高考复习教案Unit5 Book1

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Revision Plan for Unit 5 Book1
Teaching aims and demands:
1.language points: burn, feed, fetch, so that, grow up, in fact, be made from, in the past, in order to, break the yules, stop sb. (from) doing sth., make sb. do sth., on purpose, obey the rules, knock down, wash away
2.Everyday English:询问做某事的目的及回答。
Step1 Revision
Check the homework.
Step2 listening the tape of unit5.
Step3 Main language points :
1. burnv.晒黑;烫着
a She got burnt while cooking .她做饭时把自己烧伤了-
b The tea is very hot.Be careful not to burn yourself .茶很热,别烫着嘴。
2. so that(= in order that ):引导目的状语 ,从句中的谓语动词前常带may,might ,can ,could等情态动词。so+adj (adv.) that...如此……以致
In order to 引导目的状语,位于句首 ; so as to引导目的状语,只位于句中.
a We started early so that ( in order that) we couild catch the early bus.
= We started early in order to (so as to) catch the early bus,
= In order to catch the early bus we started early .
b We started so early that we could catch the early bus.
Lest: for fear that; in order that--- not---唯恐;以免;为不使
He ran away lest he (should) be seen.
注意:so that也可以引导结果状语, 主句和从句是原因与结果的关系,作“因此”.此时,它不等于in order that.
a My pen was just under my desk,so that I couldn’t find it . 。
用于so that 结构, 有时 that 可以省略。 以便, 为了, 所以
Speak louder so(that) the people in the hall can all hear you.
大声点讲, 以便大厅里的人都能听清。
※※ [用于as...so...结构]象...那样, 也...
As you treat me, so will I treat you.
[用于not so ...as结构]不象...那样
I'm neither so young as you think nor so ignorant.
我既不象你想的那么年轻, 也不那样无知。
so ...as to...那样...以致[以便]
He is so naive as to believe such a lie.
We left for the station so early as to catch the first train.
3.keep + 宾语 + from doingstop+ 宾语+ (from) doing prevent+宾语+(from) doing 阻止…做某事 cf. keep sb/sth doing sth. 使人一直做某事
注意:被动语态里from均不可省去,而在主动语态中stop与prevent可省去from, 但在被动语态中不可省略。
a The heavy rain kept us from going there.
b The heavy rain stopped / prevented us (from) going there.
C He kept us working all day.
4. make sb(sth.)do sth =let sb./ sth. do sth. =have sb. do sth. = get sb./ sth. to do sth..使……做某事/sb (sth.) be made to do sth.
eg. Mother makes me do some reading every day . .= I am made to do some reading every day.
Cf. He made some candles to light the room./ He has made some friends to learn English well.
5. feed sb.(sth) 喂食 feed sb.with(on) sth.用……喂养 feed sth, to sb. 喂……给……吃 ( animals ) feed on...以……为食(people) live on...以……为食/继续生活/ 靠……为生live on his salary/ money cf. live by selling vegetables
a She fed her baby with / on milk .= She fed milk to her baby.
b Cattle mainly feed on grass.c The people in the south live on rice .
6. fetchvt. (= go and get and bring back)去取(拿)
fetch sb.( sth. ) 去接某人(拿某物)carry 随身携带物品运动,不表明运动方向take 指携带人或物离去或不表明方向 bring 携带人或物向我而来 fetch去并且回来
a Please feteh me some chalk from my office.
b Take this pencil away and bring me a pen.
c The wounded soldiers were carried away.
7. purposen.目的;意图;用途 with/for the purpose of为了……的目的
on purpose 故意的
aWhat is his purpose of studying this?
bShe went to Australia for the purpose of studying music .
cI didn’t hurt you on purpose .
8 obey the rules = keep the rules遵守规则break the rules破坏规则
work out ( make) a rule 制定规则 carry out a rule 执行规则by rule 按照规则
9. the rest (of.) 作主语时,谓语动词可用单数,也可用复数,取决于of后面的名词形式或 the rest 所指代的意义。
1) the rest of + n. (pl.) + V. (pl.)the rest of + n.(U) + V.(sing.)
2) the rest 指代 n.( pl.) + V.(pl.) ; 指代 n. (U) +V.(sing.)
a Mary and Beth will go to the movie and the rest of the girls are to go shopping .
b I finished 60%of the work . The rest was done by Tom ..
10. knockdown击(撞)倒knock...into 把……敲(插)入knock into sb.撞在某人身上
eg. A bicycle knocked into me,but I was not knocked down.自行车撞着了我,但我没被撞倒。
11. in the past“过去”,常与过去时连用。
in the past…years ( months...) “近几年(月)”,常与动词的完成时连用。
a In the past the villagers lived a poor life.
b I have been busy writing my book in the past few months.
