如何提高英语书面表达 |
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大家好。很荣幸有这个机会和大家共同探讨如何提高英语书面表达的问题。英语书面表达是一个最能真实全面地反映学生的英语基础和综合能力的题型。随着近几年高考对考生英语写作能力的要求逐步提高, 如何提高英语表达能力,已经成为摆在我们教师面前的一个重要课题。下面我代表牟平一中把我们学校的一些做法向大家介绍一下,不足之处,欢迎在座的领导老师批评指正。 为了切实提高学生的写作水平,我们从学生高一入学开始就制定措施,稳扎稳打,步步提高。 在基础年级,我们是这样做的。 一、 注重双基,由浅入深 Rome isn’t built in a day. 写作能力的培养和提高也是这样,并不是一蹴而就的,它必须由浅入深,由简到繁,一环扣一环的进行训练。因此在高一时,我们就按照英语特点和遣词造句的规则对学生加强词汇教学和口、笔头表达训练。比如,在每单元学完后我都注意把学过的句型词汇改成短句,要学生翻译,这不仅巩固了基础知识,还为以后的书面表达打下扎实的基础。写好简单句之后,进而到复合句、段落,再到语篇。如在高二Unit 5 The British Isles 一单元学完后,我把其中的重要词汇和句型编成句子让学生翻译。然后又让他们加入适当的关联词,使之成为一篇通顺流畅的文章,效果很好。(例文如下) An official’s new car ran over an old lady . He escaped being punished by taking advantage of his position. This caused a bad influence among the citizens. A group of five lawyers undertook the case. They won the case on an equal basis. An official’s new car ran over an old lady .But he escaped being punished by taking advantage of his position,which caused a bad influence among the citizens.A group of five lawyers undertook the case.At last they won the case on an equal basis. 二、 以课文为中心,进行多种形式的训练 新教材内容突出培养学生的语言运用能力和交际能力,体裁广而新,内容生动有趣,在提高写作能力方面提供了更广的思路。因此,我们在课文教学中根据不同的文章特点,采用不同方式,锻炼他们的写作能力。 1)课堂提问及回答问题。对于课文中的问题,也注意采用不同的方式。如在熟悉掌握课文的基础上,用简洁语句完整地回答与课文有关的问题。这类问题往往比较简单 。对于归纳和讨论性的话题, 鼓励更多学生参与,并启发他们通过不同方式回答。这既锻炼了学生的思维,又训练了他们在短时间内有效组织材料的能力。例如,在学过Living With AIDS 一文后,我提出如下话题供大家讨论:How should we treat people living with AIDS? 学生可以有 We should love them . We should not look down upon them. We shouldn’t let the fear of AIDS cut us off from the people we care about. We should help them fight against AIDS.等等类似表达。 2)口头复述。在学完一篇课文或某一段落时,可给出关键词语或根据图片简述,既加深了对课文的理解,又训练了学生的口语。同时也是一种很好的口头作文的训练方式。如在讲到高二册The British Isles 时,我就让学生根据多媒体上展示的英国图片和重点词语提示,复述英国的地理位置。 3)仿写或改写课文。模仿写作是最基本的一种写作练习手段,有助于训练语感,锻炼思维能力,提高写作能力。如在 讲授高二Unit 7 Diagnosed With Cancer时,我要求学生根据文中作者“我”的经历,给一位确诊感染AIDS的中学生Tom写一封信,鼓励重塑对生活的信心。 Dear Tom, I’m sorry to hear that you are infected with HIV.I’m writing to you,hoping that I can be of some help. I was diadnosed with cancer 2 years ago.When I heard about the news,I stood there having an empty feeling in my stomach.I felt I was going to die.When the doctor told me that cancer could be treated,I decided I was to live.With the help of my family and friends,I managed to get over the most difficult period.After 14 months’ radiation followed by treatment with chemicals,I was able to go home. Now,my life has changed.Though I know the cancer in my body may come back at any moment,I’ve learnt to appreciate every minute of each day.Because living with cancer has made me realize how precious life id and how important it is for us to take every chance to live life to the fullest. So,Tom,though we’re living with diseases,we still have the chance and right to enjoy life.A disease can be a gift if you have a right attitude to it.You are a middle school student,there is a long way for you to go.I hope you can struggle with HIV bravely,and live a meaningful life. Yours XX 4)加强朗读和背诵 俗话说,“熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。”