人教版高一SB1 Unit18 New Zealand

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课题: SB1 Unit18 New
1. Talk about New Zealand
2. Talk about location and directions
3. Learn to use “it” as subject
4. Write a description of a country or region.
1. Learn to talk about location and direction.
2. Improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities.
1. Improve the students’ listening and speaking abilities and the useful expressions about location.
四、教学时数: 6 学时,其中实践性教学 学时。
Finish the excises in the workbook.

PartI.Warming up & speaking & listening
. Greetings and lead-in.
Talk about “What’s the world made up of and Where’s New Zealand? ”
Warming up.
1. Look at a map of China and be familiar with the words about directions and locations.
2. Go on looking at the map and lead the students to use the useful expressions to say different places’ locations.
In the north/ south/east/west of …
to the north/south/east/west of …
in the northern/southern/eastern /western part of…
3.Ask each student to use the expression to make up sentences and the other students try to guess the name of the place.
Listen to the example dialogue and answer questions.
1). Did A’s great-grand father and mother come from the same place? Where are they from?
2). Where’s Weihai and where’s Shentong?
2. Teacher uses the useful expressions to talk about her parents or herself.
3. Ss make similar dialogues then make performance.
Look at the map and talk about it.
1). What can you learn about Dolphin Island from the map?
2). What was it made up of?
Listen to the tape and find the answers.
Part II.Reading
1. Reading
Discuss the question: “If you would like to introduce a country or a place, what will you talk about?”
Read the text quickly and find the main idea of each part, if the students can’t teacher can show the following key word on the blackboard and ask the students to find the right paragraphs.
A- Natural beauty B-Climate C-history D- geography
Careful reading.
1. listen to paragraph one and then ask the students to look at the map and describe the location of some places.
2.About Para. ,answer questions.
What kind of climate does the New Zealand have?
Which month is the warmest season and which is the coldest season?
3. Ask the students to find some details of the paragraph and then retell it.
What natural beauties are talked about? Please find out the words used to describe them?
4.Find the people who have visited or settled here, then put them into right order.. Post-reading.
Finish the other exercises in this part.
2. Learn the new words and grammar in the text.
1. 表示方位的词汇:
(n) east west north south
southeast northeast southwest northwest
(adj) eastern western northern southern
northeastern northwestern
southeastern southwestern central
Japan is to the east of China.
Japan lies to the east of China.
Japan lies east of China.
Nanjing lies on the Changjiang River.
Guangdong lies to the south of Hubei.
Guangdong lies on the south of Hunan.
Guangdong lies in the southeast of China.
Taiwan lies off the south east coast
East of the city lies an airport.
An airport stands in the east of the city.
3. Surround vt; vi 包围; 围绕
A high wall surrounds the prison camp. 一道高墙围住了战俘集中营。
The police surrounded the house where an explosion happened ten minutes ago.
4. mild: adj.
----soft; gentle; not severe 温和的; 不严厉的
mild weather 温和的天气
mild answer 温柔的回答
mild punishment 不严厉的惩罚
----(of food, drinks, tobacco) not sharp or strong in taste of flavor 不浓的;淡爽的
I’d like some mild cheese.
My grandfather sometimes has mild cigar.
5. Settle:-
1)---vt; vi 安家; 定居 make home in; live in
After retirement, the professor setteled in the country.
The couple decide to move to london and settle there.
2)----com to rest (on); stay for some time (on)
The bird settled on a branch.
The dust settled on the desk.
They had all the problems settled at the meeting.
It’s time you settled the argument.
6. take possession of 夺取;占有
You can’t take the possession of the house untill all the papers have been signed.
At midnight they crossed the river and took possession of the village.
be in possession of 持有
win possession of the ball 抢到球
a man of great possessions 富人
lose all one’s possessions 失去所有财产
possess vt. 有; 具有 (own; have)
What a pity the greedy man possessed nothing at last.
7. Conference:
a doctor\'s conference 医生的会议
Mr. Smith is in conference with his advisers. 史密斯先生和他的顾问们协商。
a fact-finding conference 调查会
a press [news] conference 记者招待会
be in conference 正在开会讨论
call a conference 召集会议
have a conference with 和...协商[谈判]
3. Read the text and Divide the whole passage into four parts.
Para1: Geographical feature and cities.
Para2: Climate
Para3: Landscapes
Para4: Earliest settlers—Maori
Para.1:Geographical feature and cities.
4. Language points:
1.New Zealand is an island that lies off the eastern coast of Australia.
off “在离…的海上”(in a part of the ocean that is near the land)
They live on the island off the coast of Fujian.
They were sailing two miles off the shore.
off “靠近…”(near a particular street, road,etc. but not directly on it)
The restaurant is just off the main road.
2. be made up of = consist of; 由…组成
be made of 用…制造;
be made from 用…制成;
be made into 被制成;
be made in 在某地制造;
make up (for) 弥补,补偿;
make up 组成;编造;和解;化妆;补足
3. New Zealand is surrounded by the pacific Ocean to the north and east, and Tasman Sea to the south and west.
surround with be surrounded with/by
Mountains surround the village on three sides.
The village is surrounded by mountains on three sides.
4. Many of New Zealand’s cities lie on a bay and have a natural deep harbour. 新西兰许多城市都建在海湾上,拥有天然的深水港。
on---- “在…(水)畔; 靠近…(水)”
比较: on the coast (在岸边) off the coast (在海上)
5. It is some 3,500 kilometers from Polynesia to New Zealand, which they travelled in narrow boats.
从波利尼西亚到新西兰约有3500 公里, 他们乘着狭长的小船前来。
it 和which 均代表距离。
some 是副词,数字前=about
6. 其它短语:
1.off the eastern coast of 在…东海岸
2. about the same size as 和…大约一样大
3. throw water high into the air 把水喷向空中
5. be used to do sth 被用来做…
5. take possession of 占据
6. sign an agreement with 与…签约
The Use of "It" (1) as Subject
'It" can be used in the subject position to stand for the infinitive or a clause.
It's a pity that you missed such a chance.
It is a good thing that New Zealand helps the Maori to keep their own language and culture.
It is interesting to visit New Zealand.
It is not a good habit to stay up late.
It is interesting to visit New Zealand
Impersonal "it" can be used to talk about time, date, distance or weather.
It’ s nine o' clock in the morning. (Time)
It' s raining hard. (Weather)
It's two miles from the school to my home. (Distance)
It's February 24th today. (Date)
How cold is it outside? (Temperature)
It was dull when Mary was away. (Common situation)

PartIV. Integrating skills.
1. let Ss read the passage carefully and answer the following questions
2. let Ss read the passage carefully again and find out the title of each paragraph.
3. Explain the Grammar in the texts.
on one of one’s voyages在某人的一次海上航行中
by the seaside在海边
stand for代表
stand for代表
in the possession of由/被…占领/控制
sign an agreement with和…签定协议
reach an agreement with和…达成协议
has a population of有着…人口
has a large/small population人口众多/稀少
what’s the population of有…人口?
Go sailing /swimming/horse-riding/ camping
架船航行/游泳/骑马/ 攀岩/宿营




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