牛津初中英语8A第1 单元知识点归纳

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1.something to drink (eat) 一些喝(吃)的东西
2.some more food 更多的食物
3.nothing else / what else / where else (else的用法)
4.What about the pizza in your bowl? / What about (doing) sth?
5.one of my best friends我最好的朋友之一 / one of the most handsome boys
6.write to the editor about his best friend 写信给编辑(谈)他最好的朋友的事情
7.hold (join) a writing competition 举行(参加)写作比赛
8.qualities of a good friend 好朋友的品行
9.a helpful man 一个乐于助人的人 / an honest boy一个诚实的男孩子
10.keep a secret / keep secrets保密
11.make me laugh使我笑 / make me happy 使我高兴
12.share one’s joy 分享某人的快乐
13.have problems with在…方面有问题 / have problems (in) doing sth.做某事有困难
14.as slim as与…一样苗条
15.be willing to do sth. 乐于做某事, 愿意做… / be ready to do sth. 准备好做某事
16.want to be a singer when… grow(s) up 长大后,想成为歌手
17.say a good (bad) word about sb. 说某人好(坏)话
18.have poor eyesight 视力差
19.have a good sense of humour 有很好的幽默感
20.give a seat to sb. 给某人让座
21.have (wear) shoulder-length , straight hair 直的齐肩发
22.vote for the best friend 投票选最好的朋友
23.a wonderful friend named Max 一个名教Max的很好的朋友
24.be generous to sb. 对某人慷慨、大方 / share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物
25.travel around the world周游世界 / travel around the country
26.help others any time 任何时候帮助别人 / help people in need 帮助需要帮助的人
27.help sb. with sth.在某方面帮助某人 / help sb (to) do sth.帮助某人做某事
28.because of too much work因为太多的工作 (because / because of的用法区别)
29.feel bored or unhappy 感到厌倦或不高兴 /feel nervous and really uncomfortable
30.wear (a pair of ) small, round glasses戴(一副)眼镜
31.walk past the post office 路过邮局
32.knock over our books and pens 撞翻书和钢笔
33.a square face and a long nose 方脸、长鼻子
a round face and small eyes圆脸、小眼睛
34.the most expensive printer in the shop 商店里最昂贵的打印机
35.as…as… 与……一样 / not as (so)….as 不如……
36.outdoor activities 户外运动
37.listen to people’s problems 听取民声/ try to sovle the problems尽力解决问题
38.in the future 在将来, 在未来 / future plans 未来计划
39.hope to be a famous social worker希望成为一著名的社会工作者
40.make sb. look smart 使某人看上去精干/ make sb. look really pretty and kind
41.sing for sb 为某人唱歌
42.move to a place 搬到某地 / move into a new house 搬进新房子
43.make friends with 与……交朋友
44.know… very well 对……很了解
45.sit alone in the playground 独自一人坐在操场上
46.miss my old classmates 怀念我的老同学 / miss the train 错过火车
47.give sb some advice on…给某人提……的建议 / a piece of good advice一个建议
48.live next door (to sb). 住在(某人)隔壁
49.wear (with) a smile on one’s face 面带微笑
50.like to work with children 喜欢与某人共事
51.want to have a friend like Alan 想要有Alan一样的朋友
52.answer questions correctly 正确地回答问题
53.have a sense of humour/time/duty/beauty……有幽默感 /时间感 /责任感 /美感
54.agree with sb./agree to sth.同意某事(如: 决定、计划等)/ agree to do sth.同意做某事
55.be famous for 因……而著名 / be famous as 以……(身份)出名
56. be kind (polite, friendly…) to sb.对某人心善(有礼貌,友好…)
1.You are so kind, Eddie. Can I have something to drink, please.
2.There is nothing else in the fridge
3.People in poor areas are in great need of money.
4.How well does he know his friends?
5.What are the important qualities of a good friend?
6.We have been friends for a long time / for almost 10 years.
7.When something worries me, I can always go to her.
8.I’ll vote for May because my best friend shouldn’t tell others my secrets.
9.I don’t think all of these outdoor activities are dangerous if we are careful.
10.I don’t know how to talk to my new classmates and what I can do now.
11.What makes your friend so special? (make+宾语+宾补,类似的动词还有find , keep等)
12.Don’t make him work ten hours a day.
13.He didn’t catch the train because of getting up late.
=He didn’t catch the train because he got up late.
14. Nobody else knows it. Keep it a secret.
1.用于形容或修饰名词或代词,对名词或代词加以说明或限制。放在be 等连系动词后作表语;放在所修饰的名词前面作定语。
2.形容词比较级用来比较两者(人或事)句中常有than; 形容词最高级用来比较三者或三者以上(人或事), 句中常有in或of短语表示比较范围.
3. as+adj.+as (和……一样……) / not as/so +adj.+ as (不如…,不及…)



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