学英语也是如此。Nothing should be written before it has been read. 通过朗读和背诵,不仅可以增强语感,而且可以积累大量有用的词汇,在进行书面表达时就能做到信手拈来。我经常把课本中的某些精彩的篇章、段落找出来和同学们一起分析其特点,激发他们背诵的欲望。除此之外,我还鼓励同学将平时所见的好词佳句加以搜集整理,并经常诵读。通过不断输入吸收,在写作时就自然而然可以思如泉涌,下笔有神。 经过高一高二的训练,学生的表达水平有了明显提高。进入高三,书面表达方面,我们主要做了四个工作。 一、加大训练量。每天坚持让学生翻译几个句子,就字词,各种句式进行练习。针对学生组织语言文字的能力的欠缺,选定某些文章挑出其中某几句或某一段进行训练。另外,每周周三考试和星期天作业随堂写。 二、大量朗读背诵范文。 三、体裁专题训练。进入高三我们订购了写作分类指导,针对某一文体进行专门训练。通过训练使学生在表达某一体裁时,掌握固定结构或好的表达。如在讲评学生作弊原因的文章中,我给学生总结出表述原因时常用句型: There are some reasons for this.First,Second(Besides,What’s more)… …is also a reason. …,which is also a reason. One reason is that… The main reason lies in… 随后,我又找了一篇文章,截取其中写原因一节,强化训练,学生灵活运用了总结的句型,写的并不比范文逊色。 四、我们依据高考书面表达评分标准,针对学生的薄弱环节,进行专门训练。在写作过程中,我们发现学生主要在如下方面存在问题:关联词 过渡语、句式不能灵活使用、汉语式表达多。针对以上问题,我们主要采取分阶段专门练习。 一. 关联词过渡语 关联词和过渡语是联系文章的纽带,正确使用会使整篇文章流畅连贯。我们主要从两方面对学生加以指导。 1) 印发了常用关联词供学生背诵。 2) 在训练中提高。语言不是孤立的,要想提高,必须在一定的语境中体会。 如下面的句子: 政府对残疾人很照顾,改善了公共设施。我希望高考会给我们提供更多机遇。学生是这样表达的。 The government shows its care to us in its efforts to improve the public facilities.I also hope the new reform of the college entrance examination will offer us more opportunities to study further. 在讲评中,我让学生考虑两种改法,使原句更生动。在原文中加一个表达感情的短语。 To our joy/Fortunately,the government has done a lot to improve the public facilities,which shows their care to/for the disabled.I also hope that… 把这一节改成一句话,让学生填空。 随后,又给出其他的英语范文,空出过渡语句部分让学生填写。这样的训练学生既感兴趣,针对性又很强,学生经过一段时间提高很快。 二. 句式 根据高考英语书面表达新的评分标准,要求考生注意表达方式的灵活性,所用词汇和句式的高级性,语言的简洁性。这也是大部分学生所欠缺的。 1)灵活且高级。 如在描写一副现代父母对孩子的溺爱的图片时,学生写出了下面一句话: Mother is in front of the boy and Grandma is at the back.Mother is holding all kinds of food which the child likes eating.Grandma is carrying the electronic piano and the drawing-board. 在讲评时,我鼓励学生把它改成一个复合句使其句式更灵活高级。 In front of the child is his mother,who is carrying a lot of food for him and behind them is his grandmother,who is carrying an electronic piano and a drawing-board. His mother is walking in front with a lot of food in her hand.While his grandma is following them with a drawing-board on her back and an electronic piano in her hand. 又如,在一篇关于学生作弊原因的文章中,有学生这样写道: There are some reasons for this.First,there are too many difficult examinations.Second,some students don’t work hard and are too lazy to study.What’s more,to please their parents and teachers is also an important reason. 这一段落语法没什么问题,但因句式单一,整段显得很枯燥单调。如能对其中某一部分稍微发挥一下,或者换用一些高级词汇和句型穿插使用,感觉就很不一样。 Eg. Some students find it hard to deal with so many difficult exams.And some lazy students don’t work hard,so they turn to cheating for higher marks.There are also some cheating for good results to please their parents and teachers. 2)简洁而不单调 鼓励学生使用高级表达,也不能一味追求新、奇、难, 任何事情过了头都会导致失败。在这里我们要求简洁并不等于简单。若整篇文章所用的都是简单孤立的的短句,不仅达不到简洁的效果,反而显得松散,单调,从而降低了文章的可读性。因此,根据文章的需要采用不同形式,才能收到更好的表达效果。 1. 避免内容和用词的重复。学生在这方面主要表现在对于要求自己组织语句表达(如看图作文)时,往往废话较多,不知所云。如下文: 1.The bus returned to the city at 4:30p.m. (Later we went home.)It was a long trip but we didn’t feel tired. 2.We took a bus at 7:30 and (after one and half an hours’journey we) arrived at 9:00 o’clock.As soon as we arrived,we couldn’t help going to swim and rowing small boats. 