Lessons21-22 Unit6

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Lesson 21
Teaching Aims.
1. Learn and master the following:
(1)Phrases: excuse me for...; not ... any more; What a pity/shame
(2)Sentence pattern: It is a pity that...
2. Review everyday English appearing from Unit 1 to Unit 5, especially the expressions and sentences used when making a phone call and talking about the hobby.
3. Enable the students to learn and master how to express oneself when telling someone else something about collecting coins and stamps by phone.
Teaching Important Points:
How to make a phone call.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to make a similar dialogue using the expressions we've learned in this lesson.
Teaching Methods:
1. Listening-and-answer to help the Ss go through with the dialogue.
2. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
Teaching Aids:
1. a tape-recorder2. a projector3. some sweet papers
Teaching Procedures:
Step I. Greetings and Lead-in
Greet the whole class as usual.
(Show the students a few beautiful sweet papers and then talk with them about their hobbies. )
(Give the students two minutes to talk freely and then say the following. )
Step II. Dialogue
T: Now today we are going to learn to a dialogue between Bruce and Zhou Lan. They are talking on the telephone about stamps. OK. Now listen to the tape carefully and then answer some questions on the screen.
A Questionaire
1. What did Bruce want to get?
2. Why did Bruce say "excuse me", when he phoned Zhou Lan?
3. Did Zhou Lan have a cock year stamp? And why?
1.no longer / no more / not any longer / not any more不再, 再也不
--- no more / no longer 放在 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前. No more 多用来修饰具体动词;no longer多用来修饰某种具体状态动词.例如:
He no longer lived here.
He has no more trouble.
Bruce works in a company. He is no more a student.
表示时间“一度,曾经”,强调以前的情况不再继续下去,once but not now。用no longer, not any longer, not any more.但no longer, not any longer多与持续性动词连用;not any more 多与终止性动词连用。
She used to study English, but she doesn’t study it any longer/any more.
I am afraid she doesn’t live here any longer/any more.
Does Tom live here? No he no longer lives here.
He is no longer happy.
He doesn't come here any more.( 不用any longer)
---涉及数量或程度时,要用no more. ---替代事物时用 not any more.
There is no more bread on the desk.
I have no more money to spend on new clothes.
I don’t want any more.
He is no more a genius than I am.
下列情况只用no more.
Since no more persons come,. Let’s begin. (adj.)
When no more steam comes, they might get burnt
He has no more books than I do.
I can’t sing this, no more can him.
2.What a pity! What a shame!
I am sorry that I can’t join you in the travel. What a shame!
It is a shame that he can’t join us in the travel.
It is a pity that he didn’t pass the exam.
3.1)You may use the following phrases to ask for person who would like to speak to:
Is … there?
Is that … ?
Can I speak to …?
2)You may use the following phrases to introduce yourself:
It’s…here. This is…
This … speaking.
3)You may use the following phrases to answer a call:
Hello, who is that?
Hi, whom is that speaking?
4).If you are not the person the caller wants to speak to, you can just him:
Hold on, please.
Hold on a moment. I’ll go and ask him/her.
5).If the person who the caller is calling is not in, you may say:
… is not here now. Can I take a massage for you?
Could you leave a massage?
考题:—Hello.May I speak to Zhao Hua?—Yes.__________ .(MET’92)
A.My name is Zhao HuaB.I'm Zhao HuaC.This is Zhao Hua speakingD.Zhao Hua's me
4.教材:I'm sorry.I didn't know you wanted it.
考题:—Hey,look where you are going!(NMET’99)
—Oh,I'm terribly sorry.__________ .
A.I'm not noticingB.I wasn't noticingC.I haven't noticedD.I don't notice
5.It’s a pity I didn’t think of it earlier.可惜我没早点想起这件事。
1)这是一个含有主语从句的复合句,主句是It’s a pity,从句I didn’t think of it earlier.是真正的主语,其前省略了连词that,主句中it是形式主语。
2)It’s a pity (that) ...是表示遗憾时常用的句型,其中It’s a可以省略,若表示从现在来考虑,觉得以前没有做某事是件遗憾的事时,从句中谓语用过去时态。例如:
①It’s a pity that you didn’t think of it before you bought the car.
②Pity that he left so soon.