12.keep away from 离开 keep back留在后面;阻止;隐瞒;留下keep off 让开.不接近
keep on doing sth继续干某事. keep out 使在外 keep up 坚持下去;维持
keep up with 跟上
13.Do you have to feed plants like you feed chicken ?
likeconj.“ 如像” “ 同….一样”, 连接一个方式状语从句, 可以用 as代替,其词义与句法作用相同.但也有人认为 ,like 的这种用法是一种非正式的, 在正式文体中还是用as 好.
a Nobody loves you like ( = as ) I do , child . b .Please do it like ( = as ) I tell you .
c . The poor children need education ___ they need air and water .
A becauseB like C when D just as
14. by this means / in this way / by this method
15. grow up 长大,生长/辈grown-up (grown-ups)
grow down变小, 减小
grow from由...长大; 由...发展起来 grow onions from seed
grow in 增加; 在...方面成长
grow into成长为; 变得成熟有经验 She is growing into a beautiful woman.
grow out of长得太大而穿不上衣服 ; 起因于, 来自于 ;(由于成长)抛弃(早年的习惯) grow out of one’s clothes/ My interest in English grew out of my childhood.
grow up into长大成为...
grow [ ^rEu ]vi.生长, 成长, 渐渐变得, 增长, 增高vt.种植, 栽培, 培育
16.wash away洗掉; 洗净; 冲走; 冲坏
wash down洗掉; 冲洗; (用汤等把食物)送下
wash off洗掉, 冲走
wash oneself洗澡
wash out 洗掉; 洗净; 冲垮; 冲走; 淘汰; 排斥; 洗褪了色; [常用被动态]面色苍白而带倦容, 精疲力竭; 取消
wash up洗(手, 碗, 碟) [口][通常用被动式]断绝关系; (活动)终止; [口][常用被动式]筋疲力尽 ;把...冲上岸
案—Why do you sow cabbages?--To feed my family.
2)口语中也可以用so that 引导的目的状语 从句进行简略回答
--Why do you water them?--So that the soil won’t get too dry.
eg. I need one more stamp before my collection is completed.(NMET1994)
eg.一I have been told the sports meet must be put off.
--Yes,it all depends on the weather. (NMETl995)
eg. ---Have you moved into the new house?
--Not yet.The rooms are being painted..(METl991)
eg. I was given ten minutes to decide whether I should reject the offer.(METl989)
eg. The police found that the house had been broken into and a lot of things stolen.(MET l990)
Step4 Exercises
Mutiple choice:
1.His face was badly ____by the hot sun while he was working in africa .
A burnt B hurtC hit D shone
2.I hurried ____ I wouldn’t be late for class .
A since B so that C as if D unless
3. Speak to him slowly ___ he may understand you better.(NMET)
A since B so that C for D because
4. Tom kept quiet about the accident ____ lose his job . (NMET)
A so not as to Bso as not to Cso as to not D not so as to
5. Some policemen should be sent to ____ them ___ the trees .
A prevent ; to cut downB stop ; cutting down
C keep ; to cut downD keep; cutting down
6. Paul doesn’t have to be made ___ . He always works hard( NMET1995)
A learn B to learn C learnedD learning
7.There they got married and ____ their young .A broughtB fed C raised D rose
8.They can’t send the books to you , so you have to go to __ them .
A carryB takeC bringD fetch
9.The ___ of puling down the old house is to make room for a new highway .
A purpose B meaniongC fact D use
10 When the little boy from America was studying in China , he found it difficult to ___the school rules .A work outB makeCkeepD break
11.I’ll take my share of money ; the ___ yours .A other areB other isC rest areD rest is
12.He was reading a magazine while walking . He almost ___.
A knocked me down B knocked down me C turned me over D turned over me
13.A great number of trees ___ in the past few years in the city .
A have plantedB have been plantedC had been plantedD will be planted
14. In some parts of the world , tea ___ with milk and sugar . (NMET1993)
A is servingB is served C servesD served
15. Shortly after we ___ , a waiter came over to our table with a smile.
A seated B were seatedC sat ourselvesD took place
16. All the preparations for the task ___, and we’re ready to start . ( NMET2000春)
A completedB completeC had been completed D have been completed
17. Visitors ___ not to touch the exhibits. (NMET2001 )
A will requestB requestC are requestingD are requested
18.A lot must be done ____ too many trees ___ in this area .
