sea level 海拔以下 below the freezing point 冰点以下
play under the tree carry sth. under one's arm.在胳膊下夹着东西
in front of 指位置”在……前面/正面” ,(一物体在另一物体的前方)反义词为behind
The children are playing in front of their house.
He sits in front of me
He stood before his teacher,not knowing what to say.
in the front of (一物体包含在另一物体的内部的前方)
He sits in the front of the classroom.
He parked the car behind the house He sits behind me.
at the back of(一物体包含在另一物体的内部的后面)
There is a blackboard at the back of the classroom
between (常指二者之间)
there is a picture hanging between the two windows.
among (三者或三者以上)
The animals usually hide among the trees during the daytime
in the middle of (强调在一处地方的中心或中心附近的位置)
there is a desk in the middle of the classroom
near “在附近,靠近”暗示距离很近
He told the child not to go near the dog
The man standing beside the car is Mr white
by 与 beside 意义相近,“在……旁边,紧埃”
The six blind men sat by the roadside all day
She has a scarf around her neck.她脖子上围了一条围巾
△inside与 outside 互为反义词
The children were kept inside the house all day
The Purple Mountain is located outside the city of Nanjing
The post office is just across the street
△.against 靠着
The man stood with his back against the wall.
△beyond “在……那一边”,“远于……”
Our house is beyond the hill .
△.from “离开”
My home is two miles from the school.
△.to “到……,向……”
They walked to the sport ground. Japan lies to the east of China.
laugh at look at smile at rush at shoot at朝……射击 throw at朝……扔
△.from “从……”
A friend of mine sent me the gift from Tianjin.
△.into “进入……” (反义 out of)
He poured some milk into the cup.
△.along “沿着,顺着……”
They drove along the river for nearly two hours
by “(运动方向)沿着,经过,经由”
He entered the room by the back door,not the front door
The Greens travelled to Suzhou by Shanghai
out of “从……出来” (反义 into)
She took a book out of her schoolbag
(a)round “环绕,围绕”
Some foreign frirends were shown around our school this morning.
for “(方向,倾向,能力)向,往”
The ship started for London. She has a gift for art.
off “从……离开”,“从……下来”
She fell off the ladder and hurt her leg
△.toward(s) 只表示动作的方向,与到达与否无关
I found the car driving towards me
to 表示到达目的地,常与 go,come ,return,fly等连用
for 和 to 表目的地时前面所用动词不同,常与 leave ,start,sail,set out等连用
across “从这边到另一边”
through “从事物的里面穿过”或“从长形物的一头到另一头”
The policeman forced his way though the crowd
by (=past) “从人或事物旁边经过”
He waked by me without saying a word.
She drove past a school on her way home
I don't think anyone can jump over the fence.
Lots of planes fly over the city every day
throughout (时间或空间)遍及于……,到处;整个期间,从头到尾
The news spreed throughout the country throughout the year 一年四季
all over (空间场所)一片,到处,浑身
Dead leaves lay thick all over the ground
all around 四处,到处,整个那一带
△.by “用(方法、手段、途径等)”或意为“乘坐(交通工具)”后接的n.前常不用冠词
Mr Green usually goes to work by car.
He makes a living by selling newspapers.
△.in “用(方式、材料、途径、语言)”
You can do this in a different way Can you sing in English?
△.with “带着、伴随”,后接具体的工具、收到、材料或其它行为方式
He wrote these Chinese characters with a small bamboo stick.
△.through “以(方法、手段)”,“经由”
We learn a second language through listening,speeking,reading and writing
I got to know him through a friend.
△.in “在……方面”,常见搭配:do well in,be rich in,be different in .be interested in.
China is a country rich in natural resources
△.at “在……方面(有能力或造诣)”
My father is very good at telling stories. Robert is clever at maths
△.about(around) “大约”
There are around 80 pyramids in Egypt.
△.round “大约”
It's round 5 o'clock.
△.except “除……以外”(不包含在范围之内)
We all went to the Summer Palace except him
They didn't know the answer except/besides Tom
△.besides “除了……以外,还有”(所指包含在叙述范围内)
Who else will go to the cinema besides Jack?
△.but “除……之外”多于nobody ,none,nothing,anything,everyone,all等。
No one but Tom went there
△.except for “只是,只不过,除了……之外”相当于“except + that从句”
The car is nice except for the color.
△.except that/wh-疑问词 从句
Your article is good except that it's a bit too long.
He is never late except when he is ill
△.apart from
表“此外,除了……之外”(=besides,as well as)
Apart from being too large,it just doesn't suit me.
表“撇开……来说,除掉”(=except for)
A good piece of work,apart from a few slight faults.
There can be no knowledge apart from practice
△."on" 表示“论述”,常与speak,talk,write,lecture等词连用
He is writing a book on cooking
△.about “关于”
He told me a lot about him in the summer vacation.
It's a story about love.
△.of“关于”常与 think,know,hear等词连用
I've never heard of the place you mentioned just now
△.with “具有,有着”
He lives in Nanjing,a city with a history of over 2000 years.
△.without “没有”
We can't live without air and water
He entered the room without being permitted.
△.because of ,on account of “因为”
because of 较为普通,on account of 多用在较为正式的文体中
Because of his wife's being there,I said nothing about it.
The game was delayed on account of the snow.