3)It’s apity.后面接不定式完成式表示遗憾。例如:
①It’s a pity not to have met him.没有见到他,真是太遗憾了。
②It’s a pity not to have invited Mr Wang.没有邀请王先生,真是太遗憾了。
6.I’ve been working so hard recently that I haven’t had any time for collecting new stamps.最近我一直忙于工作,没有时间收集新邮票。
1)have been working是现在完成进行时,由“have(has) +been+v-ing”构成,表示从过去某时开始一直持续到现在的动作,这个动作可能刚结束,也可能要继续进行下去。例如:
①Mr Li has been working in the company since 1998.
②It has been raining for two hours.雨已经下了两个小时了。
③We’ve been learning our lessons since morning.我们从早上起就一直在学习。
考题:—Hi,Tracy,you look tired.(NMET’98)
—I am tired.I __________ the living room all day.
A.paintedB.had paintedC.have been paintingD.have painted
简析:本题主要考查现在完成时和现在完成进行时的区别。若用现在完成时,其强调的结果应为:Your living room looks very beautiful after the painting!Be tired则暗示动作一直进行到现在,答案为C。
2)have...time for doing sth.表示“有……时间做某事”,其中time是名词,可用no, any, little等词修饰,for doing sth.也可用to do sth.来替换。例如:
①We didn’t have any time for playing football.我们没有时间去踢足球。
③The manager has no time for having a talk with you now.
T: Now listen to the dialogue and repeat.You should pay attention to the intonation of phrases like "Excuse me for ringing so late. What a pity! What a shame ! 'After that, please read the dialogue in pairs. After a while, I'll ask some pairs of you to act out the dialogue.
(Play the tape and let the Ss practise it. A few minutes later, teacher chooses some
pairs to act out the dialogue. )
T: OK. Who'd like to act out the dialogue? Yang Li, Wang Yu, you two have a try, please.
(After that, teacher says the following. )
T: Very good. Thank you. Now I'll show you another dialogue between Zhou Lan and her father. They are talking about the call Bruce made just now. Please complete the dialogue on the screen.
Step III. Practice
(Deal with Part 2)
T: Now read the dialogue in Part 1 again and pick out the expressions from the dialogue which may be used when people make a phone call and underline them in your books. And what other expressions can you think of?
(After a short while, teacher can say the following. )
T: If you are talking about yourself on the phone, what words should you use?
Ss: We should use this/here. For example:This is Zhou Lan speaking./This is Bruce, and it is ...here.
(Bb: This/Here. This is... (speaking) It is here)
T: Very good. If you are talking about the other person, what words should you use?
Ss: We should use that/there. For example, we can say "Is...there? Is that... ? or Can I speak to...?"
(Bb.. that/there. Is...there? Is that ...? Can I speak to...?)
T: If you want the caller to wait for a moment,what should you say?
Ss: Hold on, please./Hold on a minute. / Just a moment/Hold the line,please.
(Bb: write them on the Blackboard. )
T: If the person wanted on the phone isn't here now. What should you say?
Ss: … is not here just now. Can I take a message for you?
T: Now look at the blackboard. Make up a short dialogue using these phrases on the blackboard in pairs. Then I'll ask some of you to act it out before class.
(After a while,check their dialogue. )
Step IV. Consolidation
T: OK. In this class,we've reviewed some expressions that may be used on the phone. Now look at the blackboard. Let's go through them. After class, when you make a call, you should use them. Now let's do an exercise on the screen.
Complete these dialogue.
Step V. Workbook
Ex. 2.
This is a dialogue on the phone between Bill-Mike's friend and Mike's mother. Read the dialogue. Imagine you are Mike's mother. Please write a message for Mike. Write it on a piece of paper. In three minutes, I'll check your answer.
Step VI. Homework
1. Read the dialogue again and again till you can recite it.
2. Make up a new dialogue using the expressions used on the telephone.
Step VII. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Lesson 22
Teaching Aims.
1. Learn and master the following:
Four skills., shape, ring ( n. ), collection, bank, material, hide
Phrases: of+ n. ,look round, hand out, here and there
2. Let the students know something about the developing history of the coins.
3. Improve the students' reading ability.
4. Review the usage of "the Infinitive 'and"the -ing Form".
Teaching Important Points:
1. Master the following phrases:
of+ n. , look round, hand out, here and there
2. Enable the students to understand the text better.
3. Revise the-ing Form as Object.
Teaching Difficult Points:
How to understand the following structures:
1. Coins may be of different sizes, weights, shapes...
2....without anyone knowing where the coins were hidden.
Teaching Methods:
1. Discussion to make the Ss take interest in coins.
2. Fast reading to find out the general information in the text.
3. Question-and-answer activity to help the
Ss to understand the detailed information in the text.