A in stopping ; cutting offB for stopping ; being cut down
C to stop ; from being cut downD to stop ; from cutting off
19. Then she climbed onto the box , grasped the pole , and ___ down the food with the pole .
A knocked B picked C took D shook
20.In America , he made a lot of friends ___ English well so he could make himself ____.
A learn; understandB to learn ; understoodC learning ; understandD learned ; understood
21.Half of the class _____ most of the work . The rest ______ really difficult .
A have done ; isB has done ; areC has done ; isD have done ; are
22.____ , you will succeed in time .A Keep on B Keep upC Keeping onDKeep out
23.Will you please ___ me to say for myself ?A promise B agree C let D allow
24. The plan is ___ in no time .
A to carry out B to carry on C to be carried outD to be carried away
25.He would find no shade to____ while waiting.
A. stand B. stand inC. stand underD. stand in it
26. Tom kept quiet about the accident _____ lose his job.
A. so not as to B. so as not toC. so as to not D. not so as to
27. He was named Robert _____his father by mother.A. to B. uponC. afterD. under
28. The boy often told lies,______ no one believed him.
A. as a resultB. so that C. in order thatD. now that
29.The wind was so hard that we could hardly ______ our eyes open.
A. leave B. make C. keepD. have
30. "How many elephants did you see in the zoo?" “______ ."
A. None B. No one C. NobodyD. Nothing
31.Though I talked with him many times, he never took any____ of what I said.
A. noticeB. remarkC. observation D. attention
32. In Britain milk_____ to each house in bottles.
A. is supplied B. supplies C. is supplies withD, supplies with
33. I have seen the film twice,but I want to see it _____.
A. again and againB. more or less C. a third time D. the third time
34. "Shall I keep it for you or pass it on to someone else?"“_____ , please."
A. Yes,please to B. No,you mustn'tC. Ok, keep itD. Pass it on
35.The climate here doesn’t _____ me .
A agree to B agree onC agree with D agree
(5)Pudong's education reforms
The Shanghai Pudong New Area held a seminar(研讨会)on Primary and High School Bilingual(双语)Education on June 25at the Gold Apple Bilingual School.It was sponsored by the Pudong New Area Social Development Bureau's Education Section.About 30schools from the Pudong area, the city of Tianjin,and nearby Zhejiang Province participated.In the morning,teachers demonstrated(演示)classroom technique,showing how to teach music,fine arts,history,geography,maths, and physics in English.Later in the afternoon,Guan Zhen,vice director of the Pudong Social Development Bureau,joined other officials in awarding certificates(证书)to 73teachers to recognize the progress they had made in bilingual education.Some of the teachers and principals spoke about their experience in the field.The meeting concluded with Chen Nangang,assistant to the Pudong director,joining Zhu Pu and Wang Juexuan,of the Shanghai Education Committee,in speaking on bilingual education.Longman,which publishes bilingual educational materials,was asked to join other domestic and foreign publishers in exhibiting bilingual textbooks.The Longman materials covered almost all subjects from preschool education up to high school to demonstrate easy access methodology for nonnative English speakers.The majority of the textbooks have been used abroad,where bilingual education was being used prior to(先于)its appearance on the Chinese mainland.The textbooks have proved to be practical at experimental schools in the Pudong New Area and could continue to play an important role in future.Pudong has had an opportunity to experience surprisingly rapid growth and the local people believe basic education is the way to keep up the pace of development.Area leaders have paid close attention to education reforms,especially in bilingual education.Bilingual education experiments have been tried at quite a few of the area's primary and high schools.(Words:293Minutes:6)
1.The seminar was held mainly____ .
A.to exchange experience and concerned information about bilingual education
B.to extend bilingual education in China
C.to discuss about what textbooks were suitable for bilingual education
D.to demonstrate some teachers'classroom technique in bilingual education
2.At the seminar,73 teachers from ____ were awarded bilingual education certificates.
A.the Pudong area of ShanghaiB.Tianjin and Zhejiang Province
C.all over the country D.both A and B
3.What does the underlined word“participate”mean?
A.offerB.set up C.attendD.make speeches
4.All the following statements are false EXCEPT____ .
A.some other non-English speaking countries have also carried out bilingual education
B.bilingual education is not yet received by local people in Pudong
C.all the subjects are taught in bilinguals in the schools that attended the seminar
D.it's still unknown whether the Longman textbooks are fit to be used in bilingual education
5.We have the reason to believe that ____ .
A.all the subjects will be taught in bilinguals in future in China
B.Pudong is one of the best in bilingual education in China
C.bilingual education has been widely accepted in China
D.the Longman materials are the only textbooks for bilingual education




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