高考复习教案Unit4 Book1

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Revision Plan for Unit 4 Book1
Teaching aims and demands:
1.Difficult and important points: separate, price, see sb. off, take a taxi, have a good trip, be about to, every two years, , get back, play the guitor, nothing except/ but, in two weeks’ time, see sb. doing/ do sth.
2.everyday English: 表祝愿和问候
Step1 Check the homework.
Step2 Listen to tape of unit 4
Step3 Language points
1 .in a few days’ time = in a few days=a few days away
2.see sb. off =see sb. leave
3.take a taxi = ride in a taxi take a bus / train / plane / ship,etc. by bus / car / train /plane(air) /land/ road… get on a bus(上车),sit on a bus(坐在车上)不能说get/sit a bus
4.say hello / good-bye /sorry to sb.say yes / no to sb.( sth. ) 同意(反对)某人(某物)
5.have a good / pleasant / nice journey ( trip )
have good luckhave a bad time玩得不痛快 have bad /ill luck 倒霉
travel 泛指旅行`游历,是旅行的最普通的用语,但无路程的含义
trip 短时间的来回的商业旅行或观光旅行 voyage海上的旅行
go on a trip to the seaside 去海滨旅行Have a good trip ( journey )! 祝旅行愉快!
make a long journey from Beijing to Xi ‘ning 从北京到西宁的一次长途旅行
make a voyage across the Atlantic作横跨大西洋的旅行
6.have good / wonderful time = enjoy oneself
7.tie sth. to =fasten A to B
8.by road / landby sea / waterby air / plane by railway
9.all night / day / summer / winter long整夜(天,夏天,冬天)
all one’s life long 终生 all day and all night整日整夜地
10.be about to do sth. = be on the point of doing sth
= be just going to “马上就要” “正要…..” 一般不与具体时间状语连用
be to do sth.按计划或职责,义务要求必须做的事或即将发生的动作
be going to do sth. 打算做某事,也可用来表示很可能发生的事或自然现象
Eg. a. I was about to go to bed when there was a knock at the door .
 b I was about to go out when it began to rain .
 c When is the plan to be put into practice ?
 d I’m not going to tell you the secret as you have a big mouth
 e It is going to rain / snow .
11. for miles and miles绵延数英里for days and days 一两好几天
for weeks and weeks一连好几周报for years and years一连好几年
12. sell sth, at a high ( low ) price 高价(低价) 卖出某物
sell sth, for money卖某东西多少钱buy sth, for monry 买某东西(花)多少钱币
`a expensive /cheap carWhat’s the price of ---?Priceless无价的确priceless treasurevalueless 没有价值的a valueless coin the price go up(rise)/ down;sb. bring down/up the price
13.in two weeks’ time = in two weeks = two weeks away过两周以后 ( 与将来时连用 )
after two weeks 两周后 ( 与过去时连用 ) two weeks later两周后 ( 与过去时连用 )
14. every +基数词 + 名词复数every+ 序数词 + 名词单数
every other + 名词单数 every few+ 名词复数
every four days every fourth day every other line / day
every few days每几天every two or three days每两,三天
15. except ( but )除去…….( 不包括在内) besides 除….之外,还有
 all / everything / everyone / nothing / nobody / no one except ( but ) ….( 此时but = except )
 eg. There is nothing except ( = but ) an old chair in the room . ( nothing but / except = only )
I need one more stamp besides this one .
The window is never opened except ( = but) in summer .
except for 除去与整体性质不同的东西.Except that/ when The suit fitted him well except that the color was a little brighter.He often goes there except when it rains.PA. All went there except Tom.= Except for Tom, all went there.
Eg. Your composition is well written ___ a few spelling mistakes ;His is also well written ____ yours .
 A except ; except B except for ; besides C besides ; exceptD except for ; except
The road was empty except for a few cars .
16 .be made frombe made ( out ) of be made intobe made inbe made up of
17.can / could 和 see,feel,smell 等表示感觉的动词连用具有正在进行的意义.
动词see hear feel和smell 在表示通过感觉获得信息这一无意识动作时,常不用进行检查时,而是用
情态动词can / could 与它们连用,以表示此时此刻正具有的某种感觉.例如,
a Our guide is cooking supper ---- I can smell it .
b All night long I can hear the strange sounds of wild birds and animals .
c We can see them flying along the river . d I can feel something crawling up my leg .
e When I got off the train , I could smell the sea .
f Can you see someone walking up and down by the river ?
[注意]: 当这些动词表示有意识的主动动作时,也可以用进行时,表示一个正在进行的动作.
A I’m feeling fine .B Why are you smeeling the meat ? Is it bad ?
I can feel the house moving . I can smell the bad smell coming from the meat .
I feel we shouldn’t do it .The meat smells bad .
The cloth feels soft .
18. when用作并列连词
When 不能译作“当……时”,而应看作是说明前一分句的时间,表示“正在那时”、“这时”,引起一个
▲句型be just about to do...when...表示“正要做……这时(突然)….
① I was just about to go swimming when luckily our guide saw me and stopped me.