4. Pair work or group work to make every student work in class.
5. Revision to help the Ss master the usage of "the-ing Form"and "the Infinitive."
Teaching Aids:
l.a computer 2. a tape recorder 3. a projector4. the blackboard
reaching Procedures:
Step IGreetings
Greet the whole class as usual.
Step Il. Revision and Discussion
(Teacher asks some students to recite the dialogue in Lesson 21 and act out the dialogue they made up. And then deal with Part 1 in Lesson 22. )
Step III.Presentation
(Teacher uses the multimedia to show some kinds of money on the screen. )
(Show the questions on the screen. Ask the Ss to read and discuss in pairs or groups to complete the task. )
 A Questionnaire
1. In which country were the earliest coins used? What were they made of?
2. Why are coins of different sizes, weights, shapes and of different metals?
3. What things were used for money before coins appeared?
4. What can you usually see on the two sides of a coin?
5. What were the earliest coins made of in the west?
6. How many coins did the largest collection found in England contain?
7. What did a person find in Australia in 19787
8. How did so many Chinese coins get to Australia?
Language points:
1. with+ n. + prepositional phrase
e. g. They have moved to another house, with trees around it.
The teacher came into the classroom, with a book in his hand.
2. of+n.
e. g. These glasses are of the same! size.
The conference is of great importance.
3. look round= look around e. g:He looked round but saw nobody.
 He went to look round the town.
4. It +be +adj./v.-ed+that-clause
 e. g. It is necessary that you should practise spoken English more and more.
It is believed that he has collected a lot of special stamps.
5. keep +n. +adj.
 e. g. You should keep the classroom clean and tidy.
 Tell him to keep the children quiet.
6. without +n. / pron. +v-ing
e. g. He kept the money without anybody knowing where it was.
They left home yesterday without anyone knowing where they are.
1.Coins may be of different sizes, weights,shapes and of different metals.(=coins may be different in size, weight and shape, and they may be made of different metals.)硬币可能大些轻重、形状不同,铸造的金属可能不一样。
【答】介词of在此处属于“be of +名词”的用法,其用法为:
①be of +表示性质的名词(=be+相应的形容词)。例如:
This question is of importance.(=This question is important.)这个问题是重要的。
The medicine is of no use to him .(= The medicine is useless to him .)这药对他无效。
Their suggestions are of much value.(=Their suggestions are very valuable.)
②be of +表示种类、颜色、年龄、尺寸大小等的名词。例如:
These computers are of the same type.这些微机是一种类型的。
Her eyes are of a dark gray color.她的眼睛是深灰色的。
They are of the same age.他们年龄相同。
Your shirt and mine are of the medium size.你的衬衫和我的都是中号的。
2.One such collection was found in England in 1978.
【问】此句中,为什么不用“Such one collection”?
②such要置于one,all,no,few ,several,some,many等之后。例如:
Such an old book is of no use.这样一本旧书一点用途都没有。
One such book is enough.一本这样的书就足够了。
I have many such storybooks.我有许多这样的故事书
3.Later, another type of coin was used , with holes in it, and these were used for the next 2,000 years, that is, from 221 BC until 1916. 后来,使用一种中间有孔的硬币,这种硬币以后用了2,000年,即从公元前221年开始到1916年为止。
a)句中的with holes in it是with的一个复合结构,在句中作定语,其结构是with+n.+介词短语,这时它相当一个定语从句(…which has holes in it),对先行词coin作补充说明。例如:
I don’t know how to operate this new type of machine, with lots of meters on it. 我不知道如何操纵这种新型机器,上面有许多仪表。
He used to live with his grandparents in a large house, with trees round it. 他曾和他的祖父母住在一座大房子里,四周皆是树木。
We sat on the ground, with our backs to the wall. 我们坐在地上,面靠着墙。
The wife came down the stairs, with her son in her arms. 妻子从楼上下来,怀中抱着她的儿子。
例如:The teacher came into the classroom , with two books in his hand.(状语)老师拿着两本书走进了教室。The woman,with a baby in her arms, was waiting for the bus.(定语)抱孩子的那位妇女正在等车。
“with +宾语+宾语补足语”结构主要有以下六种形式:
①with +宾语+介词短语We saw a small river with green grass and red flowers on both sides.我们看到一条两岸长满了红花绿草的小河。
②with +宾语+形容词In the hot summer people all sleep with the windows open.在炎热的夏季人们都开着窗户睡觉。
③with +宾语+副词Tian An Men Square looks even more beautiful with all the lights on.华灯齐放,天安门广场显得更加漂亮。
④④with +宾语+过去分词With the cup broken,the child cried out loud.杯子打坏了,那个孩子大哭了起来。
⑤with +宾语+现在分词With the boy leading the way,the soldiers managed to walk through the forest.士兵们有这个男孩带路设法走过了森林。
⑥with +宾语+不定式With a lot of work to do,we had to be busy working day and night.有这么多的工作要做,我们只得日夜忙碌。
b)句中的that is,作插入语用,对上文进行补充说明。这一插入语的前后通常用逗号同句子的其他部分分开。意思是“这就是说”,“也就是”。例如:
Bruce lived in China for about two years, that is, from 1995 to 1997.
