人教版 高三 Unit 1 That must be a record (phrases)

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Unit 1
1.a reporter for the school newspaper 受雇于学校报纸的记者
2.the first edition 第一版
3. the then director 当时的厂长
4. settle an argument
5.a best seller 畅销书
6.send(sent, sent)
send in寄送某处进行处理
send up 发射
send for a doctor 派人去请医生
send out 分发
7. set down = write down=put down=take down 记下,写下
set about doing=set out to do着手做某事
set out for=set off for动身出发去某地
set aside因为某种用途留出;放在一边不加理会
set up建立
8.keep track of 保持联系;记录
9.put into different categories 放入不同的类别
10. reach a length of 长达
reach a width of/ a depth of/ a weight of/a distance of/a height of
11. with an area of 面积有…..
12.celebrate Hong Kong’s return to China庆祝香港回归
13.stand out 突出,显著
14.next to 紧邻,仅次于,
15.be diagnosed with cancer
16.achieve/reach his goal 达到目标
17.in a row 排成一队;连续;
18.lead sb to do 促使某人做某事
19. in the first place 首先
in place 在适当的地方
in place of=in sb’s place 代替某人
20. make for 向…走去;有助于,导致
21.set a record 创造纪录
break a record打破纪录
keep a record 保持记录
22.apply for sth. 申请…
apply to sb. for sth.向某人申请…
23 celebrate winning the bid for the 29th Olympic Games in 2008 申奥成功
24 burst into cheers 突然欢呼
burst into tears=burst out crying突然哭起来
burst into laughter=burst into laughing突然笑起来
25 get a better understanding of 更好地了解
26.head down to=head for前往
27.give sb permission 给予某人准许
28.hold a grand opening
29. be around
30.sth. be familiar to sb 某物为某人所熟悉
sb. be familiar with sth.某人熟悉某事
31.be willing to do
32.center on 以…为中心
33.overcome(get over) your fears
34.regular sports 常规运动
35.heart beats faster 心跳加速
36.concentrate on
37.in the air 在空中;悬而未决
on the air 在广播
by air 坐飞机
38.to one’s delight(joy)使某人高兴的是
be delighted to do做某事高兴
be delighted that
take delight in sth. 以…为乐
Impressive as the record, it faded next to Armstrong’s struggle against disease.
Child as he is, he knows much.
=Though/although he is a child, he knows much.



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