△.for 侧重行为或情感产生的依据,或因此带来的结果,较正式场合
I could hardly see anything for the fog.
He was rewarded for saving the child's life.
△.due to ,owing to “由于”
due to 强调起因,多用于在be动词之后作表语
Our delay was due to the heavy fall of snow
owing to 更多地用来作动词的状语、
Owing to the heavy fall of snow,all flights have been cancelled.
<注> 在很多情况下due to /owing to/because of可换用
△.out of 着重点是行为的动机或出于行为者的内心感受
I helped her out of pity. 我是出于怜悯,才帮助他。
She cried out of sympathy 她因同情而哭了出来、
△.of 和 from 表示“因……而……”,of和from都可用来说明死亡的原因
die of 指出造成死亡的直接原因
die of cancer,die of old age,die of hunger.
die from 指明造成死亡的外在的间接原因
die from a wound,die from overwork
△.with 和through表示“因……而……”
with多用来表明身体或精神产生变化 的原因。
shake with cold,red with anger,jump with excitement
through carelessness,through misunderstanding
△.instead 与 instead of 用法不同。
instead adv.放在句首或句末
instead of + n/v_ing (介词短语)“代替”
If you are busy,you may come another day instead.
I'll go instead of you。
Mr Li gave us a lesson instead of Miss Liu。
△.take the place of 表示“代替(职务、工作等),接替”,与in place of可互换
They had no one to take his place.
Electric trains have now taken the place of steam trains in England.
They arrived beyond nine o'clock
This book is beyond me/my understanding. ……看不懂
He is living beyond his income. ……生活入不敷出。
Her work is beyond praise . ……工作令人赞不绝口
Good health is beyond price. 健康的身体是无价之宝。
What could I do beyond waiting?
=What could I do but wait?
It's eight o'clock by my watch.
They are paid by the day/by the hour.
They sold eggs by the dozen.
He took my book by mistake. I met him in the street by chance
She missed the train by five minutes
He is taller than his father by two centimeters/a head.
I felt tired from whole day's work.
He acted from a sense of duty.他出于责任心而为之。
What prevented you from coming? These books were saved from damage.
far from it 远不是
from bad to worse 每况愈下,越来越糟
Can you tell a wolf from a dog?
He knows right from wrong.他能辨别是非。
He is a man of ability She is just a girl of ten
a man of property 有财产的人。
There were only four of us here.
Mr Green left for Paris in the month of August.
be ashamed of 对……感到羞愧,惭愧。
be proud of 对……感到骄傲 be tired of 对……厌烦
be impatient of 对……不耐烦的,无法忍受的
be careful of 对……注意
rob sb.of sth 抢劫某人某物 deprive sb. of sth剥夺……
cheat sb. of sth 欺骗某人 relieve sb. of sth 解除某人的……
cure sb.of sth 治愈……的病
He came here for a meeting. That will be good for your health.
No one is for the proposal. She is for giving it up.
What did you have for lunch?
Don’t take him for a fool. 不要把他当成傻子。
He is young for his age 就他的年龄而论,他是年轻的。
(5)虽然,尽管(相当于in spite of)
For all his failures,he never loses heart.
He learned English over the radio.
She made a trip over the last summer holidays
the two countries are at war 正在交战。
She is at desk 在读书
at table 用餐中 at tea time 在饮茶过程中
at full/high speed 全速/高速
at a speed of 50 miles an hour 以每小时50英里的速度
at a high/low price 以高/低价
He will get it at any cost. 他将不惜一切代价得到它。
常见的这类词组有:be surprised at sth.
be shocked at sth. be astonished at sth.
be pleased/glad at sth. be angry at sth.
at the sight of 一看见……就……
at the sound of 一听见……就……
at the news of 一得到消息……就……
His ability is above the average.他能力超群。
The man is above telling lies.那人是不会说谎的。
She is above other students in the class.
He is working on a new novel. The building is on fire.
You should act on his advice.你应该听从他的建议。
They live on rice. They theory is based on facts.
On arriving at the factory ,he went to see the manager.
On hearing the news ,she left for Nanjing.
They talked on the telephone. on the radio. on TV.
I have hit my head against a wall and hurt myself.
They fought bravely against the enemy.
He did it against his own will.他是违心做那件事的、
Some animals store food against the witer.
They have got prepared against flood.他们已经做好了防洪准备。
Flowers look better against green leaves.好花还需要绿叶扶。
The hotel is under construction
The question is still under discussion.
The patient is under treatmeat.
under the leadership of 在……领导下
under one’s rule 在……统治下 (be) under suspicion 受到怀疑
With all her money ,she is not happy.
His face turned red with anger.
With such knowledge and experience ,he is sure to cucceed.
He lay awake on the bed ,with his eyes wide open
With these words ,he went out.
With the development of modern agriculture and industry,more and more waste is produced.
They won the game by 5 to 4. I prefer oranges to apples
This pen belongs to my father. She is very kind to me.
Did he send a book to you?
He is a bit like his father. The moon looks like a silver plate.
I wish I could swim like a fish.
It looks like rain today.今天好像要下雨。
They look like winning. 他们好像要赢了。
treat sb as 把某人当……对待 look on ……as 他……认为,看作……
as for 至于……就……而言 as to 关于……
as from/of 自(某日)起,(……时间)以后
as it is(was)实际上,事实上 as well (adv)也




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