2.长短句结合使用。过多的简单句罗列会使文章显得单调无趣。过多的长句也会使文章生涩做作。以介绍学生负担过重原因的文章为例,(三个原因:考试压力大,作业多,父母期望高) 为了避免多次出现系表结构,我建议学生 用一个复合句,两个简单句。因为材料中名词结构多,可考虑将某一个改成动宾结构 , 从而使其结构更紧凑。学生例文如下: There are some reasons for this.First, we are suffering high pressure of examinations .Too much homework is also a reason.Third,parents expect too much of us,which also adds to our pressure. 3.主动语态和被动语态穿插使用。 There used to be some valuable paintings in the museum. A big fire destroyed them last week. There used to be some valuable paintings in the museum,which were destroyed in a big fire last week. 三. 汉语式表达 在训练中我们发现,学生的汉语式表达主要在两个阶段。表现在两方面。 1)表达不地道。有些句子虽然没有错误,但不符合英语表达习惯。如学生在英语表达中,经常容易把不定式to介于动词之间连续使用。很多情况下,这在英语中是不地道的。针对这一问题,我把正确表达和错误表达放在一起,让学生对比选择。 1.A.We took a bus to a beach about 100 kilometres south to have a trip. B.We took a bus to a beach about 100 kilometres south for an outing. 2.A.In the afternoon we walked along the beach to the waterfall to see it,and took some photos. B. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to the waterfall,saw it,and took some photos C. In the afternoon we walked along the beach to the waterfall,where we enjoyed the beautiful sight and took some photos. D.We walked along the beach to see the waterfall.It was so beautiful that it reminded me of LiBai’s poem.We also took some photos there. 对比之后,又给学生总结:英语中有些词很少和不定式连接( bring/take/carry/go/come) ,一般要改成并列结构(and)或for +名词,with结构,doing/done结构,从句等.接着,又给出一些例句让学生进一步练习。 2)用词不当。由于英汉语言习惯的不同,同一个词在不同语言不同语境中的表现形式是不一样的。所以,我们在教学中,一方面鼓励学生多学习有关英美国家的风俗习惯,另一方面,通过大量练习提高水平。以一篇口头通知为例(通知学生今夜到明天有强北风,温度骤降,要求学生关好门窗,多加衣服。),学生对于“好” ,“要求 ”, “加” 等词把握不准,影响了表达。 Make sure that all the windows and doors have been closed well before you leave. Demand my schoolmates to make sure that all the windows and doors have been firmly closed before you leave. You’d better increase clothes to prevent yourself from catching a cold. 因此,在讲评时,我就以大量的句子呈现给学生,让他们自己通过语境揣摩同样的“好”、“要求”、“加”在英语中的表达是不一样的。 Eg. 1.A notice said, “明天学校要组织高二学生郊游,要求学生字自带午饭,穿运动鞋.” Our school will organize students of Senior 2 to go for an outing and please bring lunch and wear sports shoes. 2.In the chemistry lab,the teacher said before class, “要求每位学生在离开之前关好水龙头,切断电源.” Make sure that the water and electricity is turned off before you leave. Be sure to turn off the water and electricity. Do remember to turn off … 3.Before the mid-term examination,our English teacher said, “要求大家认真审题.” I hope you can go through the questions carefully. You’d better read the questions carefully before doing them. It’s better for you to read….. 学生的作文能力的提高需要教师付出更多的努力。我校教师在充分发挥集体备课的基础上,利用集体的力量,实行资源共享,不但提高了工作效率,而且降低了工作量。 1)材料共享。学校为了提高英语教学,给我们订购了大量英语刊物。我们每人负责一份,如果发现有利于学生的资料,就集体打印出来,发给学生。在作文方面,我们先后印制了高考书面表达评分标准、关联词过渡语集粹、高考必备20句等多种资料。 2)分工合作。在高三进行专题训练时,为了提高效率,我们分成几组负责一个方面。针对问题,查找相关材料,总结概括。 3)经验交流。我们根据不同阶段的任务,安排不同教师执讲公开课,共同探究如何更有效提高教师的教和学生学的水平。 总之,英语书面表达能力的提高不是一朝一夕就能见效的。必须从高一抓起,平时多积累,进行各种形式多样的练习,坚持不懈,熟能生巧,才能完成从量变到质变的过程,达到“一份耕耘,一份收获”。 相关链接:写作专题指导
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