考复习教案Unit6 Book1

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Unit 6Anewfactory
Teaching aims and demands:
工.重要语言点notice,job, supply, certain, at least, plenty of,set up, begin---with,
spend--- on, put up, far away
Step 1 Revision
Check the homework.
Step 2 Listening to the tape ofUnit6.
Step 3 复习要点、难点:
表状态: wear(be wearing)+衣物;首饰 / have on+衣物;首饰(无进行时)/
be dressed in十衣服;颜色/ be in +衣服;颜色
表动作: put on+衣物;首饰/ pull on /dress sb./oneself
eg.①He is wearing an overcoat today. ②She is in white.
③She is dressed in a red skirt today.④He put on his overcoat before he left.
⑤Wake up the children and dress them.
______your coat at once.We must hurry.
(A) Wear(B) WearingC. Put onD. Putting on
2. agree的用法
agree to do sth.表示“答应做某事”。eg.He agreed to help us.
agree to +计划表“某事”(办法、安排、建议)eg.They agreed to the plan.
agree with sth.(非计划,办法,安排,建议的sth.)eg.He agreed with my words.
sth.agrees with sth.表示"sth.和sth.保持一致”eg.The verb must agree with the subject.
What you said doesn't agree with the fact.
天气或食物+agree with sb.,表示“天气(食物)适合某人”。eg.Mutton doesn't agree with me.
sb.agree with sb.eg.He agreed with us,
两个以上的人+agree on (upon) sth.表示“人们—致同意某事”,、
eg.They agreed on (upon) the time of the concert.
Agree +that clauseeg. He agreed that he would come•
We agreed _____here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
(A)having met(B)meeting(C)to meet(D)to have met.
agree to do sth.“同意做某事”,do的动作并未发生,所以考题中应用to meet,
而不用tohave met 答案为C
注意:不能说agree sb to do sth.
The manager has____to improve the working conditions in the company.(上海1999)
(A) accepted(B)allowed(C) permitted(D) agreed
A项常不接不定式;B项的用法为allow doing sth。, 或allow sb.to do sth.,或sb. be allowed to do sth. permit的用法同allow,故正确答案为D.
3.job.n.工作(可数) / work n.工作(不可数) / be out of a job/ out of work (1ose one's job)失业/look for a job 找工作 eg.He has a job as a typist.
He is here to find work(find a job).I have a lot of work to do today.
4.at least(at the least)至少;最少 / at most (at the most)至多;最多
not in the least absolutely not; not at all not least : especially, in particular相当重要,尤其是--Would you mind opening the window for me?—No, not in the least.
Trade has been bad, not least because of increased costs.
eg.You should at least tell me.至少你应该告诉我.
At least 3000 houses will be built for the workers.(=NO fewer than)
The dictionary is not cheap.It costs ____30 yuan.
(A)at most(B)at least (C)as many as(D)less than
as many as“多达……”,一般修饰可数名词。从句意可知,“字典花费至少300元,
5.supply/provide sb.with sth.=offer sb.sth.
sth. is supplied/provided/offered to sb.
All the rooms are _______with electric light.
be supplied with固定用法,意为“被提供”“供给”,“装备”其他项不符合语法和题意;故正确答案为A
supply n. the water supply / arms(food---)supplies 武器贮备/in short supply供应不足 /supplies of (food, clothes)大量供应
6.go (live,travel) abroad出国(旅居外国,到外国)
come from abroad从国外来
news at home and abroad国内外新闻
Mary is about to go to abroad to have further study。(改错题),abroad作副词用时,它前面不能与介词连用(from除外),所以应去掉abroad前面的to
7.sb.spend money (time) on sth./(in) doing sth.
sb.pay (money) for sth.
sth.cost sb.money
lt takes (sb.) some time to do sth.
He spent three dollars on it.
It cost him three dollars.
He paid three dollars for it.
How _______did you ______cleaning your classroom that afternoon?
“某人花时间做某事”用句型“sb.spend some time (in) doing sth.”所以答案为C
8.build,set up,found和put up
bulid a road (house,ship)筑路(造房、造船)
eg.They built their homes and made their farms there.
如:start/open a factory,(shop,business)
set up意思为“开办、建立”,常和表示组织团体等意义时的名词连用,这时和found基本相同,但found更着重打基础,表示用基金创设。set upaschool(hospital,shop,state,government) found a city (state,party,university,theory)
put up着重指建造或搭起一个具有高度的具体的物质,在口语中set up和build也可用于此意 put up a building (tent)
We hear that they will____a new school here.
(A)set down(B)set up(C)set off(D)set out
set off(out)动身出发;set up创办。故B为正确答案。
9. a certain (some) person某人
certain people(reasons)某些人(原因)
A certain person is waiting for you at the school gate.(=Some)
He didn't come here for certain reasons。
10. notice n.& vt.注意,通知,告示(书面)
announcement n.通告,通知(口头)
give a notice 发通知
make an announcement发布通知
put up a notice 贴布告
take notice of=be careful留心,当心
11. far away(from)(远离)某地,通常作表语和状语,偶尔也作后置定语;
eg.①The sun is far away from our earth. ②He lives in a faraway village.
12. part of/ a part of/ parts of
①How long did you had that car?
②Do you often drive fast?
③Do you like the blue one?
④Have you ever tried to drive in the new car?
①I say,let's do it some day.
②Let's make it at six and we'll meet at the gate.
③It is Ok for me,but I'm not sure about him.
①Most of the artists invited to the party were from South Africa.
②The computer centre,opened last year,is very popular among the students in his schoo1.
③The first texbooks written for teaching English as a foreign language came out in the 16th century.
