人教版八年级第一学期语法复习典型时态 II 及词语辨析

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典型时态 II 及词语辨析
1. 过去完成时用法与结构的总结
2. 过去进行时的5个注意 (构成;基本用法;特殊用法;标志词;与一般过去时的区别)
3. 辨析expect, hope, wish, 和want
4. 辨析family, home, house
5. 辨析few, a few, little, a little
6. 辨析 be filled with, be full of
7. 辨析 find和find out
8. 辨析 find 和look for
1. She went round the whole building and tried to ______ her lost bike.
A. watch B. see C. look for D. find
2. My father is leaving ______ Dalian tomorrow.
A. to B. at C. for D. on
解析:leave for 离开……去某地
3. His joke made all of us ______.
A. happy B. happily C. nice D. interesting
解析:make + n.+ a.
4. ______ beautiful bookmarks! Where did you buy them?
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
解析:感叹句 What+a.+n.(+主+谓)!
5. There will be a talk ______ Chinese history tomorrow afternoon.
A. with B. in C. on D. for
解析:on 关于
6. —Tom ______ be reading in the classroom.
—No, he ______ be there. I saw him in the hall just now.
A. must; can’t B. can; mustn’t C. may; may not D. should; mightn’t
解析: must be 表推测(用于肯定句),can’t 表推测(用于否定句)
7. I haven’t finished reading the book Jane Eyre ______.
A. already B. just C. yet D. ever
8. The old woman ______ her ticket to the cinema just now.
A. lose B. lost C. has lost D. losing
解析: just now是刚才的意思, 与一般过去时连用。
9. He found his motorbike ten minutes _____.
A. before B. after C. ago D. later on
10. You’ve never made dumplings, ______?
A. didn’t you B. haven’t you C. did you D. have you
11. There are green trees on ______ side of the river.
A. both B. every C. each D. all
解析:on each side 在任何一边
12. -There is a ticket on the floor, is it yours?
-Oh, yes. It’s mine.
-Let me ______ for you.
A. to pick up it B. pick it up C. pick up it D. to pick it up
解析:pick up拾起,代词it放中间
13. -How long can I ______ these books?
-Just one week.
A. borrow B. lend C. keep D. look at
解析:keep 延续性动词与how long 连用
14. -I’ve ______ my pen at home. May I use yours?
-Certainly. Here you are.
A. forgot B. leaved C. forgotten D. left
解析:leave 留下,落下
15. -What are you going to do tomorrow?
A. If it will be fine, I’ll go to the park with my parents
B. If it doesn’t rain, I go to the park with my parents
C. If it will be fine, I’ll go out for a walk
D. If it doesn’t rain, I’ll go out for a walk
一. 词汇
1. s some, but not many
2. f someone from another country
3. c to write or draw something to look like another thing
4. p to give money for what you buy
5. h interest; what you like to do when you are free
6. There are few ______ in this town!(library)
7. How many ______ have you got this term? (subject)
8. We must study hard at school so that we can get enough ______.(know)
9. Jenny is _______ student in our class.(careful)
10. I picked ______ corns than you did.(many)

11. Don’t forget ______ the library book on time.(return)
12. I _____ just _____ the interesting story.(read)
13. -______ you ever ______ a letter in English?
-No, never.(write)
14. Hi, Linda!______ you ______ my pet dog anywhere? I can’t find it.(see)
15. -Where is Li Ning?
-He ______ to some foreign music in bed.(listen)

二. 句型转换
1. Do you have an English-Chinese dictionary?
_________ you _________ an English-Chinese dictionary?
2. In the past, my father was a policeman.
My father ___________________ a policeman.
3. At last, one of them had a good idea.
At last, one of them _____________________ a good idea.
4. Have you ever been to a foreign country?
Have you ever _________________________?
5. Have you ever travelled on a plane?
Have you ever travelled __________.

三 情景交际
A: Good morning!
B: Morning!(1)___________________________?
A: I’d like to borrow the book David Copperfield. Have you got one?
B: Yes. Is it on the first shelf?
A: No, it isn’t.
B: Let me look for it on the computer. Oh, it’s on the third shelf.
A: Thanks a lot.(2)________________________?
B: A month.(3)___________________________?
A: OK. Here’s another book. I borrowed it a month ago. I have finished reading it.
B: All right.(4)___________________________?
A: Nothing else. Thank you very much.
B: (5)___________________________. Bye-bye.

四. 完形填空
Do you know something about newspapers? There are many different 1 of newspapers in America, and people like 2 them in the morning. On Sundays, many people sleep 3 , but others don’t.
Almost everyone reads the Sunday paper. Usually the paper is very thick. There are advertisements(广告)and many 4 parts. The parents in the family like the front page and world news pages. Many men like reading the sports pages and the financial(金融的)pages.
Most 5 like the women’s pages. There is the news about parties, food, health and clothes
6 it. 7 like interesting stories, and most Sunday papers have them. 8 the children like reading them. Old 9 read the notices(讣告). They can 10 from them who is dead during the week. Are newspapers lovely?
( )1. A. kinds B. way      C. things D. meanings
( )2. A. looking B. watching     C. reading D. looking at
( )3. A. early B. late C. up D. down
( )4. A. same B. a lot C. few D. different
( )5. A. man B. women   C. boys D. girls
( )6. A. in B. on    C. of D. at
( )7. A. He   B. Children     C. The girl D. The old woman
( )8. A. Because B. Of      C. So D. Though
( )9. A. person B. man C. woman D. people
( )10. A. study B. learn C. work D. talk

五. 阅读理解
June 28, 2004
Miss Lily King,
I’m Wang Fang. I am a librarian in Nanjing Library.
I’m sorry to remind(提醒)you that you have four overdue(过期的)books.
Please return the four books tomorrow. Other people may be waiting to borrow them. You may not borrow any new books until these books have been returned.