She visited Shenzhen three years ago, that is, in 1996.
4.The earliest coins in the west were made of gold mixed with silver. 西方最早的硬币是用金和银的合金制成的。
句中的mixed with silver是过去分词短词,作定语用,修辞gold,作定词用的过去时分词短词通常置于它所修饰的名词之后,大体相当于一个定语从句。例如:
The building built last year (which was built last year ) is now a hospital. 去年建的大楼现在是家医院。
The young girl dressed in red (who is dressed in red) is a dancer.
需要注意的是:当单个的过去分词作定语时,通常放在被修饰的名词前面。例如: Who is your most respected teacher ? Mr Li is。谁是你的最尊敬的老师?李先生。
The broken window has been repaired. 那扇坏窗子已经修好了。
5.The new Chinese panda coin is made of 99.99% gold. 新的中国熊猫硬币的含金量为99.99%。
a)句中的be made of短语意为“由……制造”。用这一结构时,主要是指成品中可以看出原材料,其制作过程中仅发生了物理变化。例如:
The desks and chairs are made of wood. 课桌和椅子是用木头制造的。
There wine bottles are made of glass. 这些酒瓶是用玻璃做的。
但有些制品制成后,已看不出原材料,其制作过程发生了化学变化,这时则由短语be made from表示。例如:
Gas is made from coal. 煤气由煤制成。
This kind of wine is made from grape. 这种酒是葡萄做的。
b)99.99%读作ninety─nine, point ninety─nine percent, 拼写时percent也可以分开写成per cent.
6.It contained 54, 951 coins dating from the years 260-275 A.D. 那一堆硬币共有54,951枚,制币时间是公元260年至275年之间。
a)句中的it指上文提到的the collection of coins found in England in 1978.
b)b)dating from短语在句中作定语,相当于一个定语从句……which dated from the years…,修饰先行词coins, date在这里是不及物动词,意思是“起始”,“兴起于……”,常与介词from一起构成短语date from, 作“始于……”时期(=come into being or come from a centain time.)。例如:
This castle dates from the 14th century. 这座城堡建于14世纪。
The Great Wall dates from the third century BC.
Today’s date is the 23rd of October. 今天是10月23日。
Has the date of the meeting been fixed? 开会的日期定下来了吗?
7.It is known that thousands of Chinese worked in the gold mines in the late 19th century. 众所周知,在十九世纪末成千上万的中国工人在金矿里干活。
a)It is known that…是一固定句型,其中it是形式主语,that引导的句子是真正的主语类似这样的结构还有:
It is reported that…, it is announced that…, It is said that…。例如:
It is reported that the old building burned down last week dated from the early 187os.
It is said that she started to learn to swim in her late fifties.据说她在她近六十岁时开始学游泳的。
b)句中的late为形容词,表示“后期”、“末期”,而early则表示“早期”、“初期”。例如在上面的二个句子中分别出现了the early 1870s十九世纪初和in her late fifties在她近六十岁时。
8.It is possible that one of them kept a kind of bank where the workers could keep their money safe.其中有一个人可能开了一个钱庄,工人们可以把钱安全地存放在那里。
a)这是一个由形成主语it引导的句子,其真正的主语是that引导的句子,其结构是It is+adj.+that clause. 例如:
It is possible that it will rain tomorrow.明天可能会下雨。
It is important that every student follows the teacher’s advice. 每个学生都应听从老师的忠告,这一点很重要。
另外,要注意possible, probable和likely的区别:possible表示客观上潜在的可能性;probable表示有几分根据的推测;而likely则表示有充分根据的推测。
b)句中的keep a bank意思是“开办银行”。这里keep是及物动词,作“经营”、“养活”、“管理”解,后跟名词作宾语。例如:
My father keeps a shop in a small village.