①The speaker raised his voice but still couldn't make himself heard.
②The murderer was brought in,with his hands tied behind his back.
What worried the child most was his not being allowed to visit his mother in
the hospital.
Little Tom should love to be taken to the theatre this evening.
5.考查使役动词的被动语态与带to 的不定式的连用。
John was made to wash the truck for a week as a punishment.
The Olympic Games,_____in 776 B.C did not include women players until 1912 (A)first playing(B)to be first played (C)first played(D)to be first playing
因play(进行体育比赛)是及物动词,与the Olympic Games是被动关系,又因did not include是句子的谓语.空格处只能用非谓语词形式;in 776 B.C.暗示play的动作已经结束,故应选C.
注意:to be played意为“将被举行”。
—-Good morning.Can I help you?
--I'd like to have this package_______,Madame.(高考题)
(A) be weighedB.to be weighed(C)to weigh(D)weighed
句中have为使役动词,have sth.done是“让别人去干某事”。该题意为“我想让别人称这个包裹”.故应为D。
While shopping,people sometimes can't help_____into buying something they don't really need.
(A)to persuade(B)persuading(C)being persuaded(D)be persuaded
can't help (情不自禁)后常接doing,而people与persuade之间表被动。因此,空白处应用动名词的被动结构,故应选择C。
Step4 Exercises:
1. --Did ___ get through the driving test?--No, _____. A few failed.
(A) everybody; not all(B) everybody; none(C) anybody; not all(D) anybody; no one
2. The student always tells lies, ______ no one believes him.
(A) so that(B) in case(C) in order to (D) in order that
3. -Oh, it's you. I didn't recognize you. -I ______ my hair cut and I_____ new glasses.
(A)had; was wearing(B) have had; am putting on
(C) had; wore (D) have had; am wearing
4. Mick _______all his money buying the dictionary.
(A) paid(B) spent (c) took(D) cost
5. The shop was able to supply us___________.
(A)with that we wanted(B) to that we wanted
(C) with what we wanted(D) to what we wanted
6. More food_______to the poor by the government next week.
(A) will be supplied(B) will supply (C) will give(D) were given
7. A board_______by the side of the wall on which these words______, "Danger. Keep off'.”
(A)set up; wrote(B) put up; wrote
(C) was put up; is written (D) was set up; were written
8. I think the washing machine for which I ____ 4,000 yuan is ______the money.
(A)spent; worthy(B) cost; of good value
(C) pay; worth (D) paid; good value for
9. As you step into our school, a pyramid ___ glass will catch your eyes.
(A) made of(B) made from (C) made up of(D) made out of
10. I remember a_______ famous scientist said that we should believe in ourselves first of all. (A) some(B) certain (C) sure(D) other
11. The sun is shining brightly and the day is _____ hot.
(A) burn(B) to be burned(C) burning(D) burnt
12. At first, both sides didn't agree ___each other; After a further discussion they agreed ______the date for the next meeting.
(A) to; with (B) on; with(C) with; on (D) with; to
13. So difficult_____ it to live in an English-speaking country that I determined to learn English well.(A) I have felt(B) have I felt(C) I did feel (D) did I feel
14. Finding her car stolen, ________.
(A) a policeman was asked to help (B) the area was searched thoroughly
(C) it was looked for everywhere (D) she hurried to a policeman for help
15. The good news soon get______ that he won a prize.
(A) back(B)abroad(C) round (D) to
16. __ your coat at once. We must hurry.A. Wear B. Wearing C. Put on D. Putting on
17. However, it only exists in the imagination and will never be realized.We must admit that children should ____be guided properly.
A. at leastB. in the endC. everD. in life
18.Mr Wang asked me how long I ______the dictionary.
A. have lentB. have borrowedC. have boughtD.had kept
19.-The test was easy, wasn' t it?-Yes, but I don' t think _____could pass it.
A. somebodyB. anybodyC. nobodyD. everybody
20.We finally agreed _____the price of the house after a heated discussion.
A.inB.with C.toD.on
21.He is going to_______abroad to study law.
A.send to B.sendC.be sentD.be sent to
22.Although we invited him to the party, Mr. Mundy decided to_____ another late night _____the computer room.
A.spend ;inB.take; for C.cost ; on D.spend ;for
23.She broke the arm, but_____it wasn't the arm she writes with.
A.at last B.at leastC.at firstD.at most
24.He will never forget the days_______he spent in Japan.
A.when B.while C.thatD.how
25.While shopping,people sometimes can't help_____into buying something they don't really need.(A)to persuade (B)persuading(C)being persuaded(D)be persuaded
26.--Good morning.Can I help you?
--I'd like to have this package_______,Madame.(高考题)
(A) be weighedB.to be weighed(C)to weigh(D)weighed
27.The Olympic Games,_____in 776 B.C did not include women players until 1912 (A)first playing(B)to be first played (C)first played(D)to be first playing
28.We hear that they will ____a new school here.
(A)set down(B)set up(C)set off(D)set out
29.All the rooms are _______with electric light.
(A) supplied(B)given(C)offered(D)burnt
30. The dictionary is not cheap.It costs ____30 yuan.
(A)at most(B)at least(C)as many as(D)less than
31.We agreed _____here but so far she hasn’t turned up yet.
(A)having met(B)meeting(C)to meet(D)to have met.
I. The box is much too heavy for me to be carried.(carry)
2. How long did it spend to get there by bike?(take)
3, I can lend you at least 2000 yuan, for I have just bought a car.(most)
4. The food doesn't agree on my stomach.(with)
5. All the money are not mine, but none is yours.(is)




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