Yours truly,
Wang Fang
Title Writer Due
Jane Eyre Charlotte Bronte 22/6
Gone With The Wind Margaret Mitchell 23/6
David Copperfield Charles Dickens 24/6
A Farewell To Arms Ernest Hemingway 25/6
1. The letter was sent to ______.
A. Wang Fang B. Lily King
C. Charlotte Bronte D. Ernest Hemingway
2. _______ wrote the book Gone With The Wind.
A. Charlotte Bronte B. Margaret Mitchell
C. Charles Dickens D. Ernest Hemingway
3. The book David Copperfield should be returned to the library before ______.
A. June 22 B. June 23 C. June 24 D. June 25
4. From the borrowed books we can know Lily King likes reading ______.
A. love stories B. detective(侦探)stories
C. history stories D. true stories
5. From this letter we know that ______.
A. Wang Fang does not like reading
B. the library has many books to lend
C. someone else has borrowed these books
D. Lily King may not borrow any new books at the moment

People in America like reading newspapers very much, and different people like different kinds of newspapers. Here’s a story about newspapers.
Jack was a young man, and he liked reading newspapers very much. He worked in a factory. There were a lot of people in the factory. They talked and laughed very often, and at lunch time they sat together and read newspapers and talked about the pictures in them.
Later Jack married. His wife, Ruby, was very beautiful and kind, and she liked newspapers better than Jack. Every day a boy brought their newspapers to the house, and Jack took his to the factory and left Ruby’s newspapers in the sitting room. Usually he didn’t look at hers, he didn’t like it, and sometimes he said to Ruby, “Why do you read that paper? I hate it.”
But last Tuesday Jack said to his wife, “There was something very nice in that newspaper yesterday.”
Ruby was very happy. “Oh, dear!” she said, “That’s good, Jack. What was that?
Jack laughed and said, “The photo of my friend George’s lunch was in the newspaper.”
6. How did Jack get on with his comrades?
A. He got on badly with them.
B. He didn’t want to talk with them.
C. He sat alone and read newspapers.
D. He got along very well with them.
7. Which one of the following is right?
A. Jack’s wife liked newspapers better than Jack.
B. Jack liked newspapers better than his wife.
C. Jack liked reading his wife’s newspapers.
D. Ruby didn’t like reading newspapers.
8. Jack and Ruby ______.
A. usually read the same kind of newspapers
B. never read any newspapers
C. usually read different kinds of newspapers
D. usually talked about the pictures in newspapers
9. How did Jack and Ruby get the newspapers?
A. They got the newspapers from the factory.
B. A boy brought the newspapers to them every day.
C. Ruby bought them in the street.
D. Jack bought them in the bookshop.
10. The photo of George’s lunch showed that______
A. George was having his lunch alone.
B. George and his family were having their lunch at home.
C. George and his workmates were talking about the newspaper at lunch time.
D. George had a very hard life.

In 1926 Margaret Mitchell started to write a book. She finished it ten years later. It was called “Gone with the wind”. It is about a beautiful young woman Scarlett and 12 years in her life just before, during and after the American Civil War(美国内战).
David Selznick decided to make a film of the novel. He chose the famous film star of the time for the part for Rhett Butler, but he couldn’t find anyone for Scarlett. He searched for two and a half years. No one was quite right. In the end, there was no more time. On the night of December 10th, 1938, all the cameras(摄像机) were ready to film an important scene the burning of the city of Atlanta. Selznick still didn’t have his Scarlett.
At the time, Vivien Leigh, a young British actress, was in Hollywood. Selznick’s brother, Maron, took her to the studios(摄影棚), found his brother, tapped him on the back and said, “David, here is your Scarlett!” Selznick turned round. There, in the light of the fire he saw the most beautiful face of the time. Vivien Leigh won the most famous part in the history of the cinema.
It was a long and difficult film to make, but on December 11th, 1939 Selznick sent his telegram(电报)to his workmates:
The film lasted four hours. At the end they sat quietly for a moment and then cheered and cheered. On the day of the premiere, Mayor of Atlanta closed all the schools and public buildings. They called it the greatest motion of all the time. It won eight awards of the year.
11. Rhett Butler was ______.
A. a journalist
B. a famous film star
C. a film producer
D. the hero of “Gone with the wind”
12. They began the film without their Scarlett because _______.
A. Scarlett was an unimportant part of the film
B. it was fine that day
C. there was little time left
D. it was an important day for Americans
13. Who recommended(推荐)Vivien Leigh to the producer?
A. His brother.
B. Her husband.
C. The producer’s brother.
D. The famous actor’s brother.
14. How long did it take them to finish the film?
A. One year.
B. Three and a half years.
C. Two years and a half.
D. 13 years and a half.
15. The underlined word “premiere” means_____ in Chinese.
A. 典礼 B. 颁奖 C. 首映 D. 宴会

1. several 2. foreigner 3. copy 4. pay 5. hobby 6. libraries 7. subjects
8. knowledge 9. the most careful 10. more 11. to return 12. have , read
13. Have, written 14. Have, seen 15. is listening
1. Have, got 2. used to be 3. came up with 4. been abroad 5. by plane
1. Can I help you 2. How long may I keep it 3. You must return it on time
4. What else can I do for you 5. You’re welcome

1-5 ACBDB 6-10 ABCDB
五. 1-5 BBCAD 6-10 DACBC 11-15 DCCBC




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