②1 was just about to start when it began to rain. 我正要出门,这时天突然开始下雨了。
▲be doing...when... 表示某个动作正在进行,这时另一个 动作意想不到地发生了。
③Tom was walking bythe river when a dog jumped at him. Tom正在河边散步,这时突然一条狗朝他扑来。
④1 was reading when the light went out.我正在看书,这时灯突然灭了。
▲had (not)done。..when...表示某个动作刚开始或持续没多久,这时另一个动作突然发生了。
⑤ We had just begun our work when the machine broke down. 我们刚开始工作,这时机器突然出故障了。
⑥I hadn't been asleep for long when the baby began to cry .我没睡多久,这时婴儿开始哭了。
19. separate :(1)separate作为形容词时,意为“个别的”,“单独的”。例:
①I want a separate room.②Cut it into three separate parts,
(2)separate作为及物动词,往往用于这个词组:separate A from B此词组意为“把A与B分开(隔离)”。例:
They separated the Blacks from the Whites.
(3)separate作为不及物动词,意为“分离,分开, 分散,分手”。例:
①His father and mother separated when he was only two years old.
③We didn't separate until two o'clock.③We should never separate from the masses我们绝不应该脱离群众。
Cf. divide 把整体分为若干部分,破坏了整体性。Separate b把在一起的或靠近的人或物分离开来,并不破坏整体性。Our class is divided into nine groups.
20.play the guitar/piano/violincf.play football / chess /bridge
21. -- Happy New Year to you.--The same to you. ---Happy birthday to you.– Thank you.
Step4 Exercises
Multiple choice :
1.When we ____ after a long time , we found the children sleeping in ___ beds .
A separated;separate B separated; separated C separate ; separate D separate ; separated
2. He usually ___ a bus to work instead of going by taxi.
 A takes B carrriesC getsD sits
3. The ___ boy was last seen ___ near the East Lake .(上海2000)
A missing ; playing B missing ; play C missed ; played D missed ; to play
4. I was about to go out for a walk ___ it began to rain .
A whenB while C as D during
5. They can sell their beef ___ a high price in the market .A inB at C withD on
6. I will be back _____ .
Ain a few days B for a few daysC after a few daysD a few days later
7 .The suit fitted him well ___ the colour was a little brighter . (Shanghai 2000)
A except for Bexcept thatC except whenD besides
8. He said that he watched TV every ____ day .
A anotherB threeC the second D other
9.Hurry ! The train ____ . You know it ___ at 8:30 a.m.
A leaves; leavesB is leaving ; leaves
C leaves ; is leaving D is leaving ; is leaving
10. “ Is this raincoat yours ? “ “ No, mine ___ there behind the door”.( NMET1997)
 A is hanging B has hung C hangsD hung
11.The missing boys were last seen __ near the river
 A. playing B. to be playing C. play D. to play
12 What____ when they _____ last Thursday?
 A. did you do; were seeing me off B. were you doing; saw me off
 C.did you do; saw off meD. were you doing; were seeing me off
13 I____ go shopping when the telephone rang.
A. was about to B. was just toC. would D. was on the point of
14 He usually goes to work______.
A. except for rainy daysB. besides it rainsC. but that it rainsD. except on rainy days
15----When will you be back? ----I'll be back____ a couple of days.
A. afterB. forC. about D. in
16 When Xiao Li was ill in hospital, his classmates went to see him________.
 A. every a few daysB. every two days C. everydayD. every the second day
17.--___ is the price of this pair of shoes? ----The price is___. It' s only 60 yuan for each.
 A. What; expensiveB. How much; highC. How much; cheapD. What; low
18.I often hear the old Lady__ in the next room. Last night while I was reading in bed,
I heard her__ badly. A. cough; coughing B. coughing; cough
C. cough; coughing D. coughing; coughing
19 He ____at the moment, so he can't come to the telephone.
 A. bathedB. has bathedC. will batheD. is bathing
20 Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology___ so rapidly .
A. is changing B. has changed C. will have changed D. will change
21 As we join the big crowd I got_____from my friends.
A. separatedB. sparedC. lostD. missed
22 Seeing the sun_____ above the surface of the sea, we let out a shout of joy
A. to riseB. to raiseC. risingD. raising
23 We were reading__ ___the light went out.
A while B what C whenD where
24 “ I ‘ll fly to England on business tomorrow .” “ ______.”
A See you later B Congratulations C Have a good tripD Not at all
25His parents died in the war , ____ him an orphan .
A leftB made C leavingD letting
26. He opened the door wide ___ saw nothjing ___ darkness .
 A but , and B but , but C when , except D and , from
27 Our time must be made full use ____ English .
A of to study B to studyC studying D of studying
28.I won’t go to the party ___ I’m invited to .
A except forB except thatC except when Dif not
29. China has a larger population than ___ India . A that of B /C those ofD the ones of
30.We should learn how to _____ friends ____ enemies .
A separate , fromBtell , betweenC separate , intoD divide , into
31 .The conditions of our school are _____ perfect .
 A far away from B far off C far Dfar from
32.He is in poor health , ____ , he broke his leg just now . Which answer can’t be chosen ?
 A what’s moreBbesides Cwhat’s worseD except
33.Was the door of our office _____ last night ?
A remained openB stayed open C kept openedDleft open
34 The man got off the horse , tied it ____ the big tree , ____ into the yard .
A to; and wentB on; going C to ; and goingD at ; and go
35.I was ____ when it began to rain .
A walking B just about to do soon C to leaveD leaving




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