The old woman has a young girl to keep her house.
He has to work very hard to keep the family. 为了养家糊口他得努力工作。 c)本句中的keep the money safe这一结构中,keep也是及物动词,但意为“保持(某种状况)”,其后跟的是带形容词的复合结构:keep+n.+adj.,例如:
We should keep our classroom clean and tidy. 我们应该保持教室的整洁。 Put the food into the refrigerator to keep it cool, or it will go bad. 把这些食物放在冰箱里以便冷藏,否则会变坏的。
Unit6 重点词语辨析
1.pity; shame
(1)两者均可表示“遗憾的事”,常与a连用,指没实现某种愿望而感到遗憾、懊悔或可惜,可以换用。例如:What a pity/shame that she can not come!她不能来真是遗憾!It is ashame/pity that you can’t help us.你不能帮助我们真是遗憾。
(2)shame还可表示“可耻之事;令人难堪的事”,指说话人对某种行为感到厌烦、憎恶或讨厌,而pity没有这一意思。例如:It’s ashame to be so wasteful.这么浪费,太可耻了。It’s ashame to treat animals like that.那样对待动物真是太过分了。
2.penny; pence; pennies
(1)penny“便士”,为硬币,是英国及爱尔兰等国的货币单位,100便士等于一英磅。pence及pennies都是penny的复数,但用法有别:pence指钱的总额,pennies指一个一个的硬币。例如:This pen costs thirty pence.这支钢笔卖三十便士。Give me ten pennies for this ten-penny piece.请把这枚十便士的硬币换成十枚一便士的硬币。
“数词+pence”表示“……便士”,为名词。试比较:five penny五便士的(形容词)five pence五便士(名词)
3.possibly; probably; perhaps; maybe
(1)possible“或许;也许”,所指的可能性较小,为加强语气,可与can或could连用;与may连用,表示的可能性更些例如:It may possibly be true.也许是真的。
Please call me as soon as you possibly can.请尽快给我打电话。
Could you possibly tell me the answer﹖你能告诉我这个答案吗?
(2)probably“很有可能;十之八九”,其语义较强,可能性较大。在否定句中,probably不能紧跟在否定词之后。例如:It will probably be fine tomorrow.明天大概会是晴天。译:她大概不会来这里。正:Probably she won’t come here.正:She probably won’t come here.正:She won’t come here probably.误:She won’t probably come here.
3) perhaps“或许”,含有“可能这样,也可能不这样”之意,其含义和用法与maybe一样,多用于口语。maybe多用于美国英语。在这几个单词中,语义最强的是probably,其次是perhaps和maybe,最弱的是possibly。例如:
Perhaps we will be late for work.或许我们上班会迟到。
Perhaps we’d better take a bus.也许我们最好乘公共汽车
Step V. Note Making and Consolidation
(Deal with Part 3)
T: OK, look at Part 3. Note making. Do you know what's the difference between a note and a sentence?
Ss:Yes. A note often has no main verb and some words or phrases: Prepositions, articles etc. may be missing, while a sentence should hame a subject,a main verb and other words.
T: Very good. Now read the passage again and make notes about the information about coins in your exercise books.
(Teacher goes among the class to check their answers. After a while, teacher checks the note withthe class, then writes them on the blackboard. )
(Bb:the information about coins. )
T:Now close your books. Listen to the tape of the passage and try to remember everything. Then we'll do the exercise on the screen.
Fill in the blanks with suitable words.
Step VI. Practice
(Deal with Part 4 and Part 5)
Step VII Workbook
T:Now turn to Page 99. Let's do Ex. 3.Go through Ex. 3 and you know what you should do. Then do it one by one.
Step VIII Summary and Homework
T: In this class, we've learned something about different kinds of coins and we have also learned some phrases such as "be of. Look around, hand out, hereand there," and the following structures: It + be + adj. v-ed + that clause
and without + n. / pron. + v-ing. You should master them. Also, we revised "the Infinitive" and" the -ing Form" used as subject and object. Now today's homework: Do Ex. 4 in the workbook.
Suggested answers:
Step IX. The Design of the Writing on the Blackboard
Lesson 22
 Information about coins:
 Earliest coins: bei money (China) from 650 BCcoins with holes from 221BC
 Information on the coin: name of country, value, date
 Metals and other materials:gold, silver, seashells, wood
 Designs :agricultural tools, head of a famous person, panda,and so on




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